Exemple #1
def kappa(f, bins=100):
    """Estimate the epicyclic frequency from velocity

    f : TipsySnap
        `f` is a Simulation snapshot
    bins : int or array-like
        Either the number of bins to use or the bin edges


    kappa : SimArray
        epicyclic frequency
    r_edges : SimArray
        binedges used
    # Require regular spacing of bins
    if not isinstance(bins, int):

        dr = bins[[1]] - bins[[0]]
        eps = np.finfo(bins.dtype).eps

        if not np.all(bins[1:] - bins[0:-1] <= dr + 1000*eps):

            warnings.warn('Bins not uniformly spaced')

    r = f.g['rxy']
    v = f.g['vt']

    r_edges, v_mean, dummy = binned_mean(r, v, bins=bins, ret_bin_edges=True)
    dummy, rv_mean, dummy2 = binned_mean(r, r*v, bins=r_edges)
    r_cent = (r_edges[1:] + r_edges[0:-1])/2
    dr = r_edges[[1]] - r_edges[[0]]
    drv_dr = np.gradient(rv_mean, float(dr))
    if pb.units.has_units(dr):
        drv_dr /= dr.units

    kappa = np.sqrt(2*v_mean*drv_dr)/r_cent

    return kappa, r_edges
Exemple #2
def kappa(f, bins=100):
    """Estimate the epicyclic frequency from velocity

    f : TipsySnap
        `f` is a Simulation snapshot
    bins : int or array-like
        Either the number of bins to use or the bin edges


    kappa : SimArray
        epicyclic frequency
    r_edges : SimArray
        binedges used
    # Require regular spacing of bins
    if not isinstance(bins, int):

        dr = bins[[1]] - bins[[0]]
        eps = np.finfo(bins.dtype).eps

        if not np.all(bins[1:] - bins[0:-1] <= dr + 1000*eps):

            warnings.warn('Bins not uniformly spaced')

    r = f.g['rxy']
    v = f.g['vt']

    r_edges, v_mean, dummy = binned_mean(r, v, bins=bins, ret_bin_edges=True)
    dummy, rv_mean, dummy2 = binned_mean(r, r*v, bins=r_edges)
    r_cent = (r_edges[1:] + r_edges[0:-1])/2
    dr = r_edges[[1]] - r_edges[[0]]
    drv_dr = np.gradient(rv_mean, dr)

    kappa = np.sqrt(2*v_mean*drv_dr)/r_cent

    return kappa, r_edges
Exemple #3
def height(snapshot, bins=100, center_on_star=True):
    Calculates the characteristic height (h) of a flared disk as a function
    of cylindrical radius (r).


    snapshot : TipsySnap
        Simulation snapshot for a flared disk
    bins : int or array_like
        Specifies the bins to use.  If int, specifies the number of bins.  If
        array_like, specifies the bin edges
    center_on_star : bool
        If true (DEFAULT), cylindrical r is calculated relative to the star

    r_edges : SimArray
        Radial bin edges used for calculating h.  Length N+1
    h : SimArray
        Height as a function of r, calculated as the RMS of z over a bin.
        Length N
    # Center on star
    if center_on_star:

        star_pos = snapshot.s['pos'].copy()
        snapshot['pos'] -= star_pos


        star_pos = 0.0*snapshot.s['pos']

    # Calculate height
    r = snapshot.g['rxy']
    z2 = snapshot.g['z']**2
    r_edges, z2_mean, err = binned_mean(r, z2, bins=bins, ret_bin_edges=True)
    h = np.sqrt(z2_mean)

    # Add star_pos back to snapshot
    snapshot['pos'] += star_pos

    return r_edges, h
Exemple #4
def height(snapshot, bins=100, center_on_star=True):
    Calculates the characteristic height (h) of a flared disk as a function
    of cylindrical radius (r).


    snapshot : TipsySnap
        Simulation snapshot for a flared disk
    bins : int or array_like
        Specifies the bins to use.  If int, specifies the number of bins.  If
        array_like, specifies the bin edges
    center_on_star : bool
        If true (DEFAULT), cylindrical r is calculated relative to the star

    r_edges : SimArray
        Radial bin edges used for calculating h.  Length N+1
    h : SimArray
        Height as a function of r, calculated as the RMS of z over a bin.
        Length N
    # Center on star
    if center_on_star:

        star_pos = snapshot.s['pos'].copy()
        snapshot['pos'] -= star_pos


        star_pos = 0.0*snapshot.s['pos']

