def _checkNameIndex(self, name, index): """check the validity of the name and index passed to set/get/remove constraints name -- the parameter name index -- the index in the parameter list raise: RietError if name or index is not right. """ if self.ParamDict.has_key(name): if index is not None: raise RietError('The parameter "%s" is not a list.' % name) return if self.ParamListDict.has_key(name): if not isinstance(index, int): raise RietError( 'The parameter list needs an int for index, but "%s"=%s is received.' % (type(index), str(index))) return # otherwise, there is no key. raise RietError( "Class %s does not have a parameter or parameter list: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) return
def linkConstraint(self): """Link all the constraints to the fit object. called after duplicate() when a new-object is added to the Fit regime refine: Refine object """ from import Fit if isinstance(self, Fit): _fit = self else: _fit = self.getFit() if _fit: refine = _fit.get("Refine") else: # Should not happen, this is checked in the "set" function # which is the only one calling this function. raise RietError("No Fit is created.") for constraint in self.constraints.values(): constraint.refine = refine constraint.apply() for name in self.ObjectDict.keys(): o = self.__dict__[name] if o: # it may be None o.linkConstraint() for name in self.ObjectListDict.keys(): for o in self.__dict__[name]._list: o.linkConstraint() return
def adaptPyFullProftoSrRietveld(self, srtype, processdir, weightscheme="standard"): """ Change some setting to FullProf from SrRietveld """ if srtype == "l": # Lebail: set Jbt -> Profile Matching Mode, and Auto-calculate # FIXME In advanced mode, if Fit can capture mult-step refine, Irf=2 in step>1 refine for phase in self.get("Phase"): phase.set("Jbt", 2) self.Jbt = 2 for contr in self.get("Contribution"): contr.set("Irf", 0) elif srtype == "r": # Rietveld for phase in self.get("Phase"): phase.set("Jbt", 0) self.Jbt = 0 # END-IF: if srtype for pattern in self.get("Pattern"): if weightscheme[0] == "s": pattern.set("Iwg", 0) elif weightscheme[0] == "u": pattern.set("Iwg", 2) else: errmsg = "Weighting Scheme %-10s Is Not Supported" % ( weightscheme) raise RietError(errmsg) return
def validate(self): """ validating before refinement """ rvalue = BackgroundUserDefined.validate(self) if self.size() < 4: errmsg = "BackgroundUserDefinedCubic number of background point = %-5s < 4"% \ (self.size()) raise RietError(errmsg) return rvalue
def importUncertaintyOutFile(self): """ parse the .out file and put the data information to a database Return : None """ lineslist = self.readFile(self._outfilename) # 1. File Flag Line startlinenum = -1 for lindex in xrange(len(lineslist)): if lineslist[lindex].count(self._FLAG2) == 1: startlinenum = lindex break if startlinenum < 0: raise RietError() # 2. Get Informative Lines: infolineslist = [] for lindex in xrange(startlinenum + 1, len(lineslist)): candline = lineslist[lindex] # 1. Find stop line if candline[0] == "=" and candline[1] == ">": break # 2. Judge if candline.count(self._FLAG3) > 0: infolineslist.append(candline) # LOOP-OVER: for lindex in xrange( startlinenum+1, len(lineslist) ) # 3. Parse to standard database for line in infolineslist: terms = line.split(":")[1].split("+/-") tp1 = terms[0].split() tp2 = terms[1].split() name = tp1[0] valstr = tp1[1].split("(")[0] val = float(valstr) sigstr = tp2[0] sig = float(sigstr) nameinfotuple = self.parseNameOutFile(name) self._ParameterList.append((nameinfotuple, val, sig)) # LOOP-OVER: for line in infolineslist return
def importUncertainty(self): """ Parse the input file and put the data information to a database Return : None """ if self._outfilename is not None: self.importUncertaintyOutFile() elif self._sumfilename is not None: self.importUncertaintySumFile() else: raise RietError() return
