Exemple #1
# create short data in r/i to test using that to write
arr_data = numpy.ones((vector_length,num_subchannels), 
                      dtype=[('r', numpy.int16), ('i', numpy.int16)])
for i in range(len(arr_data)):
    arr_data[i]['r'] = 2*i
    arr_data[i]['i'] = 3*i
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5");
print("Writing complex short to multiple files and subdirectores in /tmp/hdf5 channel junk0");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0");

# init
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", dtype_str, samples_per_file, 
                                                 files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, uuid, compression_level, checksum, 
                                                 is_complex, num_subchannels, marching_periods);
# write
for i in range(7): # will write 700 samples - so creates two subdirectories
    result = data_object.rf_write(arr_data);
# close
print("done test");

files_per_directory = 10
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# test get unix time
dt, picoseconds = digital_rf_hdf5.get_unix_time(long(start_global_index), sample_rate)
print('For start_global_index=%i and sample_rate=%f, dt is %s and picoseconds is %i' % (start_global_index, sample_rate,
                                                                                        dt, picoseconds))

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf52 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf52");
print("Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", 'i4', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0", 0, False, True, num_subchannels=num_subchannels);
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
result = data_object.rf_write(data);
print("done test 0.1");

print("Test 0.1 - simple single write to multiple files using r/i struct layout, no compress, no checksum - channel 0.1");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0.1 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0.1");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0.1", 'i2', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0.1", 0, False, True, num_subchannels=num_subchannels);
result = data_object.rf_write(arr_data);
print("done test 0.1");

print("Test 0.11 - simple single write with one subchannel to multiple files using r/i struct layout, no compress, no checksum - channel 0.1");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0.11 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0.11");
Exemple #3
# data to write
data_int16 = numpy.zeros((WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE, 2), dtype='i2')
# make random
for i in range(WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE):
    j = i * 2
    k = i * 2 + 1
    data_int16[i][0] = (j % 32768) * (j + 8192) * (j % 13)
    data_int16[i][1] = (k % 32768) * (k + 8192) * (k % 13)

print('creating top level dir /tmp/benchmark')
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/benchmark ; mkdir /tmp/benchmark")

    "Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, files_per_directory=0, no compress, no checksum - channel 0"
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/benchmark/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/benchmark/junk0")
print("Start writing")
channelObj = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel('/tmp/benchmark/junk0', 'i2',
                                                FILE_SAMPLES, FILES_PER_DIR,
                                                SAMPLE_RATE, 'Fake_uuid', 0,
t = time.time()
for i in range(N_WRITES):
seconds = time.time() - t
speedMB = (N_WRITES * 4 * WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE) / (1.0E6 * seconds)
print('Total time %i seconds, speed %1.2f MB/s' % (int(seconds), speedMB))
files_per_directory = 10
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# test get unix time
dt, picoseconds = digital_rf_hdf5.get_unix_time(long(start_global_index), sample_rate)
print('For start_global_index=%i and sample_rate=%f, dt is %s and picoseconds is %i' % (start_global_index, sample_rate,
                                                                                        dt, picoseconds))

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf52 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf52");
print("Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", 'i4', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0", 0, False, True);
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
result = data_object.rf_write(data);
print("done test 0");

print("Test 1 - use complex 1 byte ints, no compress, no checksum - channel 1");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk1 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk1");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk1", 'i1', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_1", 0, False, True);
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int8)
print("done test 1")
Exemple #5
files_per_directory = 10
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# test get unix time
dt, picoseconds = digital_rf_hdf5.get_unix_time(long(start_global_index), sample_rate)
print('For start_global_index=%i and sample_rate=%f, dt is %s and picoseconds is %i' % (start_global_index, sample_rate,
                                                                                        dt, picoseconds))

