Exemple #1
class CObservationAddendum(OldDocument):
    observed_date = DateProperty()
    art_observations = SchemaListProperty(CObservation)
    nonart_observations = SchemaListProperty(CObservation)
    created_by = StringProperty()
    created_date = OldDateTimeProperty()
    notes = StringProperty()  # placeholder if need be

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'pact'
Exemple #2
class Dhis2FormConfig(DocumentSchema):
    xmlns = StringProperty(required=True)
    program_id = StringProperty(required=True)
    enrollment_date = DictProperty(required=False)
    incident_date = DictProperty(required=False)
    program_stage_id = DictProperty(required=False)
    program_status = DictProperty(
        required=False, default={"value": DHIS2_PROGRAM_STATUS_ACTIVE})
    org_unit_id = DictProperty(
        default={"form_user_ancestor_location_field": LOCATION_DHIS_ID})
    event_date = DictProperty(required=True,
                                  "form_question": "/metadata/received_on",
                                  "external_data_type": DHIS2_DATA_TYPE_DATE,
    event_status = DictProperty(
        required=False, default={"value": DHIS2_EVENT_STATUS_COMPLETED})
    completed_date = DictProperty(required=False)
    datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(FormDataValueMap)
    event_location = DictProperty(required=False, default={})

    def wrap(cls, data):
        if isinstance(data.get('org_unit_id'), str):
            # Convert org_unit_id from a string to a ConstantValue
            data['org_unit_id'] = {'value': data['org_unit_id']}
        if isinstance(data.get('event_status'), str):
            data['event_status'] = {'value': data['event_status']}
        if isinstance(data.get('program_status'), str):
            data['program_status'] = {'value': data['program_status']}
        return super(Dhis2FormConfig, cls).wrap(data)
Exemple #3
class ApplicationAccess(QuickCachedDocumentMixin, Document):
    This is used to control which users/groups can access which applications on cloudcare.
    domain = StringProperty()
    app_groups = SchemaListProperty(AppGroup, default=[])
    restrict = BooleanProperty(default=False)
Exemple #4
class DataSetMap(Document):
    # domain and UCR uniquely identify a DataSetMap
    domain = StringProperty()
    connection_settings_id = IntegerProperty(required=False, default=None)
    ucr_id = StringProperty()  # UCR ReportConfig id

    description = StringProperty()
    frequency = StringProperty(choices=SEND_FREQUENCIES, default=SEND_FREQUENCY_MONTHLY)
    # Day of the month for monthly/quarterly frequency. Day of the week
    # for weekly frequency. Uses ISO-8601, where Monday = 1, Sunday = 7.
    day_to_send = IntegerProperty()
    data_set_id = StringProperty()  # If UCR adds values to an existing DataSet
    org_unit_id = StringProperty()  # If all values are for the same OrganisationUnit.
    org_unit_column = StringProperty()  # if not org_unit_id: use org_unit_column
    period = StringProperty()  # If all values are for the same period. Monthly is YYYYMM, quarterly is YYYYQ#
    period_column = StringProperty()  # if not period: use period_column

    attribute_option_combo_id = StringProperty()  # Optional. DHIS2 defaults this to categoryOptionCombo
    complete_date = StringProperty()  # Optional
    complete_date_option = StringProperty(
    complete_date_column = StringProperty()  # Optional

    datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(DataValueMap)

    def connection_settings(self):
        if self.connection_settings_id:
            return ConnectionSettings.objects.get(pk=self.connection_settings_id)

    def pk(self):
        return self._id
Exemple #5
class CustomDataFieldsDefinition(SyncCouchToSQLMixin, QuickCachedDocumentMixin,
    Per-project user-defined fields such as custom user data.
    field_type = StringProperty()
    base_doc = "CustomDataFieldsDefinition"
    domain = StringProperty()
    fields = SchemaListProperty(CustomDataField)

    def _migration_get_fields(cls):
        return ["domain", "field_type"]

    def _migration_sync_to_sql(self, sql_object):
        for field_name in self._migration_get_fields():
            value = getattr(self, field_name)
            setattr(sql_object, field_name, value)
        if not sql_object.id:
            ) for field in self.fields

    def _migration_get_sql_model_class(cls):
        return SQLCustomDataFieldsDefinition
Exemple #6
class Dhis2FormConfig(DocumentSchema):
    xmlns = StringProperty(required=True)
    program_id = StringProperty(required=True)
    org_unit_id = SchemaProperty(
    event_date = SchemaProperty(ValueSource,
    event_status = StringProperty(
    completed_date = SchemaProperty(ValueSource, required=False)
    datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(FormDataValueMap)

    def wrap(cls, data):
        if isinstance(data.get('org_unit_id'), str):
            # Convert org_unit_id from a string to a ConstantString
            data['org_unit_id'] = {
                'doc_type': 'ConstantString',
                'value': data['org_unit_id']
        return super(Dhis2FormConfig, cls).wrap(data)
Exemple #7
class Dhis2CaseConfig(DocumentSchema):
    A Dhis2CaseConfig maps a case type to a tracked entity type.
    case_type = StringProperty()

    # The ID of the Tracked Entity type. e.g. the ID of "Person"
    te_type_id = StringProperty()

    # CommCare case indices to export as DHIS2 relationships
    relationships_to_export = SchemaListProperty(RelationshipConfig)

    # The case property to store the ID of the corresponding Tracked
    # Entity instance. If this is not set, MOTECH will search for a
    # matching Tracked Entity on every payload.
    tei_id = DictProperty()

    # The corresponding Org Unit of the case's location
    org_unit_id = DictProperty()

    # Attribute Type ID to case property / constant
    attributes = DictProperty()

    # Events for this Tracked Entity:
    form_configs = ListProperty(Dhis2FormConfig)

    finder_config = SchemaProperty(FinderConfig)
Exemple #8
class GroupExportConfiguration(Document):
    An export configuration allows you to setup a collection of exports
    that all run together. Used by the management command or a scheduled
    job to run a bunch of exports on a schedule.
    full_exports = SchemaListProperty(ExportConfiguration)
    custom_export_ids = StringListProperty()

    def get_custom_exports(self):
        for custom in list(self.custom_export_ids):
            custom_export = self._get_custom(custom)
            if custom_export:
                yield custom_export

    def _get_custom(self, custom_id):
        Get a custom export, or delete it's reference if not found
            return SavedExportSchema.get(custom_id)
        except ResourceNotFound:
            except ValueError:

    def all_configs(self):
        Return an iterator of config-like objects that include the
        main configs + the custom export configs.
        return [full for full in self.full_exports] + \
               [custom.to_export_config() for custom in self.get_custom_exports()]

    def all_export_schemas(self):
        Return an iterator of ExportSchema-like objects that include the
        main configs + the custom export configs.
        for full in self.full_exports:
            yield DefaultExportSchema(index=full.index, type=full.type)
        for custom in self.get_custom_exports():
            yield custom

    def all_exports(self):
        Returns an iterator of tuples consisting of the export config
        and an ExportSchema-like document that can be used to get at
        the data.
        return list(zip(self.all_configs, self.all_export_schemas))
class IndexedCaseMapping(DocumentSchema):
    identifier = StringProperty(required=True,
    case_type = StringProperty(required=True)
    relationship = StringProperty(required=True,

    # Sets case property values of a new extension case or child case.
    case_properties = SchemaListProperty(ValueSource, required=True)
Exemple #10
class FieldList(DocumentSchema):
        List of fields for different combinations of properties
    field_list = SchemaListProperty(FixtureItemField)

    def to_api_json(self):
        value = self.to_json()
        del value['doc_type']
        for field in value['field_list']:
            del field['doc_type']
        return value
Exemple #11
class ApplicationAccess(QuickCachedDocumentMixin, Document):
    This is used to control which users/groups can access which applications on cloudcare.
    domain = StringProperty()
    app_groups = SchemaListProperty(AppGroup, default=[])
    restrict = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    def get_by_domain(cls, domain):
        from corehq.apps.cloudcare.dbaccessors import get_application_access_for_domain
        self = get_application_access_for_domain(domain)
        return self or cls(domain=domain)

    def clear_caches(self):
        from corehq.apps.cloudcare.dbaccessors import get_application_access_for_domain
        super(ApplicationAccess, self).clear_caches()

    def user_can_access_app(self, user, app):
        user_id = user['_id']
        app_id = app['_id']
        if not self.restrict or user['doc_type'] == 'WebUser':
            return True
        app_group = None
        for app_group in self.app_groups:
            if app_group.app_id in (app_id, app['copy_of'] or ()):
        if app_group:
            return Group.user_in_group(user_id, app_group.group_id)
            return False

    def get_template_json(cls, domain, apps):
        app_ids = dict([(app['_id'], app) for app in apps])
        self = ApplicationAccess.get_by_domain(domain)
        j = self.to_json()
        merged_access_list = []
        for a in j['app_groups']:
            app_id = a['app_id']
            if app_id in app_ids:
                del app_ids[app_id]
        for app in app_ids.values():
            merged_access_list.append({'app_id': app['_id'], 'group_id': None})
        j['app_groups'] = merged_access_list
        return j
Exemple #12
class Dhis2FormConfig(DocumentSchema):
    xmlns = StringProperty()
    program_id = StringProperty(required=True)
    org_unit_id = SchemaProperty(ValueSource, required=False)
    event_date = SchemaProperty(ValueSource, required=True)
    event_status = StringProperty(
    datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(FormDataValueMap)

    def wrap(cls, data):
        if isinstance(data.get('org_unit_id'), str):
            # Convert org_unit_id from a string to a ConstantString
            data['org_unit_id'] = {
                'doc_type': 'ConstantString',
                'value': data['org_unit_id']
        return super(Dhis2FormConfig, cls).wrap(data)
Exemple #13
class CaseState(LooselyEqualDocumentSchema, IndexHoldingMixIn):
    Represents the state of a case on a phone.

    case_id = StringProperty()
    type = StringProperty()
    indices = SchemaListProperty(CommCareCaseIndex)

    def from_case(cls, case):
        if isinstance(case, dict):
            return cls.wrap({
                'case_id': case['_id'],
                'type': case['type'],
                'indices': case['indices'],

        return cls(
Exemple #14
class StaticDataSourceConfiguration(JsonObject):
    For custom data sources maintained in the repository.

    This class keeps the full list of static data source configurations relevant to the
    current environment in memory and upon requests builds a new data source configuration
    from the static config.