    # Calculate height
    r = snapshot.g['rxy']
    z2 = snapshot.g['z']**2
    r_edges, z2_mean, err = binned_mean(r, z2, bins=bins, ret_bin_edges=True)
    h = np.sqrt(z2_mean)

    # Add star_pos back to snapshot
    snapshot['pos'] += star_pos

    return r_edges, h
Exemple #5
def Qeff(ICobj, bins=None):
    if bins is None:
        bins = ICobj.sigma.r_bins
    # Constants
    G = SimArray([1.0],'G')
    kB = SimArray([1.0], 'k')
    if not hasattr(ICobj, 'snapshot'):
        raise ValueError('Could not find snapshot.  Must generate ICs first')
    snap = ICobj.snapshot
    T = snap.g['temp']
    r = snap.g['rxy']
    M = snap.s['mass']
    m = ICobj.settings.physical.m
    cs = np.sqrt(kB*T/m)
    omega = snap.g['vt']/r
    sigma = ICobj.sigma(r)
    r_edges, h_binned = height(snap, bins=bins)
    r_cent = (r_edges[1:] + r_edges[0:-1])/2
    h_spl = extrap1d(r_cent, h_binned)
    h = SimArray(h_spl(r), h_binned.units)
    Q = (cs*omega/(np.pi*G*sigma)).in_units('1')
    Q1 = Q * ((h/r).in_units('1'))**0.192
    dummy, Q1_binned, dummy2 = binned_mean(r, Q1, bins=r_edges)
    return r_edges, Q1_binned
Exemple #6
def Qeff(ICobj, bins=None):
    if bins is None:
        bins = ICobj.sigma.r_bins
    # Constants
    G = SimArray([1.0],'G')
    kB = SimArray([1.0], 'k')
    if not hasattr(ICobj, 'snapshot'):
        raise ValueError('Could not find snapshot.  Must generate ICs first')
    snap = ICobj.snapshot
    T = snap.g['temp']
    r = snap.g['rxy']
    M = snap.s['mass']
    m = ICobj.settings.physical.m
    cs = np.sqrt(kB*T/m)
    omega = snap.g['vt']/r
    sigma = ICobj.sigma(r)
    r_edges, h_binned = height(snap, bins=bins)
    r_cent = (r_edges[1:] + r_edges[0:-1])/2
    h_spl = extrap1d(r_cent, h_binned)
    h = SimArray(h_spl(r), h_binned.units)
    Q = (cs*omega/(np.pi*G*sigma)).in_units('1')
    Q1 = Q * ((h/r).in_units('1'))**0.192
    dummy, Q1_binned, dummy2 = binned_mean(r, Q1, bins=r_edges)
    return r_edges, Q1_binned
Exemple #7
def v_xy(f, param, changbin=None, nr=50, min_per_bin=100, changa_preset=None, max_particles=None, est_eps=True):
    Attempts to calculate the circular velocities for particles in a thin
    (not flat) keplerian disk.  Also estimates gravitational softening (eps)
    for the gas particles
    Requires ChaNGa
    Note that this will change the velocities IN f
    f : tipsy snapshot
        For a gaseous disk
    param : dict
        a dictionary containing params for changa. (see configparser)
    changbin : str  (OPTIONAL)  
        If set, should be the full path to the ChaNGa executable.  If None, 
        an attempt to find ChaNGa is made
    nr : int (optional)
        number of radial bins to use when averaging over accelerations
    min_per_bin : int (optional)
        The minimum number of particles to be in each bin.  If there are too
        few particles in a bin, it is merged with an adjacent bin.  Thus,
        actual number of radial bins may be less than nr.
    changa_preset : str
        Which ChaNGa execution preset to use (ie 'mpi', 'local', ...).  See
    max_particles : int or None
        Specifies the maximum number of particles to use for calculating
        accelerations and velocities.  Setting a smaller number can speed up
        computation and save on memory but can yield noisier results.
        If None, max is unlimited.
    est_eps : bool
        Estimate eps (gravitational softening length).  Default is True.
        If False, it is assumed eps has already been estimated
    Nothing.  Velocities are updated within f as is eps
    # If the snapshot has too many particles, randomly select gas particles
    # To use for calculating velocity and make a view of the snapshot
    n_gas = len(f) - 1
    subview = (n_gas > max_particles) and (max_particles is not None)
    if subview:

        max_particles = int(max_particles)
        mask = np.zeros(n_gas + 1, dtype=bool)
        mask[-1] = True  # Use the star particle always
        # randomly select particles to use
        m = np.random.rand(n_gas)
        ind = m.argsort()[0:max_particles]
        mask[ind] = True
        # Make a subview and create a reference to the complete snapshot
        complete_snapshot = f
        f = complete_snapshot[mask]
        # Scale gas mass
        m_scale = float(n_gas) / float(max_particles)
        f.g["mass"] *= m_scale

        if not est_eps:

            f.g["eps"] *= m_scale ** (1.0 / 3)

