def CreateField(self, fieldLabel, initText, yIndex, focus): label = OnscreenText(text = fieldLabel, pos = (-0.4, 0.35 - yIndex * 0.2), scale = 0.07, fg = (1, 1, 1, 1)) label.reparentTo(self.node) f = DirectEntry(text = '' , scale = 0.05, initialText = initText, numLines = 1, rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None, pos = (-0.4, 1, 0.25 - yIndex * 0.2), focus = (not focus)) f.reparentTo(self.frame) return f
class World(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self): self.creeps = None = False self.sec = 0 self.min = 0 self.pindex = 1 # This is the Pause Index self.index = -1 # This is the hero Index self.rindex = False # This is the Repick Index self.hpicked = [] # This List Stores All The Heroes Picked and Removes Them for i in range(0, 110): self.hpicked.append(-1) # Gotta change and check this self.hindex = 0 # When a hero is picked this index saves it and stores it in the list self.RND = render.attachNewNode("rend") self.LightHandler = None self.Players() self.LoadTerrain() # Load the Map self.SetupCamera() self.SetupLight() self.SetupEvents() self.SetupTimer() self.chooseHero() self.SetupMap() self.SetupCreeps() self.SetupCollision() self.displayed = False self.keyMap = {"cam-left": 0, "cam-right": 0, "cam-up": 0, "cam-down": 0, "zoom-in": 0, "zoom-out": 0} self.chatindex = 0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.text = ["text1", "text2", "text3", "text4", "text5" "text6" "text7" "text8" "text9", "text10", "text11"] self.task = None def Players(self): self.hero1 = None self.hero2 = None self.hero3 = None self.hero4 = None self.hero5 = None self.hero6 = None self.hero7 = None self.hero8 = None self.hero9 = None self.hero10 = None self.player1 = None self.player2 = None self.player3 = None self.player4 = None self.player5 = None self.player6 = None self.player7 = None self.player8 = None self.player9 = None self.player10 = None def LoadTerrain(self): self.terrain = loader.loadModel("models/environment") self.terrain.setTag("Map", "1") self.terrain.reparentTo(self.RND) self.itmpan1 = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/3.png", scale=(0.3, 0, 0.09), pos=(0.61, 0, -0.915)) self.itmpan2 = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/3.png", scale=(0.3, 0, 0.09), pos=(0.61, 0, -0.740)) self.t2 = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/t2.png", scale=(0.25, 0, 0.06), pos=(1.160, 0, -0.71)) self.t1 = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/t1.png", scale=(0.25, 0, 0.06), pos=(1.160, 0, -0.83)) self.end = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/end.png", scale=(0.1, 0, 0.2), pos=(1.510, 0, -0.80)) self.back = OnscreenImage(image=MYDIRIMG + "/back.png", scale=(0.57, 0, 0.2), pos=(-0.26, 0, -0.80)) def SetupCollision(self): base.cTrav = CollisionTraverser() self.collHandler = CollisionHandlerQueue() self.pickerNode = CollisionNode("mouseRay") self.pickerNP = camera.attachNewNode(self.pickerNode) self.pickerNode.setFromCollideMask(GeomNode.getDefaultCollideMask()) self.pickerRay = CollisionRay() self.pickerNode.addSolid(self.pickerRay) base.cTrav.addCollider(self.pickerNP, self.collHandler) def ObjectClick(self): if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() self.pickerRay.setFromLens(base.camNode, mpos.getX(), mpos.getY()) base.cTrav.traverse(render) # Assume for simplicity's sake that myHandler is a CollisionHandlerQueue. if self.collHandler.getNumEntries() > 0: # This is so we get the closest object. self.collHandler.sortEntries() self.pickedObj = self.collHandler.getEntry(0).getIntoNodePath() self.pickedObj1 = self.pickedObj.findNetTag("Unit") self.pickedObj2 = self.pickedObj.findNetTag("MyHero") self.pickedObj3 = self.pickedObj.findNetTag("Map") self.pickedObj4 = self.pickedObj.findNetTag("MyHero") if self.pickedObj1 == self.creeps.getModel(): if self.displayed is False: self.displayed = True self.creeps.display() else: if self.displayed is True: self.displayed = False self.creeps.displaynot() if self.hero != None: if self.pickedObj2 == self.hero1.getModel(): if self.displayed is False: self.displayed = True self.hero1.display() else: if self.displayed is True: self.displayed = False self.hero1.displaynot() def SetupCamera(self):, 0, 180), 0, 0) def SetupTimer(self): self.btn = aspect2d.attachNewNode("btn") self.btn.setTransparency(1) self.timesec = OnscreenText(text="", pos=(1.3, -0.71), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), mayChange=1, scale=0.05) self.timemin = OnscreenText(text="", pos=(1.1, -0.71), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), mayChange=1, scale=0.05) self.pausebtn = DirectButton( text="Pause (%d)" % (self.pindex), parent=self.btn, text_fg=(0, 0.2, 0, 1), text_pos=(0.05, -0.15), text_scale=(0.48, 0.53), image=(MYDIRIMG + "btnof.png", MYDIRIMG + "btnon.png", MYDIRIMG + "btnon.png", None), frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0), pos=(-1.0, 0, -0.81), image_scale=(1.0, 0, 0.7), scale=(0.15, 0, 0.10), command=self.Pause, ) self.infobtn = DirectButton( text="Info", parent=self.btn, text_fg=(0, 0.2, 0, 1), text_pos=(0.05, -0.15), text_scale=0.6, image=(MYDIRIMG + "btnof.png", MYDIRIMG + "btnon.png", MYDIRIMG + "btnon.png", None), frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0), pos=(-1.0, 0, -0.68), image_scale=(1.0, 0, 0.7), scale=(0.15, 0, 0.10), command=self.Pause, ) taskMgr.doMethodLater(1, self.Timer, "tickTask") def SetupMap(self): self.minimap = minimap(None) def SetupLight(self): self.LightHandler = Lights(None) def SetupEvents(self): self.DEntry = DirectEntry( text="", pos=(-0.6, 0.0, -0.7), image=MYDIRIMG + "/tooltips9.png", frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), width=27, image_pos=(13.5, 0, 0.2), image_scale=(15, 0, 0.6), scale=0.05, initialText="", numLines=1, focus=1, command=self.Parser, ) self.DEntry.setTransparency(1) self.DEntry.detachNode() taskMgr.add(self.MoveCamera, "CameraControl") self.accept("enter", self.MsgBox) self.accept("wheel_up", self.setKey, ["zoom-in", 1]) self.accept("wheel_down", self.setKey, ["zoom-out", 1]) # self.accept("wheel_up-up",self.setKey, ["zoom-in",0]) # self.accept("wheel_down-up",self.setKey, ["zoom-out",0]) self.accept("a", self.setKey, ["cam-left", 1]) self.accept("d", self.setKey, ["cam-right", 1]) self.accept("w", self.setKey, ["cam-up", 1]) self.accept("s", self.setKey, ["cam-down", 1]) self.accept("+", self.setKey, ["zoom-in", 1]) self.accept("-", self.setKey, ["zoom-out", 1]) self.accept("a-up", self.setKey, ["cam-left", 0]) self.accept("d-up", self.setKey, ["cam-right", 0]) self.accept("w-up", self.setKey, ["cam-up", 0]) self.accept("s-up", self.setKey, ["cam-down", 0]) self.accept("+-up", self.setKey, ["zoom-in", 0]) self.accept("--up", self.setKey, ["zoom-out", 0]) self.accept("mouse1", self.ObjectClick) def UnSetupEvents(self): self.ignore("a") self.ignore("s") self.ignore("w") self.ignore("s") self.ignore("+") self.ignore("-") self.ignore("enter") self.ignore("wheel_up") self.ignore("wheel_down") taskMgr.remove("CameraControl") def setKey(self, key, value): self.keyMap[key] = value def MoveCamera(self, task): mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() elapsed = globalClock.getDt() self.dt = elapsed = mpos.getX() = mpos.getY() if self.keyMap["cam-left"] != 0:, -(self.dt * 20)) if self.keyMap["cam-right"] != 0:, +(self.dt * 20)) if self.keyMap["zoom-in"] != 0:, -(self.dt * 20)) if self.keyMap["zoom-out"] != 0:, +(self.dt * 20)) if self.keyMap["cam-down"] != 0:, -(self.dt * 20)) if self.keyMap["cam-up"] != 0:, +(self.dt * 20)) if > 0.95: if < MAPLIMIT:, +(self.dt * SCROLLSPEED)) if < -0.95: if > -MAPLIMIT:, -(self.dt * SCROLLSPEED)) if > 0.95: if < MAPLIMIT:, +(self.dt * SCROLLSPEED)) if < -0.95: if > -MAPLIMIT:, -(self.dt * SCROLLSPEED)) return task.cont def chooseHero(self): if self.hero1 == None: self.BTNnode = aspect2d.attachNewNode("buttons") for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(0, 4): self.index += 1 if icons[self.index] == None: continue if self.hpicked[self.index] == self.index: continue self.worldHeroButton(-1.8 + j * 0.1, -i * 0.1, self.index) def worldHeroButton(self, x, y, arg): DirectButton( text="", parent=self.BTNnode, text_font=font, image=MYDIRICONS + icons[arg] + ".tga", frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0), pad=(-0.1, -0.1), image_scale=(IconSx + 0.2, 0, IconSy + 0.2), pos=(posx - 0.5 + x, 0, posy + y), scale=(0.20, 0, 0.20), command=self.SetupHero, extraArgs=[arg], ) def SetupCreeps(self): self.creeps = Unit1() def SetupHero(self, no): self.hpicked.insert(self.hindex, no) self.hindex += 1 self.BTNnode.detachNode() self.hero1 = Hero(no) self.hero1.getModel().setTag("Hero1", "1") def Timer(self, task): self.task = task self.sec += 1 if self.hero1 != None: self.hero1.sendTime(self.min, self.sec) if self.sec >= 60: self.sec = 0 self.min += 1 self.timemin.setText(str(self.min)) self.timesec.setText(str(self.sec)) return task.again def MsgBox(self): if == False: self.DEntry.reparentTo(aspect2d) = True else: self.DEntry.detachNode() = False def Parser(self, text): Text = text # Within 120 seconds on the game if self.hero1 == None: self.BTNnode.detachNode() if Text == "-random": self.hero1 = Hero(random.randint(0, 96)) elif Text == "-random int": self.hero1 = Hero(random.randint(66, 96)) elif Text == "-random str": self.hero1 = Hero(random.randint(0, 36)) elif Text == "-random agi": self.hero1 == Hero(random.randint(36, 66)) if Text == "-repick": if self.rindex == False: if self.hero1 != None: self.hero1.destroy() self.hero1 = None self.index = -1 self.chooseHero() self.rindex = True else: Error("Cannot Repick") elif Text == "-": pass else: pass # self.Chat(Text,self.task) # taskMgr.add(self.Chat,"nn",extraArgs=[Text]) # this sends text to allies def ChatTimer(self, task, chat, i): chat.destroy(), 0) self.chatindex -= 1 return task.done def Chat(self, text, task): for i in range(1, 15): if[i] == 0: self.text[i] = OnscreenText(text=text, pos=(-1.3, -0.4), fg=(0, 0, 0, 1), scale=0.07), 1) taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.ChatTimer, "chat", [task, self.text[i], i]) self.chatindex += 1 break else: self.text[i].setY(-(0.1 * i) + 0.4) return task.done def Pause(self): if self.pindex != 0: self.pindex -= 1 time.sleep(2) self.pausebtn["text"] = "Pause (%d)" % (self.pindex) else: Error("Pause Limits Used") def destroy(self): if self.hero1 != None: self.hero1.destroy() self.minimap.destroy() self.btn.detachNode() self.BTNnode.detachNode() taskMgr.remove("timer") self.terrain.detachNode() del self.LightHandler del self.creeps self.UnSetupEvents() def MousePos(self, task): # This Took me 1.5 Months to Learn if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() self.pos3d = Point3() self.nearPoint = Point3() self.farPoint = Point3() base.camLens.extrude(mpos, self.nearPoint, self.farPoint) if self.plane.intersectsLine( self.pos3d, render.getRelativePoint(camera, self.nearPoint), render.getRelativePoint(camera, self.farPoint) ): pass return task.again
class FrameAutenticacao(object): ''' FrameAutenticacao ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw): self.__qtd_conexao = 0 self.__frmAuth = DirectFrame(frameColor=(0, 0, 0, .3), frameSize=(-.5, .5, 0, 0.45), pos=(0, 0, -.1), enableEdit=1) self.__lblLogin = DirectLabel(text="Login: "******"Senha: ", scale=0.05, pos=(-0.3, 0, 0.2), frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 0), text_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1)) self.__etySenha = DirectEntry( scale=0.05, width=12, pos=(-.2, 0, 0.2), cursorKeys=1, obscured=1, focusInCommand=self.__command_clear_senha) self.__btnEntrar = DirectButton(frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), text="Entrar", scale=0.06, pos=(0.3, 0, 0.1), text_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), rolloverSound=None, clickSound=None, command=self.__command_entrar) self.__lblLogin.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etyLogin.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__lblSenha.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etySenha.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__btnEntrar.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etyLogin.set("viner") self.__etySenha.set("viner") def __command_clear_senha(self): self.__etySenha.set("") def __command_entrar(self, txt=None): login = self.__etyLogin.get() senha = self.__etySenha.get() valido = True if login == "": addMensagem("O campo Login e obrigatorio !", COR_BRANCO) valido = False if senha == "": addMensagem("O campo Senha e obrigatorio !", COR_BRANCO) valido = False if valido: self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.DISABLED taskMgr.add(self.__task_conectar_servidor, 'ConectarServidor', extraArgs=[login, senha], appendTask=True) #inicia_nova_thread(1, 0, "Conectar Servidor", self.__conectar_servidor, login, senha) def __task_conectar_servidor(self, login, senha, task): if self.__qtd_conexao < TENTATIVAS: if vinerOnline.flg_conectado == vinerOnline.ERROLOGIN: vinerOnline.flg_conectado = vinerOnline.DESCONECT self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.NORMAL self.__qtd_conexao = 0 addMensagem('Login ou senha invalido', COR_VERMELHO) self.__etyLogin.setFocus() elif vinerOnline.flg_conectado == vinerOnline.CONECTADO: #addMensagem("Conectado 12 !!!") #self.destroy() pass else: vinerOnline.conectar_servidor(login, senha) self.__qtd_conexao += 1 taskMgr.doMethodLater(INTERVALO_TENTATIVAS, self.__task_conectar_servidor, 'ConectarServidorLater', extraArgs=[login, senha], appendTask=True) msg = "Tentativa %s/5 - Conectando..." % (self.__qtd_conexao) addMensagem(msg, COR_BRANCO) else: vinerOnline.flg_conectado = vinerOnline.DESCONECT self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.NORMAL self.__qtd_conexao = 0 addMensagem("Servidor nao encontrado", COR_VERMELHO) return task.done def destroy(self): self.__frmAuth.destroy() del self.__lblLogin del self.__etyLogin del self.__lblSenha del self.__etySenha del self.__btnEntrar del self.__frmAuth