    See 0002-keep-static-ucr-configurations-in-memory.md
    _datasource_id_prefix = STATIC_PREFIX
    domains = ListProperty(required=True)
    server_environment = ListProperty(required=True)
    config = DictProperty()
    mirrored_engine_ids = SchemaListProperty(MirroredEngineIds)

    def get_doc_id(cls, domain, table_id):
        return '{}{}-{}'.format(cls._datasource_id_prefix, domain, table_id)

    def by_id_mapping(cls):
        """Memoized method that maps domains to static data source config"""
        return {
            cls.get_doc_id(domain, wrapped.config['table_id']): (domain, wrapped)
            for wrapped in cls._all()
            for domain in wrapped.domains

    def _all(cls):
        :return: Generator of all wrapped configs read from disk
        def __get_all():
            paths = list(settings.STATIC_DATA_SOURCES)
            for path_or_glob in paths:
                if os.path.isfile(path_or_glob):
                    yield _get_wrapped_object_from_file(path_or_glob, cls)
                    files = glob.glob(path_or_glob)
                    for path in files:
                        yield _get_wrapped_object_from_file(path, cls)

            for provider_path in settings.STATIC_DATA_SOURCE_PROVIDERS:
                provider_fn = to_function(provider_path, failhard=True)
                for wrapped, path in provider_fn():
                    yield wrapped

        return __get_all() if settings.UNIT_TESTING else _filter_by_server_env(__get_all())

    def all(cls):
        """Unoptimized method that get's all configs by re-reading from disk"""
        for wrapped in cls._all():
            for domain in wrapped.domains:
                yield cls._get_datasource_config(wrapped, domain)

    def by_domain(cls, domain):
        return [
            cls._get_datasource_config(wrapped, dom)
            for dom, wrapped in cls.by_id_mapping().values()
            if domain == dom

    def by_id(cls, config_id):
            domain, wrapped = cls.by_id_mapping()[config_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise StaticDataSourceConfigurationNotFoundError(_(
                'The data source %(config_id)s referenced by this report could not be found.'
            ) % {'config_id': config_id})

        return cls._get_datasource_config(wrapped, domain)

    def _get_datasource_config(cls, static_config, domain):
        doc = deepcopy(static_config.to_json()['config'])
        doc['domain'] = domain
        doc['_id'] = cls.get_doc_id(domain, doc['table_id'])

        def _get_mirrored_engine_ids():
            for env in static_config.mirrored_engine_ids:
                if env.server_environment == settings.SERVER_ENVIRONMENT:
                    return env.engine_ids
            return []
        doc['mirrored_engine_ids'] = _get_mirrored_engine_ids()
        return DataSourceConfiguration.wrap(doc)
Exemple #15
class SQLSettings(DocumentSchema):
    partition_config = SchemaListProperty(SQLPartition)  # no longer used
    citus_config = SchemaProperty(CitusConfig)
    primary_key = ListProperty()
Exemple #16
class DataSetMap(Document):
    # domain and UCR uniquely identify a DataSetMap
    domain = StringProperty()
    ucr_id = StringProperty()  # UCR ReportConfig id

    description = StringProperty()
    frequency = StringProperty(choices=SEND_FREQUENCIES, default=SEND_FREQUENCY_MONTHLY)
    day_to_send = IntegerProperty()
    data_set_id = StringProperty()  # If UCR adds values to an existing DataSet
    org_unit_id = StringProperty()  # If all values are for the same OrganisationUnit.
    org_unit_column = StringProperty()  # if not org_unit_id: use org_unit_column
    period = StringProperty()  # If all values are for the same period. Monthly is YYYYMM, quarterly is YYYYQ#
    period_column = StringProperty()  # if not period: use period_column

    attribute_option_combo_id = StringProperty()  # Optional. DHIS2 defaults this to categoryOptionCombo
    complete_date = StringProperty()  # Optional

    datavalue_maps = SchemaListProperty(DataValueMap)

    @quickcache(['self.domain', 'self.ucr_id'])
    def get_datavalue_map_dict(self):
        dict_ = {dvm.column: dict(dvm, is_org_unit=False, is_period=False) for dvm in self.datavalue_maps}
        if self.org_unit_column:
            dict_[self.org_unit_column] = {'is_org_unit': True, 'is_period': False}
        if self.period_column:
            dict_[self.period_column] = {'is_org_unit': False, 'is_period': True}
        return dict_

    def get_datavalues(self, ucr_row):
        Returns rows of "dataElement", "categoryOptionCombo", "value", and optionally "period", "orgUnit" and
        "comment" for this DataSet where ucr_row looks like::

                "org_unit_id": "ABC",
                "data_element_cat_option_combo_1": 123,
                "data_element_cat_option_combo_2": 456,
                "data_element_cat_option_combo_3": 789,

        dv_map = self.get_datavalue_map_dict()
        datavalues = []
        org_unit = None
        period = None
        # First pass is to collate data element IDs and values
        for key, value in ucr_row.items():
            if key in dv_map:
                if dv_map[key]['is_org_unit']:
                    org_unit = value
                elif dv_map[key]['is_period']:
                    period = value
                    datavalue = {
                        'dataElement': dv_map[key]['data_element_id'],
                        'categoryOptionCombo': dv_map[key]['category_option_combo_id'],
                        'value': value,
                    if dv_map[key].get('comment'):
                        datavalue['comment'] = dv_map[key]['comment']
        # Second pass is to set period and org unit
        if period or org_unit:
            for datavalue in datavalues:
                if period:
                    datavalue['period'] = period
                if org_unit:
                    datavalue['orgUnit'] = org_unit
        return datavalues

    def get_dataset(self, send_date):
        report_config = get_report_config(self.domain, self.ucr_id)
        date_filter = get_date_filter(report_config)

        if self.frequency == SEND_FREQUENCY_MONTHLY:
            date_range = get_previous_month(send_date)
            period = date_range.startdate.strftime('%Y%m')
        elif self.frequency == SEND_FREQUENCY_QUARTERLY:
            date_range = get_previous_quarter(send_date)
            period = date_range.startdate.strftime('%Y') + 'Q' + str((date_range.startdate.month // 3) + 1)
        ucr_data = get_ucr_data(report_config, date_filter, date_range)

        datavalues = (self.get_datavalues(row) for row in ucr_data)  # one UCR row may have many DataValues
        dataset = {
            'dataValues': list(chain.from_iterable(datavalues))  # get a single list of DataValues
        if self.data_set_id:
            dataset['dataSet'] = self.data_set_id
        if self.org_unit_id:
            dataset['orgUnit'] = self.org_unit_id
        if self.period:
            dataset['period'] = self.period
        elif not self.period_column:
            dataset['period'] = period
        if self.attribute_option_combo_id:
            dataset['attributeOptionCombo'] = self.attribute_option_combo_id
        if self.complete_date:
            dataset['completeDate'] = self.complete_date
        return dataset

    def should_send_on_date(self, send_date):
        return self.day_to_send == send_date.day and (
            self.frequency == SEND_FREQUENCY_MONTHLY or
            self.frequency == SEND_FREQUENCY_QUARTERLY and send_date.month in [1, 4, 7, 10])
Exemple #17
class Domain(QuickCachedDocumentMixin, Document, SnapshotMixin):
    """Domain is the highest level collection of people/stuff
       in the system.  Pretty much everything happens at the
       domain-level, including user membership, permission to
       see data, reports, charts, etc."""

    name = StringProperty()
    is_active = BooleanProperty()
    date_created = DateTimeProperty()
    default_timezone = StringProperty(
        default=getattr(settings, "TIME_ZONE", "UTC"))
    case_sharing = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    secure_submissions = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    cloudcare_releases = StringProperty(
        choices=['stars', 'nostars', 'default'], default='default')
    organization = StringProperty()
    hr_name = StringProperty()  # the human-readable name for this project
    creating_user = StringProperty(
    )  # username of the user who created this domain

    # domain metadata
    project_type = StringProperty()  # e.g. MCH, HIV
    customer_type = StringProperty()  # plus, full, etc.
    is_test = StringProperty(choices=["true", "false", "none"], default="none")
    description = StringProperty()
    short_description = StringProperty()
    is_shared = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    commtrack_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    call_center_config = SchemaProperty(CallCenterProperties)
    has_careplan = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    restrict_superusers = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    allow_domain_requests = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    location_restriction_for_users = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    usercase_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    hipaa_compliant = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    use_sql_backend = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    case_display = SchemaProperty(CaseDisplaySettings)

    # CommConnect settings
    commconnect_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    survey_management_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Whether or not a case can register via sms
    sms_case_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Case type to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_type = StringProperty()
    # Owner to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_owner_id = StringProperty()
    # Submitting user to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_user_id = StringProperty()
    # Whether or not a mobile worker can register via sms
    sms_mobile_worker_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    use_default_sms_response = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    default_sms_response = StringProperty()
    chat_message_count_threshold = IntegerProperty()
    custom_chat_template = StringProperty(
    )  # See settings.CUSTOM_CHAT_TEMPLATES
    custom_case_username = StringProperty(
    )  # Case property to use when showing the case's name in a chat window
    # If empty, sms can be sent at any time. Otherwise, only send during
    # these windows of time. SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings
    # for this be considered.
    restricted_sms_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow)
    # If empty, this is ignored. Otherwise, the framework will make sure
    # that during these days/times, no automated outbound sms will be sent
    # to someone if they have sent in an sms within sms_conversation_length
    # minutes. Outbound sms sent from a user in a chat window, however, will
    # still be sent. This is meant to prevent chat conversations from being
    # interrupted by automated sms reminders.
    # SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings for this to be
    # considered.
    sms_conversation_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow)
    # In minutes, see above.
    sms_conversation_length = IntegerProperty(default=10)
    # Set to True to prevent survey questions and answers form being seen in
    # SMS chat windows.
    filter_surveys_from_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # The below option only matters if filter_surveys_from_chat = True.
    # If set to True, invalid survey responses will still be shown in the chat
    # window, while questions and valid responses will be filtered out.
    show_invalid_survey_responses_in_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # If set to True, if a message is read by anyone it counts as being read by
    # everyone. Set to False so that a message is only counted as being read
    # for a user if only that user has read it.
    count_messages_as_read_by_anyone = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Set to True to allow sending sms and all-label surveys to cases whose
    # phone number is duplicated with another contact
    send_to_duplicated_case_numbers = BooleanProperty(default=True)
    enable_registration_welcome_sms_for_case = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    enable_registration_welcome_sms_for_mobile_worker = BooleanProperty(
    sms_survey_date_format = StringProperty()

    # exchange/domain copying stuff
    is_snapshot = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    is_approved = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    snapshot_time = DateTimeProperty()
    published = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    license = StringProperty(choices=LICENSES, default='cc')
    title = StringProperty()
    cda = SchemaProperty(LicenseAgreement)
    multimedia_included = BooleanProperty(default=True)
    downloads = IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of downloads for this specific snapshot
    full_downloads = IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of downloads for all snapshots from this domain
    author = StringProperty()
    phone_model = StringProperty()
    attribution_notes = StringProperty()
    publisher = StringProperty(choices=["organization", "user"],
    yt_id = StringProperty()
    snapshot_head = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    deployment = SchemaProperty(Deployment)

    image_path = StringProperty()
    image_type = StringProperty()

    cached_properties = DictProperty()

    internal = SchemaProperty(InternalProperties)

    dynamic_reports = SchemaListProperty(DynamicReportSet)

    # extra user specified properties
    tags = StringListProperty()
    area = StringProperty(choices=AREA_CHOICES)
    sub_area = StringProperty(choices=SUB_AREA_CHOICES)
    launch_date = DateTimeProperty

    # to be eliminated from projects and related documents when they are copied for the exchange
    _dirty_fields = ('admin_password', 'admin_password_charset', 'city',
                     'countries', 'region', 'customer_type')

    default_mobile_worker_redirect = StringProperty(default=None)
    last_modified = DateTimeProperty(default=datetime(2015, 1, 1))

    # when turned on, use SECURE_TIMEOUT for sessions of users who are members of this domain
    secure_sessions = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    two_factor_auth = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    strong_mobile_passwords = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    # There is no longer a way to request a report builder trial, so this property should be removed in the near
    # future. (Keeping it for now in case a user has requested a trial and but has not yet been granted it)
    requested_report_builder_trial = StringListProperty()
    requested_report_builder_subscription = StringListProperty()

    def wrap(cls, data):
        # for domains that still use original_doc
        should_save = False
        if 'original_doc' in data:
            original_doc = data['original_doc']
            del data['original_doc']
            should_save = True
            if original_doc:
                original_doc = Domain.get_by_name(original_doc)
                data['copy_history'] = [original_doc._id]

