def test_parse_list():
    obj = [{'player': [{'role_id': 1, 'target_x': 23}, {'role_id': 2, 'target_x': 24}]}]
    proto_obj = CityAois()
    dict_to_protobuf(obj, proto_obj)
    assert proto_obj.CAS[0].player[0].role_id == 1
    assert proto_obj.CAS[0].player[1].target_x == 24
    obj2 = protobuf_to_dict(proto_obj)
    print (obj2)
    print (obj)
def test_parse_dict_call_backwards():
    obj = {'player':[{'role_id':1,'target_x':23},{'role_id':2,'target_x':24}]}
    proto_obj = CityAoi()
    assert (proto_obj.player[0].role_id == 1)
    assert (proto_obj.player[1].target_x == 24)

    obj2 = protobuf_to_dict(proto_obj)
    print (obj2)
    print (obj)
Exemple #3
    def publish(self, geospace, d):
        d["header"]["air_quality_version"] = "0.0.1"

        feed = FeedMessage()

        dict_to_protobuf.dict_to_protobuf(d, feed)

        raw = feed.SerializeToString()

            res = super().publish(, geospace, raw)
        except MeshRPCException as e:
Exemple #4
    def publish(self, geospace, d):

        if isinstance(d, dict):
            d["header"]["gtfs_realtime_version"] = "2.0"
            feed = FeedMessage()
            dict_to_protobuf.dict_to_protobuf(d, feed)
            raw = feed.SerializeToString()
            raw = d

            res = super().publish(Default.topic, geospace, raw)
        except MeshRPCException as e:
def converts_to_proto(value, msg, raise_err=False):
    Boolean response if a dictionary can convert into the proto's schema

    :param value: <dict>
    :param msg: <proto object>
    :param raise_err: <bool> (default false) raise for troubleshooting
    :return: <bool> whether the dict can covert
    result = True
        dict_to_protobuf.dict_to_protobuf(value, msg)
    except TypeError as type_error:
        if raise_err:
            raise type_error
        result = False
    return result
def strip(value, msg):
    Strips all non-essential keys from the value dictionary
    given the message format protobuf

    raises ValueError exception if value does not have all required keys

    :param value: <dict> with arbitrary keys
    :param msg: <protobuf> with a defined schema
    :return: NEW <dict> with keys defined by msg, omits any other key
    dict_to_protobuf.dict_to_protobuf(value, msg)
        msg.SerializeToString()  #raise error for insufficient input
    except EncodeError as encode_error:
        raise ValueError(str(encode_error))
    output = dict_to_protobuf.protobuf_to_dict(msg)
    return output
def make_tensor_proto(data, dtype):
    tensor_proto = TensorProto()

    if isinstance(dtype, six.string_types):
        dtype = dtype_to_number[dtype]

    dim = [{'size': 1}]
    values = [data]

    if hasattr(data, 'shape'):
        dim = [{'size': dim} for dim in data.shape]
        values = list(data.reshape(-1))

    tensor_proto_dict = {
        'dtype': dtype,
        'tensor_shape': {
            'dim': dim
        number_to_dtype_value[dtype]: values
    dict_to_protobuf.dict_to_protobuf(tensor_proto_dict, tensor_proto)

    return tensor_proto
Exemple #8
 def test_parse_dict(self):
     obj = {'player':[{'role_id':1,'target_x':23},{'role_id':2,'target_x':24}]}
     proto_obj = CityAoi()
     dict_to_protobuf(obj, proto_obj)
     self.assertEqual(proto_obj.player[0].role_id, 1)
     self.assertEqual(proto_obj.player[1].target_x, 24)
 def test_parse_dict(self):
     obj = {"player": [{"role_id": 1, "target_x": 23}, {"role_id": 2, "target_x": 24}]}
     proto_obj = CityAoi()
     dict_to_protobuf(obj, proto_obj)
     self.assertEqual(proto_obj.player[0].role_id, 1)
     self.assertEqual(proto_obj.player[1].target_x, 24)