def on_enabled_change(self, acct, _enabled, old, new): if is_im_account(acct) and (old != new) and (new is not None): if acct.enabled and not acct.connection: self.cancel_reconnect(acct) acct.connect() elif not acct.enabled: self.cancel_reconnect(acct) if acct.connection: acct.disconnect()
def _on_account_offline(self, src): ''' Notifies the buddylist sorter than an account is now offline. ''' sorter = getattr(self.profile.blist, 'new_sorter', None) if sorter is None: return if is_im_account(src) or src is self.profile:'informing the sorter that (%r, %r) went offline', src.username, src.protocol) on_thread('sorter').call(sorter.removeAccount, src.username, src.protocol)
def on_offline_change(self, src, attr, old, new): accounts_debug('%s\'s %s changed from %s to %s', src, attr, old, new) assert attr in ('offline_reason', None) attr = 'offline_reason' if new is None: new = getattr(src, attr) Reasons = StateMixin.Reasons conditions = ( old == new, # no change...this function shouldn't have been called in the first place new == StateMixin.Reasons.NONE, # normal offline state, doesn't matter ) if any(conditions): return log.debug('%s offline reason: %r->%r', src, old, new) if getattr(Reasons, 'WILL_RECONNECT', None) in (new, old): # something we set - ignore for now # new means we set it lower down in this function, old means we're moving out of this state, which should # not be an error. log.debug('Skipping the rest because reason is WILL_RECONNECT') return if new == getattr(Reasons, 'BAD_PASSWORD', None) and src is self.profile: if not self.profile.has_authorized: log.debug( 'Wrong password for digsbyprofile - not going to reconnect' ) return else: new = None if src is self.profile and not self.profile.loaded: log.debug( 'DigsbyProfile has never connected, not reconnecting after %s state.', new) return if (is_im_account(src) or src is self.profile) and new not in ( Reasons.BAD_PASSWORD, Reasons.NO_MAILBOX, Reasons.OTHER_USER, Reasons.RATE_LIMIT, Reasons.SERVER_ERROR): maxerror = (pref('%s.max_error_tolerance' % src.protocol, False) or getattr(src, 'max_error_tolerance', False) or pref('login.max_error_tolerance', False) or 4) count = src.error_count src.error_count += 1 '%s\'s error_count is now %d.', src, src.error_count, ) if (self.reconnect or src is self.profile): #and count < maxerror: if src in self.reconnect_timers: src.error_count -= 1 # account is already scheduled for a reconnect return src.setnotifyif('offline_reason', Reasons.WILL_RECONNECT) # schedule/attempt reconnect reconnect_time = get((1, 10, 30, 300), count, 300) if src in self.accounts or src is self.profile: profile_on_return = False if src is self.profile: log.critical( 'Going to try to reconnect the digsbyprofile. This could get interesting...' ) reconnect_time, profile_on_return = self.get_profile_reconnect_time( ) def rct():'Reconnecting %s...', src) try: log.warning( 'src=%r...setting on_connect to change_state', src) if src is self.profile: def set_online(*a, **k): src.connection.setnotify( 'state', StateMixin.Statuses.ONLINE) src.on_connect = set_online if getattr(src, 'connection', None) is None: src._reconnect() else: log.error( 'There was already a connection for this account that was supposed to reconnect: %r', src) except Exception, e: log.critical( 'Error while trying to reconnect %s (error was: %r)', src, e) traceback.print_exc() x = self.reconnect_timers.pop(src, None) if x is not None: x.stop() 'Starting reconnect timer for %s. Will reconnect in %d seconds %r', src, reconnect_time, self.state_desc(src)) self.reconnect_timers[src] = rct_timer = call_later( reconnect_time, threaded(rct)) if profile_on_return: def reconnect_profile_now(*a, **k): rct_timer.done_at = 0 wakeup_timeout_thread() self.profile.OnReturnFromIdle += reconnect_profile_now return else: assert isinstance(src, UpdateMixin) # this is a social or email account -- it has its own timers and things # and will attempt the next update when appropriate return'Error count too high, or reconnect disabled.')
