Exemple #1
def _get_full_block(grouped_dicoms):
    Generate a full datablock containing all timepoints
    # For each slice / mosaic create a data volume block
    data_blocks = []
    for index in range(0, len(grouped_dicoms)):
        logger.info('Creating block %s of %s' %
                    (index + 1, len(grouped_dicoms)))

    # Add the data_blocks together to one 4d block
    size_x = numpy.shape(data_blocks[0])[0]
    size_y = numpy.shape(data_blocks[0])[1]
    size_z = numpy.shape(data_blocks[0])[2]
    size_t = len(data_blocks)
    full_block = numpy.zeros((size_x, size_y, size_z, size_t),
    for index in range(0, size_t):
        if full_block[:, :, :, index].shape != data_blocks[index].shape:
                'Missing slices (slice count mismatch between timepoint %s and %s)'
                % (index - 1, index))
            logger.warning(full_block[:, :, :, index].shape)
            raise ConversionError("MISSING_DICOM_FILES")
        full_block[:, :, :, index] = data_blocks[index]

    return full_block
Exemple #2
def create_affine(sorted_dicoms):
    Function to generate the affine matrix for a dicom series
    This method was based on (http://nipy.org/nibabel/dicom/dicom_orientation.html)

    :param sorted_dicoms: list with sorted dicom files

    # Create affine matrix (http://nipy.sourceforge.net/nibabel/dicom/dicom_orientation.html#dicom-slice-affine)
    image_orient1 = numpy.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[0:3]
    image_orient2 = numpy.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[3:6]

    delta_r = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[0])
    delta_c = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[1])

    image_pos = numpy.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImagePositionPatient)

    last_image_pos = numpy.array(sorted_dicoms[-1].ImagePositionPatient)

    if len(sorted_dicoms) == 1:
        # Single slice
        step = [0, 0, -1]
        step = (image_pos - last_image_pos) / (1 - len(sorted_dicoms))

    # check if this is actually a volume and not all slices on the same location
    if numpy.linalg.norm(step) == 0.0:
        raise ConversionError("NOT_A_VOLUME")

    affine = numpy.matrix([[-image_orient1[0] * delta_c, -image_orient2[0] * delta_r, -step[0], -image_pos[0]],
                           [-image_orient1[1] * delta_c, -image_orient2[1] * delta_r, -step[1], -image_pos[1]],
                           [image_orient1[2] * delta_c, image_orient2[2] * delta_r, step[2], image_pos[2]],
                           [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    return affine
Exemple #3
def _assert_explicit_vr(dicom_input):
    Assert that explicit vr is used
    if settings.validate_multiframe_implicit:
        header = dicom_input[0]
        if header.file_meta[0x0002, 0x0010].value == '1.2.840.10008.1.2':
            raise ConversionError('IMPLICIT_VR_ENHANCED_DICOM')
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    # remove duplicate slices based on position and data
    dicom_input = _remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    # sort the dicoms
    dicom_input = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)

    if settings.validate_sliceincrement:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment

    # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
    data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

    affine = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

    # Convert to nifti
    nii_image = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018,
                                                     0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(nii_image, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime),

    # Save to disk
    if output_file is not None:
        logger.info('Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file, 'NII': nii_image}
def _get_mosaic_type(mosaic):
    Check the extra ascconv headers for the mosaic type based on the slice position
    We always assume axial in this case
    the implementation resembles the last lines of documentation in

    ascconv_headers = _get_asconv_headers(mosaic)

        size = int(
            re.findall(r'sSliceArray\.lSize\s*=\s*(\d+)', ascconv_headers)[0])

        # get the locations of the slices
        slice_location = [None] * size
        for index in range(size):
            axial_result = re.findall(
                % index, ascconv_headers)
            if len(axial_result) > 0:
                axial = float(axial_result[0])
                axial = 0.0
            slice_location[index] = axial

        # should we invert (https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=54756326)
        invert = False
        invert_result = re.findall(
        if len(invert_result) > 0:
            invert_value = int(invert_result[0], 16)
            if invert_value >= 0:
                invert = True

        # return the correct slice types
        if slice_location[0] <= slice_location[1]:
            if not invert:
                return MosaicType.ASCENDING
                return MosaicType.DESCENDING
            if not invert:
                return MosaicType.DESCENDING
                return MosaicType.ASCENDING
        raise ConversionError("MOSAIC_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED")
Exemple #6
def _get_gdcmconv():
    Get the full path to gdcmconv.
    If not found raise error
    gdcmconv_executable = settings.gdcmconv_path
    if gdcmconv_executable is None:
        gdcmconv_executable = _which('gdcmconv')
    if gdcmconv_executable is None:
        gdcmconv_executable = _which('gdcmconv.exe')

    if gdcmconv_executable is None:
        raise ConversionError('GDCMCONV_NOT_FOUND')

    return gdcmconv_executable
Exemple #7
def compress_directory(dicom_directory):
    This function can be used to convert a folder of jpeg compressed images to an uncompressed ones