class FileDialog(DirectObject): def __init__(self, title, initial_status, callback): self.frmLeft = -.7 self.frmBottom = -.12 self.frmRight = .7 self.frmTop = .12 self.frmWidth = self.frmRight - self.frmLeft self.frmHeight = self.frmTop - self.frmBottom self.title = title self.initial_status = initial_status self.callback = callback self.result = None self.done = 0 def activate(self): # create main dialog frame # Note: frame position references the CENTER of the frame self.frm = DirectFrame(pos=(0, 0, 0), frameSize=(self.frmLeft, self.frmRight, self.frmBottom, self.frmTop), relief=DGG.RIDGE, borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), frameColor=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)) self.frm.reparentTo(base.aspect2d) # Note: wonderfully enough, label position on the other hand # references the CENTER of the LEFT border of the label! titleLabel = DirectLabel(text=self.title, scale=0.04, frameColor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), relief=DGG.RIDGE, borderWidth=(0.01, 0.01), text_align=TextNode.ALeft) titleLabel.setPos(-self.frmWidth / 2 + .02, 0, self.frmHeight / 2 - .045) titleLabel.reparentTo(self.frm) sc = .04 self.dir_edit_field = DirectEntry( text='', # prompt text scale=sc, frameColor=(0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 1), command=self.setText, width=32, numLines=1, focus=1, focusInCommand=self.efFocusIn, ) self.dir_edit_field.setPos(-self.frmWidth / 2 + .02, 0, self.frmHeight / 2 - .13) self.dir_edit_field.reparentTo(self.frm) self.statusLabel = DirectLabel( text=self.initial_status, scale=0.04, frameColor=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1), # relief = DGG.RIDGE, # borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), text_align=TextNode.ALeft) self.statusLabel.setPos(-self.frmWidth / 2 + .02, 0, self.frmHeight / 2 - .2) self.statusLabel.reparentTo(self.frm) # call this if you need to run a form before your mainloop starts steppping the taskMgr def run(self): while self.done != 1: taskMgr.step() taskMgr.step( ) # once more to make the last output from the dialog visible # while we load a zone self.frm.removeNode() def end(self): self.frm.removeNode() # callback function to set text: called by the Panda3d taskMgr when the user # has entered something into the DirectEntry widget def setText(self, textEntered): print 'dir_edit_field::setText:', textEntered self.done = self.callback(textEntered) if self.done != 1: self.dir_edit_field['focus'] = 1 #clear the text def efFocusIn(self): print 'focus in' self.dir_edit_field.enterText('') def setStatus(self, status): self.statusLabel['text'] = status
class FileDialog(DirectObject): def __init__(self, title, initial_status, callback): self.frmLeft = -.7 self.frmBottom = -.12 self.frmRight = .7 self.frmTop = .12 self.frmWidth = self.frmRight - self.frmLeft self.frmHeight = self.frmTop - self.frmBottom self.title = title self.initial_status = initial_status self.callback = callback self.result = None self.done = 0 def activate(self): # create main dialog frame # Note: frame position references the CENTER of the frame self.frm = DirectFrame( pos = (0,0,0), frameSize = (self.frmLeft, self.frmRight,self.frmBottom, self.frmTop), relief = DGG.RIDGE, borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), frameColor = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)) self.frm.reparentTo(base.aspect2d) # Note: wonderfully enough, label position on the other hand # references the CENTER of the LEFT border of the label! titleLabel = DirectLabel(text = self.title, scale = 0.04, frameColor = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), relief = DGG.RIDGE, borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), text_align = TextNode.ALeft) titleLabel.setPos(-self.frmWidth/2+.02, 0, self.frmHeight/2-.045) titleLabel.reparentTo(self.frm) sc = .04 self.dir_edit_field = DirectEntry( text = '', # prompt text scale = sc, frameColor = (0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 1), command=self.setText, width = 32, numLines = 1, focus = 1, focusInCommand=self.efFocusIn, ) self.dir_edit_field.setPos(-self.frmWidth/2+.02, 0, self.frmHeight/2-.13) self.dir_edit_field.reparentTo(self.frm) self.statusLabel = DirectLabel(text = self.initial_status, scale = 0.04, frameColor = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1), # relief = DGG.RIDGE, # borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01), text_align = TextNode.ALeft) self.statusLabel.setPos(-self.frmWidth/2+.02, 0, self.frmHeight/2-.2) self.statusLabel.reparentTo(self.frm) # call this if you need to run a form before your mainloop starts steppping the taskMgr def run(self): while self.done != 1: taskMgr.step() taskMgr.step() # once more to make the last output from the dialog visible # while we load a zone self.frm.removeNode() def end(self): self.frm.removeNode() # callback function to set text: called by the Panda3d taskMgr when the user # has entered something into the DirectEntry widget def setText(self, textEntered): print 'dir_edit_field::setText:', textEntered self.done = self.callback(textEntered) if self.done != 1: self.dir_edit_field['focus'] = 1 #clear the text def efFocusIn(self): print 'focus in' self.dir_edit_field.enterText('') def setStatus(self, status): self.statusLabel['text'] = status