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf52 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf52");
print("Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", 'i4', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0", 0, False, True, num_subchannels=num_subchannels);
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
result = data_object.rf_write(data);
print("done test 0.1");

print("Test 0.1 - simple single write to multiple files using r/i struct layout, no compress, no checksum - channel 0.1");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0.1 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0.1");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0.1", 'i2', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0.1", 0, False, True, num_subchannels=num_subchannels);
result = data_object.rf_write(arr_data);
print("done test 0.1");

print("Test 0.11 - simple single write with one subchannel to multiple files using r/i struct layout, no compress, no checksum - channel 0.1");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0.11 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0.11");
# constants
sample_rate = 1.0E2
files_per_directory = 10
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5");
print("Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0");
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0");
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", 'i4', 40, files_per_directory, start_global_index,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0", 0, False, True, num_subchannels=num_subchannels);
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
for i in range(10):
    result = data_object.rf_write(data);
print("done write");

# set up fake realtime data by copying files
os.system('rm -rf /tmp/hdf52')
os.system('mkdir /tmp/hdf52')
os.system('mkdir /tmp/hdf52/junk1')
os.system('cp -r /tmp/hdf5/junk0/2014-03-09T12-30-30 /tmp/hdf52/junk1/')
os.system('mkdir /tmp/hdf52/junk1/2014-03-09T12-30-34')
files = glob.glob('/tmp/hdf5/junk0/2014-03-09T12-30-34/*')
for thisFile in files[:5]:
# data to write
data_int16 = numpy.zeros((WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE, 2), dtype='i2')
# make random
for i in range(WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE):
    j = i*2
    k = i*2 + 1
print('creating top level dir /tmp/benchmark')
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/benchmark ; mkdir /tmp/benchmark")

print("Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0")
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/benchmark/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/benchmark/junk0")
print("Start writing")
channelObj = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel('/tmp/benchmark/junk0', 'i2', FILE_SAMPLES, FILES_PER_DIR, start_global_index, SAMPLE_RATE, 'Fake_uuid', 0, False)
t = time.time()
for i in range(N_WRITES):
seconds = time.time() - t
speedMB = (N_WRITES*4*WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE)/(1.0E6*seconds)
print('Total time %i seconds, speed %1.2f MB/s' % (int(seconds), speedMB))

print("Test 1 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, with checksum - channel 1")
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/benchmark/junk1 ; mkdir /tmp/benchmark/junk1")
print("Start writing")
channelObj = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel('/tmp/benchmark/junk1', 'i2', FILE_SAMPLES, FILES_PER_DIR, start_global_index, SAMPLE_RATE, 'Fake_uuid', 0, True)
t = time.time()
for i in range(N_WRITES):
    'For start_global_index=%i and sample_rate=%f, dt is %s and picoseconds is %i'
    % (start_global_index, sample_rate, dt, picoseconds))

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5")
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf52 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf52")

    "Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0"
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0")
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk0", 'i4', 40,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_0", 0,
                                                 False, True)
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
result = data_object.rf_write(data)
print("done test 0")

print("Test 1 - use complex 1 byte ints, no compress, no checksum - channel 1")
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk1 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk1")
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel("/tmp/hdf5/junk1", 'i1', 40,
                                                 sample_rate, "FAKE_UUID_1", 0,
                                                 False, True)
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int8)
Exemple #9
# start 2014-03-09 12:30:30 plus one sample
start_global_index = (1394368230 * sample_rate) + 1

# set up top level directory
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5")

    "Test 0 - simple single write to multiple files, no compress, no checksum - channel 0"
os.system("rm -rf /tmp/hdf5/junk0 ; mkdir /tmp/hdf5/junk0")
data_object = digital_rf_hdf5.write_hdf5_channel(
data = numpy.array(base_data, numpy.int32)
for i in range(10):
    result = data_object.rf_write(data)
print("done write")

# set up fake realtime data by copying files
os.system('rm -rf /tmp/hdf52')
os.system('mkdir /tmp/hdf52')
os.system('mkdir /tmp/hdf52/junk1')