Exemple #1
def find_transients(ifile, pngout, showplot=False):
    # Call diff_image to get the difference image frame and a numpy mask of
    # frames to ignore due to a lack of exposure time.
    diff_frame, bad_frames, frame_wcs = diff_image(ifile, showplot=showplot)
    # The source extraction script wants a 3-D array of (nframes,height,width).
    diff_frame = numpy.expand_dims(diff_frame, axis=0)
    # Identify those transient objects that stand out in the difference frame.
    detected_sources_pix = find_all_objects(diff_frame, bad_frames, frame_wcs, pngout)
    # The WCS in the frame is 3D, but the 3rd dimension is useless, so just
    # stick zeroes everywhere.
    detected_sources_coords = frame_wcs.wcs_pix2world(numpy.insert(detected_sources_pix, 2, 0.0, axis=1), 1)[:, 0:2]

    print "Sources Found: (xpix, ypix, RA, DEC)"
    for pix, coord in zip(detected_sources_pix, detected_sources_coords):
        print pix[0], pix[1], coord[0], coord[1]