class MainMenu(DirectObject): """This class represents the main menu as seen directly after the application has been started""" def __init__(self): # loading music self.menuMusic = loader.loadMusic("music/01Menu.mp3") self.menuMusic.setLoop(True) # create a main frame as big as the window self.frameMain = DirectFrame( # set framesize the same size as the window frameSize = (base.a2dLeft, base.a2dRight, base.a2dTop, base.a2dBottom), # position center pos = (0, 0, 0), # set tramsparent background color frameColor = (0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1)) #self.frameMain.reparentTo(render2d) self.menuBackground = OnscreenImage( image = 'gui/Background.png', scale = (1.66, 1, 1), pos = (0, 0, 0)) self.menuBackground.reparentTo(self.frameMain) self.defaultBtnMap = base.loader.loadModel("gui/button_map") self.buttonGeom = ( self.defaultBtnMap.find("**/button_ready"), self.defaultBtnMap.find("**/button_click"), self.defaultBtnMap.find("**/button_rollover"), self.defaultBtnMap.find("**/button_disabled")) self.defaultTxtMap = base.loader.loadModel("gui/textbox_map") self.textboxGeom = self.defaultTxtMap.find("**/textbox") monospace = loader.loadFont('gui/DejaVuSansMono.ttf') defaultFont = loader.loadFont('gui/eufm10.ttf') # create the title self.textscale = 0.25 self.title = DirectLabel( # scale and position scale = self.textscale, pos = (0.0, 0.0, base.a2dTop - self.textscale), # frame frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 0), # Text text = "Dungeon Crawler", text_align = TextNode.ACenter, text_fg = (0.82,0.85,0.87,1), text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1), text_shadowOffset = (-0.02, -0.02), text_font = defaultFont) self.title.setTransparency(1) self.title.reparentTo(self.frameMain) # create a host button self.btnHostPos = Vec3(0, 0, .45) self.btnHostScale = 0.25 self.btnHost = DirectButton( # Scale and position scale = self.btnHostScale, pos = self.btnHostPos, # Text text = "Host", text_scale = 0.8, text_pos = (0, -0.2), text_fg = (0.82,0.85,0.87,1), text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1), text_shadowOffset = (-0.02, -0.02), text_font = defaultFont, # Frame geom = self.buttonGeom, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 0), relief = 0, pressEffect = False, # Functionality command =, rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None) self.btnHost.setTransparency(1) self.btnHost.reparentTo(self.frameMain) # create a join button self.btnJoinPos = Vec3(0, 0, 0) self.btnJoinScale = 0.25 self.btnJoin = DirectButton( scale = self.btnJoinScale, pos = self.btnJoinPos, text = "Join", text_scale = 0.8, text_pos = (0, -0.2), text_fg = (0.82,0.85,0.87,1), text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1), text_shadowOffset = (-0.02, -0.02), text_font = defaultFont, geom = self.buttonGeom, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 0), relief = 0, pressEffect = False, command = self.join, rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None) self.btnJoin.setTransparency(1) self.btnJoin.reparentTo(self.frameMain) # create the IP input field self.txtIPPos = Vec3(0, 0, -.30) self.txtIPScale = 0.25 self.txtIPWidth = 9 self.txtIP = DirectEntry( # scale and position pos = self.txtIPPos, scale = self.txtIPScale, width = self.txtIPWidth, # Text entryFont = monospace, text_align = TextNode.ACenter, text = "", text_scale = 0.5, text_pos = (0, -0.2), text_fg = (0.82,0.85,0.87,1), text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1), text_shadowOffset = (0.04, 0.04), initialText = "", numLines = 1, # Frame geom = self.textboxGeom, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 0), relief = 0, # Functionality command = self.join, focusInCommand = self.clearText) self.txtIP.reparentTo(self.frameMain) # create an exit button self.btnExitPos = Vec3(0, 0, -.75) self.btnExitScale = 0.25 self.btnExit = DirectButton( scale = self.btnExitScale, pos = self.btnExitPos, text = "Exit", text_scale = 0.8, text_pos = (0, -0.2), text_fg = (0.82,0.85,0.87,1), text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1), text_shadowOffset = (-0.02, -0.02), text_font = defaultFont, geom = self.buttonGeom, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 0), relief = 0, pressEffect = False, command = lambda: base.messenger.send("escape"), rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None) self.btnExit.setTransparency(1) self.btnExit.reparentTo(self.frameMain) # create a mute checkbox self.cbVolumeMute = DirectCheckBox( # set size scale = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), frameSize = (-1, 1, 1, -1), # functionality and visuals command = self.cbVolumeMute_CheckedChanged, isChecked = True, checkedImage = "gui/SoundSwitch_off.png", uncheckedImage = "gui/SoundSwitch_on.png", # mouse behaviour relief = 0, pressEffect = False, rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None ) self.cbVolumeMute.setTransparency(1) self.cbVolumeMute.reparentTo(self.frameMain) self.cbVolumeMute.commandFunc(None) # catch window resizes and recalculate the aspectration self.accept("window-event", self.recalcAspectRatio) self.accept("showerror", self.showError) # show the menu right away def host(self): """Function which will be called by pressing the host button""" self.hide() base.messenger.send("start_server") def join(self, ip=None): """Function which will be called by pressing the join button""" if ip == None: ip = self.txtIP.get(True) if ip == "": return self.hide() base.messenger.send("start_client", [ip]) def showError(self, msg): self.dialog = OkDialog( dialogName="ErrorDialog", text="Error: {}".format(msg), command=self.closeDialog) def closeDialog(self, args): self.dialog.hide() def show(self): """Show the GUI""" def hide(self): """Hide the GUI""" self.frameMain.hide() self.menuMusic.stop() def clearText(self): """Function to clear the text that was previously entered in the IP input field""" self.txtIP.enterText("") def cbVolumeMute_CheckedChanged(self, checked): if bool(checked): base.disableAllAudio() else: base.enableAllAudio() def recalcAspectRatio(self, window): """get the new aspect ratio to resize the mainframe""" # set the mainframe size to the window borders again self.frameMain["frameSize"] = ( base.a2dLeft, base.a2dRight, base.a2dTop, base.a2dBottom) # calculate new aspec tratio wp = window.getProperties() aspX = 1.0 aspY = 1.0 wpXSize = wp.getXSize() wpYSize = wp.getYSize() if wpXSize > wpYSize: aspX = wpXSize / float(wpYSize) else: aspY = wpYSize / float(wpXSize) # calculate new position/size/whatever of the gui items self.title.setPos(0.0, 0.0, base.a2dTop - self.textscale) self.menuBackground.setScale(1.0 * aspX, 1.0, 1.0 * aspY) self.cbVolumeMute.setPos(base.a2dRight - 0.15, 0, base.a2dBottom + 0.15)
class DroneManager(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self, base, droneList, delay): self.base = base # the actual dimensions of the bcs drone lab in meters # self.roomSize = Vec3(3.40, 4.56, 2.56) # confined dimensions because the room and drone coordinates dont match up yet. # Also, flying near the windows/close to walls/too high often makes the llighthouse positioning system loose track self.roomSize = Vec3(1.5, 2.5, 1.7) self.initDrones(droneList) self.initUI() self.currentFormation = 0 self.isRotating = False self.currentTimeslot = 0 self.timeslotLengthMilli = delay def initDrones(self, droneList): """Initializes the drones defined in droneList.""" self.isStarted = False self.isConnected = False self.drones = [] # this is the list of all drones self.currentDronePos = [ ] # this is the list of the most recent position that was sent by each drone if droneList == []: print("No drones to spawn") else: for i in range(0, len(droneList)): position = droneList[i][0] uri = droneList[i][1] self.drones.append(Drone(self, position, uri=uri)) self.base.taskMgr.add(self.updateDronesTask, "UpdateDrones") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.updateTimeslotTask, "UpdateTimeslot") def updateDronesTask(self, task): """Run the update methods of all drones.""" for drone in self.drones: drone.update() return task.cont def updateTimeslotTask(self, task): timeslotAmount = 2 task.delayTime = self.timeslotLengthMilli / 1000 self.currentTimeslot += 1 if self.currentTimeslot >= timeslotAmount: self.currentTimeslot = 0 for drone in self.drones: drone.updateSentPosition(self.currentTimeslot) return task.again def initUI(self): # initialize drone control panel buttonSize = (-4, 4, -.2, .8) buttonDistance = 0.15 entrySize = (0, 2, -.2, .8) # frame = DirectFrame(frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, 1), frameSize=(-.5, .5, -.7, .15), pos=(-.9, 0, -.6), scale=.5) frame = DirectFrame(frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, 1), frameSize=(-.5, .5, -.7, .15), pos=(-.9, 0, -.4), scale=.5) button = DirectButton(text="Start", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.startLandAll) button["extraArgs"] = [button] button.reparentTo(frame) button = DirectButton(text="Random Target", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.setRandomTargets) button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -1 * buttonDistance)) button = DirectButton(text="Stop", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.stopAll) button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -2 * buttonDistance)) button = DirectButton(text="Return", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.returnToWaitingPosition) button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -3 * buttonDistance)) button = DirectButton(text="Connect", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.toggleConnections) button["extraArgs"] = [button] button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -4 * buttonDistance)) button = DirectButton(text="Rotate", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.toggleRotation) button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -5 * buttonDistance)) button = DirectButton(text="Move", scale=.1, frameSize=buttonSize, command=self.moveFormation) button.reparentTo(frame) button.setPos(Vec3(0, 0, -6 * buttonDistance)) self.moveX = DirectEntry(text="", initialText="0", scale=.1, frameSize=entrySize) self.moveX.reparentTo(frame) self.moveX.setPos(Vec3(0.5, 0, -6 * buttonDistance)) self.moveY = DirectEntry(text="", initialText="0", scale=.1, frameSize=entrySize) self.moveY.reparentTo(frame) self.moveY.setPos(Vec3(0.75, 0, -6 * buttonDistance)) self.moveZ = DirectEntry(text="", initialText="0", scale=.1, frameSize=entrySize) self.moveZ.reparentTo(frame) self.moveZ.setPos(Vec3(1, 0, -6 * buttonDistance)) self.rotSpeed = DirectEntry(text="", initialText="3", scale=.1, frameSize=entrySize) self.rotSpeed.reparentTo(frame) self.rotSpeed.setPos(Vec3(0.5, 0, -5 * buttonDistance)) # initialize an UI element with all available formations loadFormationSelectionFrame(self) def startLandAll(self, button): if not self.isStarted: self.isStarted = True button["text"] = "Land" print("starting all") for drone in self.drones: pos = drone.getPos() drone.setTarget(target=Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], 1)) else: self.isStarted = False button["text"] = "Start" print("landing all") for drone in self.drones: pos = drone.getPos() drone.setTarget(target=Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], 0)) def returnToWaitingPosition(self): """Makes all drones hover above their starting position. Useful to make the drones land just where they started.""" if not self.isStarted: print("can't return to waiting position, drones are not started") return print("returning to waiting positions") for drone in self.drones: drone.setTarget(drone.waitingPosition) def setRandomTargets(self): """Set random targets for all drones.""" if not self.isStarted: print("can't set random targets, drones are not started") return print("setting random targets") for drone in self.drones: drone.setRandomTarget() def stopAll(self): """Stops all drones and makes them hover where they are.""" if not self.isStarted: print("can't stop drones, drones are not started") return print("stopping drones") for drone in self.drones: drone.setTarget(target=drone.getPos()) def toggleConnections(self, button): """Connects/Disconnects the virtual drones to/from the real drones.""" # connect drones if not self.isConnected: self.isConnected = True button["text"] = "Disconnect" print("initializing drivers") cflib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) print("connecting drones") for drone in self.drones: drone.connect() # time.sleep(5) # wait a moment so that the position estimator reports a consisten position # disconnect drones else: self.isConnected = False button["text"] = "Connect" print("disconnecting drones") for drone in self.drones: if drone.isConnected: drone.disconnect() def applyFormation(self, formation): """Applies the supplied formation to the drones.""" if not self.isStarted: print("Can't apply formation, drones are not started") return # name = formation[0] dronePositions = formation[1] requiredDrones = len(dronePositions) availableDrones = self.drones.__len__() maxNumber = availableDrones if requiredDrones > availableDrones: print( "The formation contains {0} points but there are only {1} available drones" .format(requiredDrones, availableDrones)) if requiredDrones < availableDrones: print( "The formation contains {0} points but there are {1} available drones, some drones will remain stationary" .format(requiredDrones, availableDrones)) maxNumber = requiredDrones # print("applying {} formation".format(formation[0])) for i in range(0, maxNumber): self.drones[i].setNewRandVec() self.drones[i].setTarget( Vec3(dronePositions[i, 0], dronePositions[i, 1], dronePositions[i, 2])) self.currentFormation = formation def moveFormation(self): if (self.currentFormation == 0): return newFormation = self.currentFormation newFormation[1] += [ float(self.moveX.get()), float(self.moveY.get()), float(self.moveZ.get()) ] self.applyFormation(newFormation) def toggleRotation(self): if (self.currentFormation == 0): return if not self.isRotating: self.isRotating = True self.base.taskMgr.doMethodLater(0, self.rotateFormationTask, "RotateDrones") else: self.isRotating = False self.base.taskMgr.remove("RotateDrones") def rotateFormationTask(self, task): task.delayTime = 0.1 newFormation = self.currentFormation speed = 2 try: speed = float(self.rotSpeed.get()) except: speed = 2 r = R.from_euler('xyz', [0, 0, speed], degrees=True) newFormation[1] = r.apply(newFormation[1]) self.applyFormation(newFormation) return task.again def