Exemple #1
 def dictogram_dictlist(self):
     """ Converts the list in word_dict to dictionary
     by calling Dictogram on the values.
     for key, value in self.word_dict.items():
         # if self.word_dict.get(key) is not None:
         # print(self.word_dict.get(key))
         self.word_dict[key] = dictogram.Dictogram(value)
def gen_markov(words, order=1):
  pairs = make_pairs(words.split(" "), order)
  markov_dict = {}
  for word1, word2 in pairs:
    if word1 in markov_dict:
      markov_dict[word1] = dictogram.Dictogram([word2])
  return markov_dict
def m_chain_one(text_list):
    markov_dict = {}
    for index in range(len(text_list) - 1):
        window = text_list[index]
        if index in markov_dict:
            markov_dict[window].add_count([text_list[index + 1]])
            markov_dict[window] = dictogram.Dictogram([text_list[index + 1]])
    return markov_dict
def order_mchain(order, text_list):
    markov_dict = {}
    for index in range(len(text_list) - order):
        window = tuple(text_list[index: index + order])
        if window in markov_dict:
            markov_dict[window].add_count([text_list[index + order]])
            markov_dict[window] = dictogram.Dictogram([text_list[index + order]])
    return markov_dict
Exemple #5
def markov_path(token_list, order):
    markov_map = {}
    starting_items = []
    for n in range(order):

    state_tracker = queue.Queue(size=order, items=starting_items)
    state = tuple(state_tracker.items())
    markov_map[state] = dictogram.Dictogram()

    for index in range(order, len(token_list)):
        new_token = token_list[index]
        new_state = tuple(state_tracker.items())
        if new_state not in markov_map:
            markov_map[new_state] = dictogram.Dictogram()
        state = new_state
    return markov_map
Exemple #6
def m_chain_one(text_list):
    markov_dict = {}
    # for each word in list, key is word and value is dictogram
    for index in range(len(text_list) - 1):
        window = text_list[index]
        if index in markov_dict:
            markov_dict[window].add_count([text_list[index + 1]])
            markov_dict[window] = dictogram.Dictogram([text_list[index + 1]])
    # return dictionary
    return markov_dict
Exemple #7
    def new_function(self, words, order):

        for i in range(len(words) - order):
            if tuple(words[i:i + order]) not in self.keys():
                self[tuple(words[i:i + order])] = []
                self.types += 1
            self[tuple(words[i:i + order])].append(
                tuple(words[i + 1:i + order + 1]))
            self.tokens += 1
        for key in self.keys():
            self[key] = dictogram.Dictogram(self[key])
def markov(list_of_words):
    Input: A list of tokens

    Return: A sentence made by the list
    provided using first order
    Markov chain.
    dict_word = {}
    word_list = []
    words = list_of_words
    #for each key, create a list holiding
    # values that comes after it on the original list
    for i in range(len(words) - 1):
        if words[i] not in dict_word.keys():
            word_list.append(words[i + 1])
            dict_word[words[i]] = word_list

            dict_word[words[i]].append(words[i + 1])
        word_list = []
    # print(dict_word)

    #make a nested dictionary using dictogram class
    nested_dict = {}
    for key, value in dict_word.items():
        dict_hist = dictogram.Dictogram(dict_word.get(key))
        nested_dict[key] = dict_hist
    # print(nested_dict)

    #generate sentence
    sentence_list = []
    first_word = random.choice(list(nested_dict.keys()))
    # print("first word: "+first_word)
    # print("first word inside: " + str(nested_dict[first_word]))
    dict_inside = nested_dict[first_word]
    # print('weighed sample: ' + dict_inside.sample())

    count = 10
    while count > 0:
        dict_inside = nested_dict[first_word]
        next_word = dict_inside.sample()
        first_word = next_word
        count -= 1

    # print('Sentence list: ' + str(sentence_list))
    # print('Markov Sentence: ' + ' '.join(sentence_list)+'.')
    # print((' '.join(sentence_list)+'.').capitalize())
    return (' '.join(sentence_list) + '.').capitalize()
Exemple #9
def order_mchain(order, text_list):
    markov_dict = {}
    # for each word in list, key is word and value is dictogram
    for index in range(len(text_list) - order):
        # text_list[index] should be our word from list
        window = tuple(text_list[index: index + order])
        # check if window is stored in the dictionary already
        if window in markov_dict:
            # if it is, then append it to the existing histogram
            markov_dict[window].add_count([text_list[index + order]])
            # if not, create new entry with window as key and dictogram as value
            markov_dict[window] = dictogram.Dictogram([text_list[index + order]])
    # return dictionary
    return markov_dict
 def dictogram_dictlist(self):
     """ Converts the list in word_dict to dictionary
     by calling Dictogram on the values.
     for key, value in self.word_dict.items():
         self.word_dict[key] = dictogram.Dictogram(value)
Exemple #11
def generate(token_list):
    histogram = dictogram.Dictogram(token_list)
    return histogram