        # for domains that have a public domain license
        if 'license' in data:
            if data.get("license", None) == "public":
                data["license"] = "cc"
                should_save = True

        if 'slug' in data and data["slug"]:
            data["hr_name"] = data["slug"]
            del data["slug"]

        if 'is_test' in data and isinstance(data["is_test"], bool):
            data["is_test"] = "true" if data["is_test"] else "false"
            should_save = True

        if 'cloudcare_releases' not in data:
            data['cloudcare_releases'] = 'nostars'  # legacy default setting

        # Don't actually remove location_types yet.  We can migrate fully and
        # remove this after everything's hunky-dory in production.  2015-03-06
        if 'location_types' in data:
            data['obsolete_location_types'] = data.pop('location_types')

        self = super(Domain, cls).wrap(data)
        if self.deployment is None:
            self.deployment = Deployment()
        if should_save:
        return self

    def get_default_timezone(self):
        """return a timezone object from self.default_timezone"""
        import pytz
        return pytz.timezone(self.default_timezone)

    @quickcache(['name'], timeout=24 * 60 * 60)
    def is_secure_session_required(name):
        domain = Domain.get_by_name(name)
        return domain and domain.secure_sessions

    @skippable_quickcache(['couch_user._id', 'is_active'],
                          timeout=5 * 60,
    def active_for_couch_user(couch_user, is_active=True, strict=False):
        domain_names = couch_user.get_domains()
        return Domain.view(
            keys=[[is_active, d] for d in domain_names],
            stale=settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY if not strict else None,

    def active_for_user(user, is_active=True, strict=False):
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            return []
        from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser
        if isinstance(user, CouchUser):
            couch_user = user
            couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user)
        if couch_user:
            return Domain.active_for_couch_user(couch_user,
            return []

    def field_by_prefix(cls, field, prefix=''):
        # unichr(0xfff8) is something close to the highest character available
        res = cls.view(
            startkey=[field, True, prefix],
            endkey=[field, True,
                    "%s%c" % (prefix, unichr(0xfff8)), {}])
        vals = [(d['value'], d['key'][2]) for d in res]
        return [(v[1], v[0]) for v in vals]

    def add(self, model_instance, is_active=True):
        Add something to this domain, through the generic relation.
        Returns the created membership object
        # Add membership info to Couch
        couch_user = model_instance.get_profile().get_couch_user()

    def applications(self):
        return get_brief_apps_in_domain(self.name)

    def full_applications(self, include_builds=True):
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import Application, RemoteApp
        WRAPPERS = {'Application': Application, 'RemoteApp': RemoteApp}

        def wrap_application(a):
            return WRAPPERS[a['doc']['doc_type']].wrap(a['doc'])

        if include_builds:
            startkey = [self.name]
            endkey = [self.name, {}]
            startkey = [self.name, None]
            endkey = [self.name, None, {}]

        return Application.get_db().view('app_manager/applications',

    def versions(self):
        apps = self.applications()
        return list(set(a.application_version for a in apps))

    def has_case_management(self):
        for app in self.full_applications():
            if app.doc_type == 'Application':
                if app.has_case_management():
                    return True
        return False

    def has_media(self):
        for app in self.full_applications():
            if app.doc_type == 'Application' and app.has_media():
                return True
        return False

    def use_cloudcare_releases(self):
        return self.cloudcare_releases != 'nostars'

    def all_users(self):
        from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser
        return CouchUser.by_domain(self.name)

    def recent_submissions(self):
        return domain_has_submission_in_last_30_days(self.name)

    def languages(self):
        apps = self.applications()
        return set(chain.from_iterable([a.langs for a in apps]))

    def readable_languages(self):
        return ', '.join(lang_lookup[lang] or lang
                         for lang in self.languages())

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    @skippable_quickcache(['name'], skip_arg='strict', timeout=30 * 60)
    def get_by_name(cls, name, strict=False):
        if not name:
            # get_by_name should never be called with name as None (or '', etc)
            # I fixed the code in such a way that if I raise a ValueError
            # all tests pass and basic pages load,
            # but in order not to break anything in the wild,
            # I'm opting to notify by email if/when this happens
            # but fall back to the previous behavior of returning None
            if settings.DEBUG:
                raise ValueError('%r is not a valid domain name' % name)
                _assert = soft_assert(notify_admins=True,
                _assert(False, '%r is not a valid domain name' % name)
                return None

        def _get_by_name(stale=False):
            extra_args = {'stale': settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY} if stale else {}
            result = cls.view("domain/domains",
            if not isinstance(result, Domain):
                # A stale view may return a result with no doc if the doc has just been deleted.
                # In this case couchdbkit just returns the raw view result as a dict
                return None
                return result

        domain = _get_by_name(stale=(not strict))
        if domain is None and not strict:
            # on the off chance this is a brand new domain, try with strict
            domain = _get_by_name(stale=False)
        return domain

    def get_or_create_with_name(cls,
        result = cls.view("domain/domains",
        if result:
            return result
            new_domain = Domain(
            return new_domain

    def generate_name(cls, hr_name, max_length=25):
        Generate a URL-friendly name based on a given human-readable name.
        Normalizes given name, then looks for conflicting domains, addressing
        conflicts by adding "-1", "-2", etc. May return None if it fails to
        generate a new, unique name. Throws exception if it can't figure out
        a name, which shouldn't happen unless max_length is absurdly short.

        name = name_to_url(hr_name, "project")
        if Domain.get_by_name(name):
            prefix = name
            while len(prefix):
                name = next_available_name(
                    prefix, Domain.get_names_by_prefix(prefix + '-'))
                if Domain.get_by_name(name):
                    # should never happen
                    raise NameUnavailableException
                if len(name) <= max_length:
                    return name
                prefix = prefix[:-1]
            raise NameUnavailableException

        return name

    def get_all(cls, include_docs=True):
        domains = Domain.view("domain/not_snapshots", include_docs=False).all()
        if not include_docs:
            return domains
            return imap(cls.wrap,
                        iter_docs(cls.get_db(), [d['id'] for d in domains]))

    def get_all_names(cls):
        return [d['key'] for d in cls.get_all(include_docs=False)]

    def get_all_ids(cls):
        return [d['id'] for d in cls.get_all(include_docs=False)]

    def get_names_by_prefix(cls, prefix):
        return [
            d['key'] for d in Domain.view("domain/domains",
                                          endkey=prefix + u"zzz",

    def case_sharing_included(self):
        return self.case_sharing or reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, [
            getattr(app, 'case_sharing', False) for app in self.applications()
        ], False)

    def save(self, **params):
        self.last_modified = datetime.utcnow()
        if not self._rev:
            # mark any new domain as timezone migration complete
        super(Domain, self).save(**params)

        from corehq.apps.domain.signals import commcare_domain_post_save
        results = commcare_domain_post_save.send_robust(sender='domain',
        for result in results:
            # Second argument is None if there was no error
            if result[1]:
                    message="Error occured during domain post_save %s: %s" %
                    (self.name, str(result[1])))

    def save_copy(self,
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.dbaccessors import get_app
        from corehq.apps.reminders.models import CaseReminderHandler
        from corehq.apps.fixtures.models import FixtureDataItem
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.dbaccessors import get_brief_apps_in_domain
        from corehq.apps.domain.dbaccessors import get_doc_ids_in_domain_by_class
        from corehq.apps.fixtures.models import FixtureDataType
        from corehq.apps.users.models import UserRole

        db = Domain.get_db()
        new_id = db.copy_doc(self.get_id)['id']
        if new_domain_name is None:
            new_domain_name = new_id

        with CriticalSection(
            new_domain_name = Domain.generate_name(new_domain_name)
            new_domain = Domain.get(new_id)
            new_domain.name = new_domain_name
            new_domain.hr_name = new_hr_name
            new_domain.copy_history = self.get_updated_history()
            new_domain.is_snapshot = False
            new_domain.snapshot_time = None
            new_domain.organization = None  # TODO: use current user's organization (?)

            # reset stuff
            new_domain.cda.signed = False
            new_domain.cda.date = None
            new_domain.cda.type = None
            new_domain.cda.user_id = None
            new_domain.cda.user_ip = None
            new_domain.is_test = "none"
            new_domain.internal = InternalProperties()
            new_domain.creating_user = user.username if user else None

            for field in self._dirty_fields:
                if hasattr(new_domain, field):
                    delattr(new_domain, field)

            # Saving the domain should happen before we import any apps since
            # importing apps can update the domain object (for example, if user
            # as a case needs to be enabled)

            new_app_components = {}  # a mapping of component's id to its copy

            def copy_data_items(old_type_id, new_type_id):
                for item in FixtureDataItem.by_data_type(
                        self.name, old_type_id):
                    comp = self.copy_component(item.doc_type,
                    comp.data_type_id = new_type_id

            def get_latest_app_id(doc_id):
                app = get_app(self.name, doc_id).get_latest_saved()
                if app:
                    return app._id, app.doc_type

            for app in get_brief_apps_in_domain(self.name):
                doc_id, doc_type = app.get_id, app.doc_type
                original_doc_id = doc_id
                if copy_by_id and doc_id not in copy_by_id:
                if not self.is_snapshot:
                    doc_id, doc_type = get_latest_app_id(doc_id) or (doc_id,
                component = self.copy_component(doc_type,
                if component:
                    new_app_components[original_doc_id] = component

            for doc_id in get_doc_ids_in_domain_by_class(
                    self.name, FixtureDataType):
                if copy_by_id and doc_id not in copy_by_id:
                component = self.copy_component('FixtureDataType',
                copy_data_items(doc_id, component._id)

            if share_reminders:
                for doc_id in get_doc_ids_in_domain_by_class(
                        self.name, CaseReminderHandler):
            if share_user_roles:
                for doc_id in get_doc_ids_in_domain_by_class(
                        self.name, UserRole):

        if user:

            def add_dom_to_user(user):
                user.add_domain_membership(new_domain_name, is_admin=True)

            apply_update(user, add_dom_to_user)

        def update_events(handler):
            Change the form_unique_id to the proper form for each event in a newly copied CaseReminderHandler
            from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import FormBase
            for event in handler.events:
                if not event.form_unique_id:
                form = FormBase.get_form(event.form_unique_id)
                form_app = form.get_app()
                m_index, f_index = form_app.get_form_location(form.unique_id)
                form_copy = new_app_components[form_app._id].get_module(
                event.form_unique_id = form_copy.unique_id

        def update_for_copy(handler):
            handler.active = False

        if share_reminders:
            for handler in CaseReminderHandler.get_handlers(new_domain_name):
                apply_update(handler, update_for_copy)

        return new_domain

    def reminder_should_be_copied(self, handler):
        from corehq.apps.reminders.models import ON_DATETIME
        return (handler.start_condition_type != ON_DATETIME
                and handler.user_group_id is None)

    def copy_component(self, doc_type, id, new_domain_name, user=None):
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import import_app
        from corehq.apps.users.models import UserRole
        from corehq.apps.reminders.models import CaseReminderHandler
        from corehq.apps.fixtures.models import FixtureDataType, FixtureDataItem

        str_to_cls = {
            'UserRole': UserRole,
            'CaseReminderHandler': CaseReminderHandler,
            'FixtureDataType': FixtureDataType,
            'FixtureDataItem': FixtureDataItem,
        if doc_type in ('Application', 'RemoteApp'):
            new_doc = import_app(id, new_domain_name)
            new_doc.case_sharing = False
            # when copying from app-docs that don't have
            # unique_id attribute on Modules
            cls = str_to_cls[doc_type]
            db = cls.get_db()
            if doc_type == 'CaseReminderHandler':
                cur_doc = cls.get(id)
                if not self.reminder_should_be_copied(cur_doc):
                    return None