class AccountManager(Observable, HashedAccounts): def __init__(self, profile): Observable.__init__(self) self.accounts_loaded = False self.profile = profile self.connected_accounts = ObservableList() self.reconnect_timers = {} # holds "cancel" objects from Popups self.cancellers = {} self.profile.add_observer(self.on_state_change, 'state') self.profile.add_observer(self.on_offline_change, 'offline_reason') self.profile.add_observer(self.profile_state_changed, 'state') import wx wx.GetApp().OnBuddyListShown.append(lambda *a, **k: Timer( .25, threaded(self.release_accounts), *a, **k).start()) self._hash = sentinel self.got_accounts = False self.acct_calls = Delegate() self.delay_accounts = True self.acct_delay_lock = RLock() self._all_acct_hash = {} self.last_server_order = None self._all_accounts = Storage() for type_ in ('im', 'em', 'so'): s = Storage(accounts=ObservableList(), old=[]) setattr(self._all_accounts, type_, s) # when the order of accounts changes, or accounts are added or deleted, # calls profile.accounts_changed('im', list) s.accounts.add_observer(getattr(self, type_ + '_accounts_changed')) self.accounts = self.emailaccounts = self._all_accounts.em.accounts self.socialaccounts = self.buddywatcher = BuddyWatcher() import services.service_provider as sp container = sp.ServiceProviderContainer(self.profile) container.on_order_changed += self._set_order def get_account_for_protocol(self, proto): for account in self.connected_im_accounts: if getattr(account, 'connection', None) is proto: return account return None def find_account(self, username, protocol): for acct in self.all_accounts: if acct.username == username and acct.protocol == protocol: return acct return None @property def connected_im_accounts(self): 'A list of all connected IM accounts.' accts = list(self.connected_accounts) if self.profile in accts: accts.remove(self.profile) return accts def get_im_account(self, username, service): for acct in self.connected_accounts: conn = acct.connection if conn is not None: if == service and conn.username == username: return acct @property def all_accounts(self): 'Returns all IM, social, and email accounts in one list.' return self.accounts + self.emailaccounts + self.socialaccounts def profile_state_changed(self, src, attr, old, new): ''' notify target. used to initiate retrieval of accounts from the server when the profile goes online ''' assert src == self.profile assert attr == 'state' from digsby import protocol as digsby_protocol if old == new: return if new == digsby_protocol.Statuses.SYNC_PREFS: with traceguard: self.profile.connection.get_accounts( success=lambda stanza: self.finished_get( digsby.accounts.Accounts(stanza.get_query()))) def _xfrm_sort(self, src, cls, pred): ''' Filters sequence src by predicate pred, and sorts src by its 'order' attribute. Transforms elements by calling cls.from_net on each. ''' from common.protocolmeta import protocols, proto_init accounts = [] for x in src: if pred(x): with traceguard: if x.protocol not in protocols:'don\'t know what kind of account %r is: %r', x.protocol, x) continue if protocols.get(x.protocol, {}).get('smtp_pw_type', False): cls2 = proto_init(x.protocol) acct = cls2.from_net(x) else: acct = cls.from_net(x) accounts.append(acct) return sorted(accounts, key=lambda x: src.order.index( if in src.order else len(src)) def maybe_delay_accounts(self, cb): ''' if self.delay_accounts is True, calls cb later and returns True. ''' with self.acct_delay_lock: if self.delay_accounts: self.acct_calls.append(cb) return True def load_from_identity(self, identity=None): ''' isolating the behavior required to support identities without completely trashing the rest of the existing code. ''' self.setnotify('got_accounts', True) accounts = identity.load_data('accounts') self.replace_local(accounts, do_save=False) self.setnotify('accounts_loaded', True) def finished_get(self, accounts): ''' this is the response to a get request to the server. since we currently only request the entire list, the value we get here should be a complete representation of what the server has at this moment ''' self.setnotify('got_accounts', True) if self.maybe_delay_accounts(lambda: self.finished_get(accounts)): return if self._all_acct_hash != accounts.calc_hash(): accounts_debug( "!!!!! last known server list is not the same as the server") accounts_debug('all_acct_hash: %r', self._all_acct_hash) accounts_debug('calc_hash(): %r', accounts.calc_hash()) self.replace_local(accounts) #or if the last recorded server order is not the same as the server now. elif self.last_server_order != accounts.order: accounts_debug( "!!!!! the last recorded server order is not the same as the server now." ) accounts_debug('last_server_order: %r', self.last_server_order) accounts_debug('accounts.order(): %r', accounts.order) self.replace_local(accounts) #if we made it this far, the server hasn't changed since we last heard #from it, therefore, push changes (if any) to the server. else: accounts_debug('!!!!! update_server') self.update_server(accounts) self.setnotify('accounts_loaded', True) def load_from_local(self, accounts, last_known_server_hash, last_server_order): self.setnotify('got_accounts', True) if self.maybe_delay_accounts(lambda: self.load_from_local( accounts, last_known_server_hash, last_server_order)): return self.replace_local(accounts, do_save=False) accounts_debug('_all_acct_hash: %r,\nlast_known_server_hash:%r', self._all_acct_hash, last_known_server_hash) self._all_acct_hash = last_known_server_hash accounts_debug('last_server_order: %r,\nlast_server_order:%r', self.last_server_order, last_server_order) self.last_server_order = last_server_order self.setnotify('accounts_loaded', True) def do_load_local_notification(self): if sys.opts.start_offline: return # if --online was passed on the command line, don't show a popup if self.maybe_delay_accounts(self.do_load_local_notification): return log.debug('local mode popup') fire( 'error', title=_('Digsby is running in "Local Mode"'), major='', minor= _('Changes to Digsby preferences may not synchronize to your other PCs right away' ), onclick=LOCAL_MODE_URL) def replace_local(self, accounts, do_save=True): ''' This function should replace the local list with the server list ''' accounts_debug('replace local') # find common simple hashes server_list = dict((a.min_hash(), a) for a in accounts) accounts_debug('server_list: %r, %r', server_list, accounts) local_list = dict((a.min_hash(), a) for a in self) accounts_debug('local_list: %r, %r', local_list, list(self)) common = set(server_list.keys()).intersection(set(local_list.keys())) accounts_debug('common: %r', common) # update update = [server_list[k] for k in common] accounts_debug('update: %r', update) # delete remainder of local list local_del = set(local_list.keys()) - common accounts_debug('local_del: %r', local_del) delete = [local_list[k] for k in local_del] accounts_debug('delete: %r', delete) # add remainder of new list remote_add = set(server_list.keys()) - common accounts_debug('remote_add: %r', remote_add) add = [server_list[k] for k in remote_add] accounts_debug('add: %r', add) # get rid of hashes for things that don't exist anymore. # can happen between logins when the server has changed, # though it should also require something to have happened locally. disappeared = (set(self._all_acct_hash.keys()) - set( for a in accounts)) - set( for a in self) for k in disappeared: self._all_acct_hash.pop(k, None) from digsby.accounts.accounts import Accounts add = Accounts(add, order=accounts.order) import services.service_provider as sp with sp.ServiceProviderContainer( self.profile).rebuilding() as container: self.acct_del(delete) self.acct_add(add) self.acct_update(update) container.rebuild(self) self.order_set(accounts.order) if do_save: self.save_all_info() def update_server(self, accounts): ''' This function should do the minmal amount of work required to synchronize our local list to the server and other remote clients. ''' accounts_debug('!!!!! update server list') server_list = dict((, a) for a in accounts) accounts_debug('server_list: %r', server_list) local_list = dict((, a) for a in self) accounts_debug('local_list: %r', local_list) common = set(server_list.keys()).intersection(set(local_list.keys())) accounts_debug('common: %r', common) #update update = [] for k in common: if local_list[k].total_hash() != server_list[k].total_hash(): accounts_debug("update append: %r != %r", local_list[k].total_hash(), server_list[k].total_hash()) update.append(local_list[k]) accounts_debug("update: %r", update) #delete remainder of local list remote_del = set(server_list.keys()) - common delete = [] for k in remote_del: delete.append(server_list[k]) accounts_debug("delete: %r", delete) #add remainder of new list remote_add = set(local_list.keys()) - common add = [] for k in remote_add: add.append(local_list[k]) accounts_debug("add: %r", add) conn = self.profile.connection from digsby.accounts import ADD, DELETE, UPDATE order = self.order[:] def set_order(*args, **kwargs): self.last_server_order = order def new_done(func=None): done = Delegate() if func is not None: done += func done += set_order done += self.save_server_info return done for a in delete: accounts_debug('deleting: %r, %r', a, def del_id(_, a=a): self._all_acct_hash.pop(, None) done = new_done(del_id) if SAVE_ACCOUNTS: conn.set_account(a, action=DELETE, order=order, success=done) for _accounts, action in ((update, UPDATE), (add, ADD)): for a in _accounts: accounts_debug('%s: %r, %r, a.total_hash(): %r', action, a,, a.total_hash()) h = a.total_hash() def on_update(_, a=a, h=h): a.store_hash(h) self._all_acct_hash[] = h done = new_done(on_update) if SAVE_ACCOUNTS: conn.set_account(a, action=action, order=order, success=done) if self.profile.order != accounts.order: done = new_done() if SAVE_ACCOUNTS: conn.set_accounts(order=order, success=done) def update_account(self, account, force=False): ''' Called when an account changes. If the account is flagged that we are on the network thread (or at least as a result of network changes), then this does nothing. Otherwise, the account + new account order are pushed to the server in an update. ''' self.save_local_info() return if not SAVE_ACCOUNTS: return if account.isflagged(DELETING): return if force or not account.isflagged(NETWORK_FLAG): h = account.total_hash() order = self.order[:] try: def done(*a, **k): import services.service_provider as sp opts = account.get_options() sp.get_provider_for_account(account).update_info(opts) self.last_server_order = order account.store_hash(h) self._all_acct_hash[] = account._total_hash self.save_server_info() if not force and h == account._total_hash and order == self.last_server_order \ and self._all_acct_hash[] == account._total_hash: return self.profile.connection.set_account(account, action='update', order=order, success=done) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def acct_del(self, accts): ''' Network account delete. ''' for acct in accts: for account in self: if == acct2 = account break else: acct2 = None if acct2 is not None: with self.accounts_flagged(NETWORK_FLAG): if get(acct2, 'enabled', False): acct2.enabled = False self.remove(acct2) self._all_acct_hash.pop(, None) from gui import toast for id in getattr(acct2, 'popupids', ()): toast.cancel_id(id) def _get_order(self): self_order = oset([ for a in self]) import services.service_provider as sp container = sp.ServiceProviderContainer(self.profile) sp_order = oset(container.get_order()) return list(sp_order | self_order) def _set_order(self, new): import services.service_provider as sp lookup = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in enumerate(new)) newlen = len(new) for k in ('im', 'em', 'so'): self._all_accounts[k].accounts.sort( key=lambda a: lookup.get(, newlen)) container = sp.ServiceProviderContainer(self.profile) container.set_order(new) order = property(_get_order, _set_order) def order_set(self, order): ''' An order update, coming from the network. ''' with self.accounts_flagged(NETWORK_FLAG): self.order = order[:] self.last_server_order = order[:] def accounts_set(self, stanza=None, accounts=None): ''' Handle incoming network changes to the accounts list. ''' if stanza is None: assert accounts else: accounts = digsby.accounts.Accounts(stanza.get_query()) if self.maybe_delay_accounts( lambda: self.accounts_set(accounts=accounts)): return from digsby.accounts import ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, Accounts del_accts = [acct for acct in accounts if acct.action == DELETE] add_accts = [ acct for acct in accounts if acct.action == ADD or acct.action == None ] mod_accts = [acct for acct in accounts if acct.action == UPDATE] del_accts = Accounts(del_accts, accounts.order) add_accts = Accounts(add_accts, accounts.order) mod_accts = Accounts(mod_accts, accounts.order) import services.service_provider as sp with sp.ServiceProviderContainer( self.profile).rebuilding() as container: self.acct_del(del_accts) self.acct_add(add_accts) self.acct_update(mod_accts) self.save_all_info() container.rebuild(self) self.order_set(accounts.order) def acct_add(self, accts): ''' Network account add. ''' with self.accounts_flagged(NETWORK_FLAG): self.add_all(accts) def acct_update(self, accts): ''' Network account update. ''' for acct in accts: real_acct = [a for a in self if ==][0] info = dict(name=acct.username, password=acct.password, protocol=acct.protocol,, **cPickle.loads( with real_acct.flagged(NETWORK_FLAG): real_acct.update_info(**info) real_acct.store_hash() self._all_acct_hash[] = real_acct._total_hash @contextmanager def accounts_flagged(self, flags): ''' convenience function, nests the context managers of all account types and flags each with these flags. ''' with nested(*[ accts.accounts.flagged(flags) for accts in self._all_accounts.values() ]): yield def release_accounts(self, autologin=False): ''' function to be called to apply all network account changes received from the network. ''' with self.acct_delay_lock: self.delay_accounts = False self.acct_calls.call_and_clear() import plugin_manager.plugin_hub as plugin_hub plugin_hub.act('digsby.accounts.released.async') if autologin and sys.opts.autologin_accounts: log.debug('doing autologin') self.autologin() def autologin(self): 'Auto login all accounts with autologin enabled.' for account in self: if is_im_account(account) and getattr(account, 'autologin', False): with_traceback(account.connect) def __iter__(self): #needs update to interleave based on overall order return itertools.chain(self.accounts, self.emailaccounts, self.socialaccounts) @property def reconnect(self): return pref('login.reconnect.attempt', False) @property def reconnect_times(self): return pref('login.reconnect.attempt_times', 5) def watch_account(self, acct): acct.add_observer(self.on_enabled_change, 'enabled') acct.add_observer(self.on_state_change, 'state') acct.add_observer(self.on_offline_change, 'offline_reason') def unwatch_account(self, acct): acct.remove_observer(self.on_enabled_change, 'enabled') acct.remove_observer(self.on_state_change, 'state') acct.remove_observer(self.on_offline_change, 'offline_reason') @util.callsback def disconnect_all(self, callback=None): ''' Call (D|d)isconnect on all accounts and set_enabled(False) if appropriate. After they all go to OFFLINE state, call callback.success. ''' self.disconnect_cb = callback for a in self.connected_accounts[:]: if a is not self.profile: log.debug(' im: Calling "disconnect" on %r', a) with traceguard: a.disconnect() for a in self.emailaccounts: with traceguard: if a.state != a.Statuses.OFFLINE: log.debug( ' email: Calling "disconnect", "set_enabled(False)" on %r', a) a.set_enabled(False) a.disconnect() for a in self.socialaccounts: with traceguard: if a.state != a.Statuses.OFFLINE: log.debug( ' social: Calling "Disconnect", "set_enabled(False)" on %r', a) a.set_enabled(False) a.Disconnect() self._check_all_offline() def all_active_accounts(self): ''' Like self.connected_accounts but also for email and social accounts ''' accts = self.connected_accounts[:] try: accts.remove(self.profile) except ValueError: pass return accts def _check_all_offline(self): if getattr(self, 'disconnect_cb', None) is not None: active = self.all_active_accounts() if not active: # This attribute is ONLY set when disconnect_all is called. dccb, self.disconnect_cb = self.disconnect_cb, None log.debug( 'All accounts disconnected, calling disconnect callback: %r', dccb.success) import wx wx.CallAfter(dccb.success) else: log.debug('All accounts not disconnected yet, remaining = %r', active) def on_state_change(self, src, attr, old, new): assert attr in ('state', None) hooks.notify('account.state', src, new) # Update "connected_accounts" list conn = [a for a in self.accounts + [self.profile] if a.connected] if self.connected_accounts != conn: self.connected_accounts[:] = conn if new != StateMixin.Statuses.OFFLINE: if src in self.cancellers: self.cancellers.pop(src).cancel() x = self.reconnect_timers.pop(src, None) if x is not None: x.stop() if new == StateMixin.Statuses.OFFLINE: self._on_account_offline(src) self._check_all_offline() if new == StateMixin.Statuses.ONLINE: src.error_count = 0 # for IM accounts signing on, set their profile. if src in self.accounts: self.profile.set_formatted_profile(src.connection) def _on_account_offline(self, src): ''' Notifies the buddylist sorter than an account is now offline. ''' sorter = getattr(self.profile.blist, 'new_sorter', None) if sorter is None: return if is_im_account(src) or src is self.profile:'informing the sorter that (%r, %r) went offline', src.username, src.protocol) on_thread('sorter').call(sorter.removeAccount, src.username, src.protocol) def on_offline_change(self, src, attr, old, new): accounts_debug('%s\'s %s changed from %s to %s', src, attr, old, new) assert attr in ('offline_reason', None) attr = 'offline_reason' if new is None: new = getattr(src, attr) Reasons = StateMixin.Reasons conditions = ( old == new, # no change...this function shouldn't have been called in the first place new == StateMixin.Reasons.NONE, # normal offline state, doesn't matter ) if any(conditions): return log.debug('%s offline reason: %r->%r', src, old, new) if getattr(Reasons, 'WILL_RECONNECT', None) in (new, old): # something we set - ignore for now # new means we set it lower down in this function, old means we're moving out of this state, which should # not be an error. log.debug('Skipping the rest because reason is WILL_RECONNECT') return if new == getattr(Reasons, 'BAD_PASSWORD', None) and src is self.profile: if not self.profile.has_authorized: log.debug( 'Wrong password for digsbyprofile - not going to reconnect' ) return else: new = None if src is self.profile and not self.profile.loaded: log.debug( 'DigsbyProfile has never connected, not reconnecting after %s state.', new) return if (is_im_account(src) or src is self.profile) and new not in ( Reasons.BAD_PASSWORD, Reasons.NO_MAILBOX, Reasons.OTHER_USER, Reasons.RATE_LIMIT, Reasons.SERVER_ERROR): maxerror = (pref('%s.max_error_tolerance' % src.protocol, False) or getattr(src, 'max_error_tolerance', False) or pref('login.max_error_tolerance', False) or 4) count = src.error_count src.error_count += 1 '%s\'s error_count is now %d.', src, src.error_count, ) if (self.reconnect or src is self.profile): #and count < maxerror: if src in self.reconnect_timers: src.error_count -= 1 # account is already scheduled for a reconnect return src.setnotifyif('offline_reason', Reasons.WILL_RECONNECT) # schedule/attempt reconnect reconnect_time = get((1, 10, 30, 300), count, 300) if src in self.accounts or src is self.profile: profile_on_return = False if src is self.profile: log.critical( 'Going to try to reconnect the digsbyprofile. This could get interesting...' ) reconnect_time, profile_on_return = self.get_profile_reconnect_time( ) def rct():'Reconnecting %s...', src) try: log.warning( 'src=%r...setting on_connect to change_state', src) if src is self.profile: def set_online(*a, **k): src.connection.setnotify( 'state', StateMixin.Statuses.ONLINE) src.on_connect = set_online if getattr(src, 'connection', None) is None: src._reconnect() else: log.error( 'There was already a connection for this account that was supposed to reconnect: %r', src) except Exception, e: log.critical( 'Error while trying to reconnect %s (error was: %r)', src, e) traceback.print_exc() x = self.reconnect_timers.pop(src, None) if x is not None: x.stop() 'Starting reconnect timer for %s. Will reconnect in %d seconds %r', src, reconnect_time, self.state_desc(src)) self.reconnect_timers[src] = rct_timer = call_later( reconnect_time, threaded(rct)) if profile_on_return: def reconnect_profile_now(*a, **k): rct_timer.done_at = 0 wakeup_timeout_thread() self.profile.OnReturnFromIdle += reconnect_profile_now return else: assert isinstance(src, UpdateMixin) # this is a social or email account -- it has its own timers and things # and will attempt the next update when appropriate return'Error count too high, or reconnect disabled.') elif not is_im_account(src): '%r is not an IM account. skipped a bunch of error_count/reconnect stuff.', src)