    # Load stuff from the snapshot
    r = f.g["rxy"].astype(np.float32)

    cosine = (f.g["x"] / r).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
    sine = (f.g["y"] / r).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
    z = f.g["z"]
    vel = f.g["vel"]
    a = None  # arbitrary initialization

    # Temporary filenames for running ChaNGa
    f_prefix = str(np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32))
    f_name = f_prefix + ".std"
    p_name = f_prefix + ".param"

    # Update parameters
    p_temp = param.copy()
    p_temp["achInFile"] = f_name
    p_temp["achOutName"] = f_prefix
    p_temp["dDelta"] = 1e-10
    if "dDumpFrameTime" in p_temp:
    if "dDumpFrameStep" in p_temp:

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate velocity from gravity only
    # --------------------------------------------
    for iGrav in range(2):
        # Save files
        f.write(filename=f_name, fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
        configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype="param")

        if iGrav == 0:
            # Run ChaNGa calculating all forces (for initial run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, changbin, "+gas +n 0")
            # Run ChaNGa, only calculating gravity (on second run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, changbin, "-gas +n 0")

        print command
        p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)

        if (iGrav == 0) and est_eps:
            # Estimate the gravitational softening length on the first iteration
            smoothlength_file = f_prefix + ".000000.smoothlength"
            eps = ICgen_utils.est_eps(smoothlength_file)
            f.g["eps"] = eps

        # Load accelerations
        acc_name = f_prefix + ".000000.acc2"
        del a
        a = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)

        # Clean-up
        for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + "*"):

        # Calculate cos(theta) where theta is angle above x-y plane
        cos = (r / np.sqrt(r ** 2 + z ** 2)).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
        # Calculate radial acceleration times r^2
        ar2 = (a[:, 0] * cosine + a[:, 1] * sine) * r ** 2

        # Bin the data
        r_edges = np.linspace(r.min(), (1 + np.spacing(2)) * r.max(), nr + 1)
        ind, r_edges = digitize_threshold(r, min_per_bin, r_edges)
        ind -= 1
        nr = len(r_edges) - 1

        r_bins, ar2_mean, err = binned_mean(r, ar2, binedges=r_edges, weighted_bins=True)


        # Fit lines to ar2 vs cos for each radial bin
        m = np.zeros(nr)
        b = np.zeros(nr)

        for i in range(nr):

            mask = ind == i
            p = np.polyfit(cos[mask], ar2[mask], 1)
            m[i] = p[0]
            b[i] = p[1]

        # Interpolate the line fits
        m_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, m)
        b_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, b)

        # Calculate circular velocity
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r) * cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        v_calc = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2) / r)).in_units(vel.units)
        vel[:, 0] = -v_calc * sine
        vel[:, 1] = v_calc * cosine
        del v_calc

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate pressure/gas dynamics accelerations
    # --------------------------------------------

    # Save files
    f.write(filename=f_name, fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
    configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype="param")

    # Run ChaNGa, including SPH
    command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, changbin, "+gas -n 0")
    p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)

    # Load accelerations
    acc_name = f_prefix + ".000000.acc2"
    a_total = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)

    # Clean-up
    for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + "*"):

    # Estimate the accelerations due to pressure gradients/gas dynamics
    a_gas = a_total - a
    del a_total, a
    ar2_gas = (a_gas[:, 0] * cosine + a_gas[:, 1] * sine) * r ** 2
    del a_gas

    logr_bins, ratio, err = binned_mean(np.log(r), ar2_gas / ar2, nbins=nr, weighted_bins=True)
    r_bins = np.exp(logr_bins)
    del ar2_gas
    ratio_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, ratio)