def getRefineResult(self, fitsummary, srtype, pcrfullname): """ get out Refinement results """ import diffpy.pyfullprof.fpoutputfileparsers as FPP newfit = fitsummary.getFit() if isinstance(newfit, Fit): self.updateFit(newfit) else: #FIXME: should change the refine status and let srr to handle the error raise RietError(self.__class__.__name__ + ".refine(): Fit Error!") self._readCalculatePattern(pcrfullname) # if mode=lebail, import reflections from RFL file if srtype == "l": patterns = self.get("Pattern") numpat = len(patterns) if numpat == 1: singlepattern = True else: singlepattern = False # b) Phase numpha = len(self.get("Phase")) # c) Read all reflections hklrange = {} for patid in range(numpat): tempreflects = [] hklrange["min"] = patterns[patid].get("Thmin") hklrange["max"] = patterns[patid].get("Thmax") for phaseid in range(numpha): # Only work on phase-pattern related case corecontrib = self.getContribution( self.get("Phase")[phaseid], self.get("Pattern")[patid]) if corecontrib is not None: reflectdict = FPP.parseHKLn( pcrfullname, phaseno=phaseid + 1, singlepattern=singlepattern, patno=patid + 1, hklrange=hklrange) tempreflects.append(reflectdict) # END-IF # LOOP-OVER patterns[patid]._reflections[phaseid] = tempreflects # LOOP-OVER # turn all constraint refinement off #self.fixAll() return
def setCalculation(self): """ set this instance to pattern calculation mode return -- None """ thisjob = self.get("Job") if thisjob == 0: self.set("Job", 2) elif thisjob == 1: self.set("Job", 3) elif thisjob == 2 or thisjob == 3: pass else: errmsg = "Job = %-10s Is Not In Class %-20s Object" % \ (self.get("Job"), self.__class__.__name__) raise RietError(errmsg) # END-IF-ELSE return
def duplicate(self): """ duplicate self object to a exact copy (1) parameter...(copy) (2) subclass... (copy) (3) container... (copy) For Constraint object, only the pattern_range, phase_range and parname are copied; No link to Refine is established! scenario -- After duplicate() and the corresponding linking work by Rietveld.set() method 'RietveldClass.linkConstraint()' is always called return -- the new generated twin object """ try: newobject = self.__class__(None) except TypeError, err: errmsg = "RietveldClass.duplicate(): instantiated as %-20s\n" % ( self.__class__.__name__) errmsg += str(err) raise RietError(errmsg)
def getConstraintByPath(self, path): """Get a constraint by path path -- a full path, e.g., x.y.z[i].a return: a constraint object """ if path.count('.') > 0: try: objpath, paramname = path.rsplit('.', 1) except: raise RietError('Invalid format for a parameter name: ' + path) objects = self.getByPath(objpath) if isinstance(objects, list): constraints = [] for object in objects: _constraints = object.getConstraintByPath(paramname) if isinstance(_constraints, list): constraints.extend(_constraints) else: constraints.append(_constraints) return constraints # else it is a single object return objects.getConstraintByPath(paramname) name, index = self._parseIndex(path) # If index is a slice, we need get constraint one by one if isinstance(index, slice): constraints = [] indices = self._rangeParam(name, index) for i in indices: constraints.append(self.getConstraint(name, i)) return constraints # else the index is an int or None return self.getConstraint(name, index)
def addBackgroundPoints(self, bkgdpointlist): """ add Background point (x, intensity) to this InterpolatedBackground instance Arguments: bkgdpointlist -- list of 2-tuple(x, intensity) for pre-selected background points Return -- None """ background = self.get("Background") for bkgdtup in bkgdpointlist: # 1. verify the input list term try: pos = bkgdtup[0] bck = bkgdtup[1] except IndexError, err: errmsg = "%-30s: Input Error! Element in input bkgdpointlist is not 2-tuple\n"% \ (self.__class__.__name__+"addBackgroundPoints()") errmsg += "Error message: %-40s"% (err) raise RietError(errmsg) # 2. make Core objects background.set("POS", pos) background.set("BCK", bck)
def locateParameterByPath(rietobj, parfullname, srtype="r"): """ according to the parameter's name and path and input Rietveld instance reference, locate the Rietveld class instance has this parameter and the name of the parameter return -- 2-tuple (RietveldClass_Instance_Refernece, Parameter_Name) Arguments: - rietobj : reference to a RietveldClass object - parfullname : string of the parameter with full path to locate this parameter from rietobj - srtype : string, "r" for Rietveld, "l" for Lebail Exception (1) If cannot find the next RietveldClass to hold the parameter """ # get path-list pathlist = GetPathListFromString(parfullname) parName = pathlist[-1] retObj = rietobj index = 0 Continue = True returntuple = None while Continue: # progress name = pathlist[index] index += 1 if name == parName and retObj.ParamDict.has_key(parName): # ending case returntuple = (retObj, parName) Continue = False elif index == len(pathlist): # error case 1: cannot find parName in the final RietveldClass object estring = "utilfunction.locateParameterByPath() cannot locate parameter " + parfullname raise RietError(estring) elif retObj.ObjectDict.has_key(name): # progress case: subclass retObj = retObj.get(name) elif retObj.ObjectListDict.has_key(name): # progress case: container try: seq = int(pathlist[index]) retObj = retObj.get(name)[seq] index += 1 except IndexError, err: estring = "utilfunction.locateParameterByPath() Locate parameter " + parfullname + " Error!" estring += "RietveldClass " + retObj.__class__.__name__ + " has no " + str( seq) + "-th " + name estring += str(err) raise RietError(estring) else: print "Parameter with Path and Name: " + str(parfullname) print retObj.ParamDict.keys() print "Parameter Name: " + name + " doesn't match input parameter name " + parName print "Last object: " + retObj.__class__.__name__ + " name = " + str( name) #print retObj raise NotImplementedError, "path_list: " + str( pathlist) + " incorrect"
def readFPOutput(lines): """ read the output of FullProf output file 1. Last line contains "=> END" - check Chi2: is last Chi2 = "NaN"? "Chi2:-NaN, - refined output 2. otherwise to 1 a) "Error During Opening File" + file_name : terminate the program b) "NO REFLECTIONS FOUND": as Chi2 = NaN algorithm: (1) split Chi2 line with ":" return 1: good refinement 0 not refined -1: setup error -2: excessive peak overlap -3: singular matrix """ result = 0 # 1. Exception! if len(lines) == 1: raise RietError("Fullprof fp2k Does Not Work") lastline = lines[-1] if lastline.count("=> END") >= 1: # 1. collect Chi2 chi2lines = [] for line in lines: if line.count("Chi2") == 1 and line.count("Rp")==1: chi2lines.append(line) # 2. process last chi2 line # lastchi2line = chi2lines[len(chi2lines)-1] if len(chi2lines) > 1: # refinement mode lastchi2line = chi2lines[-1] if lastchi2line.count("NaN") > 0: # NaN appears in statistic: refine not done result = 0 else: # good refinement result = 1 else: # calcuation mode result = -1 else: # not a normal end if lastline.count("Error") > 0: # Error result = -1 print "Exception! FullProf set up error! " + lastline + "\n" elif lastline.count("Excessive peak overlap") == 1: # Excessive peak overlap error result = -2 elif lastline.count("Singular Matrix") == 1: # Singular Matrix Error result = -3 elif lastline.count("NO REFLECTIONS FOUND") == 1: # Singular Matrix Error result = -4 else: # intial value error result = 0 return result
def runFullProf(fit, pcrfilename, mode="refine", srtype="r", processdir=dir, userinfo=None, exportsub=False): """ convert fit to FullProf pcr file execute Rietveld refinement by FullProf, Arguments: - fit : a fit object to convert to a pcr file and run by FullProf - pcrfilename : the name of the pcr file that is to write on the disk - mode : string, for mode.. options = 1. "Refine" least square refine 2. "Calculate" just calculate the pattern as the forward calculator 3. "pcr" just print out pcr file - srtype : string, structure solution type, "r" for "Rietveld", "l" for Lebail - userinfo: : string, user information to add to pcr file - exportsub : Boolean (export result in .sub in calculation mode) Return : 1. Refine Mode FitSummary object 2. Calculate Mode list of list of 2-tuple (or list) for a phase or None """ from import Fit from diffpy.pyfullprof.pcrfilewriter import pcrFileWriter from diffpy.pyfullprof.pcrfilereader import ImportFitFromFullProf from diffpy.pyfullprof.fpoutputfileparsers import FPOutFileParser from diffpy.pyfullprof.fpuncertaintyreader import FPUncertainty # FIXME in 'Calculate' mode, only 1 pattern is allowed NOW! def ProcessOutput(infile): """ processing an file thread (1) each line in intfile will be stored into a list as string without EOF (2) all lines are ordered according to the original order in infile infile: an file object """ OutLines = [] InLines = infile.readlines() for line in InLines: newline = line.split("\n")[0] OutLines.append(newline) return