def add_album(): new_entry = [] # remove commas from inputs new_entry.append(input("\tPlease insert new artist name: ").replace(",","")) new_entry.append(input("\tPlease insert new album name: ").replace(",","")) # validate rest of inserted data new_release_year = input("\tPlease insert release year: ") while not"^\d{3,4}$", new_release_year): # accept only 3 or 4 digits new_release_year = input("\tPlease insert full release year in digits only: ") new_entry.append(new_release_year) new_genre = input("\tPlease insert genre: ") while not new_genre.replace(" ", "").isalpha(): # accept only alphabet new_genre = input("\tPlease insert genre in letters only: ") new_entry.append(new_genre) new_length = input("\tPlease insert album length in format \"minutes:seconds\": ") while not"^\d{1,4}:[0-5]\d$", new_length): # accept time format only new_length = input("\tPlease insert album length in format \"minutes:seconds\": ") new_entry.append(new_length) add_to_collection(collection, new_entry) input("\n\tADDED NEW ALBUM SUCCESFULLY! ") print_collection(collection, "", "", True)
def find_in_collection( category="", search_word="", input_question="\n\tPlease insert search term: ", clear_screen = "True" ): if not category: category = input("\n\tPlease insert category you want to search for" + " (artist, album, year, genre, length): " ) if not search_word: search_word = input(input_question) years = [] # Check if we are looking for a year or years range if category == "release_year": # REGEXP (^\d{3,4}-\d{3,4}$)|(^\d{3,4}$) # ^ starts with, $ ends with, | or, () group, {3,4} 3 or 4 repeats while not"(^\d{3,4}-\d{3,4}$)|(^\d{3,4}$)", search_word): search_word = input(input_question) years = search_word.split("-") # if user entered reversed years order, switch variables if len(years) == 2 and int(years[0]) > int(years[1]): years[0], years[1] = years[1], years[0] search_results = {} # Dictionary for find results count_results = 0 # Sum of results for key in collection: compare_word = collection[str(key)][category] # if user entered years range if len(years) == 2: if category == "release_year" and int(compare_word) >= int(years[0]) and int(compare_word) <= int(years[1]): search_results.update({key : collection[key]}) # if user entered single year if category == "release_year" and int(compare_word) == int(years[0]) and len(years) == 1: search_results.update({key : collection[key]}) # all other search phrases elif compare_word.lower() == search_word.lower(): search_results.update({key : collection[key]}) count_results = len(search_results) # Sum of results # Title for table title = f"Find by: {category.replace('_',' ').title()}, {search_word}" # Printing table with result print_collection(search_results, title, count_results, clear_screen) return count_results
def sort_collection(category, order, album_length, clear_screen = False): sorting_results = {} # Dic for sorting results # Set ASC or DESC order if order == "desc": reverse = True elif order == "asc": reverse = False # Sort by category if category == "release_year": #Sorting years by int sort_collection = sorted(collection, key=lambda x: int( collection[x]["release_year"]), reverse=reverse) #All elements of sorting results if album_length == "oldest": sort_collection = [sort_collection[0]] #First element of sorting results category = "Oldest album" if album_length == "youngest": sort_collection = [sort_collection[-1]] #Last element of sorting results category = "Youngest album" elif category == "length": #Sorting length by int sort_collection = sorted(collection, key=lambda x: int( collection[x]["length"].replace(':', '')), reverse=reverse) #All elements of sorting results if album_length == "shortest": sort_collection = [sort_collection[0]] #First element of sorting results category = "Shortest album" if album_length == "longest": sort_collection = [sort_collection[-1]] #Last element of sorting results category = "Longest album" else: #Sorting artists, albums and genres by string sort_collection = sorted(collection, key=lambda x: str( collection[x][category].lower()), reverse=reverse) #All elements of sorting results # Writing results to dictionary for key in sort_collection: sorting_results.update({key: collection[key]}) # Title for table title = f"Sorted by: {category.replace('_',' ').title()}" #Printing sorting results print_collection(sorting_results, title, "", clear_screen)
def get_input(): choice = input("\n\tChoose what do you want to do now: ") #ask for input again if it's not alphanumeric while not choice.isalnum(): choice = input("\tPlease type a number from the list or \"exit\" to quit: ") if choice.lower() == "exit": return elif choice == "1": print_collection(collection, "", "", True) elif choice == "2": find_in_collection("genre") elif choice == "3": find_in_collection( "release_year", "", "\tPlease specify year or time range in years, example \"2010\" or \"1998-2002\": " ) elif choice == "4": sort_collection("length", "asc", "shortest", True) sort_collection("length", "asc", "longest") elif choice == "5": find_in_collection("artist") elif choice == "6": find_in_collection("album") elif choice == "7": generate_report() elif choice == "8": add_album() elif choice == "9": remove_album() elif choice == "0": export_collection(collection) elif choice == "10": import_collection(collection, "") print_collection(collection, "", "", True) print_options() get_input()
def export_collection(collection): filename = input("\tPlease enter filename you want to export, default is \"text_albums_data.txt\"\n\t") while not"^[a-zA-Z0-9,]*[.][a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}$", filename): filename = input("\tPlease enter correct filename, remember about file extension!\n\t") export_items = "" for key in collection: export_items += (f"{collection[key]['artist']}," f"{collection[key]['album']}," f"{collection[key]['release_year']}," f"{collection[key]['genre']}," f"{collection[key]['length']}\n") try: with open(filename, "w") as collection_file: collection_file.write(export_items) input(f"\n\tFile {filename} saved.") print_collection(collection, "", "", True) except FileNotFoundError: input(f"\n\tYou don't have permission creating file {filename}!")