    # If not all the particles were used for calculating velocity,
    # Make sure to use them now
    if subview:

        # Re-scale mass back to normal
        f.g["mass"] /= m_scale
        # Scale eps appropriately
        f.g["eps"] /= m_scale ** (1.0 / 3)
        complete_snapshot.g["eps"] = f.g["eps"][[0]]

        # Rename complete snapshot
        f = complete_snapshot
        # Calculate stuff for all particles
        r = f.g["rxy"]
        z = f.g["z"]
        cos = (r / np.sqrt(r ** 2 + z ** 2)).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r) * cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        cosine = (f.g["x"] / r).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
        sine = (f.g["y"] / r).in_units("1").astype(np.float32)
        vel = f.g["vel"]

    ar2_calc = ar2 * (1 + ratio_spline(r))
    del ar2

    # Calculate velocity
    v = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2_calc) / r)).in_units(f.g["vel"].units)
    del ar2_calc

    vel[:, 0] = -v * sine
    vel[:, 1] = v * cosine

Exemple #8
def v_xy(f, param, changbin=None, nr=50, min_per_bin=100, changa_preset=None, \
max_particles=None, est_eps=True, changa_args=''):
    Attempts to calculate the circular velocities for particles in a thin
    (not flat) keplerian disk.  Also estimates gravitational softening (eps)
    for the gas particles and a reasonable time step (dDelta)
    Requires ChaNGa
    Note that this will change the velocities IN f
    f : tipsy snapshot
        For a gaseous disk
    param : dict
        a dictionary containing params for changa. (see configparser)
    changbin : str  (OPTIONAL)  
        If set, should be the full path to the ChaNGa executable.  If None, 
        an attempt to find ChaNGa is made
    nr : int (optional)
        number of radial bins to use when averaging over accelerations
    min_per_bin : int (optional)
        The minimum number of particles to be in each bin.  If there are too
        few particles in a bin, it is merged with an adjacent bin.  Thus,
        actual number of radial bins may be less than nr.
    changa_preset : str
        Which ChaNGa execution preset to use (ie 'mpi', 'local', ...).  See
    max_particles : int or None
        Specifies the maximum number of particles to use for calculating
        accelerations and velocities.  Setting a smaller number can speed up
        computation and save on memory but can yield noisier results.
        If None, max is unlimited.
    est_eps : bool
        Estimate eps (gravitational softening length).  Default is True.
        If False, it is assumed eps has already been estimated
    changa_args : str
        Additional command line arguments to pass to changa
    dDelta : float
        A reasonable time step for the simulation (in code units).  Velocties
        and eps are updated in the snapshot.
    # If the snapshot has too many particles, randomly select gas particles
    # To use for calculating velocity and make a view of the snapshot
    n_gas = len(f) - 1
    subview = (n_gas > max_particles) and (max_particles is not None)
    if subview:
        max_particles = int(max_particles)
        mask = np.zeros(n_gas + 1, dtype=bool)
        mask[-1] = True # Use the star particle always
        # randomly select particles to use
        m = np.random.rand(n_gas)
        ind = m.argsort()[0:max_particles]
        mask[ind] = True
        # Make a subview and create a reference to the complete snapshot
        complete_snapshot = f
        f = complete_snapshot[mask]
        # Scale gas mass
        m_scale = float(n_gas)/float(max_particles)
        f.g['mass'] *= m_scale
        if not est_eps:
            f.g['eps'] *= m_scale**(1.0/3)
    # Load stuff from the snapshot
    r = f.g['rxy'].astype(np.float32)
    cosine = (f.g['x']/r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
    sine = (f.g['y']/r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
    z = f.g['z']
    vel = f.g['vel']
    a = None # arbitrary initialization
    # Temporary filenames for running ChaNGa
    f_prefix = str(np.random.randint(0, 2**32))
    f_name = f_prefix + '.std'
    p_name = f_prefix + '.param'
    # Update parameters
    p_temp = param.copy()
    p_temp['achInFile'] = f_name
    p_temp['achOutName'] = f_prefix
    p_temp['dDelta'] = 1e-10
    if 'dDumpFrameTime' in p_temp: p_temp.pop('dDumpFrameTime')
    if 'dDumpFrameStep' in p_temp: p_temp.pop('dDumpFrameStep')
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate velocity from gravity only
    # --------------------------------------------
    for iGrav in range(2):
        # Save files
        f.write(filename=f_name, fmt = pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
        configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype='param')
        if iGrav == 0:
            # Run ChaNGa calculating all forces (for initial run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, \
            changbin, '+gas +n 0 ' + changa_args)
            # Run ChaNGa, only calculating gravity (on second run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, \
            changbin, '-gas +n 0 ' + changa_args)
        print command
        p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)
        if (iGrav == 0) and est_eps:
            # Estimate the gravitational softening length on the first iteration
            smoothlength_file = f_prefix + '.000000.smoothlength'
            eps = ICgen_utils.est_eps(smoothlength_file)
            f.g['eps'] = eps
        # Load accelerations
        acc_name = f_prefix + '.000000.acc2'
        del a
        a = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)
        # Clean-up
        for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + '*'): os.remove(fname)
        # Calculate cos(theta) where theta is angle above x-y plane
        cos = (r/np.sqrt(r**2 + z**2)).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        # Calculate radial acceleration times r^2
