Exemple #1
def test_eval():
	"""Simple sanity check; should give 100% score on all metrics."""
	from discodop.treebank import READERS
	from discodop.eval import Evaluator, readparam
	gold = READERS['export']('alpinosample.export')
	parses = READERS['export']('alpinosample.export')
	goldtrees, goldsents, candsents = gold.trees(), gold.sents(), parses.sents()
	evaluator = Evaluator(readparam(None))
	for n, ctree in parses.trees().items():
		evaluator.add(n, goldtrees[n], goldsents[n], ctree, candsents[n])
Exemple #2
def test_eval():
	"""Simple sanity check; should give 100% score on all metrics."""
	from discodop.treebank import READERS
	from discodop.eval import Evaluator, readparam
	gold = READERS['export']('alpinosample.export')
	parses = READERS['export']('alpinosample.export')
	goldtrees, goldsents, candsents = gold.trees(), gold.sents(), parses.sents()
	evaluator = Evaluator(readparam(None))
	for n, ctree in parses.trees().items():
		evaluator.add(n, goldtrees[n], goldsents[n], ctree, candsents[n])
Exemple #3
from configparser import ConfigParser
from supertagging.data import SupertagParseDataset

config = ConfigParser()

data = SupertagParseDataset(f"{config['Corpus']['filename']}.train")

from discodop.tree import ParentedTree, Tree
from discodop.treetransforms import unbinarize, removefanoutmarkers
from discodop.eval import Evaluator, readparam
from discodop.lexgrammar import SupertagGrammar

grammar = load(open(f"{config['Corpus']['filename']}.grammar", "rb"))
i = 0
evaluator = Evaluator(readparam("proper.prm"))
for sentence in data:
    words = tuple(t.text for t in sentence)
    poss = tuple(t.get_tag("pos").value for t in sentence)
    tags = tuple(((t.get_tag("supertag").value, 0.0), ) for t in sentence)
    parses = grammar.parse(poss, tags, posmode=True)
        parse = next(parses)
    except StopIteration:
        leaves = (f"({p} {i})" for p, i in zip(poss, range(len(words))))
        parse = ParentedTree(f"(NOPARSE {' '.join(leaves)})")
    gold = ParentedTree(sentence.get_labels("tree")[0].value)
    gold = ParentedTree.convert(
    parse = ParentedTree.convert(
Exemple #4
    def evaluate(self,
                 sentences: SupertagParseDataset,
                 mini_batch_size: int = 32,
                 num_workers: int = 1,
                 embedding_storage_mode: str = "none",
                 only_disc: str = "both",
                 accuracy: str = "both",
                 pos_accuracy: bool = True,
                 return_loss: bool = True) -> Tuple[Result, float]:
        """ Predicts supertags, pos tags and parse trees, and reports the
            predictions scores for a set of sentences.
            :param sentences: a ``DataSet`` of sentences. For each sentence
                a gold parse tree is expected as value of the `tree` label, as
                provided by ``SupertagParseDataset``.
            :param only_disc: If set, overrides the setting `DISC_ONLY` in the
                evaluation parameter file ``self.evalparam``, i.e. only evaluates
                discontinuous constituents if True. Pass "both" to report both
            :param accuracy: either 'none', 'best', 'kbest' or 'both'.
                Determines if the accuracy is computed from the best, or k-best
                predicted tags.
            :param pos_accuracy: if set, reports acc. of predicted pos tags.
            :param return_loss: if set, nll loss wrt. gold tags is reported,
                otherwise the second component in the returned tuple is 0.
            :returns: tuple with evaluation ``Result``, where the main score
                is the f1-score (for all constituents, if only_disc == "both").
        from flair.datasets import DataLoader
        from discodop.tree import ParentedTree, Tree
        from discodop.treetransforms import unbinarize, removefanoutmarkers
        from discodop.eval import Evaluator, readparam
        from timeit import default_timer
        from collections import Counter

        if self.__evalparam__ is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Need to specify evaluator parameter file before evaluating")
        if only_disc == "both":
            evaluators = {
                "F1-all": Evaluator({
                    **self.evalparam, "DISC_ONLY": False
                "F1-disc": Evaluator({
                    **self.evalparam, "DISC_ONLY": True
            mode = self.evalparam["DISC_ONLY"] if only_disc == "param" else (
                only_disc == "true")
            strmode = "F1-disc" if mode else "F1-all"
            evaluators = {
                strmode: Evaluator({
                    **self.evalparam, "DISC_ONLY": mode

        data_loader = DataLoader(sentences,

        # predict supertags and parse trees
        eval_loss = 0
        start_time = default_timer()
        for batch in data_loader:
            loss = self.predict(batch,
            eval_loss += loss if return_loss else 0
        end_time = default_timer()

        i = 0
        batches = 0
        noparses = 0
        acc_ctr = Counter()
        for batch in data_loader:
            for sentence in batch:
                for token in sentence:
                    if accuracy in ("kbest", "both") and token.get_tag("supertag").value in \
                            (l.value for l in token.get_tags_proba_dist('predicted-supertag')):
                        acc_ctr["kbest"] += 1
                    if accuracy in ("best", "both") and token.get_tag("supertag").value == \
                        acc_ctr["best"] += 1
                    if pos_accuracy and token.get_tag(
                            "pos").value == token.get_tag(
                        acc_ctr["pos"] += 1
                acc_ctr["all"] += len(sentence)
                sent = [token.text for token in sentence]
                gold = Tree(sentence.get_labels("tree")[0].value)
                gold = ParentedTree.convert(
                parse = Tree(sentence.get_labels("predicted")[0].value)
                parse = ParentedTree.convert(
                if parse.label == "NOPARSE":
                    noparses += 1
                for evaluator in evaluators.values():
                    evaluator.add(i, gold.copy(deep=True), list(sent),
                                  parse.copy(deep=True), list(sent))
                i += 1
            batches += 1
        scores = {
            strmode: float_or_zero(evaluator.acc.scores()['lf'])
            for strmode, evaluator in evaluators.items()
        if accuracy in ("both", "kbest"):
            scores["accuracy-kbest"] = acc_ctr["kbest"] / acc_ctr["all"]
        if accuracy in ("both", "best"):
            scores["accuracy-best"] = acc_ctr["best"] / acc_ctr["all"]
        if pos_accuracy:
            scores["accuracy-pos"] = acc_ctr["pos"] / acc_ctr["all"]
        scores["coverage"] = 1 - (noparses / i)
        scores["time"] = end_time - start_time
        return (Result(
            scores['F1-all'] if 'F1-all' in scores else scores['F1-disc'],
            "\t".join(f"{mode}" for mode in scores),
            "\t".join(f"{s}" for s in scores.values()),
                        for evaluator in evaluators.values())),
                eval_loss / batches)