Exemple #1
    def _vartype_arg(f):
        argspec = getargspec(f)

        def _enforce_single_arg(name, args, kwargs):
                vartype = kwargs[name]
            except KeyError:
                raise TypeError('vartype argument missing')

            kwargs[name] = as_vartype(vartype)

        def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # bound actual f arguments (including defaults) to f argument names
            # (note: if call arguments don't match actual function signature,
            # we'll fail here with the standard `TypeError`)
            bound_args = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)

            # `getcallargs` doesn't merge additional positional/keyword arguments,
            # so do it manually
            final_args = list(bound_args.pop(argspec.varargs, ()))
            final_kwargs = bound_args.pop(argspec.keywords, {})

            for name in arg_names:
                _enforce_single_arg(name, final_args, final_kwargs)

            return f(*final_args, **final_kwargs)

        return new_f
Exemple #2
    def _graph_arg(f):
        argspec = getargspec(f)

        def _enforce_single_arg(name, args, kwargs):
                G = kwargs[name]
            except KeyError:
                raise TypeError('Graph argument missing')

            if hasattr(G, 'edges') and hasattr(G, 'nodes'):
                # networkx or perhaps a named tuple
                kwargs[name] = (list(G.nodes), list(G.edges))

            elif isinstance(G, integer_types):
                # an integer, cast to a complete graph
                kwargs[name] = (list(range(G)),
                                list(itertools.combinations(range(G), 2)))

            elif isinstance(G, Sequence) and len(G) == 2:
                # is a pair nodes/edges
                if isinstance(G[0], integer_types):
                    # if nodes is an int
                    kwargs[name] = (list(range(G[0])), G[1])

            elif isinstance(G, float) and G.is_integer():
                G = int(G)
                kwargs[name] = (list(range(G)),
                                list(itertools.combinations(range(G), 2)))

                raise ValueError('Unexpected graph input form')


        def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # bound actual f arguments (including defaults) to f argument names
            # (note: if call arguments don't match actual function signature,
            # we'll fail here with the standard `TypeError`)
            bound_args = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)

            # `getcallargs` doesn't merge additional positional/keyword arguments,
            # so do it manually
            final_args = list(bound_args.pop(argspec.varargs, ()))
            final_kwargs = bound_args.pop(argspec.keywords, {})

            for name in arg_names:
                _enforce_single_arg(name, final_args, final_kwargs)

            return f(*final_args, **final_kwargs)

        return new_f
Exemple #3
    def _vartype_arg(f):
        argspec = getargspec(f)

        def _enforce_single_arg(name, args, kwargs):
                vartype = kwargs[name]
            except KeyError:
                raise TypeError('vartype argument missing')

            if isinstance(vartype, Vartype):

                if isinstance(vartype, str):
                    vartype = Vartype[vartype]
                    vartype = Vartype(vartype)

            except (ValueError, KeyError):
                raise TypeError(("expected input vartype to be one of: "
                                 "Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}, "
                                 "Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', or {0, 1}."))

            kwargs[name] = vartype

        def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # bound actual f arguments (including defaults) to f argument names
            # (note: if call arguments don't match actual function signature,
            # we'll fail here with the standard `TypeError`)
            bound_args = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)

            # `getcallargs` doesn't merge additional positional/keyword arguments,
            # so do it manually
            final_args = list(bound_args.pop(argspec.varargs, ()))
            final_kwargs = bound_args.pop(argspec.keywords, {})

            for name in arg_names:
                _enforce_single_arg(name, final_args, final_kwargs)

            return f(*final_args, **final_kwargs)

        return new_f
Exemple #4
    def _graph_arg(f):
        argspec = getargspec(f)

        def _enforce_single_arg(name, args, kwargs):
                G = kwargs[name]
            except KeyError:
                raise TypeError('Graph argument missing')

            if hasattr(G, 'edges') and hasattr(G, 'nodes'):
                # networkx or perhaps a named tuple
                kwargs[name] = (list(G.nodes), list(G.edges))

            elif _is_integer(G):
                # an integer, cast to a complete graph
                kwargs[name] = (list(range(G)),
                                list(itertools.combinations(range(G), 2)))

            elif isinstance(G, abc.Sequence):
                if len(G) != 2:
                    # edgelist
                    kwargs[name] = (list(set().union(*G)), G)
                else:  # len(G) == 2
                    # need to determine if this is a nodes/edges pair or an
                    # edgelist
                    if isinstance(G[0], int):
                        # nodes are an int so definitely nodelist
                        kwargs[name] = (list(range(G[0])), G[1])
                    elif all(
                            isinstance(e, abc.Sequence) and len(e) == 2
                            for e in G):
                        # ok, everything is a sequence and everything has length
                        # 2, so probably an edgelist. But we're dealing with
                        # only four objects so might as well check to be sure
                        nodes, edges = G
                        if all(
                                isinstance(e, abc.Sequence) and len(e) == 2 and
                            (v in nodes for v in e) for e in edges):
                            pass  # nodes, edges
                            # edgelist
                            kwargs[name] = (list(set().union(*G)), G)
                        # nodes, edges

            elif allow_None and G is None:
                # allow None to be passed through
                kwargs[name] = G

                raise ValueError('Unexpected graph input form')


        def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # bound actual f arguments (including defaults) to f argument names
            # (note: if call arguments don't match actual function signature,
            # we'll fail here with the standard `TypeError`)
            bound_args = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)

            # `getcallargs` doesn't merge additional positional/keyword arguments,
            # so do it manually
            final_args = list(bound_args.pop(argspec.varargs, ()))
            final_kwargs = bound_args.pop(argspec.keywords, {})

            for name in arg_names:
                _enforce_single_arg(name, final_args, final_kwargs)

            return f(*final_args, **final_kwargs)

        return new_f