Exemple #1
 def test_keysigs(self):
     m = hashlib.sha256()
     m.update(b"Nobody respects")
     m.update(b" the spammish repetition")
     skx, pkx = genkeys(n, p, g)
     hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)
     sig = sign(skx, hm, p, g, q)
     self.assertTrue(verify(pkx, sig, hm, p, g, q))
     self.assertFalse(verify(pkx, sig, hm + 1, p, g, q))
Exemple #2
    def test_2(self):
        print("Test 2: test isValidTx() with some invalid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List RSAKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # add num randonm outputs to tx
            for j in range(num):
                # pick a random public address
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
            # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.hash, j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        utxoSet = utxoPool.getAllUTXO()
        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoSet))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoSet))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()
            uncorrupted = True
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nInput):
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value
            pCorrupt = 0.1
            for j in range(nInput):
                m = hashlib.sha256()
                hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)
                if (random.random() < pCorrupt):
                    hm += 1
                    uncorrupted = False
                keyPair = utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]]
                tx.addSignature(sign(keyPair[0], hm, p, g, q), j)

            if (isValidTx(tx, utxoPool) != uncorrupted):
                passes = False

# Test case
n, g, p, q = 256, 11189361631195852088154673407566885728548496486362662112597687161142104619469702160215294558351391466982303919803857229515093575816938371433954759500448775, 11220611807188583130302963536190351192186270126479330588604287699892081267588448305835704397593153801135202051719876685351614175538253684346816652027037363, 1218442816993522937915646204915776994404649089503
#m = hashlib.sha256()
#m.update(b"Nobody respects")
#m.update(b" the spammish repetition")

## Genesis Transaction
value = 100
idx = 0
h0 = hashlib.sha256()
t0 = Transaction()
t0.addInput(h0, idx)
sk0, pk0 = genkeys(n, p, g)
t0.addOutput(value, pk0)
m = hashlib.sha256()
hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)
sig0 = sign(sk0, hm, p, g, q)

t0.addSignature(sig0, idx)

# Convert genesis transaction to UTXO
ut = UTXO(t0.hash, idx)

# Add to UTXOPool
pool = UTXOPool()
pool.put(ut, t0.outputs)
Exemple #4
    def test_1(self):
        print("Test 1: test isValidTx() with valid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List DigSigKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # add num randonm outputs to tx
            for j in range(num):
                # pick a random public address
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
            # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        utxoSet = utxoPool.getAllUTXO()
        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoSet))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoSet))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nInput):
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value

            for j in range(nInput):
                         tx.getRawDataToSign(j), p, g), j)

            if (not txHandler.isValidTx(tx)):
                passes = False