            new_id = db.copy_doc(id)['id']

            new_doc = cls.get(new_id)

            for field in self._dirty_fields:
                if hasattr(new_doc, field):
                    delattr(new_doc, field)

            if hasattr(cls, '_meta_fields'):
                for field in cls._meta_fields:
                    if not field.startswith('_') and hasattr(new_doc, field):
                        delattr(new_doc, field)

            new_doc.domain = new_domain_name

            if doc_type == 'FixtureDataType':
                new_doc.copy_from = id
                new_doc.is_global = True

        if self.is_snapshot and doc_type == 'Application':

        return new_doc

    def save_snapshot(self, share_reminders, copy_by_id=None):
        if self.is_snapshot:
            return self
                copy = self.save_copy(copy_by_id=copy_by_id,
            except NameUnavailableException:
                return None
            copy.is_snapshot = True
            head = self.snapshots(limit=1).first()
            if head and head.snapshot_head:
                head.snapshot_head = False
            copy.snapshot_head = True
            copy.snapshot_time = datetime.utcnow()
            del copy.deployment
            return copy

    def snapshots(self, **view_kwargs):
        return Domain.view('domain/snapshots',
                           startkey=[self._id, {}],

    def published_snapshot(self):
        snapshots = self.snapshots().all()
        for snapshot in snapshots:
            if snapshot.published:
                return snapshot
        return None

    def update_deployment(self, **kwargs):

    def update_internal(self, **kwargs):

    def display_name(self):
        if self.is_snapshot:
            return "Snapshot of %s" % self.copied_from.display_name()
        return self.hr_name or self.name

    def long_display_name(self):
        if self.is_snapshot:
            return format_html("Snapshot of {}",
        return self.hr_name or self.name

    __str__ = long_display_name

    def get_license_display(self):
        return LICENSES.get(self.license)

    def get_license_url(self):
        return LICENSE_LINKS.get(self.license)

    def copies(self):
        return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot',

    def copies_of_parent(self):
        return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot',
                           keys=[s._id for s in self.copied_from.snapshots()],

    def delete(self):
        super(Domain, self).delete()

    def _pre_delete(self):
        from corehq.apps.domain.signals import commcare_domain_pre_delete
        from corehq.apps.domain.deletion import apply_deletion_operations

        dynamic_deletion_operations = []
        results = commcare_domain_pre_delete.send_robust(sender='domain',
        for result in results:
            response = result[1]
            if isinstance(response, Exception):
                raise DomainDeleteException(
                    u"Error occurred during domain pre_delete {}: {}".format(
                        self.name, str(response)))
            elif response:
                assert isinstance(response, list)

        # delete all associated objects
        for db, related_doc_ids in get_all_doc_ids_for_domain_grouped_by_db(
            iter_bulk_delete(db, related_doc_ids, chunksize=500)

        apply_deletion_operations(self.name, dynamic_deletion_operations)

    def all_media(self, from_apps=None):  # todo add documentation or refactor
        from corehq.apps.hqmedia.models import CommCareMultimedia
        dom_with_media = self if not self.is_snapshot else self.copied_from

        if self.is_snapshot:
            app_ids = [
                app.copied_from.get_id for app in self.full_applications()
            if from_apps:
                from_apps = set(
                    [a_id for a_id in app_ids if a_id in from_apps])
                from_apps = app_ids

        if from_apps:
            media = []
            media_ids = set()
            apps = [
                app for app in dom_with_media.full_applications()
                if app.get_id in from_apps
            for app in apps:
                if app.doc_type != 'Application':
                for _, m in app.get_media_objects():
                    if m.get_id not in media_ids:
            return media

        return CommCareMultimedia.view('hqmedia/by_domain',

    def most_restrictive_licenses(self, apps_to_check=None):
        from corehq.apps.hqmedia.utils import most_restrictive
        licenses = [
            m.license['type'] for m in self.all_media(from_apps=apps_to_check)
            if m.license
        return most_restrictive(licenses)

    def get_module_by_name(cls, domain_name):
        import and return the python module corresponding to domain_name, or
        None if it doesn't exist.
        from corehq.apps.domain.utils import get_domain_module_map
        module_name = get_domain_module_map().get(domain_name, domain_name)

            return import_module(module_name) if module_name else None
        except ImportError:
            return None

    def commtrack_settings(self):
        # this import causes some dependency issues so lives in here
        from corehq.apps.commtrack.models import CommtrackConfig
        if self.commtrack_enabled:
            return CommtrackConfig.for_domain(self.name)
            return None

    def has_custom_logo(self):
        return (self['_attachments']
                and LOGO_ATTACHMENT in self['_attachments'])

    def get_custom_logo(self):
        if not self.has_custom_logo:
            return None

        return (self.fetch_attachment(LOGO_ATTACHMENT),

    def get_case_display(self, case):
        """Get the properties display definition for a given case"""
        return self.case_display.case_details.get(case.type)

    def get_form_display(self, form):
        """Get the properties display definition for a given XFormInstance"""
        return self.case_display.form_details.get(form.xmlns)

    def total_downloads(self):
            Returns the total number of downloads from every snapshot created from this domain
        from corehq.apps.domain.dbaccessors import count_downloads_for_all_snapshots
        return count_downloads_for_all_snapshots(self.get_id)

    def download_count(self):
            Updates and returns the total number of downloads from every sister snapshot.
        if self.is_snapshot:
            self.full_downloads = self.copied_from.total_downloads
        return self.full_downloads

    def published_by(self):
        from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser
        pb_id = self.cda.user_id
        return CouchUser.get_by_user_id(pb_id) if pb_id else None

    def name_of_publisher(self):
        return self.published_by.human_friendly_name if self.published_by else ""

    def location_types(self):
        from corehq.apps.locations.models import LocationType
        return LocationType.objects.filter(domain=self.name).all()

    def has_privilege(self, privilege):
        from corehq.apps.accounting.utils import domain_has_privilege
        return domain_has_privilege(self, privilege)

    def uses_locations(self):
        from corehq import privileges
        from corehq.apps.locations.models import LocationType
        return (self.has_privilege(privileges.LOCATIONS) and
                 or LocationType.objects.filter(domain=self.name).exists()))

    def supports_multiple_locations_per_user(self):
        This method is a wrapper around the toggle that
        enables multiple location functionality. Callers of this
        method should know that this is special functionality
        left around for special applications, and not a feature
        flag that should be set normally.
        return toggles.MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS_PER_USER.enabled(self.name)

    def convert_to_commtrack(self):
        One-stop-shop to make a domain CommTrack
        from corehq.apps.commtrack.util import make_domain_commtrack

    def clear_caches(self):
        from .utils import domain_restricts_superusers
        super(Domain, self).clear_caches()
        self.get_by_name.clear(self.__class__, self.name)
Exemple #18
class FixtureDataType(Document):
    domain = StringProperty()
    is_global = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    tag = StringProperty()
    fields = SchemaListProperty(FixtureTypeField)
    item_attributes = StringListProperty()
    description = StringProperty()
    copy_from = StringProperty()

    def wrap(cls, obj):
        if not obj["doc_type"] == "FixtureDataType":
            raise ResourceNotFound
        # Migrate fixtures without attributes on item-fields to fields with attributes
        if obj["fields"] and isinstance(obj['fields'][0], basestring):
            obj['fields'] = [{
                'field_name': f,
                'properties': []
            } for f in obj['fields']]

        # Migrate fixtures without attributes on items to items with attributes
        if 'item_attributes' not in obj:
            obj['item_attributes'] = []

        return super(FixtureDataType, cls).wrap(obj)

    # support for old fields
    def fields_without_attributes(self):
        fields_without_attributes = []
        for fixt_field in self.fields:
        return fields_without_attributes

    def total_by_domain(cls, domain):
        from corehq.apps.fixtures.dbaccessors import \
        return get_number_of_fixture_data_types_in_domain(domain)

    def by_domain(cls, domain):
        from corehq.apps.fixtures.dbaccessors import \
        return get_fixture_data_types_in_domain(domain)

    def by_domain_tag(cls, domain, tag):
        return cls.view('fixtures/data_types_by_domain_tag',
                        key=[domain, tag],

    def fixture_tag_exists(cls, domain, tag):
        fdts = FixtureDataType.by_domain(domain)
        for fdt in fdts:
            if tag == fdt.tag:
                return fdt
        return False

    def recursive_delete(self, transaction):
        item_ids = []
        for item in FixtureDataItem.by_data_type(self.domain, self.get_id):
            FixtureOwnership.for_all_item_ids(item_ids, self.domain))

    def delete_fixtures_by_domain(cls, domain, transaction):
        for type in FixtureDataType.by_domain(domain):
Exemple #19
class DataSourceConfiguration(CachedCouchDocumentMixin, Document,
    A data source configuration. These map 1:1 with database tables that get created.
    Each data source can back an arbitrary number of reports.
    domain = StringProperty(required=True)
    engine_id = StringProperty(default=UCR_ENGINE_ID)
    backend_id = StringProperty(default=UCR_SQL_BACKEND)  # no longer used
    referenced_doc_type = StringProperty(required=True)
    table_id = StringProperty(required=True)
    display_name = StringProperty()
    base_item_expression = DictProperty()
    configured_filter = DictProperty()
    configured_indicators = ListProperty()
    named_expressions = DictProperty()
    named_filters = DictProperty()
    meta = SchemaProperty(DataSourceMeta)
    is_deactivated = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    last_modified = DateTimeProperty()
    asynchronous = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    sql_column_indexes = SchemaListProperty(SQLColumnIndexes)
    disable_destructive_rebuild = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    sql_settings = SchemaProperty(SQLSettings)

    class Meta(object):
        # prevent JsonObject from auto-converting dates etc.
        string_conversions = ()

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} - {}'.format(self.domain, self.display_name)

    def save(self, **params):
        self.last_modified = datetime.utcnow()
        super(DataSourceConfiguration, self).save(**params)

    def data_source_id(self):
        return self._id

    def filter(self, document):
        filter_fn = self._get_main_filter()
        return filter_fn(document, EvaluationContext(document, 0))

    def deleted_filter(self, document):
        filter_fn = self._get_deleted_filter()
        return filter_fn and filter_fn(document, EvaluationContext(
            document, 0))

    def _get_main_filter(self):
        return self._get_filter([self.referenced_doc_type])

    def _get_deleted_filter(self):
        return self._get_filter(get_deleted_doc_types(

    def _get_filter(self, doc_types, include_configured=True):
        if not doc_types:
            return None

        extras = ([self.configured_filter]
                  if include_configured and self.configured_filter else [])
        built_in_filters = [
                'filters': [{
                    "type": "boolean_expression",
                    "expression": {
                        "type": "property_name",
                        "property_name": "doc_type",
                    "operator": "eq",
                    "property_value": doc_type,
                } for doc_type in doc_types],
        return FilterFactory.from_spec(
                'type': 'and',
                'filters': built_in_filters + extras,

    def _get_domain_filter_spec(self):
        return {
            "type": "boolean_expression",
            "expression": {
                "type": "property_name",
                "property_name": "domain",
            "operator": "eq",
            "property_value": self.domain,

    def named_expression_objects(self):
        named_expression_specs = deepcopy(self.named_expressions)
        named_expressions = {}
        spec_error = None
        while named_expression_specs:
            number_generated = 0
            for name, expression in list(named_expression_specs.items()):
                    named_expressions[name] = ExpressionFactory.from_spec(
                    number_generated += 1
                    del named_expression_specs[name]
                except BadSpecError as bad_spec_error:
                    # maybe a nested name resolution issue, try again on the next pass
                    spec_error = bad_spec_error
            if number_generated == 0 and named_expression_specs:
                # we unsuccessfully generated anything on this pass and there are still unresolved
                # references. we have to fail.
                assert spec_error is not None
                raise spec_error
        return named_expressions

    def named_filter_objects(self):
        return {
            name: FilterFactory.from_spec(
                filter, FactoryContext(self.named_expression_objects, {}))
            for name, filter in self.named_filters.items()

    def get_factory_context(self):
        return FactoryContext(self.named_expression_objects,

    def default_indicators(self):
        default_indicators = [
                    "column_id": "doc_id",
                    "type": "expression",
                    "display_name": "document id",
                    "datatype": "string",
                    "is_nullable": False,
                    "is_primary_key": True,
                    "expression": {
                        "type": "root_doc",
                        "expression": {
                            "type": "property_name",
                            "property_name": "_id"
                }, self.get_factory_context())