        ar2 = (a[:,0]*cosine + a[:,1]*sine)*r**2
        # Bin the data
        r_edges = np.linspace(r.min(), (1+np.spacing(2))*r.max(), nr + 1)
        ind, r_edges = digitize_threshold(r, min_per_bin, r_edges)
        ind -= 1
        nr = len(r_edges) - 1
        r_bins, ar2_mean, err = binned_mean(r, ar2, binedges=r_edges, \
        # Fit lines to ar2 vs cos for each radial bin
        m = np.zeros(nr)
        b = np.zeros(nr)    
        for i in range(nr):
            mask = (ind == i)
            p = np.polyfit(cos[mask], ar2[mask], 1)
            m[i] = p[0]
            b[i] = p[1]
        # Interpolate the line fits
        m_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, m)
        b_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, b)
        # Calculate circular velocity
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r)*cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        v_calc = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2)/r)).in_units(vel.units)
        vel[:,0] = -v_calc*sine
        vel[:,1] = v_calc*cosine
        del v_calc
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate pressure/gas dynamics accelerations
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Save files
    f.write(filename=f_name, fmt = pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
    configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype='param')
    # Run ChaNGa, including SPH
    command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, changbin, \
    '+gas -n 0 ' + changa_args)
    p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)
    # Load accelerations
    acc_name = f_prefix + '.000000.acc2'
    a_total = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)
    # Estimate the accelerations due to pressure gradients/gas dynamics
    a_gas = a_total - a
    absa = np.sqrt((a_total**2).sum(1)) # magnitude of the acceleration
    del a_total, a
    ar2_gas = (a_gas[:,0]*cosine + a_gas[:,1]*sine)*r**2
    del a_gas
    logr_bins, ratio, err = binned_mean(np.log(r), ar2_gas/ar2, nbins=nr,\
    r_bins = np.exp(logr_bins)
    del ar2_gas
    ratio_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, ratio)
    # Calculate time stepping parameters
    f0 = pynbody.load(f_prefix + '.000000')
    etaGrav = param.get('dEta', 0.2)
    dtGrav = etaGrav * np.sqrt(f0.g['eps']/absa)
    etaCourant = param.get('dEtaCourant', 0.4)
    mumax = f0.g['mumax']
    mumax[mumax < 0] = 0
    h = f0.g['smoothlength']
    dtCourant = etaCourant * h/(1.6*f0.g['c'] + 1.2*mumax)
    # If not all the particles were used for calculating velocity,
    # Make sure to use them now
    if subview:
        # Re-scale mass back to normal
        f.g['mass'] /= m_scale
        # Scale eps appropriately
        f.g['eps'] /= m_scale**(1.0/3)
        complete_snapshot.g['eps'] = f.g['eps'][[0]]
        # Re-scale time steps
        dtGrav /= m_scale**(1.0/6)
        dtCourant /= m_scale**(1.0/3)
        # Rename complete snapshot
        f = complete_snapshot
        # Calculate stuff for all particles
        r = f.g['rxy']
        z = f.g['z']
        cos = (r/np.sqrt(r**2 + z**2)).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r)*cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        cosine = (f.g['x']/r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        sine = (f.g['y']/r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        vel = f.g['vel']
    dt = np.array([dtGrav, dtCourant]).min(0)
    dDelta = np.median(dt)    
    ar2_calc = ar2*(1 + ratio_spline(r))
    del ar2
    # Calculate velocity
    v = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2_calc)/r)).in_units(f.g['vel'].units)
    del ar2_calc
    vel[:,0] = -v*sine
    vel[:,1] = v*cosine
    # Clean-up
    for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + '*'): os.remove(fname)
    return dDelta
Exemple #9
def v_xy(f, param, changbin=None, nr=50, min_per_bin=100, changa_preset=None, \
max_particles=None, est_eps=True, changa_args=''):
    Attempts to calculate the circular velocities for particles in a thin
    (not flat) keplerian disk.  Also estimates gravitational softening (eps)
    for the gas particles and a reasonable time step (dDelta)
    Requires ChaNGa
    Note that this will change the velocities IN f
    f : tipsy snapshot
        For a gaseous disk
    param : dict
        a dictionary containing params for changa. (see configparser)
    changbin : str  (OPTIONAL)  
        If set, should be the full path to the ChaNGa executable.  If None, 
        an attempt to find ChaNGa is made
    nr : int (optional)
        number of radial bins to use when averaging over accelerations
    min_per_bin : int (optional)
        The minimum number of particles to be in each bin.  If there are too
        few particles in a bin, it is merged with an adjacent bin.  Thus,
        actual number of radial bins may be less than nr.
    changa_preset : str
        Which ChaNGa execution preset to use (ie 'mpi', 'local', ...).  See
    max_particles : int or None
        Specifies the maximum number of particles to use for calculating
        accelerations and velocities.  Setting a smaller number can speed up
        computation and save on memory but can yield noisier results.
        If None, max is unlimited.
    est_eps : bool
        Estimate eps (gravitational softening length).  Default is True.
        If False, it is assumed eps has already been estimated
    changa_args : str
        Additional command line arguments to pass to changa
    dDelta : float
        A reasonable time step for the simulation (in code units).  Velocties
        and eps are updated in the snapshot.
    # If the snapshot has too many particles, randomly select gas particles
    # To use for calculating velocity and make a view of the snapshot
    n_gas = len(f) - 1
    subview = (n_gas > max_particles) and (max_particles is not None)
    if subview:

        max_particles = int(max_particles)
        mask = np.zeros(n_gas + 1, dtype=bool)
        mask[-1] = True  # Use the star particle always
        # randomly select particles to use
        m = np.random.rand(n_gas)
        ind = m.argsort()[0:max_particles]
        mask[ind] = True
        # Make a subview and create a reference to the complete snapshot
        complete_snapshot = f
        f = complete_snapshot[mask]
        # Scale gas mass
        m_scale = float(n_gas) / float(max_particles)
        f.g['mass'] *= m_scale

        if not est_eps:

            f.g['eps'] *= m_scale**(1.0 / 3)

    # Load stuff from the snapshot
    r = f.g['rxy'].astype(np.float32)

    cosine = (f.g['x'] / r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
    sine = (f.g['y'] / r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
    z = f.g['z']
    vel = f.g['vel']
    a = None  # arbitrary initialization

    # Temporary filenames for running ChaNGa
    f_prefix = str(np.random.randint(0, 2**32))
    f_name = f_prefix + '.std'
    p_name = f_prefix + '.param'

    # Update parameters
    p_temp = param.copy()
    p_temp['achInFile'] = f_name
    p_temp['achOutName'] = f_prefix
    p_temp['dDelta'] = 1e-10
    p_temp['iBinaryOutput'] = 0  # Needed to output smoothlength array
    if 'dDumpFrameTime' in p_temp: p_temp.pop('dDumpFrameTime')
    if 'dDumpFrameStep' in p_temp: p_temp.pop('dDumpFrameStep')

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate velocity from gravity only
    # --------------------------------------------
    for iGrav in range(2):
        # Save files
        f.write(filename=f_name, fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
        configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype='param')

        if iGrav == 0:
            # Run ChaNGa calculating all forces (for initial run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, \
            changbin, '+gas +n 0 ' + changa_args)
            # Run ChaNGa, only calculating gravity (on second run)
            command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, \
            changbin, '-gas +n 0 ' + changa_args)

        print command
        p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)

        if (iGrav == 0) and est_eps:
            # Estimate the gravitational softening length on the first iteration
            smoothlength_file = f_prefix + '.000000.smoothlength'
            eps = ICgen_utils.est_eps(smoothlength_file)
            f.g['eps'] = eps

        # Load accelerations
        acc_name = f_prefix + '.000000.acc2'
        del a
        a = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)
        a = a[0:-1]  # drop the star

