async def todo_list(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None): try: await ctx.message.delete() except discord.HTTPException: pass if member is None: member = async with as conn: entries = await conn.zrange(, 0, -1) if not entries: return await ctx.send(f'{} has no TODOs.', delete_after=15) entries = [ f'**{index}:** {entry.decode()}' for index, entry in enumerate(entries, 1) ] pagey = buttons.Paginator(timeout=300, entries=entries, embed=True, title=f'{} - TODOs', thumbnail=member.avatar_url, colour=0xbcf379) await pagey.start(ctx)
async def queue(self, ctx: commands.Context): player = self.get_player(ctx=ctx) if not player.queue: return await ctx.send('No more songs are queued.') entries = [] if player._current.repeats: entries.append( f'**({player._current.repeats}x)** `{player._current.title}`') for song in player.queue[player.index + 1:]: entry = f'`{song.title}`' entries.append(entry) if not entries: return await ctx.send('No more songs are queued!', delete_after=10) pagey = buttons.Paginator( timeout=180, colour=0xebb145, length=10, title=f'Player Queue | Upcoming ({len(player.queue)}) songs.', entries=entries, use_defaults=True) await pagey.start(ctx)
async def last(self, ctx, days: int = None): """Used to get the last x days profit eg. `{prefix}last 7` (days has to be an integer)""" async with ctx.typing(): data = load(open('Login_details/profit_graphing.json', 'r')) if days is None or days > len(data): days = len(data) ignored = len(data) - days await, self.gen_graph, days) last = buttons.Paginator( title=f'Last {days} days profit',, embed=True, timeout=90, use_defaults=True, length=10, entries=[ f'__**{date}**__ - Days profit **{value[0]}** keys. Total profit ' f'**{value[1]}** keys. Predicted profit **{value[2]}** keys. ' f'Total trades **{value[3]}**' for date, value in reversed(list(data.items())[ignored:]) ]) await last.start(ctx) f = File(self.location, filename="graph.png") await ctx.send(file=f)
async def reload(self, ctx, *, extension=None): """Reload an extension eg. `{prefix}reload staff`""" await ctx.trigger_typing() if extension is None: reloaded = [] failed = [] for extension in try:'Cogs.{extension}')'extension_reload', extension) except commands.ExtensionNotLoaded: try:'Cogs.{extension}') except Exception as e:'extension_fail', ctx, extension, e, send=False) failed.append((extension, e)) else:'extension_load', extension) reloaded.append(extension) except Exception as e:'extension_fail', ctx, extension, e, send=False) failed.append((extension, e)) else:'extension_load', extension) reloaded.append(extension) exc = f'\nFailed to load {len(failed)} cog{"s" if len(failed) > 1 else ""} ' \ f'(`{"`, `".join(fail[0] for fail in failed)}`)' if len(failed) > 0 else "" entries = ['\n'.join([f'{ctx.emoji.tick} `{r}`' for r in reloaded])] for f in failed: entries.append(f'{ctx.emoji.cross} `{f[0]}` - Failed\n```py\n{format_error(f[1])}```') reload = buttons.Paginator( title=f'Reloaded `{len(reloaded)}` cog{"s" if len(reloaded) != 1 else ""} {exc}', colour=get_colour(ctx), entries=entries, length=1 ) return await reload.start(ctx) try:'Cogs.{extension}') except commands.ExtensionNotLoaded: if extension in try:'Cogs.{extension}')'extension_reload', extension) except Exception as e:'extension_fail', ctx, extension, e) else: await ctx.send(f'**`SUCCESS`** {ctx.emoji.tick} `{extension}` has been loaded') except Exception as e:'extension_fail', ctx, extension, e) else: await ctx.send(f'**`SUCCESS`** {ctx.emoji.tick} `{extension}` has been reloaded')
async def mutelist(self, ctx): """Get a list of the currently muted members the reason for their mute and how long they will be muted for""" # todo add time until they are unmuted and sort by that along with the reason muted = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name='Muted') muted_list = [ member for member in ctx.guild.members if muted in member.roles ] paginator = buttons.Paginator( title= f'{len(muted_list)} Muted member{"s" if len(muted_list) > 1 else ""}', colour=discord.Colour.blurple(), length=5, entries=[f'{i}. {e}' for i, e in enumerate(muted_list, start=1)]) await paginator.start(ctx)
async def history(self, ctx, days: int = 30): _sorted = {} file = load(open(f'{}/history.json', 'r')) try: black_list = open('Login_details/blacklist', 'r').read().splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: black_list = [] for trade in file.values(): try: if trade['time_sold'] + 60 * 60 * 24 * days > datetime.utcnow( ).timestamp(): if trade['time_sold'] and trade['name'] not in black_list: profit = trade['bought'] - trade['sold'] human_time_to_sell = ago.human( self.unix_parse(trade['time_bought']) - self.unix_parse(trade['time_sold'])) _sorted[profit] = [trade['name'], human_time_to_sell] except KeyError: pass checker = buttons.Paginator( title='History checker',, embed=True, timeout=90, use_defaults=True, entries=[ f'**{index}.** {trade[1][0]}, was sold {trade[1][1]} for ' f'{floor((trade[0] / 9) * 100) / 100 if trade[0] > 0 else -1 * floor(abs(trade[0]) / 9 * 100) / 100} ' f'ref {"profit" if trade[0] > 0 else "loss"}' for index, trade in enumerate(sorted(_sorted.items(), reverse=True), start=1) ], length=10) await checker.start(ctx)