                "type": "inserted_at",
            }, self.get_factory_context()))

        if self.base_item_expression:
                    "type": "repeat_iteration",
                }, self.get_factory_context()))

        return default_indicators

    def indicators(self):
        return CompoundIndicator(
            self.default_indicators + [
                for indicator in self.configured_indicators

    def parsed_expression(self):
        if self.base_item_expression:
            return ExpressionFactory.from_spec(
                self.base_item_expression, context=self.get_factory_context())
        return None

    def get_columns(self):
        return self.indicators.get_columns()

    def columns_by_id(self):
        return {c.id: c for c in self.get_columns()}

    def get_column_by_id(self, column_id):
        return self.columns_by_id.get(column_id)

    def get_items(self, document, eval_context=None):
        if self.filter(document):
            if not self.base_item_expression:
                return [document]
                result = self.parsed_expression(document, eval_context)
                if result is None:
                    return []
                elif isinstance(result, list):
                    return result
                    return [result]
            return []

    def get_all_values(self, doc, eval_context=None):
        if not eval_context:
            eval_context = EvaluationContext(doc)

        rows = []
        for item in self.get_items(doc, eval_context):
            indicators = self.indicators.get_values(item, eval_context)

        return rows

    def get_report_count(self):
        Return the number of ReportConfigurations that reference this data source.
        return ReportConfiguration.count_by_data_source(self.domain, self._id)

    def validate(self, required=True):
        super(DataSourceConfiguration, self).validate(required)
        # these two properties implicitly call other validation

        # validate indicators and column uniqueness
        columns = [c.id for c in self.indicators.get_columns()]
        unique_columns = set(columns)
        if len(columns) != len(unique_columns):
            for column in set(columns):
            raise DuplicateColumnIdError(columns=columns)

        if self.referenced_doc_type not in VALID_REFERENCED_DOC_TYPES:
            raise BadSpecError(
                _('Report contains invalid referenced_doc_type: {}').format(


    def by_domain(cls, domain):
        return get_datasources_for_domain(domain)

    def all_ids(cls):
        return [
            res['id'] for res in cls.get_db().view(

    def all(cls):
        for result in iter_docs(cls.get_db(), cls.all_ids()):
            yield cls.wrap(result)

    def is_static(self):
        return id_is_static(self._id)

    def deactivate(self):
        if not self.is_static:
            self.is_deactivated = True

    def get_case_type_or_xmlns_filter(self):
        """Returns a list of case types or xmlns from the filter of this data source.

        If this can't figure out the case types or xmlns's that filter, then returns [None]
        Currently always returns a list because it is called by a loop in _iteratively_build_table
        Could be reworked to return [] to be more pythonic
        if self.referenced_doc_type not in FILTER_INTERPOLATION_DOC_TYPES:
            return [None]

        property_name = FILTER_INTERPOLATION_DOC_TYPES[
        prop_value = self._filter_interploation_helper(self.configured_filter,

        return prop_value or [None]

    def _filter_interploation_helper(self, config_filter, property_name):
        filter_type = config_filter.get('type')
        if filter_type == 'and':
            sub_config_filters = [
                self._filter_interploation_helper(f, property_name)
                for f in config_filter.get('filters')
            for filter_ in sub_config_filters:
                if filter_[0]:
                    return filter_

        if filter_type != 'boolean_expression':
            return [None]

        if config_filter['operator'] not in ('eq', 'in'):
            return [None]

        expression = config_filter['expression']
        if expression['type'] == 'property_name' and expression[
                'property_name'] == property_name:
            prop_value = config_filter['property_value']
            if not isinstance(prop_value, list):
                prop_value = [prop_value]
            return prop_value
        return [None]
Exemple #20
class Domain(QuickCachedDocumentMixin, BlobMixin, Document, SnapshotMixin):
        Domain is the highest level collection of people/stuff
        in the system.  Pretty much everything happens at the
        domain-level, including user membership, permission to
        see data, reports, charts, etc.

        Exceptions: accounting has some models that combine multiple domains,
        which make "enterprise" multi-domain features like the enterprise dashboard possible.

        Naming conventions:
        Most often, variables representing domain names are named `domain`, and
        variables representing domain objects are named `domain_obj`. New code should
        follow this convention, unless it's in an area that consistently uses `domain`
        for the object and `domain_name` for the string.

        There's a `project` attribute attached to requests that's a domain object.
        In spite of this, don't use `project` in new code.

    _blobdb_type_code = BLOB_CODES.domain

    name = StringProperty()
    is_active = BooleanProperty()
    date_created = DateTimeProperty()
    default_timezone = StringProperty(
        default=getattr(settings, "TIME_ZONE", "UTC"))
    case_sharing = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    secure_submissions = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    cloudcare_releases = StringProperty(
        choices=['stars', 'nostars', 'default'], default='default')
    organization = StringProperty()
    hr_name = StringProperty()  # the human-readable name for this project
    project_description = StringProperty()  # Brief description of the project
    creating_user = StringProperty(
    )  # username of the user who created this domain

    # domain metadata
    project_type = StringProperty()  # e.g. MCH, HIV
    customer_type = StringProperty()  # plus, full, etc.
    is_test = StringProperty(choices=["true", "false", "none"], default="none")
    description = StringProperty()
    short_description = StringProperty()
    is_shared = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    commtrack_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    call_center_config = SchemaProperty(CallCenterProperties)
    restrict_superusers = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    allow_domain_requests = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    location_restriction_for_users = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    usercase_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    hipaa_compliant = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    use_sql_backend = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    first_domain_for_user = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    case_display = SchemaProperty(CaseDisplaySettings)

    # CommConnect settings
    survey_management_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Whether or not a case can register via sms
    sms_case_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Case type to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_type = StringProperty()
    # Owner to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_owner_id = StringProperty()
    # Submitting user to apply to cases registered via sms
    sms_case_registration_user_id = StringProperty()
    # Whether or not a mobile worker can register via sms
    sms_mobile_worker_registration_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    use_default_sms_response = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    default_sms_response = StringProperty()
    chat_message_count_threshold = IntegerProperty()
    sms_language_fallback = StringProperty()
    custom_chat_template = StringProperty(
    )  # See settings.CUSTOM_CHAT_TEMPLATES
    custom_case_username = StringProperty(
    )  # Case property to use when showing the case's name in a chat window
    # If empty, sms can be sent at any time. Otherwise, only send during
    # these windows of time. SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings
    # for this be considered.
    restricted_sms_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow)
    # If empty, this is ignored. Otherwise, the framework will make sure
    # that during these days/times, no automated outbound sms will be sent
    # to someone if they have sent in an sms within sms_conversation_length
    # minutes. Outbound sms sent from a user in a chat window, however, will
    # still be sent. This is meant to prevent chat conversations from being
    # interrupted by automated sms reminders.
    # SMS_QUEUE_ENABLED must be True in localsettings for this to be
    # considered.
    sms_conversation_times = SchemaListProperty(DayTimeWindow)
    # In minutes, see above.
    sms_conversation_length = IntegerProperty(default=10)
    # Set to True to prevent survey questions and answers form being seen in
    # SMS chat windows.
    filter_surveys_from_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # The below option only matters if filter_surveys_from_chat = True.
    # If set to True, invalid survey responses will still be shown in the chat
    # window, while questions and valid responses will be filtered out.
    show_invalid_survey_responses_in_chat = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # If set to True, if a message is read by anyone it counts as being read by
    # everyone. Set to False so that a message is only counted as being read
    # for a user if only that user has read it.
    count_messages_as_read_by_anyone = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    enable_registration_welcome_sms_for_case = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    enable_registration_welcome_sms_for_mobile_worker = BooleanProperty(
    sms_survey_date_format = StringProperty()

    granted_messaging_access = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    # Allowed outbound SMS per day
    # If this is None, then the default is applied. See get_daily_outbound_sms_limit()
    custom_daily_outbound_sms_limit = IntegerProperty()

    # Allowed number of case updates or closes from automatic update rules in the daily rule run.
    # If this value is None, the value in settings.MAX_RULE_UPDATES_IN_ONE_RUN is used.
    auto_case_update_limit = IntegerProperty()

    # Allowed number of max OData feeds that this domain can create.
    # If this value is None, the value in settings.DEFAULT_ODATA_FEED_LIMIT is used
    odata_feed_limit = IntegerProperty()

    # exchange/domain copying stuff
    is_snapshot = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    is_approved = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    snapshot_time = DateTimeProperty()
    published = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    license = StringProperty(choices=LICENSES, default='cc')
    title = StringProperty()
    cda = SchemaProperty(LicenseAgreement)
    multimedia_included = BooleanProperty(default=True)
    downloads = IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of downloads for this specific snapshot
    full_downloads = IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of downloads for all snapshots from this domain
    author = StringProperty()
    phone_model = StringProperty()
    attribution_notes = StringProperty()
    publisher = StringProperty(choices=["organization", "user"],
    yt_id = StringProperty()
    snapshot_head = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    deployment = SchemaProperty(Deployment)

    cached_properties = DictProperty()

    internal = SchemaProperty(InternalProperties)

    dynamic_reports = SchemaListProperty(DynamicReportSet)

    # extra user specified properties
    tags = StringListProperty()
    area = StringProperty(choices=AREA_CHOICES)
    sub_area = StringProperty(choices=SUB_AREA_CHOICES)
    launch_date = DateTimeProperty

    last_modified = DateTimeProperty(default=datetime(2015, 1, 1))

    # when turned on, use SECURE_TIMEOUT for sessions of users who are members of this domain
    secure_sessions = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    two_factor_auth = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    strong_mobile_passwords = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    requested_report_builder_subscription = StringListProperty()

    report_whitelist = StringListProperty()

    # seconds between sending mobile UCRs to users. Can be overridden per user
    default_mobile_ucr_sync_interval = IntegerProperty()

    def wrap(cls, data):
        # for domains that still use original_doc
        should_save = False
        if 'original_doc' in data:
            original_doc = data['original_doc']
            del data['original_doc']
            should_save = True
            if original_doc:
                original_doc = Domain.get_by_name(original_doc)
                data['copy_history'] = [original_doc._id]

        # for domains that have a public domain license
        if 'license' in data:
            if data.get("license", None) == "public":
                data["license"] = "cc"
                should_save = True

        if 'slug' in data and data["slug"]:
            data["hr_name"] = data["slug"]
            del data["slug"]

        if 'is_test' in data and isinstance(data["is_test"], bool):
            data["is_test"] = "true" if data["is_test"] else "false"
            should_save = True

        if 'cloudcare_releases' not in data:
            data['cloudcare_releases'] = 'nostars'  # legacy default setting