def autologin(self): 'Auto login all accounts with autologin enabled.' for account in self: if is_im_account(account) and getattr(account, 'autologin', False): with_traceback(account.connect)
def on_offline_change(self, src, attr, old, new): accounts_debug('%s\'s %s changed from %s to %s', src, attr, old, new) assert attr in ('offline_reason', None) attr = 'offline_reason' if new is None: new = getattr(src, attr) Reasons = StateMixin.Reasons conditions = (old == new, # no change...this function shouldn't have been called in the first place new == StateMixin.Reasons.NONE, # normal offline state, doesn't matter ) if any(conditions): return log.debug('%s offline reason: %r->%r', src, old, new) if getattr(Reasons, 'WILL_RECONNECT', None) in (new, old): # something we set - ignore for now # new means we set it lower down in this function, old means we're moving out of this state, which should # not be an error. log.debug('Skipping the rest because reason is WILL_RECONNECT') return if new == getattr(Reasons, 'BAD_PASSWORD', None) and src is self.profile: if not self.profile.has_authorized: log.debug('Wrong password for digsbyprofile - not going to reconnect') return else: new = None if src is self.profile and not self.profile.loaded: log.debug('DigsbyProfile has never connected, not reconnecting after %s state.', new) return if (is_im_account(src) or src is self.profile) and new not in (Reasons.BAD_PASSWORD, Reasons.NO_MAILBOX, Reasons.OTHER_USER, Reasons.RATE_LIMIT, Reasons.SERVER_ERROR): maxerror = (pref('%s.max_error_tolerance' % src.protocol, False) or getattr(src, 'max_error_tolerance', False) or pref('login.max_error_tolerance', False) or 4 ) count = src.error_count src.error_count += 1'%s\'s error_count is now %d.', src, src.error_count,) if (self.reconnect or src is self.profile): #and count < maxerror: if src in self.reconnect_timers: src.error_count -= 1 # account is already scheduled for a reconnect return src.setnotifyif('offline_reason', Reasons.WILL_RECONNECT) # schedule/attempt reconnect reconnect_time = get((1,10,30,300), count, 300) if src in self.accounts or src is self.profile: profile_on_return = False if src is self.profile: log.critical('Going to try to reconnect the digsbyprofile. This could get interesting...') reconnect_time, profile_on_return = self.get_profile_reconnect_time() def rct():'Reconnecting %s...', src) try: log.warning('src=%r...setting on_connect to change_state', src) if src is self.profile: def set_online(*a, **k): src.connection.setnotify('state', StateMixin.Statuses.ONLINE) src.on_connect = set_online if getattr(src, 'connection', None) is None: src._reconnect() else: log.error('There was already a connection for this account that was supposed to reconnect: %r', src) except Exception, e: log.critical('Error while trying to reconnect %s (error was: %r)', src, e) traceback.print_exc() x = self.reconnect_timers.pop(src,None) if x is not None: x.stop()'Starting reconnect timer for %s. Will reconnect in %d seconds %r', src, reconnect_time, self.state_desc(src)) self.reconnect_timers[src] = rct_timer = call_later(reconnect_time, threaded(rct)) if profile_on_return: def reconnect_profile_now(*a, **k): rct_timer.done_at = 0 wakeup_timeout_thread() self.profile.OnReturnFromIdle += reconnect_profile_now return else: assert isinstance(src, UpdateMixin) # this is a social or email account -- it has its own timers and things # and will attempt the next update when appropriate return'Error count too high, or reconnect disabled.')