Exemple #1
def test_roi_in_volume():
    data_shape = (11, 11, 11, 64)
    roi_center = np.array([5, 5, 5])
    roi_radii = np.array([5, 5, 5])
    roi_radii_out = _roi_in_volume(data_shape, roi_center, roi_radii)
    npt.assert_array_equal(roi_radii_out, np.array([5, 5, 5]))

    roi_radii = np.array([6, 6, 6])
    roi_radii_out = _roi_in_volume(data_shape, roi_center, roi_radii)
    npt.assert_array_equal(roi_radii_out, np.array([5, 5, 5]))

    roi_center = np.array([4, 4, 4])
    roi_radii = np.array([5, 5, 5])
    roi_radii_out = _roi_in_volume(data_shape, roi_center, roi_radii)
    npt.assert_array_equal(roi_radii_out, np.array([4, 4, 4]))

    data_shape = (11, 11, 1, 64)
    roi_center = np.array([5, 5, 0])
    roi_radii = np.array([5, 5, 0])
    roi_radii_out = _roi_in_volume(data_shape, roi_center, roi_radii)
    npt.assert_array_equal(roi_radii_out, np.array([5, 5, 0]))

    roi_center = np.array([2, 5, 0])
    roi_radii = np.array([5, 10, 2])
    roi_radii_out = _roi_in_volume(data_shape, roi_center, roi_radii)
    npt.assert_array_equal(roi_radii_out, np.array([2, 5, 0]))
Exemple #2
def cube_crop_data(data):
    shape = np.array(data.shape[:3])
    roi_center = shape // 2
    roi_radii = _roi_in_volume(shape, roi_center, shape // 3)
    roi_mask = _mask_from_roi(shape, roi_center, roi_radii)

    return data * roi_mask
Exemple #3
def mask_for_response_msmt(gtab,
    """ Computation of masks for multi-shell multi-tissue (msmt) response
        function using FA and MD.

    gtab : GradientTable
    data : ndarray
        diffusion data (4D)
    roi_center : array-like, (3,)
        Center of ROI in data. If center is None, it is assumed that it is
        the center of the volume with shape `data.shape[:3]`.
    roi_radii : int or array-like, (3,)
        radii of cuboid ROI
    wm_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for WM.
    gm_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for GM.
    csf_fa_thr : float
        FA threshold for CSF.
    gm_md_thr : float
        MD threshold for GM.
    csf_md_thr : float
        MD threshold for CSF.

    mask_wm : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA above the FA threshold
        for WM.
    mask_gm : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA below the FA threshold
        for GM and with MD below the MD threshold for GM.
    mask_csf : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA below the FA threshold
        for CSF and with MD below the MD threshold for CSF.

    In msmt-CSD there is an important pre-processing step: the estimation of
    every tissue's response function. In order to do this, we look for voxels
    corresponding to WM, GM and CSF. This function aims to accomplish that by
    returning a mask of voxels within a ROI and who respect some threshold
    constraints, for each tissue. More precisely, the WM mask must have a FA
    value above a given threshold. The GM mask and CSF mask must have a FA
    below given thresholds and a MD below other thresholds. To get the FA and
    MD, we need to fit a Tensor model to the datasets.

    if len(data.shape) < 4:
        msg = """Data must be 4D (3D image + directions). To use a 2D image,
        please reshape it into a (N, N, 1, ndirs) array."""
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if isinstance(roi_radii, numbers.Number):
        roi_radii = (roi_radii, roi_radii, roi_radii)

    if roi_center is None:
        roi_center = np.array(data.shape[:3]) // 2

    roi_radii = _roi_in_volume(data.shape, np.asarray(roi_center),

    roi_mask = _mask_from_roi(data.shape[:3], roi_center, roi_radii)

    list_bvals = unique_bvals_tolerance(gtab.bvals)
    if not np.all(list_bvals <= 1200):
        msg_bvals = """Some b-values are higher than 1200.
        The DTI fit might be affected."""
        warnings.warn(msg_bvals, UserWarning)

