Exemple #1
    def cli_change_kernel():
        """Change the kernel of an image

        :raises UserWarning: When there is no image with kernel
        # Get all images
        images_list = ImageManager.get_created_images()

        # Select only images with kernel attribut
        images_with_kernel = []
        for image in images_list:
            if hasattr(image, 'kernel'):

        # If there is no image with kernel, raise an exception
        if not images_with_kernel:
            raise UserWarning('Not any image with a kernel')

        # Select the image to change kernel
        image_name = select_from_list(images_with_kernel)
        image = ImageManager.get_created_image(image_name)
        print('\nCurrent kernel is: ' + image.kernel + '\n')

        # Select an available kernel
        new_kernel = KernelManager.cli_select_kernel()

        # Set image kernel by using image method
        KernelManager.change_kernel(image, new_kernel)
Exemple #2
def cli_manage_nodes():
    # Get all golden images
    golden_images = NfsGoldenImage.get_images()

    if not golden_images:
        raise UserWarning('No nfs golden image to manage.')

    # Get golden images names
    golden_images_names = [golden_image.name for golden_image in golden_images]

    # Select the golden image to manage from list
    printc('\n[+] Select the golden image to manage:', Color.GREEN)
    golden_image_name = select_from_list(golden_images_names)
    golden_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(golden_image_name)

    # Choose an action for nodes management
    printc('\n[+] Manages nodes of image ' + golden_image_name, Color.GREEN)
    print(' 1 - List nodes with the image')
    print(' 2 - Add nodes with the image')
    print(' 3 - Remove nodes with the image')

    action = input('-->: ')

    # Print golden image nodes
    if action == '1':
        nodeset = golden_image.get_nodes()
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    # Add some nodes to the image
    elif action == '2':
        printc('\n[+] Actual image NodeSet is: ' + str(golden_image.nodes),
        printc('[+] Please enter nodes range to add:', Color.GREEN)

        nodes_range = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")
        # Test if nodes_range is a valid range
            printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

        except KeyError:
            raise UserWarning('The Node you have entered is not compliant.')

    # Delete nodes from image
    elif action == '3':
        printc('\n[+] Please enter nodes range to remove:', Color.GREEN)

        nodes_range = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")
        # Test if nodes_range is a valid range
            printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

        except KeyError:
            raise UserWarning('The Node you have entered is not compliant.')

        raise UserWarning('Not a valid entry')
Exemple #3
def cli_create_golden_image():
    # Get all staging images
    staging_images = NfsStagingImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are staging images
    if not staging_images:
        raise UserWarning(
            'No nfs staging images. Golden image creation require an nfs staging image.'

    # Get staging images names
    staging_images_names = [
        staging_image.name for staging_image in staging_images

    # Select a staging image for golden image creation
    printc('[+] Select the nfs image to use for golden image creation:',
    staging_image_name = select_from_list(staging_images_names)
    staging_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(staging_image_name)

    # Condition to test if image name is compliant
    while True:

        printc('\n[+] Give a name for your image', Color.GREEN)
        # Get new image name
        selected_image_name = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

        if selected_image_name == '':
            raise UserWarning('Image name cannot be empty !')

        if not ImageManager.is_image(selected_image_name):

        # Else
        print('Image ' + selected_image_name +
              ' already exist, use another image name.')

    # Confirm image creation
        '\n[+] Would you like to create a new nfs golden image with the following attributes: (yes/no)',
    print('  ├── Image name: \t\t' + selected_image_name)
    print('  └── Staging image from: \t' + staging_image.name)

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        NfsGoldenImage(selected_image_name, staging_image)
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\nImage creation cancelled, return to main menu.',

        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid confirmation !')
def cli_resize_livenet_image():
    # Get list of livenet images
    livenet_images = LivenetImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are livenet images
    if not livenet_images:
        raise UserWarning('No livenet images.')

    # Get livenet images names
    unmounted_images_names = [
        livenet_image.name for livenet_image in livenet_images
        if livenet_image.is_mounted is False

    # Check if there are unmounted images
    # An image must be unmounted to be resized
    if not unmounted_images_names:
        raise UserWarning('No unmounted livenet images.')

    # Select a livenet to mount
    printc('[+] Select the livenet image to mount:', Color.GREEN)
    unmounted_image_name = select_from_list(unmounted_images_names)
    unmounted_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(unmounted_image_name)

    # Enter new size
        'Please enter your new image size:\n(supported units: M=1024*1024, G=1024*1024*1024)\n(Examples: 5120M or 5G)',
    selected_size = input('-->: ')

    # Check and convert the size
    image_size = cli_get_size(selected_size)

    # Check size compliance with livenet image expected size limits
    if int(image_size) < (LivenetImage.MIN_LIVENET_SIZE) or int(image_size) > (
        raise UserWarning('\nSize out of limits !')

    # Confirm image resizing
        '\n[+] Are you sure you want to resize image \'' +
        unmounted_image.name + '\' with the following size: (yes/no)',
    print('  └── Image size: ' + selected_size)

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\n[+] Image resizing cancelled, return to main menu.',
def cli_unmount_livenet_image():
    livenet_images = LivenetImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are staging images
    if not livenet_images:
        raise UserWarning('No livenet images.')

    # Get staging images names
    mounted_images_names = [livenet_image.name for livenet_image in livenet_images if livenet_image.is_mounted is True]

    # Check if there unmounted images
    if not mounted_images_names:
        raise UserWarning('No mounted livenet images.')

    # Select a staging image for golden image creation
    printc('[+] Select the livenet image to unmount:', Color.GREEN)
    mounted_image_name = select_from_list(mounted_images_names)
    mounted_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(mounted_image_name)

Exemple #6
            # Clear potential previous bad installations before excecuting a main menu action

            # With ImageManager.cli_use_modules() we can use all available modules
            if main_action == '1':

            # Display already created diskless images
            elif main_action == '2':
                printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

            # Remove a diskless image
            elif main_action == '3':
                # Get image object to remove
                image = ImageManager.get_created_image(
                    '\n⚠ Would you realy delete image \'' + image.name +
                    '\' definitively (yes/no) ?', Color.RED)

                # get confirmation from user
                confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

                if confirmation == 'yes':
                    # Remove image
                    printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

                elif confirmation == 'no':
                    printc('\n[+] Image deletion cancelled', Color.YELLOW)