async def played(self, ctx, *args): """ Check played games stats Usage: {prefix}played [enable|disable|delete|(user)] """ user = if len(args) > 0 and args[0] not in ('enable', 'disable', 'delete'): user = await commands.MemberConverter().convert(ctx, args[0]) if user and not any(map(lambda x: x[0] ==, self.toTrack)): await ctx.send( 'Tagged person does not have played tracking enabled') return elif not any(map(lambda x: x[0] ==, self.toTrack)): if ctx.guild is None: await ctx.send( 'You can only enable the played command within a guild') return elif len(args) == 0 or args[0] != 'enable': await ctx.send( f'I\'m currently not tracking your games, do `{}played enable` to enable' ) return else: self.track(, await ctx.send( f'Your games will now be tracked forever!!! >:) :smiling_imp:\ndo `{}played disable` to opt out *or `delete` to disable and delete all data*' ) return if len(args) > 0 and args[0] in ('disable', 'delete'): self.stopTracking(, args[0] == 'delete') await ctx.send('Game tracking is now disabled') return games = self.getUserPlayed( if games is None or len(games) < 1: await ctx.send( f'{"You" if user == else "They"} haven\'t played any games yet!' ) return games.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) pages = [] page = '' i = 0 for game in games: page += f'**{game[0]}** - {self.formatTime(game[1], game[2])}\n' i += 1 if i > 10: i = 0 pages.append(page) page = '' if i != 0: pages.append(page) p = buttons.Paginator(title=f'{}\'s played stats', colour=0x61C7C3, embed=True, timeout=10, use_defaults=True, entries=pages, length=1) await p.start(ctx)
async def money(self, ctx, curFrom=None, curTo=None, amount=None): """ Converts an amount of one currency to another <example> <cmd></cmd> <res>*Starts paginator with all the available currencies*</res> <cmd>currency</cmd> <res>Sends info about currency</res> <cmd>a b [amount]</cmd> <res>Converts amount of a to b</res> </example> """ now = needs_update = lambda x: True if x is None else now - x > self.update_time # No arguments were passed, and should display all available currencies if curFrom is None: if needs_update(self.currencies[1]): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: usage = await self.get_usage(session) if usage < 90: await self.update_currencies(session) # Get a list of all currencies and sort it keys = list(self.currencies[0].keys()) keys.sort() formatted = [] for key in keys: c = self.currencies[0][key] # Format so its like "USD - United States Dollar" formatted.append(f"{key} - {c['currencyName']}") nperpage = 30 pages = [] while len(formatted): msg = '' for _ in range(nperpage): if len(formatted) == 0: break msg += formatted[0]+'\n' formatted.pop(0) pages.append(msg) p = buttons.Paginator(title='List of available currencies', colour=0x8BF488, embed=True, timeout=30, use_defaults=True, entries=pages, length=1, format='```') await p.start(ctx) # If curFrom is not None and curTo is, display info about given currency # {currencyName} - {currencySymbol} elif curTo is None: if needs_update(self.currencies[1]): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: usage = await self.get_usage(session) if usage < 90: await self.update_currencies(session) curFrom = curFrom.upper() info = self.currencies[0].get(curFrom) if info is None: await ctx.send(f'Unknown currency! do `{}money` to see a list of all available ones.') else: name = info['currencyName'] symbol = info.get('currencySymbol') await ctx.send(f"{name}{' - '+symbol if symbol else ''}") # Converts curFrom to curTo, as they both aren't None else: curFrom = curFrom.upper() curTo = curTo.upper() if curFrom == curTo: return await ctx.send('no') if needs_update(self.currencies[1]): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: usage = await self.get_usage(session) if usage < 90: await self.update_currencies(session) # Check if they are valid currencies if curFrom not in self.currencies[0] or curTo not in self.currencies[0]: return await ctx.send(f'Unknown currency! do `{}money` to see a list of all available ones.') amount = amount or 1 try: amount = float(amount) except ValueError: return await ctx.send('Invalid amount') if amount == 0 or not math.isfinite(amount): return await ctx.send('no') async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # Updating curFrom tmp = self.currency_rates.get(curFrom) if needs_update(tmp[1] if tmp is not None else None): usage = await self.get_usage(session) if usage < 90: await self.update_currency(session, curFrom) # Updating curTo tmp = self.currency_rates.get(curTo) if needs_update(tmp[1] if tmp is not None else None): usage = await self.get_usage(session) if usage < 90: await self.update_currency(session, curTo) val = self.convert_currency(curFrom, curTo, amt=amount) await ctx.send(f'{amount} {curFrom} is about {val:.2f} {curTo}')