getRandomRoomCoordinate(self) -> Vec3: """Returns random 3D coordinates withing the confines of the room.""" newX = random.uniform(-self.roomSize.x / 2, self.roomSize.x / 2) newY = random.uniform(-self.roomSize.y / 2, self.roomSize.y / 2) newZ = random.uniform(0 + 0.3, self.roomSize.z) return Vec3(newX, newY, newZ) def getAllPositions(self): """Returns a list of the positions of all drones. Usefull when recording their paths for later.""" lst = [] for drone in self.drones: pos = drone.getPos() lst.append([pos.x, pos.y, pos.z]) return lst def getAllVelocities(self): """Returns a list of the velocities of all drones. Usefull when recording their paths for later.""" lst = [] for drone in self.drones: vel = drone.getVel() lst.append([vel.x, vel.y, vel.z]) return lst
class FrameAutenticacao(object): ''' FrameAutenticacao ''' def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): self.__qtd_conexao = 0 self.__frmAuth = DirectFrame( frameColor = (0,0,0,.3), frameSize = (-.5,.5,0,0.45), pos = (0,0,-.1), enableEdit = 1 ) self.__lblLogin = DirectLabel( text = "Login: "******"Senha: ", scale = 0.05, pos = (-0.3, 0, 0.2), frameColor = (0,0,0,0), text_fg = (1,1,1,1) ) self.__etySenha = DirectEntry( scale = 0.05, width = 12, pos = (-.2, 0, 0.2), cursorKeys = 1, obscured = 1, focusInCommand = self.__command_clear_senha) self.__btnEntrar = DirectButton( frameColor = (0,0,0,1), text = "Entrar", scale = 0.06, pos = (0.3, 0, 0.1), text_fg = (1,1,1,1), rolloverSound = None, clickSound = None, command = self.__command_entrar) self.__lblLogin.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etyLogin.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__lblSenha.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etySenha.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__btnEntrar.reparentTo(self.__frmAuth) self.__etyLogin.set("viner") self.__etySenha.set("viner") def __command_clear_senha(self): self.__etySenha.set("") def __command_entrar(self, txt = None): login = self.__etyLogin.get() senha = self.__etySenha.get() valido = True if login == "": addMensagem("O campo Login e obrigatorio !", COR_BRANCO) valido = False if senha == "": addMensagem("O campo Senha e obrigatorio !", COR_BRANCO) valido = False if valido: self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.DISABLED taskMgr.add( self.__task_conectar_servidor, 'ConectarServidor', extraArgs=[login,senha], appendTask=True) #inicia_nova_thread(1, 0, "Conectar Servidor", self.__conectar_servidor, login, senha) def __task_conectar_servidor(self, login, senha, task): if self.__qtd_conexao < TENTATIVAS: if vinerOnline.flg_conectado == vinerOnline.ERROLOGIN: vinerOnline.flg_conectado = vinerOnline.DESCONECT self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.NORMAL self.__qtd_conexao = 0 addMensagem('Login ou senha invalido', COR_VERMELHO) self.__etyLogin.setFocus() elif vinerOnline.flg_conectado == vinerOnline.CONECTADO: #addMensagem("Conectado 12 !!!") #self.destroy() pass else: vinerOnline.conectar_servidor(login, senha) self.__qtd_conexao += 1 taskMgr.doMethodLater( INTERVALO_TENTATIVAS, self.__task_conectar_servidor, 'ConectarServidorLater', extraArgs = [login,senha], appendTask = True) msg = "Tentativa %s/5 - Conectando..." % (self.__qtd_conexao) addMensagem(msg, COR_BRANCO) else: vinerOnline.flg_conectado = vinerOnline.DESCONECT self.__btnEntrar["state"] = DGG.NORMAL self.__qtd_conexao = 0 addMensagem("Servidor nao encontrado", COR_VERMELHO) return task.done def destroy(self): self.__frmAuth.destroy() del self.__lblLogin del self.__etyLogin del self.__lblSenha del self.__etySenha del self.__btnEntrar del self.__frmAuth
class EntyButtonFrame(object): def __init__(self, parent=None, scale=.05, limitText=100, frameSize=(0, 1.3, 0.11, .2), pos=(0, 0, .1)): self.__show = True self.frmMsg = DirectFrame(parent=parent, frameColor=(0, 0, 0, .5), frameSize=frameSize, pos=pos, enableEdit=1) self.etyMsg = DirectEntry(frameColor=(1, 1, 1, .5), scale=scale, width=22, numLines=1, pos=(.02, 0, .14), cursorKeys=1, focus=1, command=self.__command_enviar_msg, focusInCommand=self.__command_clear_msg) self.btnMsgr = DirectButton(frameColor=(0, 0, 0, 1), text="Enviar", scale=scale, pos=(1.21, 0, .14), text_fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), rolloverSound=None, clickSound=None, command=self.__command_enviar_msg) self.etyMsg.reparentTo(self.frmMsg) self.btnMsgr.reparentTo(self.frmMsg) self.hide() def hide(self): self.frmMsg.hide() self.__show = False def show(self): self.__show = True self.etyMsg.setFocus() def isShowing(self): return self.__show def __command_clear_msg(self): self.etyMsg.set("") def __command_enviar_msg(self, txt=None): msg = self.etyMsg.get() if msg != "": vinerOnline.envia_pacote_server(0, ACAO_SERVER_falar, [msg]) self.__command_clear_msg() self.etyMsg.setFocus() return False