    ten = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = ten.fit(data, mask=roi_mask)
    fa = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    fa[np.isnan(fa)] = 0
    md = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
    md[np.isnan(md)] = 0

    mask_wm = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    mask_wm[fa > wm_fa_thr] = 1
    mask_wm *= roi_mask

    md_mask_gm = np.zeros(md.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    md_mask_gm[(md < gm_md_thr)] = 1

    fa_mask_gm = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    fa_mask_gm[(fa < gm_fa_thr) & (fa > 0)] = 1

    mask_gm = md_mask_gm * fa_mask_gm
    mask_gm *= roi_mask

    md_mask_csf = np.zeros(md.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    md_mask_csf[(md < csf_md_thr) & (md > 0)] = 1

    fa_mask_csf = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    fa_mask_csf[(fa < csf_fa_thr) & (fa > 0)] = 1

    mask_csf = md_mask_csf * fa_mask_csf
    mask_csf *= roi_mask

    msg = """No voxel with a {0} than {1} were found.
    Try a larger roi or a {2} threshold for {3}."""

    if np.sum(mask_wm) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA higher', str(wm_fa_thr), 'lower FA', 'WM')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)

    if np.sum(mask_gm) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA lower', str(gm_fa_thr), 'higher FA', 'GM')
        msg_md = msg.format('MD lower', str(gm_md_thr), 'higher MD', 'GM')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)
        warnings.warn(msg_md, UserWarning)

    if np.sum(mask_csf) == 0:
        msg_fa = msg.format('FA lower', str(csf_fa_thr), 'higher FA', 'CSF')
        msg_md = msg.format('MD lower', str(csf_md_thr), 'higher MD', 'CSF')
        warnings.warn(msg_fa, UserWarning)
        warnings.warn(msg_md, UserWarning)

    return mask_wm, mask_gm, mask_csf
Exemple #4
def mask_for_response_ssst(gtab, data, roi_center=None, roi_radii=10,
    """ Computation of mask for single-shell single-tissue (ssst) response
        function using FA.

    gtab : GradientTable
    data : ndarray
        diffusion data (4D)
    roi_center : array-like, (3,)
        Center of ROI in data. If center is None, it is assumed that it is
        the center of the volume with shape `data.shape[:3]`.
    roi_radii : int or array-like, (3,)
        radii of cuboid ROI
    fa_thr : float
        FA threshold

    mask : ndarray
        Mask of voxels within the ROI and with FA above the FA threshold.

    In CSD there is an important pre-processing step: the estimation of the
    fiber response function. In order to do this, we look for voxels with very
    anisotropic configurations. This function aims to accomplish that by
    returning a mask of voxels within a ROI, that have a FA value above a
    given threshold. For example we can use a ROI (20x20x20) at
    the center of the volume and store the signal values for the voxels with
    FA values higher than 0.7 (see [1]_).

    .. [1] Tournier, J.D., et al. NeuroImage 2004. Direct estimation of the
    fiber orientation density function from diffusion-weighted MRI
    data using spherical deconvolution

    if len(data.shape) < 4:
        msg = """Data must be 4D (3D image + directions). To use a 2D image,
        please reshape it into a (N, N, 1, ndirs) array."""
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if isinstance(roi_radii, numbers.Number):
        roi_radii = (roi_radii, roi_radii, roi_radii)

    if roi_center is None:
        roi_center = np.array(data.shape[:3]) // 2

    roi_radii = _roi_in_volume(data.shape, np.asarray(roi_center),

    roi_mask = _mask_from_roi(data.shape[:3], roi_center, roi_radii)

    ten = TensorModel(gtab)
    tenfit = ten.fit(data, mask=roi_mask)
    fa = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
    fa[np.isnan(fa)] = 0

    mask = np.zeros(fa.shape, dtype=np.int64)
    mask[fa > fa_thr] = 1

    if np.sum(mask) == 0:
        msg = """No voxel with a FA higher than {} were found.
        Try a larger roi or a lower threshold.""".format(str(fa_thr))
        warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)

    return mask