    :param dicom_directory: directory of dicom files to compress
    if is_compressed(dicom_directory):

    if _which('gdcmconv') is None and _which('gdcmconv.exe') is None:
        raise ConversionError('GDCMCONV_NOT_FOUND')

    print('Compressing dicom files in %s' % dicom_directory)
    for root, _, files in os.walk(dicom_directory):
        for dicom_file in files:
            if common.is_dicom_file(os.path.join(root, dicom_file)):
                compress_dicom(os.path.join(root, dicom_file))
Exemple #8
def dicom_series_to_nifti(original_dicom_directory,
    """ Converts dicom single series (see pydicom) to nifty, mimicking SPM

    Examples: See unit test

    will return a dictionary containing
    - the NIFTI under key 'NIFTI'
    - the NIFTI file path under 'NII_FILE'
    - the BVAL file path under 'BVAL_FILE' (only for dti)
    - the BVEC file path under 'BVEC_FILE' (only for dti)

    If no specific sequence type can be found it will default to anatomical and try to convert.
    You should check that the data you are trying to convert is supported by this code

    Inspired by http://nipy.sourceforge.net/nibabel/dicom/spm_dicom.html
    Inspired by http://code.google.com/p/pydicom/source/browse/source/dicom/contrib/pydicom_series.py

    :param reorient_nifti: if True the nifti affine and data will be updated so the data is stored LAS oriented
    :param output_file: file path to write to
    :param original_dicom_directory: directory with the dicom files for a single series/scan
    # copy files so we can can modify without altering the original
    temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        dicom_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'dicom')
        shutil.copytree(original_dicom_directory, dicom_directory)


        dicom_input = common.read_dicom_directory(dicom_directory)

        return dicom_array_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file, reorient_nifti)

    except AttributeError as exception:

        # remove the copied data
Exemple #9
def decompress_directory(dicom_directory):
    This function can be used to convert a folder of jpeg compressed images to an uncompressed ones

    :param dicom_directory: directory with dicom files to decompress
    if not is_compressed(dicom_directory):

    if settings.gdcmconv_path is None and _which(
            'gdcmconv') is None and _which('gdcmconv.exe') is None:
        raise ConversionError('GDCMCONV_NOT_FOUND')

    logger.info('Decompressing dicom files in %s' % dicom_directory)
    for root, _, files in os.walk(dicom_directory):
        for dicom_file in files:
            if common.is_dicom_file(os.path.join(root, dicom_file)):
                decompress_dicom(os.path.join(root, dicom_file))
Exemple #10
def _get_first_header(dicom_directory):
    Function to get the first dicom file form a directory and return the header
    Useful to determine the type of data to convert

    :param dicom_directory: directory with dicom files
    # looping over all files
    for root, _, file_names in os.walk(dicom_directory):
        # go over all the files and try to read the dicom header
        for file_name in file_names:
            file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
            # check wither it is a dicom file
            if not common.is_dicom_file(file_path):
            # read the headers
            return dicom.read_file(file_path, stop_before_pixels=True)
    # no dicom files found
    raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')
Exemple #11
def _singleframe_to_block(grouped_dicoms):
    Generate a full datablock containing all timepoints
    # For each slice / mosaic create a data volume block
    data_blocks = []
    for index in range(0, len(grouped_dicoms)):
        print('Creating block %s of %s' % (index + 1, len(grouped_dicoms)))
        current_block = _stack_to_block(grouped_dicoms[index])
        current_block = current_block[:, :, :, numpy.newaxis]

        full_block = numpy.concatenate(data_blocks, axis=3)
        raise ConversionError("MISSING_DICOM_FILES")

    # Apply the rescaling if needed
    common.apply_scaling(full_block, grouped_dicoms[0][0])

    return full_block
Exemple #12
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    # remove duplicate slices based on position and data
    dicom_input = remove_duplicate_slices(dicom_input)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    # if no dicoms remain we should raise exception
    if len(dicom_input) < 1:
        raise ConversionValidationError('TOO_FEW_SLICES/LOCALIZER')

    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    # sort the dicoms
    dicom_input = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)

    # validate slice increment inconsistent
    slice_increment_inconsistent = False
    if settings.validate_slice_increment:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment
    elif common.is_slice_increment_inconsistent(dicom_input):
        slice_increment_inconsistent = True

    if settings.validate_instance_number:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent instance_number

    # if inconsistent increment and we allow resampling then do the resampling based conversion to maintain the correct geometric shape
    if slice_increment_inconsistent and settings.resample:
        nii_image, max_slice_increment = _convert_slice_incement_inconsistencies(dicom_input)
    # do the normal conversion
        # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
        data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

        affine, max_slice_increment = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

        # Convert to nifti
        nii_image = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data.squeeze(), affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0080) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(nii_image, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime), float(dicom_input[0].EchoTime))

    # Save to disk
    if output_file is not None:
        logger.info('Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)
        nii_image.header.set_slope_inter(1, 0)
        nii_image.header.set_xyzt_units(2)  # set units for xyz (leave t as unknown)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file,
            'NII': nii_image,
            'MAX_SLICE_INCREMENT': max_slice_increment}