Exemple #1
    def test_quality(self):
        # Patch the output of `pylint`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()

        _mock_communicate.return_value = (dedent("""
            file1.py:1: [C0111] Missing docstring
            file1.py:1: [C0111, func_1] Missing docstring
            file1.py:2: [W0612, cls_name.func] Unused variable 'd'
            file1.py:2: [W0511] TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!
            file1.py:579: [F0401] Unable to import 'rooted_paths'
            file1.py:113: [W0613, cache_relation.clear_pk] Unused argument 'cls'
            file1.py:150: [F0010] error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)
            file1.py:149: [C0324, Foo.__dict__] Comma not followed by a space
            file1.py:162: [R0801] Similar lines in 2 files
            import json
            import logging
            import random
            path/to/file2.py:100: [W0212, openid_login_complete] Access to a protected member
            """).strip().encode('ascii'), '')

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'C0111: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(1, 'C0111: func_1: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(2, "W0612: cls_name.func: Unused variable 'd'"),
            Violation(2, "W0511: TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!"),
            Violation(579, "F0401: Unable to import 'rooted_paths'"),
                "F0010: error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)"
                      "C0324: Foo.__dict__: Comma not followed by a space"),
            Violation(162, "R0801: Similar lines in 2 files"),
                      "W0613: cache_relation.clear_pk: Unused argument 'cls'")

        # Parse the report
        quality = PylintQualityReporter('pylint', [])

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(quality.name(), 'pylint')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('file1.py'), None)

        # Expect that we get violations for file1.py only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations('file1.py')
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
    def test_quality(self):
        # Patch the output of `pylint`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()

        _mock_communicate.return_value = (
            file1.py:1: [C0111] Missing docstring
            file1.py:1: [C0111, func_1] Missing docstring
            file1.py:2: [W0612, cls_name.func] Unused variable 'd'
            file1.py:2: [W0511] TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!
            file1.py:579: [F0401] Unable to import 'rooted_paths'
            file1.py:113: [W0613, cache_relation.clear_pk] Unused argument 'cls'
            file1.py:150: [F0010] error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)
            file1.py:149: [C0324, Foo.__dict__] Comma not followed by a space
            file1.py:162: [R0801] Similar lines in 2 files
            import json
            import logging
            import random
            path/to/file2.py:100: [W0212, openid_login_complete] Access to a protected member
            """).strip(), ''

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'C0111: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(1, 'C0111: func_1: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(2, "W0612: cls_name.func: Unused variable 'd'"),
            Violation(2, "W0511: TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!"),
            Violation(579, "F0401: Unable to import 'rooted_paths'"),
            Violation(150, "F0010: error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)"),
            Violation(149, "C0324: Foo.__dict__: Comma not followed by a space"),
            Violation(162, "R0801: Similar lines in 2 files"),
            Violation(113, "W0613: cache_relation.clear_pk: Unused argument 'cls'")

        # Parse the report
        quality = PylintQualityReporter('pylint', [])

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(quality.name(), 'pylint')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('file1.py'), None)

        # Expect that we get violations for file1.py only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations('file1.py')
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
    def test_quality(self):
        # Patch the output of `pylint`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()
        _mock_communicate.return_value = ("************* Module new_file\nC0111:  1,0: Missing docstring\ndef func_1(apple,my_list):\n                ^^\nC0111:  1,0:func_1: Missing docstring\n\nW0612:  2,4:func_1: Unused variable 'd'", '')
        violations = [Violation(1, 'C0111: Missing docstring'), Violation(1, 'C0111: Missing docstring'), Violation(2, "W0612: Unused variable 'd'")]
        name = "pylint"

        # Parse the report
        quality = PylintQualityReporter(name)

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(quality.name(), name)
        # measured_lines is undefined for a quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('file1.py'), None)

        # By construction, each file has the same set
        # of covered/uncovered lines
        self.assertEqual(violations, quality.violations('file1.py'))