        # Don't actually remove location_types yet.  We can migrate fully and
        # remove this after everything's hunky-dory in production.  2015-03-06
        if 'location_types' in data:
            data['obsolete_location_types'] = data.pop('location_types')

        if 'granted_messaging_access' not in data:
            # enable messaging for domains created before this flag was added
            data['granted_messaging_access'] = True

        self = super(Domain, cls).wrap(data)
        if self.deployment is None:
            self.deployment = Deployment()
        if should_save:
        return self

    def get_default_timezone(self):
        """return a timezone object from self.default_timezone"""
        import pytz
        return pytz.timezone(self.default_timezone)

    @quickcache(['name'], timeout=24 * 60 * 60)
    def is_secure_session_required(name):
        domain_obj = Domain.get_by_name(name)
        return domain_obj and domain_obj.secure_sessions

    @quickcache(['couch_user._id', 'is_active'],
                timeout=5 * 60,
    def active_for_couch_user(couch_user, is_active=True):
        domain_names = couch_user.get_domains()
        return Domain.view(
            keys=[[is_active, d] for d in domain_names],

    def active_for_user(user, is_active=True):
        if isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
            return []
        from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser
        if isinstance(user, CouchUser):
            couch_user = user
            couch_user = CouchUser.from_django_user(user)
        if couch_user:
            return Domain.active_for_couch_user(couch_user,
            return []

    def add(self, model_instance, is_active=True):
        Add something to this domain, through the generic relation.
        Returns the created membership object
        # Add membership info to Couch
        couch_user = model_instance.get_profile().get_couch_user()

    def applications(self):
        return get_brief_apps_in_domain(self.name)

    def full_applications(self, include_builds=True):
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.util import get_correct_app_class
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.models import Application

        def wrap_application(a):
            return get_correct_app_class(a['doc']).wrap(a['doc'])

        if include_builds:
            startkey = [self.name]
            endkey = [self.name, {}]
            startkey = [self.name, None]
            endkey = [self.name, None, {}]

        return Application.get_db().view('app_manager/applications',

    def versions(self):
        apps = self.applications()
        return list(set(a.application_version for a in apps))

    def has_media(self):
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.util import is_remote_app
        for app in self.full_applications():
            if not is_remote_app(app) and app.has_media():
                return True
        return False

    def use_cloudcare_releases(self):
        return self.cloudcare_releases != 'nostars'

    def all_users(self):
        from corehq.apps.users.models import CouchUser
        return CouchUser.by_domain(self.name)

    def recent_submissions(self):
        return domain_has_submission_in_last_30_days(self.name)

                timeout=30 * 60,
    def get_by_name(cls, name, strict=False):
        if not name:
            # get_by_name should never be called with name as None (or '', etc)
            # I fixed the code in such a way that if I raise a ValueError
            # all tests pass and basic pages load,
            # but in order not to break anything in the wild,
            # I'm opting to notify by email if/when this happens
            # but fall back to the previous behavior of returning None
            if settings.DEBUG:
                raise ValueError('%r is not a valid domain name' % name)
                _assert = soft_assert(notify_admins=True,
                _assert(False, '%r is not a valid domain name' % name)
                return None

        def _get_by_name(stale=False):
            extra_args = {'stale': settings.COUCH_STALE_QUERY} if stale else {}
            result = cls.view("domain/domains",
            if not isinstance(result, Domain):
                # A stale view may return a result with no doc if the doc has just been deleted.
                # In this case couchdbkit just returns the raw view result as a dict
                return None
                return result

        domain = _get_by_name(stale=(not strict))
        if domain is None and not strict:
            # on the off chance this is a brand new domain, try with strict
            domain = _get_by_name(stale=False)
        return domain

    def get_or_create_with_name(cls,
        result = cls.view("domain/domains",
        if result:
            return result
            new_domain = Domain(
            return new_domain

    def generate_name(cls, hr_name, max_length=25):
        Generate a URL-friendly name based on a given human-readable name.
        Normalizes given name, then looks for conflicting domains, addressing
        conflicts by adding "-1", "-2", etc. May return None if it fails to
        generate a new, unique name. Throws exception if it can't figure out
        a name, which shouldn't happen unless max_length is absurdly short.
        from corehq.apps.domain.utils import get_domain_url_slug
        from corehq.apps.domain.dbaccessors import domain_or_deleted_domain_exists
        name = get_domain_url_slug(hr_name, max_length=max_length)
        if not name:
            raise NameUnavailableException
        if domain_or_deleted_domain_exists(name):
            prefix = name
            while len(prefix):
                name = next_available_name(
                    prefix, Domain.get_names_by_prefix(prefix + '-'))
                if domain_or_deleted_domain_exists(name):
                    # should never happen
                    raise NameUnavailableException
                if len(name) <= max_length:
                    return name
                prefix = prefix[:-1]
            raise NameUnavailableException

        return name

    def get_all(cls, include_docs=True):
        domains = Domain.view("domain/not_snapshots", include_docs=False).all()
        if not include_docs:
            return domains
            return map(cls.wrap,
                       iter_docs(cls.get_db(), [d['id'] for d in domains]))

    def get_all_names(cls):
        return sorted({d['key'] for d in cls.get_all(include_docs=False)})

    def get_all_ids(cls):
        return [d['id'] for d in cls.get_all(include_docs=False)]

    def get_names_by_prefix(cls, prefix):
        return [
            d['key'] for d in Domain.view("domain/domains",
                                          endkey=prefix + "zzz",
        ] + [
            d['key'] for d in Domain.view("domain/deleted_domains",
                                          endkey=prefix + "zzz",

    def case_sharing_included(self):
        return self.case_sharing or reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, [
            getattr(app, 'case_sharing', False) for app in self.applications()
        ], False)

    def save(self, **params):
        from corehq.apps.domain.dbaccessors import domain_or_deleted_domain_exists

        self.last_modified = datetime.utcnow()
        if not self._rev:
            if domain_or_deleted_domain_exists(self.name):
                raise NameUnavailableException(self.name)
            # mark any new domain as timezone migration complete
        super(Domain, self).save(**params)

        from corehq.apps.domain.signals import commcare_domain_post_save
        results = commcare_domain_post_save.send_robust(sender='domain',
                          "Error occurred during domain post_save (%s)",
                          {'domain': self.name})

    def snapshots(self, **view_kwargs):
        return Domain.view('domain/snapshots',
                           startkey=[self._id, {}],

    def update_deployment(self, **kwargs):

    def update_internal(self, **kwargs):

    def display_name(self):
        if self.is_snapshot:
            return "Snapshot of %s" % self.copied_from.display_name()
        return self.hr_name or self.name

    def long_display_name(self):
        if self.is_snapshot:
            return format_html("Snapshot of {}",
        return self.hr_name or self.name

    __str__ = long_display_name

    def get_license_display(self):
        return LICENSES.get(self.license)

    def get_license_url(self):
        return LICENSE_LINKS.get(self.license)

    def copies(self):
        return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot',

    def copies_of_parent(self):
        return Domain.view('domain/copied_from_snapshot',
                           keys=[s._id for s in self.copied_from.snapshots()],

    def delete(self, leave_tombstone=False):
        if not leave_tombstone and not settings.UNIT_TESTING:
            raise ValueError(
                'Cannot delete domain without leaving a tombstone except during testing'
        if leave_tombstone:
            domain = self.get(self._id)
            if not domain.doc_type.endswith('-Deleted'):
                domain.doc_type = '{}-Deleted'.format(domain.doc_type)

        # The save signals can undo effect of clearing the cache within the save
        # because they query the stale view (but attaches the up to date doc).
        # This is only a problem on delete/soft-delete,
        # because these change the presence in the index, not just the doc content.
        # Since this is rare, I'm opting to just re-clear the cache here
        # rather than making the signals use a strict lookup or something like that.

    def _pre_delete(self):
        from corehq.apps.domain.deletion import apply_deletion_operations

        # delete SQL models first because UCR tables are indexed by configs in couch

        # delete couch docs
        for db, related_doc_ids in get_all_doc_ids_for_domain_grouped_by_db(
            iter_bulk_delete(db, related_doc_ids, chunksize=500)

    def get_module_by_name(cls, domain_name):
        import and return the python module corresponding to domain_name, or
        None if it doesn't exist.
        module_name = settings.DOMAIN_MODULE_MAP.get(domain_name, domain_name)

            return import_module(module_name) if module_name else None
        except ImportError:
            return None

    def commtrack_settings(self):
        # this import causes some dependency issues so lives in here
        from corehq.apps.commtrack.models import CommtrackConfig
        if self.commtrack_enabled:
            return CommtrackConfig.for_domain(self.name)
            return None

    def has_custom_logo(self):
        return self.has_attachment(LOGO_ATTACHMENT)

    def get_custom_logo(self):
        if not self.has_custom_logo:
            return None

        return (self.fetch_attachment(LOGO_ATTACHMENT),

    def put_attachment(self, *args, **kw):
        return super(Domain, self).put_attachment(domain=self.name,

    def get_case_display(self, case):
        """Get the properties display definition for a given case"""
        return self.case_display.case_details.get(case.type)

    def get_form_display(self, form):
        """Get the properties display definition for a given XFormInstance"""
        return self.case_display.form_details.get(form.xmlns)

    def location_types(self):
        from corehq.apps.locations.models import LocationType
        return LocationType.objects.filter(domain=self.name).all()

    def has_privilege(self, privilege):
        from corehq.apps.accounting.utils import domain_has_privilege
        return domain_has_privilege(self, privilege)

    def uses_locations(self):
        from corehq import privileges
        from corehq.apps.locations.models import LocationType
        return (self.has_privilege(privileges.LOCATIONS) and
                 or LocationType.objects.filter(domain=self.name).exists()))

    def convert_to_commtrack(self):
        One-stop-shop to make a domain CommTrack
        from corehq.apps.commtrack.util import make_domain_commtrack

    def clear_caches(self):
        from .utils import domain_restricts_superusers
        super(Domain, self).clear_caches()
        self.get_by_name.clear(self.__class__, self.name)

    def get_daily_outbound_sms_limit(self):
        if self.custom_daily_outbound_sms_limit:
            return self.custom_daily_outbound_sms_limit

