Exemple #1
    def _make_valid(self, covar):
        Trys to make a possibly degenerate covariance valid by
          - replacing nans and infs with high values/zeros
          - making the matrix symmetric
          - trying to make the matrix invertible by adding small offsets to
            the smallest eigenvalues

        covar : tensor
            a covariance matrix that is possibly degenerate

        covar_valid : tensor
            a covariance matrix that is hopefully valid

        # eliminate nans and infs (replace them with high values on the
        # diagonal and zeros else)
        bs = compat.get_dim_int(covar, 0)  # covar.get_shape()[0]
        dim = compat.get_dim_int(covar, -1)  # covar.get_shape()[-1]
        covar = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(covar), covar,
                         tf.eye(dim, batch_shape=[bs]) * 1e6)

        # make symmetric
        covar = (covar + tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(covar)) / 2.

        # add a bit of noise to the diagonal of covar to prevent
        # nans in the gradient of the svd
        noise = tf.random.uniform(covar.get_shape().as_list()[:-1],
                                  maxval=0.001 / self.scale**2)
        s, u, v = tf.linalg.svd(covar + tf.linalg.diag(noise))
        # test if the matrix is invertible
        invertible = self._is_invertible(s)
        # test if the matrix is positive definite
        pd = tf.reduce_all(tf.greater(s, 0), axis=-1)

        # try making a valid version of the covariance matrix by ensuring that
        # the minimum eigenvalue is at least 1e-4/self.scale
        min_eig = s[..., -1:]
        eps = tf.tile(tf.maximum(1e-4 / self.scale - min_eig, 0),
                      [1, compat.get_dim_int(s, -1)])
        covar_invertible = tf.matmul(
            u, tf.matmul(tf.linalg.diag(s + eps), v, adjoint_b=True))

        # if the covariance matrix is valid, leave it as is, else replace with
        # the modified variant
        covar_valid = tf.where(
            tf.logical_and(invertible, pd)[:, None, None], covar,

        # make symmetric again
        covar_valid = \
            (covar_valid + tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(covar_valid)) / 2.

        return covar_valid
    def _prediction_step(self, sigma_points, weights_m, actions, training):
        Prediction step of the UKF

        sigma_points : tensor [batch_size, num_sigma, dim_x]
            the old sigma points
        weights_m : tensor [batch_size, num_sigma]
            weights for computing the mean of the sigma points
        actions : tensor [batch_size, dim_u]
            the current actions
        training : bool
            training or testing?

        sigma_points_pred : tensor [batch_size, num_sigma, dim_x]
            the predicted sigma points
        Q : tensor [batch_size, dim_x, dim_x]
            the predicted process noise for this time step (averaged over
            sigma points)
        # move the sigma-dimension into the batch dimension
        sigma_points = tf.reshape(sigma_points, [-1, self.dim_x])
        # tile the actions to match the shape of the sigma points
        actions = tf.tile(actions[:, None, :], [1, self.num_sigma, 1])
        actions = tf.reshape(actions, [-1, 2])

        sigma_points_pred, _ = \
            self.context.run_process_model(sigma_points, actions, training)

        sigma_points_pred = self.context.correct_state(sigma_points_pred,

        # get the process noise
        Q = self.context.get_process_noise(sigma_points,

        # restore the sigma dimension
        sigma_points_pred = tf.reshape(
            sigma_points_pred, [self.batch_size, self.num_sigma, self.dim_x])
        # when we use heteroscedastic noise, we get one Q per sigma point, so
        # we use the weighted mean
        if compat.get_dim_int(Q, 0) > self.batch_size:
            Q = tf.reshape(
                Q, [self.batch_size, self.num_sigma, self.dim_x, self.dim_x])
            Q = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(Q, weights_m[:, :, :, None]), axis=1)

        return sigma_points_pred, Q
Exemple #3
    def zca_whiten(self, data):
        Whiten noise sampled from a standard normal distribution

        data : tensor tf.float32 [batch_size, num_samples, dim_x]
            the sampled noise

        whitened : tensor tf.float64 [batch_size, num_samples, dim_x]
            the whitened noise samples

        # input tensor is [batch_size, num_samples, dim_x]
        num = compat.get_dim_int(data, 1)

        data = tf.cast(data, tf.float64)