OutLines # END FUNCTION: def ProcessOutput(infile) def readFPOutput(lines): """ read the output of FullProf output file 1. Last line contains "=> END" - check Chi2: is last Chi2 = "NaN"? "Chi2:-NaN, - refined output 2. otherwise to 1 a) "Error During Opening File" + file_name : terminate the program b) "NO REFLECTIONS FOUND": as Chi2 = NaN algorithm: (1) split Chi2 line with ":" return 1: good refinement 0 not refined -1: setup error -2: excessive peak overlap -3: singular matrix """ result = 0 # 1. Exception! if len(lines) == 1: raise RietError("Fullprof fp2k Does Not Work") lastline = lines[-1] if lastline.count("=> END") >= 1: # 1. collect Chi2 chi2lines = [] for line in lines: if line.count("Chi2") == 1 and line.count("Rp")==1: chi2lines.append(line) # 2. process last chi2 line # lastchi2line = chi2lines[len(chi2lines)-1] if len(chi2lines) > 1: # refinement mode lastchi2line = chi2lines[-1] if lastchi2line.count("NaN") > 0: # NaN appears in statistic: refine not done result = 0 else: # good refinement result = 1 else: # calcuation mode result = -1 else: # not a normal end if lastline.count("Error") > 0: # Error result = -1 print "Exception! FullProf set up error! " + lastline + "\n" elif lastline.count("Excessive peak overlap") == 1: # Excessive peak overlap error result = -2 elif lastline.count("Singular Matrix") == 1: # Singular Matrix Error result = -3 elif lastline.count("NO REFLECTIONS FOUND") == 1: # Singular Matrix Error result = -4 else: # intial value error result = 0 return result # END FUNCTION: def readFPOutput(lines) # -1: process input argument if userinfo is None: userinfo = [] verifyType(userinfo, list) # 0. mandatory setup fit.set("Pcr", 1) fit.set("Aut", True) # 1. check fit object: isvalid = fit.validate(mode) if not isvalid: dbtag = "1721" refine = fit.get("Refine") print "Debug Tag: %-20s" % (dbtag) print str(refine) errmsg = "runFullProf() Fit object is not valid. Abort!" raise RietError(errmsg) if mode == "calculate": # in this mode, data file is not used, but FullProf needs it! from diffpy.pyfullprof.utilfunction import checkFileExistence pattern = fit.get("Pattern")[0] datafname = pattern.get("Datafile") isexist = checkFileExistence(datafname) if isexist is not True: fakedatafile = True fakefilename = datafname cmd = "touch %-10s"% (fakefilename) os.system(cmd) else: fakedatafile = False # 2. write out the pcr file and run FullProf pcrFileWriter(fit, pcrfilename, userinfo, srtype=srtype) # get the root name and ext name of the pcr file rootName, extname= os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pcrfilename)) baseName = os.path.basename(pcrfilename) if mode=="pcr": return shutil.copyfile(pcrfilename, rootName + '.prefit') cmd = 'fp2k ' + baseName import subprocess from diffpy.pyfullprof.environment import FullProfSubprocessArgs fp2kArgs = FullProfSubprocessArgs(cwd=processdir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=open(os.devnull)) output = subprocess.Popen(('fp2k', baseName ), **fp2kArgs) # 3. process output CodeOutput = ProcessOutput(output.stdout) #print '\n'.join(CodeOutput) CodeError = ProcessOutput(output.stderr) output.stdout.close() output.stderr.close() output.wait() if mode == "refine": # 4. process fit result newfit = Fit(None) try: importfile = ImportFitFromFullProf(pcrfilename) importresult = importfile.ImportFile(newfit) except RietPCRError, err: print "Error Message: %-30s"% (err) importresult = False # 5. pass the parameter and constraint information summary = FitSummary() if importresult is True: # 6. build output result = readFPOutput(CodeOutput) outfname = rootName +".out" # 6.2 Judge refine result # Note: result > 0 is a more robust flag than refinesuccess if result == 0: refinesuccess = False errmsg = "NAN" elif result == -1: outparser = FPOutFileParser(newfit, outfname) refinesuccess = outparser.getStatus() errmsg = outparser.getErrorReason() elif result == -2: refinesuccess = False errmsg = "Excessive Peak Overlap" elif result == -3: refinesuccess = False errmsg = "Singular Matrix" elif result == -4: refinesuccess = False errmsg = "NO REFLECTIONS FOUND" else: refinesuccess = True errmsg = None if result < 0: quitmessage = "result = %-5s < 0 means a failure error" % result raise ValueError, quitmessage # END-IF-ELSE # 6.3 read uncertainty and phase fraction if refine is good if refinesuccess is True: # a) Uncertainty fpsigma = FPUncertainty(outfname) fpsigma.importUncertainty() fpsigma.exportToFit(newfit) # b) Phase Fraction sumfilename = rootName + ".sum" sumparse = FPSumFileParser(sumfilename) sumparse.parsePhaseFraction(newfit) # END-IF # 6.4 Construct Summary if result > 0: outparser = FPOutFileParser(newfit, outfname) summary.set(newfit, outparser, refinesuccess, srtype, errmsg, CodeOutput, CodeError) else: summary.setRefineStatus(False) else: # Bad refinement summary.setRefineStatus(False) # END-IF-ELSE # 7. Process fp2k remainder os.rename(pcrfilename, rootName+".posfit") # 8. return return summary
simpatternslist = [] for phaseid in xrange(1, len(phases)+1): # FIXME This is not good for multiple pattern simulation if len(patterns) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("See FIXME") pat = patterns[0] thmin = pat.get("Thmin") thmax = pat.get("Thmax") step = pat.get("Step") dataset = subParser(rootname, phaseid, thmin=thmin, thmax=thmax, step=step) simpatternslist.append(dataset) # 5. clean if fakedatafile is True: cmd = "rm %-10s"% (fakefilename) os.system(cmd) # 5. return return simpatternslist else: return # END-IF-ELSE else: errmsg = "run-FullProf: mode = %-10s is NOT supported"% (mode) raise RietError(errmsg) return
def validate(self): """ validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement of class Pattern Return -- bool """ from diffpy.pyfullprof.utilfunction import checkFileExistence rvalue = RietveldClass.validate(self) errmsg = "" # type check: virtual base class name = self.__class__.__name__ if name == "Pattern": errmsg += "%-30s: %-40s"%("Pattern.validate()", "virtual base Pattern") print errmsg rvalue = False # FullProf Parameter Synchronization # 1. Excluded Region nex = len(self.get("ExcludedRegion")) self.set("Nex", nex) # 2. Scttering Factor nsc = len(self.get("ScatterFactor")) self.set("Nsc", nsc) # 3. background background = self.get("Background") if isinstance(background, BackgroundUserDefinedLinear): #NOTE: avoid using self.set('Nba', 2) self.Nba = 2 elif isinstance(background, BackgroundUserDefinedCubic): #NOTE: avoid using self.set('Nba', -5) self.Nba = -5 elif isinstance(background, BackgroundFourierwindow): #NOTE: avoid using self.set('Nba', -2) self.Nba = -2 elif isinstance(background, BackgroundPolynomial): if background.get("Order") == 6: #NOTE: avoid using self.set('Nba', 0) self.Nba = 0 elif background.get("Order") == 12: #NOTE: avoid using self.set('Nba', -4) self.Nba = -4 else: errmsg = "Polynomial Order = %-4s Is Not Supported"% (background.get("Order")) raise NotImplementedError(errmsg) else: pass if self.get("Nba") <= -5 or self.get("Nba") >= 2: self.set('NbaPoint', self.get("Background").size()) if background.ParamDict.has_key("Bkpos"): self.set('Bkpos', self.get("Background").get("Bkpos")) # 4. output self.set("Ipr", 3) if self.get("Prf") == 0: self.set("Prf", 3) # 5. peak profile Npr for contribution in self._contributionlist: npr = contribution.get("Npr") self.set("Npr", npr) # WZ: this section (item 6) is removed as all wdt from fit should be trustful # 6. Peak range # for contribution in self._contributionlist: # wdt = contribution.get("Profile").get("PeakRange") # if wdt > 0.0: # self.set("Wdt", wdt) wdt = self.get("Wdt") if wdt <= 0.0: errmsg = String.Format("Pattern has Wdt (peak range) = %f <= 0") % (wdt) raise RietError(errmsg) # Check Valid # 1. resolution file if self.get("Res") != 0: exist = checkFileExistence(self.get("Resofile")) if not exist: rvalue = False errmsg += "Resolution File %-10s Cannot Be Found\n"% (self.get("Resofile")) # 2. data file.... -> moved to Fit.validate() if rvalue is not True: print "Invalidity Detected In %-10s: %-60s"% (self.__class__.__name__, errmsg) return rvalue