        # Clean-up
        for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + '*'):

        # Calculate cos(theta) where theta is angle above x-y plane
        cos = (r / np.sqrt(r**2 + z**2)).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        # Calculate radial acceleration times r^2
        ar2 = (a[:, 0] * cosine + a[:, 1] * sine) * r**2

        # Bin the data
        r_edges = np.linspace(r.min(), (1 + np.spacing(2)) * r.max(), nr + 1)
        ind, r_edges = digitize_threshold(r, min_per_bin, r_edges)
        ind -= 1
        nr = len(r_edges) - 1

        r_bins, ar2_mean, err = binned_mean(r, ar2, binedges=r_edges, \


        # Fit lines to ar2 vs cos for each radial bin
        m = np.zeros(nr)
        b = np.zeros(nr)

        for i in range(nr):

            mask = (ind == i)
            p = np.polyfit(cos[mask], ar2[mask], 1)
            m[i] = p[0]
            b[i] = p[1]

        # Interpolate the line fits
        m_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, m)
        b_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, b)

        # Calculate circular velocity
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r) * cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        v_calc = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2) / r)).in_units(vel.units)
        vel[:, 0] = -v_calc * sine
        vel[:, 1] = v_calc * cosine
        del v_calc

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Estimate pressure/gas dynamics accelerations
    # --------------------------------------------

    # Save files
    f.write(filename=f_name, fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)
    configsave(p_temp, p_name, ftype='param')

    # Run ChaNGa, including SPH
    command = ICgen_utils.changa_command(p_name, changa_preset, changbin, \
    '+gas -n 0 ' + changa_args)
    p = ICgen_utils.changa_run(command)

    # Load accelerations
    acc_name = f_prefix + '.000000.acc2'
    a_total = load_acc(acc_name, low_mem=True)
    a_total = a_total[0:-1]  # Drop the star

    # Estimate the accelerations due to pressure gradients/gas dynamics
    a_gas = a_total - a
    absa = np.sqrt((a_total**2).sum(1))  # magnitude of the acceleration
    del a_total, a
    ar2_gas = (a_gas[:, 0] * cosine + a_gas[:, 1] * sine) * r**2
    del a_gas

    logr_bins, ratio, err = binned_mean(np.log(r), ar2_gas/ar2, nbins=nr,\
    r_bins = np.exp(logr_bins)
    del ar2_gas
    ratio_spline = extrap1d(r_bins, ratio)

    # Calculate time stepping parameters
    f0 = pynbody.load(f_prefix + '.000000')
    etaGrav = param.get('dEta', 0.2)
    dtGrav = etaGrav * np.sqrt(f0.g['eps'] / absa)
    etaCourant = param.get('dEtaCourant', 0.4)
    mumax = f0.g['mumax']
    mumax[mumax < 0] = 0
    h = f0.g['smoothlength']
    dtCourant = etaCourant * h / (1.6 * f0.g['c'] + 1.2 * mumax)

    # If not all the particles were used for calculating velocity,
    # Make sure to use them now
    if subview:

        # Re-scale mass back to normal
        f.g['mass'] /= m_scale
        # Scale eps appropriately
        f.g['eps'] /= m_scale**(1.0 / 3)
        complete_snapshot.g['eps'] = f.g['eps'][[0]]
        # Re-scale time steps
        dtGrav /= m_scale**(1.0 / 6)
        dtCourant /= m_scale**(1.0 / 3)

        # Rename complete snapshot
        f = complete_snapshot
        # Calculate stuff for all particles
        r = f.g['rxy']
        z = f.g['z']
        cos = (r / np.sqrt(r**2 + z**2)).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        ar2 = SimArray(m_spline(r) * cos + b_spline(r), ar2.units)
        cosine = (f.g['x'] / r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        sine = (f.g['y'] / r).in_units('1').astype(np.float32)
        vel = f.g['vel']

    dt = np.array([dtGrav, dtCourant]).min(0)
    dDelta = np.median(dt)

    ar2_calc = ar2 * (1 + ratio_spline(r))
    del ar2

    # Calculate velocity
    v = (np.sqrt(abs(ar2_calc) / r)).in_units(f.g['vel'].units)
    del ar2_calc

    vel[:, 0] = -v * sine
    vel[:, 1] = v * cosine

    # Clean-up
    for fname in glob.glob(f_prefix + '*'):

    return dDelta
Exemple #10
def Q(snapshot, molecular_mass = 2.0, bins=100, use_velocity=False, \
    """Calculates the Toomre Q as a function of r, assuming radial temperature
    profile and kappa ~= omega
    snapshot : tipsy snapshot
    molecular_mass : float
        Mean molecular mass (for sound speed).  Default = 2.0
    bins : int or array
        Either the number of bins or the bin edges
    use_velocity : Bool
        Determines whether to use the particles' velocities to calculate orbital
        velocity.  Useful if the circular orbital velocities are set in the
    use_omega : Bool
        Default=True.  Use omega as a proxy for kappa to reduce noise