        # center the samples
        mean = tf.reduce_mean(data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        centered = data - tf.tile(mean, [1, num, 1])

        # whiten
        # compute the current covariance
        diff_square = tf.matmul(centered[:, :, :, None], centered[:, :,
                                                                  None, :])
        # sigma: [batch_size, dim_x, dim_x]
        sigma = tf.reduce_mean(diff_square, axis=1)
        # get the whitening matrix
        # s: [batch_size, dim_x], u: [batch_size, dim_x, dim_x]
        s, u, _ = tf.linalg.svd(sigma, full_matrices=True)
        s_inv = 1. / tf.sqrt(s + 1e-5)
        s_inv = tf.linalg.diag(s_inv)
        # w: [batch_size, dim_x, dim_x]
        w = tf.matmul(u, tf.matmul(s_inv, u, transpose_b=True))

        whitened = tf.matmul(centered, w)

        return whitened
Exemple #4
    def _mixture_likelihood(self, diffs, weights, reduce_mean=False):
        Compute the negative log likelihood of y under a a gaussian
        mixture model defined by a set of particles and their weights.

        diffs : tensor
            difference between y and the states of the particles
        weights : tensor
            weights of the particles
        reduce_mean : bool, optional
            if true, return the mean likelihood loss over the complete tensor.
            The default is False.

        likelihood : tensor
            the negative log likelihood

        dim = compat.get_dim_int(diffs, -1)
        num = compat.get_dim_int(diffs, -2)

        # remove nans and infs and replace them with high values/zeros
        diffs = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(diffs), diffs,
        weights = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(weights), weights,
        weights /= tf.reduce_sum(weights, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        covar = np.ones(dim, dtype=np.float32)
        for k in range(dim):
            covar[k] *= self.mixture_std

        covar = tf.linalg.diag(tf.square(covar))
        if len(diffs.get_shape().as_list()) > 3:
            sl = compat.get_dim_int(diffs, 1)
            diffs = tf.reshape(diffs, [self.batch_size, -1, num, dim, 1])
            covar = tf.tile(covar[None, None, None, :, :],
                            [self.batch_size, sl, num, 1, 1])
            sl = 1
            diffs = tf.reshape(diffs, [self.batch_size, num, dim, 1])
            covar = tf.tile(covar[None, None, :, :],
                            [self.batch_size, num, 1, 1])

        # transfer to float 64 for higher accuracy
        covar = tf.cast(covar, tf.float64)
        diffs = tf.cast(diffs, tf.float64)
        weights = tf.cast(weights, tf.float64)

        exponent = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(diffs),
                                       tf.linalg.inv(covar)), diffs)
        exponent = tf.reshape(exponent, [self.batch_size, sl, num])

        normalizer = tf.math.log(tf.linalg.det(covar)) + \
            tf.cast(dim * tf.log(2*np.pi), tf.float64)

        log_like = -0.5 * (exponent + normalizer)
        log_like = tf.reshape(log_like, [self.batch_size, sl, num])

        log_like = tf.where(tf.greater_equal(log_like, -500), log_like,

        exp = tf.exp(log_like)

        # the per particle likelihoods are weighted and summed in the particle
        # dimension
        weighted = weights * exp
        weighted = tf.reduce_sum(weighted, axis=-1)

        # compute the negative logarithm and undo the bias
        likelihood = - (tf.math.log(tf.maximum(weighted, 1e-300)))

        if reduce_mean:
            likelihood = tf.reduce_mean(likelihood)

        likelihood = tf.cast(likelihood, tf.float32)

        return likelihood
Exemple #5
    def _likelihood(self, diff, covar, reduce_mean=False):
        Compute the negative log likelihood of y under a gaussian
        with mean mu and covariance covar, where x and y are given as
        diff = y - mu

        diff : tensor
            difference between y and the mean of the gaussian
        covar : tensor
            covariance matrix of the gaussian
        reduce_mean : bool, optional
            if true, return the mean likelihood loss over the complete tensor.
            The default is False.

        likelihood : tensor
            the negative log likelihood

        dim = compat.get_dim_int(diff, -1)

        # transfer to float 64 for higher accuracy
        covar = tf.cast(covar, tf.float64)
        diff = tf.cast(diff, tf.float64)

        if dim > 1:
            if len(diff.get_shape().as_list()) > 2:
                diff = tf.reshape(diff, [self.batch_size, -1, dim, 1])
                diff = tf.reshape(diff, [self.batch_size, dim, 1])

            c_inv = tf.linalg.inv(covar)

            err = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(diff),
                                      c_inv), diff)
            err = tf.reshape(err, [self.batch_size, -1])