        # https://manage.dimagi.com/default.asp?274299
        return 50000
Exemple #21
class XFormInstance(DeferredBlobMixin, SafeSaveDocument, ComputedDocumentMixin,
                    CouchDocLockableMixIn, AbstractXFormInstance):
    """An XForms instance."""
    domain = StringProperty()
    app_id = StringProperty()
    xmlns = StringProperty()
    form = DictProperty()
    received_on = DateTimeProperty()
    server_modified_on = DateTimeProperty()
    # Used to tag forms that were forcefully submitted
    # without a touchforms session completing normally
    partial_submission = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    history = SchemaListProperty(XFormOperation)
    auth_context = DictProperty()
    submit_ip = StringProperty()
    path = StringProperty()
    openrosa_headers = DictProperty()
    last_sync_token = StringProperty()
    # almost always a datetime, but if it's not parseable it'll be a string
    date_header = DefaultProperty()
    build_id = StringProperty()
    export_tag = DefaultProperty(name='#export_tag')
    _blobdb_type_code = CODES.form_xml

    class Meta(object):
        app_label = 'couchforms'

    def get(cls, docid, rev=None, db=None, dynamic_properties=True):
        # copied and tweaked from the superclass's method
        if not db:
            db = cls.get_db()
        cls._allow_dynamic_properties = dynamic_properties
        # on cloudant don't get the doc back until all nodes agree
        # on the copy, to avoid race conditions
        extras = get_safe_read_kwargs()
            if cls == XFormInstance:
                doc = db.get(docid, rev=rev, **extras)
                if doc['doc_type'] in doc_types():
                    return doc_types()[doc['doc_type']].wrap(doc)
                    return XFormInstance.wrap(doc)
                except WrappingAttributeError:
                    raise ResourceNotFound(
                        "The doc with _id {} and doc_type {} can't be wrapped "
                        "as an XFormInstance".format(docid, doc['doc_type']))
            return db.get(docid, rev=rev, wrapper=cls.wrap, **extras)
        except ResourceNotFound:
            raise XFormNotFound(docid)

    def form_id(self):
        return self._id

    def form_id(self, value):
        self._id = value

    def form_data(self):
        return DictProperty().unwrap(self.form)[1]

    def user_id(self):
        return getattr(self.metadata, 'userID', None)

    def is_error(self):
        return self.doc_type != 'XFormInstance'

    def is_duplicate(self):
        return self.doc_type == 'XFormDuplicate'

    def is_archived(self):
        return self.doc_type == 'XFormArchived'

    def is_deprecated(self):
        return self.doc_type == 'XFormDeprecated'

    def is_submission_error_log(self):
        return self.doc_type == 'SubmissionErrorLog'

    def is_deleted(self):
        return self.doc_type.endswith(DELETED_SUFFIX)

    def is_normal(self):
        return self.doc_type == 'XFormInstance'

    def deletion_id(self):
        return getattr(self, '-deletion_id', None)

    def deletion_date(self):
        return getattr(self, '-deletion_date', None)

    def metadata(self):
        if const.TAG_META in self.form:
            return Metadata.wrap(

        return None

    def time_start(self):
        # Will be addressed in https://github.com/dimagi/commcare-hq/pull/19391/
        return None

    def time_end(self):
        return None

    def commcare_version(self):
        return str(self.metadata.commcare_version)

    def app_version(self):
        return None

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s (%s)" % (self.type, self.xmlns)

    def save(self, **kwargs):
        # HACK: cloudant has a race condition when saving newly created forms
        # which throws errors here. use a try/retry loop here to get around
        # it until we find something more stable.
        RETRIES = 10
        SLEEP = 0.5  # seconds
        tries = 0
        self.server_modified_on = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        while True:
                return super(XFormInstance, self).save(**kwargs)
            except PreconditionFailed:
                if tries == 0:
                    logging.error('doc %s got a precondition failed', self._id)
                if tries < RETRIES:
                    tries += 1

    def get_data(self, path):
        Evaluates an xpath expression like: path/to/node and returns the value
        of that element, or None if there is no value.
        return safe_index(self, path.split("/"))

    def soft_delete(self):
        self.doc_type += DELETED_SUFFIX

    def get_xml(self):
            return self.fetch_attachment(ATTACHMENT_NAME)
        except ResourceNotFound:
            logging.warn("no xml found for %s, trying old attachment scheme." %
                return self[const.TAG_XML]
            except AttributeError:
                raise MissingFormXml(self.form_id)

    def get_attachment(self, attachment_name):
        return self.fetch_attachment(attachment_name)

    def get_xml_element(self):
        xml_string = self.get_xml()
        if not xml_string:
            return None
        return self._xml_string_to_element(xml_string)

    def _xml_string_to_element(self, xml_string):
        def _to_xml_element(payload):
            if isinstance(payload, str):
                payload = payload.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            return etree.fromstring(payload)

            return _to_xml_element(xml_string)
        except XMLSyntaxError:
            # there is a bug at least in pact code that double
            # saves a submission in a way that the attachments get saved in a base64-encoded format
            decoded_payload = base64.b64decode(xml_string)
            element = _to_xml_element(decoded_payload)

            # in this scenario resave the attachment properly in case future calls circumvent this method
            self.put_attachment(decoded_payload, ATTACHMENT_NAME)
            return element

    def put_attachment(self, content, name, **kw):
        if kw.get("type_code") is None:
            kw["type_code"] = (CODES.form_xml if name == ATTACHMENT_NAME else
        return super(XFormInstance, self).put_attachment(content, name, **kw)

    def attachments(self):
        Get the extra attachments for this form. This will not include
        the form itself
        def _meta_to_json(meta):
            is_image = False
            if meta.content_type is not None:
                is_image = True if meta.content_type.startswith(
                    'image/') else False

            meta_json = meta.to_json()
            meta_json['is_image'] = is_image

            return meta_json

        return {
            name: _meta_to_json(meta)
            for name, meta in self.blobs.items() if name != ATTACHMENT_NAME

    def xml_md5(self):
        return hashlib.md5(self.get_xml()).hexdigest()

    def archive(self, user_id=None, trigger_signals=True):
        if not self.is_archived:
            FormAccessors.do_archive(self, True, user_id, trigger_signals)

    def unarchive(self, user_id=None, trigger_signals=True):
        if self.is_archived:
            FormAccessors.do_archive(self, False, user_id, trigger_signals)
Exemple #22
class ExportTable(DocumentSchema):
    A table configuration, for export
    index = StringProperty()
    display = StringProperty()
    columns = SchemaListProperty(ExportColumn)
    order = ListProperty()

    def wrap(cls, data):
        # hack: manually remove any references to _attachments at runtime
        data['columns'] = [
            c for c in data['columns']
            if not c['index'].startswith("_attachments.")
        return super(ExportTable, cls).wrap(data)

    def default(cls, index):
        return cls(index=index, display="", columns=[])

    def displays_by_index(self):
        return dict((c.index, c.get_display()) for c in self.columns)

    def get_column_configuration(self, all_cols):
        selected_cols = set()
        for c in self.columns:
            if c.doc_type in display_column_types:
                yield c.to_config_format()

        for c in all_cols:
            if c not in selected_cols:
                column = ExportColumn(index=c)
                column.display = self.displays_by_index[
                    c] if self.displays_by_index.has_key(c) else ''
                yield column.to_config_format(selected=False)

    def get_headers_row(self):
        from couchexport.export import FormattedRow
        headers = []
        for col in self.columns:
            if issubclass(type(col), ComplexExportColumn):
                for header in col.get_headers():
                display = col.get_display()
                if col.index == 'id':
                    id_len = len(
                        filter(lambda part: part == '#',
                    if id_len > 1:
                        for i in range(id_len):
                            headers.append('{id}__{i}'.format(id=display, i=i))
        return FormattedRow(headers)

    def row_positions_by_index(self):
        return dict((h, i) for i, h in enumerate(self._headers)
                    if self.displays_by_index.has_key(h))

    def id_index(self):
        for i, column in enumerate(self.columns):
            if column.index == 'id':
                return i

    def get_items_in_order(self, row):
        row_data = list(row.get_data())
        for column in self.columns:
                i = self.row_positions_by_index[column.index]
                val = row_data[i]
            except KeyError:
                val = ''

            if issubclass(type(column), ComplexExportColumn):
                for value in column.get_data(val):
                    yield column, value
                yield column, val

    def trim(self, data, doc, apply_transforms, global_transform):
        from couchexport.export import FormattedRow, Constant, transform_error_constant
        if not hasattr(self, '_headers'):
            self._headers = tuple(data[0].get_data())

        # skip first element without copying
        data = islice(data, 1, None)

        for row in data:
            id = None
            cells = []
            for column, val in self.get_items_in_order(row):
                # TRANSFORM BABY!
                if apply_transforms:
                    if column.transform and not isinstance(val, Constant):
                            val = column.transform(val, doc)
                        except Exception:
                            val = transform_error_constant
                    elif global_transform:
                        val = global_transform(val, doc)

                if column.index == 'id':
                    id = val
            id_index = self.id_index if id else 0
            row_id = row.id if id else None
            yield FormattedRow(cells, row_id, id_index=id_index)
Exemple #23
class DynamicReportSet(DocumentSchema):
    """a set of dynamic reports grouped under a section header in the sidebar"""
    section_title = StringProperty()
    reports = SchemaListProperty(DynamicReportConfig)
Exemple #24
class CustomDataFieldsDefinition(Document):
    Per-project user-defined fields such as custom user data.
    field_type = StringProperty()
    base_doc = "CustomDataFieldsDefinition"
    domain = StringProperty()
    fields = SchemaListProperty(CustomDataField)

    def get_fields(self, required_only=False, include_system=True):
        def _is_match(field):
            return not ((required_only and not field.is_required) or
                        (not include_system and is_system_key(field.slug)))

        return filter(_is_match, self.fields)

    def get_or_create(cls, domain, field_type):
        existing = get_by_domain_and_type(domain, field_type)

        if existing:
            return existing
            new = cls(domain=domain, field_type=field_type)
            return new

    def get_validator(self, data_field_class):
        Returns a validator to be used in bulk import
        def validate_choices(field, value):
            if field.choices and value and six.text_type(
                    value) not in field.choices:
                return _(
                    "'{value}' is not a valid choice for {slug}, the available "
                    "options are: {options}.").format(
                        options=', '.join(field.choices),

        def validate_regex(field, value):
            if field.regex and value and not re.search(field.regex, value):
                return _("'{value}' is not a valid match for {slug}").format(
                    value=value, slug=field.slug)

        def validate_required(field, value):
            if field.is_required and not value:
                return _("Cannot create or update a {entity} without "
                         "the required field: {field}.").format(

        def validate_custom_fields(custom_fields):
            errors = []
            for field in self.fields:
                value = custom_fields.get(field.slug, None)
                errors.append(validate_required(field, value))
                errors.append(validate_choices(field, value))
                errors.append(validate_regex(field, value))
            return ' '.join(filter(None, errors))

        return validate_custom_fields

    def get_model_and_uncategorized(self, data_dict):
        Splits data_dict into two dictionaries:
        one for data which matches the model and one for data that doesn't
        Does not include reserved fields.
        if not data_dict:
            return {}, {}
        model_data = {}
        uncategorized_data = {}
        slugs = [field.slug for field in self.fields]
        for k, v in data_dict.items():
            if k in slugs:
                model_data[k] = v
            elif is_system_key(k):
                uncategorized_data[k] = v

        return model_data, uncategorized_data
Exemple #25
class OpenmrsCaseConfig(DocumentSchema):
    id_matchers = SchemaListProperty(IdMatcher)
    person_properties = SchemaDictProperty(ValueSource)
    person_attributes = SchemaDictProperty(ValueSource)
Exemple #26
class ExportTable(DocumentSchema):
    A table configuration, for export
    index = StringProperty()
    display = StringProperty()
    columns = SchemaListProperty(ExportColumn)

    def wrap(cls, data):
        # hack: manually remove any references to _attachments at runtime
        data['columns'] = [
            c for c in data['columns']
            if not c['index'].startswith("_attachments.")
        return super(ExportTable, cls).wrap(data)

    def default(cls, index):
        return cls(index=index, display="", columns=[])

    def displays_by_index(self):
        return dict((c.index, c.get_display()) for c in self.columns)

    def get_column_configuration(self, all_cols):
        selected_cols = set()
        for c in self.columns:
            if c.doc_type in display_column_types:
                yield c.to_config_format()

        for c in all_cols:
            if c not in selected_cols:
                column = ExportColumn(index=c)
                column.display = self.displays_by_index[
                    c] if c in self.displays_by_index else ''
                yield column.to_config_format(selected=False)

    def get_headers_row(self):
        from couchexport.export import FormattedRow
        headers = []
        for col in self.columns:
            if issubclass(type(col), ComplexExportColumn):
                for header in col.get_headers():
                display = col.get_display()
                if col.index == 'id':
                    id_len = len([
                        part for part in self.index.split('.') if part == '#'
                    if id_len > 1:
                        for i in range(id_len):
                            headers.append('{id}__{i}'.format(id=display, i=i))
        return FormattedRow(headers)

    def row_positions_by_index(self):
        return dict((h, i) for i, h in enumerate(self._headers)
                    if h in self.displays_by_index)

    def id_index(self):
        for i, column in enumerate(self.columns):
            if column.index == 'id':
                return i

    def get_items_in_order(self, row):
        from couchexport.export import scalar_never_was
        row_data = list(row.get_data())
        for column in self.columns:
            # If, for example, column.index references a question in a form
            # export and there are no forms that have a value for that question,
            # then that question does not show up in the schema for the export
            # and so column.index won't be found in self.row_positions_by_index.
            # In those cases we want to give a value of '---' to be consistent
            # with other "not applicable" export values.
                i = self.row_positions_by_index[column.index]
                val = row_data[i]
            except KeyError:
                val = scalar_never_was

            if issubclass(type(column), ComplexExportColumn):
                for value in column.get_data(val):
                    yield column, value
                yield column, val

    def trim(self, data, doc, apply_transforms, global_transform):
        from couchexport.export import FormattedRow, Constant, transform_error_constant
        if not hasattr(self, '_headers'):
            self._headers = tuple(data[0].get_data())