    Q : array
        Toomre Q as a function of r
    r_edges : array
        Radial bin edges

    # Physical constants
    kB = SimArray([1.0],'k')
    G = SimArray([1.0],'G')
    # Calculate surface density
    sig, r_edges = sigma(snapshot, bins)
    # Calculate sound speed
    m = match_units(molecular_mass,'m_p')[0]
    c_s_all = np.sqrt(kB*snapshot.g['temp']/m)
    # Bin/average sound speed
    dummy, c_s, dummy2 = binned_mean(snapshot.g['rxy'], c_s_all, binedges=r_edges)

    if use_omega:
        # Calculate keplerian angular velocity (as a proxy for the epicyclic
        # frequency, which is a noisy calculation)
        if use_velocity:
            # Calculate directly from particle's velocity
            dummy, omega, dummy2 = binned_mean(snapshot.g['rxy'], \
            snapshot.g['vt']/snapshot.g['rxy'], binedges=r_edges)

            # Estimate, from forces, using pynbody
            p = pb.analysis.profile.Profile(snapshot, bins=r_edges)
            omega = p['omega']

        kappa_calc = omega


        if use_velocity:
            # Calculate directly from particle's velocities
            kappa_calc, dummy = kappa(snapshot, r_edges)

            # Estimate, from forces, using pynbody
            p = pb.analysis.profile.Profile(snapshot, bins=r_edges)
            kappa_calc = p['kappa']

    return (kappa_calc*c_s/(np.pi*G*sig)).in_units('1'), r_edges
Exemple #11
def Q(snapshot, molecular_mass = 2.0, bins=100, use_velocity=False, \
use_omega=True, gamma=1.):
    """Calculates the Toomre Q as a function of r, assuming radial temperature
    profile and kappa ~= omega
    snapshot : tipsy snapshot
    molecular_mass : float
        Mean molecular mass (for sound speed).  Default = 2.0
    bins : int or array
        Either the number of bins or the bin edges
    use_velocity : Bool
        Determines whether to use the particles' velocities to calculate orbital
        velocity.  Useful if the circular orbital velocities are set in the
    use_omega : Bool
        Default=True.  Use omega as a proxy for kappa to reduce noise
    gamma : float
        'Effective' adiabatic index, used to calculate sound speed.  Use 
        gamma = 1 for an isothermal EOS

    Q : array
        Toomre Q as a function of r
    r_edges : array
        Radial bin edges

    # Physical constants
    kB = SimArray([1.0],'k')
    G = SimArray([1.0],'G')
    # Calculate surface density
    sig, r_edges = sigma(snapshot, bins)
    # Calculate sound speed
    m = match_units(molecular_mass,'m_p')[0]
    c_s_all = np.sqrt(kB*snapshot.g['temp']*gamma/m)
    # Bin/average sound speed
    dummy, c_s, dummy2 = binned_mean(snapshot.g['rxy'], c_s_all, binedges=r_edges)

    if use_omega:
        # Calculate keplerian angular velocity (as a proxy for the epicyclic
        # frequency, which is a noisy calculation)
        if use_velocity:
            # Calculate directly from particle's velocity
            dummy, omega, dummy2 = binned_mean(snapshot.g['rxy'], \
            snapshot.g['vt']/snapshot.g['rxy'], binedges=r_edges)

            # Estimate, from forces, using pynbody
            p = pb.analysis.profile.Profile(snapshot, bins=r_edges)
            omega = p['omega']

        kappa_calc = omega


        if use_velocity:
            # Calculate directly from particle's velocities
            kappa_calc, dummy = kappa(snapshot, r_edges)

            # Estimate, from forces, using pynbody
            p = pb.analysis.profile.Profile(snapshot, bins=r_edges)
            kappa_calc = p['kappa']

    return (kappa_calc*c_s/(np.pi*G*sig)).in_units('1'), r_edges