            # the error term needs to be finite and positive
            err = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(err), err, tf.ones_like(err)*500)
            err = tf.where(tf.greater_equal(err, 0), err,

            det = tf.reshape(tf.math.log(tf.linalg.det(covar)),
                             [self.batch_size, -1])
            # nans mostly come from too small values, so we replace them with
            # zero
            det = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(det), det, tf.zeros_like(det))

            with tf.control_dependencies(
                [tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(det, name='det',
                likelihood = err + det
            diff = tf.reshape(diff, [self.batch_size, -1])
            covar = tf.reshape(covar, [self.batch_size, -1])
            det = tf.math.log(covar)
            err = (diff**2)/covar

            # the error term needs to be finite and positive
            err = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(err), err,
            err = tf.where(tf.greater_equal(err, 0), err,

            likelihood = det + err

        likelihood = 0.5 * (likelihood + dim * np.log(2*np.pi))
        likelihood = tf.reshape(likelihood, [self.batch_size, -1])
        likelihood = tf.cast(likelihood, tf.float32)

        if reduce_mean:
            likelihood = tf.reduce_mean(likelihood)

        return likelihood
Exemple #6
    def _prediction_step(self, particles_old, weights_old, actions, training):
        Prediction step of the PF

        particles_old : tensor [batch_size, num_particles, dim_x]
            the particles representing the current belief about the state
        weights_old : tensor [batch_size, num_particles]
            their weights
        actions : tensor [batch_size, dim_u]
            the current actions
        training : bool
            training or testing?

        particles_pred : tensor [batch_size, num_particles, dim_x]
            the predicted state for each particle
        Q : tensor [batch_size, dim_x, dim_x]
            the predicted process noise for this time step
            (averaged over particles)
        # move the particle-dimension into the batch dimension
        particles_old = tf.reshape(particles_old, [-1, self.dim_x])
        # tile the actions to match the shape of the sigma points
        actions = tf.tile(actions[:, None, :], [1, self.num_particles, 1])
        actions = tf.reshape(actions, [-1, 2])

        particles_pred, _ = \
            self.context.run_process_model(particles_old, actions, training)

        # get the process noise
        Q = self.context.get_process_noise(particles_old, actions, training)

        if compat.get_dim_int(Q, 0) > self.batch_size:
            Q = tf.reshape(Q, [self.batch_size, self.num_particles, self.dim_x,

        # restore the particle dimension
        particles_pred = tf.reshape(particles_pred,
                                    [self.batch_size, self.num_particles,

        # sample noise according to the estimated process noise
        noise = \
        noise = tf.reshape(noise, [self.batch_size, self.num_particles,
        # whiten the noise to reduce undesired correlations in the sampled
        # sigma points
        noise = self.zca_whiten(noise)
        noise = tf.reshape(noise, [self.batch_size, self.num_particles,
                                   self.dim_x, 1])

        scale = tf.linalg.sqrtm(tf.cast(Q, tf.float64))
        if len(scale.get_shape()) == 3:
            # when using heteroscedastic noise, we get one Q per particle, but
            # with constant noise, we only get one Q for all particles in the
            # batch
            scale = tf.tile(scale[:, None, :, :],
                            [1, self.num_particles, 1, 1])
        # replace nans and infs in scale with zeros (off-diagonal) or ones
        # (diagonal)
        scale = tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(scale), scale,
                                dtype=tf.float64, name=None))
        noise = tf.linalg.matmul(scale, noise)

        # add the noise to the particles
        particles_pred += tf.squeeze(tf.cast(noise, tf.float32), axis=-1)
        particles_pred = self.context.correct_state(particles_pred, diff=False)

        # when we use heteroscedastic noise, we get one Q per particle, so
        # we output the weighted mean
        if len(Q.get_shape()) == 4:
            # weights are in log scale, to turn them into a distribution, we
            # exponentiate and normalize them == apply the softmax transform
            weights_dist = tf.nn.softmax(weights_old, axis=-1)
            Q = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(Q, weights_dist[:, :, None, None]),

        return particles_pred, Q