def exportToFit(self, myfit): """ Export the current information to a Fit object Argument: - myfit : diffpy.pyfullprof.Fit instance Return : None """ import diffpy.pyfullprof.pattern as PTN for nameinfotuple, val, sig in self._ParameterList: # 1. From the suffix of the name, determine if the parameter # belongs to pattern, phase, or contribution ispattern = False isphase = False iscontribution = False if nameinfotuple.count("pat") > 0: ispattern = True if nameinfotuple.count("ph") > 0: isphase = True if ispattern and isphase: iscontribution = True ispattern = False isphase = False # 2. Get parameter and its index parname = None index = None if ispattern: # background patnum = nameinfotuple[1] pattern = myfit.get("Pattern")[patnum - 1] if nameinfotuple[-1] == "Bck": rietobj = pattern.get("Background") bcknum = nameinfotuple[-2] + 1 if isinstance(rietobj, PTN.BackgroundPolynomial): parname = "BACK" index = bcknum - 1 elif isinstance(rietobj, PTN.BackgroundUserDefined): parname = "BCK" index = bcknum - 1 else: errmsg = "1045-1: Object Instance %-10s Unrecoganizable" % ( rietobj.__class__.__name__) print errmsg else: iname = nameinfotuple[-1] if FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT.has_key(iname): iname = FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT[iname] rietobj, parname = pattern.locateParameter(iname) elif isphase: phanum = nameinfotuple[1] phase = myfit.get("Phase")[phanum - 1] # a. get all atom's name atomindexmap = {} for atom in phase.get("Atom"): atomname = atom.get("Name") atomindexmap[atomname] = atom # b. see whether belonging to Atom's property atomnameslist = atomindexmap.keys() if atomnameslist.count(nameinfotuple[-2]) == 1: atom = atomindexmap[nameinfotuple[-2]] rietobj, parname = atom.locateParameter(nameinfotuple[-1]) # c. if not atom's if rietobj is None: iname = nameinfotuple[-1] if FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT.has_key(iname): iname = FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT[iname] rietobj, parname = phase.locateParameter(iname) elif iscontribution: patnum = nameinfotuple[1] phanum = nameinfotuple[3] pattern = myfit.get("Pattern")[patnum - 1] phase = myfit.get("Phase")[phanum - 1] contrib = myfit.getContribution(pattern, phase) # a. Lattice if nameinfotuple[-1] == "Cell": rietobj, parname = phase.locateParameter(nameinfotuple[-2]) else: iname = nameinfotuple[-1] if FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT.has_key(iname): iname = FPUncertainty._NAMEMAPDICT[iname] rietobj, parname = contrib.locateParameter(iname) else: raise RietError( "Parameter %s does not belong to a known case." % str(nameinfotuple)) if parname is None: rstring = "%-20s ispat = %-10s ispha = %-10s iscon = %-10s"% \ (nameinfotuple, ispat, ispha, iscon) print "# 1045-Warning: Implement this case! %-50s" % (rstring) else: if rietobj is None: raise RietError( "Parameter %s can not be found in the fit object." % parname) constraint = rietobj.getConstraint(parname, index) if constraint: constraint.sigma = sig else: raise RietError( "No constraint is bound to the parameter '%s'" % parname) if 0: # 1501 print "1501:Par = %-10s Val = %-15s vs. input Val = %-15s Sig = %-15s"% \ (parname, rietobj.get(parname).value(), val, sig) # END-DEBUG # LOOP-OVER: for nameinfotuple, val, sig in self._ParameterList return
import sys import subprocess from diffpy.pyfullprof.which import whichall from diffpy.pyfullprof.exception import RietError # copy the system environment FULLPROF_ENV = dict(os.environ) _mswindows = sys.platform.startswith("win") # make sure "gsas" variable exists in FULLPROF_ENV and is not empty if not FULLPROF_ENV.get('FullProf'): _gsas_executables = whichall('fp2k') if not _gsas_executables: emsg = "Fullprof can not find the excutable, please check the system path" raise RietError(emsg, errorId="CANNOT_FIND_EXECUTABLE") _gsas_real_path = os.path.realpath(_gsas_executables[0]) FULLPROF_ENV['FullProf'] = os.path.dirname(_gsas_real_path) FULLPROF_ENV['FULLPROF'] = FULLPROF_ENV['FullProf'] # make sure its exe directory is first in the path FULLPROF = FULLPROF_ENV['FullProf'] _path_org = FULLPROF_ENV.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) _path_new = [FULLPROF] + filter(lambda d: d != FULLPROF, _path_org) FULLPROF_ENV['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(_path_new) FULLPROF_PATH = FULLPROF_ENV['PATH'] if _mswindows:
