Exemple #1
def search_index_view(request):
    context = {"indexes": SortedDict()}

    DONE reindex selected indexes in background
    . show when indexer is working
    . lock form (if working)
    . show last time indexer started (if working)
    . ajaxify
    . vue.js?

    from digipal.views.faceted_search import faceted_search
    from digipal.utils import get_all_files_under
    from datetime import datetime
    from digipal.views.faceted_search.search_indexer import SearchIndexer

    indexer = SearchIndexer()

    content_types = faceted_search.get_types(True)

    # process request
    action = request.POST.get("action", "")
    reindexes = []
    if action == "reindex":
        for ct in content_types:
            if request.POST.get("select-%s" % ct.key):

        if reindexes:
            dputils.call_management_command("dpsearch", "index_facets", **{"if": ",".join(reindexes)})
            context["indexing"] = indexer.get_state_initial(reindexes)
    if not "indexing" in context:
        context["indexing"] = indexer.read_state()

    context["running"] = context["indexing"] and context["indexing"]["progress"] < 1.0
    now = datetime.now()
    if context["indexing"] and (
        not context["running"] and ((now - context["indexing"]["updated"]).total_seconds() > (60 * 10))
        context["indexing"] = None

    # read the index stats
    for ct in content_types:
        info = {"date": 0, "size": 0}
        context["indexes"][ct.key] = {
            "object": ct,
            "info": info,
            "indexing": context["indexing"]["indexes"].get(ct.key, None) if context["indexing"] else None,

        for afile in get_all_files_under(ct.get_whoosh_index_path(), file_types="f"):
            info["size"] += os.path.getsize(afile)
            info["date"] = max(info["date"], os.path.getmtime(afile))

        info["date"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(info["date"])
        info["size"] = int(info["size"])

    context["title"] = "Search Indexer"

    template = "search/search_index.html"
    if request.is_ajax():
        template = "search/search_index_fragment.html"

    ret = render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
    return ret