        # skip first element without copying
        data = islice(data, 1, None)

        rows = []
        for row in data:
            id = None
            cells = []
            for column, val in self.get_items_in_order(row):
                # TRANSFORM BABY!
                if apply_transforms:
                    if column.transform and not isinstance(val, Constant):
                            val = column.transform(val, doc)
                        except Exception:
                            val = transform_error_constant
                    elif global_transform:
                        val = global_transform(val, doc)

                if column.index == 'id':
                    id = val
            id_index = self.id_index if id else 0
            row_id = row.id if id else None
            rows.append(FormattedRow(cells, row_id, id_index=id_index))
        return rows
Exemple #27
class SQLSettings(DocumentSchema):
    partition_config = SchemaListProperty(SQLPartition)
Exemple #28
class SavedExportSchema(BaseSavedExportSchema, UnicodeMixIn):
    Lets you save an export format with a schema and list of columns
    and display names.

    name = StringProperty()
    default_format = StringProperty()

    is_safe = BooleanProperty(default=False)  # Is the export de-identified?
    # self.index should always match self.schema.index
    # needs to be here so we can use in couch views
    index = JsonProperty()

    # id of an ExportSchema for checkpointed schemas
    schema_id = StringProperty()

    # user-defined table configuration
    tables = SchemaListProperty(ExportTable)

    # For us right now, 'form' or 'case'
    type = StringProperty()

    # ID of  the new style export that it was converted to
    converted_saved_export_id = StringProperty()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.index)

    def transform(self, doc):
        return doc

    def global_transform_function(self):
        # will be called on every value in the doc during export
        return identity

    def schema(self):
        return ExportSchema.get(self.schema_id)

    def table_name(self):
        return self.sheet_name if self.sheet_name else "%s" % self._id

    def default(cls, schema, name="", type='form'):
        return cls(name=name,

    def tables_by_index(self):
        return dict([t.index, t] for t in self.tables)

    def get_table_configuration(self, index):
        def column_configuration():
            columns = self.schema.get_columns(index)
            if index in self.tables_by_index:
                return list(
                return [
                    for c in columns

        def display():
            if index in self.tables_by_index:
                return self.tables_by_index[index].display
                return ''

        return {
            "index": index,
            "display": display(),
            "column_configuration": column_configuration(),
            "selected": index in self.tables_by_index

    def get_table_headers(self, override_name=False):
        return ((self.table_name if override_name and i == 0 else t.index,
                 [t.get_headers_row()]) for i, t in enumerate(self.tables))

    def table_configuration(self):
        return [
            for index, cols in self.schema.tables

    def update_schema(self):
        Update the schema for this object to include the latest columns from
        any relevant docs.

        Does NOT save the doc, just updates the in-memory object.
        from couchexport.schema import build_latest_schema
        schema = build_latest_schema(self.index)
        if schema:

    def set_schema(self, schema):
        Set the schema for this object.

        Does NOT save the doc, just updates the in-memory object.
        self.schema_id = schema.get_id

    def trim(self, document_table, doc, apply_transforms=True):
        tables = []
        for table_index, data in document_table:
            if table_index in self.tables_by_index:
                # todo: currently (index, rows) instead of (display, rows); where best to convert to display?
                    (table_index, self.tables_by_index[table_index].trim(
                        data, doc, apply_transforms,
        return tables

    def get_export_components(self, previous_export_id=None, filter=None):
        from couchexport.export import ExportConfiguration

        database = get_db()

        config = ExportConfiguration(database, self.index, previous_export_id,
                                     self.filter & filter)

        # get and checkpoint the latest schema
        updated_schema = config.get_latest_schema()
        export_schema_checkpoint = config.create_new_checkpoint()
        return config, updated_schema, export_schema_checkpoint

    def get_export_files(self,
        from couchexport.export import get_writer, get_formatted_rows
        if not format:
            format = self.default_format or Format.XLS_2007

        config, updated_schema, export_schema_checkpoint = self.get_export_components(
            previous_export, filter)

        # transform docs onto output and save
        writer = get_writer(format)

        # open the doc and the headers
        formatted_headers = list(self.get_table_headers())
        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
        with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') as tmp:
                        table_titles=dict([(table.index, table.display)
                                           for table in self.tables
                                           if table.display]))

            total_docs = len(config.potentially_relevant_ids)
            if process:
                DownloadBase.set_progress(process, 0, total_docs)
            for i, doc in config.enum_docs():
                if limit and i > limit:
                if self.transform and apply_transforms:
                    doc = self.transform(doc)
                formatted_tables = self.trim(get_formatted_rows(doc,
                if process:
                    DownloadBase.set_progress(process, i + 1, total_docs)


        if format == Format.PYTHON_DICT:
            return writer.get_preview()

        return ExportFiles(path, export_schema_checkpoint, format)

    def get_preview_data(self, export_filter, limit=50):
        return self.get_export_files(Format.PYTHON_DICT,

    def download_data(self,
        If there is data, return an HTTPResponse with the appropriate data.
        If there is not data returns None.
        from couchexport.shortcuts import export_response
        files = self.get_export_files(format,
        return export_response(files.file, files.format, self.name)

    def to_export_config(self):
        Return an ExportConfiguration object that represents this.
        # confusingly, the index isn't the actual index property,
        # but is the index appended with the id to this document.
        # this is to avoid conflicts among multiple exports
        index = "%s-%s" % (self.index, self._id) if isinstance(self.index, six.string_types) else \
            self.index + [self._id] # self.index required to be a string or list
        return ExportConfiguration(index=index,

    def custom_validate(self):
        if self.default_format == Format.XLS:
            for table in self.tables:
                if len(table.columns) > 255:
                    raise CustomExportValidationError(
                        "XLS files can only have 255 columns")

    # replaces `sheet_name = StringProperty()`
    def __get_sheet_name(self):
        return self.tables[0].display

    def __set_sheet_name(self, value):
        self.tables[0].display = value

    sheet_name = property(__get_sheet_name, __set_sheet_name)

    def wrap(cls, data):
        # since this is a property now, trying to wrap it will fail hard
        if 'sheet_name' in data:
            del data['sheet_name']
        return super(SavedExportSchema, cls).wrap(data)
Exemple #29
class AbstractSyncLog(SafeSaveDocument):
    date = DateTimeProperty()
    domain = StringProperty()
    user_id = StringProperty()
    build_id = StringProperty()  # only works with app-aware sync
    app_id = StringProperty()  # only works with app-aware sync

    previous_log_id = StringProperty()  # previous sync log, forming a chain
    duration = IntegerProperty()  # in seconds
    log_format = StringProperty()

    # owner_ids_on_phone stores the ids the phone thinks it's the owner of.
    # This typically includes the user id,
    # as well as all groups that that user is a member of.
    owner_ids_on_phone = StringListProperty()

    # for debugging / logging
    previous_log_rev = StringProperty(
    )  # rev of the previous log at the time of creation
    last_submitted = DateTimeProperty(
    )  # last time a submission caused this to be modified
    rev_before_last_submitted = StringProperty(
    )  # rev when the last submission was saved
    last_cached = DateTimeProperty(
    )  # last time this generated a cached response
    hash_at_last_cached = StringProperty(
    )  # the state hash of this when it was last cached

    # save state errors and hashes here
    had_state_error = BooleanProperty(default=False)
    error_date = DateTimeProperty()
    error_hash = StringProperty()
    cache_payload_paths = DictProperty()

    last_ucr_sync_times = SchemaListProperty(UCRSyncLog)

    strict = True  # for asserts

    def wrap(cls, data):
        ret = super(AbstractSyncLog, cls).wrap(data)
        if hasattr(ret, 'has_assert_errors'):
            ret.strict = False
        return ret

    def save(self):
        self._synclog_sql = save_synclog_to_sql(self)

    def delete(self):
        if getattr(self, '_synclog_sql', None):

    def case_count(self):
        How many cases are associated with this. Used in reports.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def phone_is_holding_case(self, case_id):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_footprint_of_cases_on_phone(self):
        Gets the phone's flat list of all case ids on the phone,
        owned or not owned but relevant.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_state_hash(self):
        return CaseStateHash(

    def update_phone_lists(self, xform, case_list):
        Given a form an list of touched cases, update this sync log to reflect the updated
        state on the phone.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def from_other_format(cls, other_sync_log):
        Convert to an instance of a subclass from another subclass. Subclasses can
        override this to provide conversion functions.
        raise IncompatibleSyncLogType('Unable to convert from {} to {}'.format(

    # anything prefixed with 'tests_only' is only used in tests
    def tests_only_get_cases_on_phone(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def test_only_clear_cases_on_phone(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def test_only_get_dependent_cases_on_phone(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
Exemple #30
class GroupExportConfiguration(Document):
    An export configuration allows you to setup a collection of exports
    that all run together. Used by the management command or a scheduled
    job to run a bunch of exports on a schedule.
    full_exports = SchemaListProperty(ExportConfiguration)
    custom_export_ids = StringListProperty()

    def get_custom_exports(self):
        for custom in list(self.custom_export_ids):
            custom_export = self._get_custom(custom)
            if custom_export:
                yield custom_export

    def _get_custom(self, custom_id):
        Get a custom export, or delete it's reference if not found
            return SavedExportSchema.get(custom_id)
        except ResourceNotFound:
            except ValueError:

    def saved_exports(self):
        return self._saved_exports_from_configs(self.all_configs)

    def _saved_exports_from_configs(self, configs):
        exports = SavedBasicExport.view(
            keys=[json.dumps(config.index) for config in configs],
        export_map = dict((json.dumps(export.configuration.index), export)
                          for export in exports)
        return [
                config, export_map.get(json.dumps(config.index), None),
                list(self.all_configs).index(config)) for config in configs

    def all_configs(self):
        Return an iterator of config-like objects that include the
        main configs + the custom export configs.
        return [full for full in self.full_exports] + \
               [custom.to_export_config() for custom in self.get_custom_exports()]

    def all_export_schemas(self):
        Return an iterator of ExportSchema-like objects that include the
        main configs + the custom export configs.
        for full in self.full_exports:
            yield DefaultExportSchema(index=full.index, type=full.type)
        for custom in self.get_custom_exports():
            yield custom

    def all_exports(self):
        Returns an iterator of tuples consisting of the export config
        and an ExportSchema-like document that can be used to get at
        the data.
        return list(zip(self.all_configs, self.all_export_schemas))