def extend(self, baseobj): """ extend a base-object to 'self', and replace base-object with 'self' in Rietveld-class hierachy baseobj = base object """ def class_in_list(classname, classnamelist): """ identify whether a class_name is one in classnamelist class_name can be extended class while the name in classnamelist is base class classname - classnamelist - """ for basename in classnamelist: if classname.count(basename) == 1: return True return False def getClassName(classname, classnamelist): """ if classname is an extended class name, then return the base class name class_name can be extended class while the name in classnamelist is base class classname - classnamelist - """ for basename in classnamelist: if classname.count(basename) == 1: return basename raise RietError, "rietveldclass.extend - getClassName" return from diffpy.pyfullprof.contribution import Contribution if isinstance(baseobj, Contribution): errmsg = "Contribution should extend this function because of its dual parent" raise RietError(errmsg) # 1 check if not isinstance(self, baseobj.__class__): return False # 2 copy for name in baseobj.ParamDict.keys(): self.__dict__[name] = baseobj.__dict__[name] for name in baseobj.ParamListDict.keys(): for i in range(len(baseobj.__dict__[name])): self.__dict__[name].set(baseobj.__dict__[name].get(i)) for name in baseobj.ObjectDict.keys(): self.__dict__[name] = baseobj.__dict__[name] # set parent self.__dict__[name].parent = self self.__dict__[name].parent = self for name in baseobj.ObjectListDict.keys(): self.__dict__[name] = baseobj.__dict__[name] # set parent self.__dict__[name].parent = self for objref in self.get(name): objref.parent = self # 3 find and set parent parentobj = baseobj.parent self.parent = parentobj # 4 replace from the parent class view # if baseobj.__class__.__name__ in parentobj.ObjectDict.keys(): if class_in_list(baseobj.__class__.__name__, parentobj.ObjectDict.keys()): classname = getClassName(baseobj.__class__.__name__, parentobj.ObjectDict.keys()) parentobj.set(classname, self) # elif baseobj.__class__.__name__ in parentobj.ObjectListDict.keys(): elif class_in_list(baseobj.__class__.__name__, parentobj.ObjectListDict.keys()): classname = getClassName(baseobj.__class__.__name__, parentobj.ObjectListDict.keys()) for i, obj in enumerate(parentobj.get(classname)): if baseobj == obj: parentobj.set(classname, self, i) break else: raise RietError("RietveldClass.extend(): Can not find the ") else: print "base obj:\t" + baseobj.__class__.__name__ print "parent obj:\t" + str(parentobj.ObjectDict.keys()) raise RietError( "RietveldClass.extend(): Parent Class Cannot Locate Object") return True
def setConstraintByPath(self, path, formula, value=None, damping=None, varIndex=None): """Constrain a parameter by path path -- a full path, e.g., x.y.z[i].a formula -- a formula to be applied to the parameter value -- the initial value of the constrained parameter. damping -- damping varIndex -- if it is not None, append it to the formula; if the path corresponds to multiple parameters, varIndex will increase by one for each parameter. return: the newly created constraint object """ if path.count('.') > 0: try: objpath, paramname = path.rsplit('.', 1) except: raise RietError('Invalid format for a parameter name: ' + path) objects = self.getByPath(objpath) # There are multiple objects if isinstance(objects, list): constraints = [] for i, object in enumerate(objects): _constraints = object.setConstraintByPath( paramname, formula, value, damping, varIndex) # Append results to the result constraint list, # and increase the varIndex accordingly if it is not None. if isinstance(_constraints, list): constraints.extend(_constraints) if varIndex is not None: varIndex += len(_constraints) else: constraints.append(_constraints) if varIndex is not None: varIndex += 1 return constraints # else it is a single object return objects.setConstraintByPath(paramname, formula, value, damping, varIndex) name, index = self._parseIndex(path) # If index is a slice, we need set constraint one by one if isinstance(index, slice): constraints = [] indices = self._rangeParam(name, index) for i in indices: if varIndex is not None: _formula = formula + '%i' % (varIndex + i) else: _formula = formula constraints.append( self.setConstraint(name, _formula, value, damping, index=i)) return constraints # else the index is an int or None if varIndex is not None: formula = formula + '%i' % varIndex return self.setConstraint(name, formula, value=value, damping=damping, index=index)