def export_img_classifier_to_onnx(model,
    """Export a PyTorch image classifier to ONNX.

        add_softmax: when True, adds softmax layer to the output model.
        kwargs: arguments to be passed to torch.onnx.export
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset,
    # Pytorch doesn't support exporting modules wrapped in DataParallel
    non_para_model = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)

        if add_softmax:
            # Explicitly add a softmax layer, because it is needed for the ONNX inference phase.
            # TorchVision models use nn.CrossEntropyLoss for computing the loss,
            # instead of adding a softmax layer
            non_para_model.original_forward = non_para_model.forward
            softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
            non_para_model.forward = lambda input: softmax(
        torch.onnx.export(non_para_model, dummy_input, onnx_fname, **kwargs)"Exported the model to ONNX format at %s" %
        del non_para_model
def _convert_ptq_to_pytorch(model, args):'Converting Distiller PTQ model to PyTorch quantization API')
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=model.input_shape)
    model = quantization.convert_distiller_ptq_model_to_pytorch(model, dummy_input, backend=args.qe_pytorch_backend)
    msglogger.debug('\nModel after conversion:\n{}'.format(model))
    args.device = 'cpu'
    return model
Exemple #3
def draw_img_classifier_to_file(model, png_fname, dataset=None, display_param_nodes=False,
                                rankdir='TB', styles=None, input_shape=None):
    """Draw a PyTorch image classifier to a PNG file.  This a helper function that
    simplifies the interface of draw_model_to_file().

        model: PyTorch model instance
        png_fname (string): PNG file name
        dataset (string): one of 'imagenet' or 'cifar10'.  This is required in order to
                          create a dummy input of the correct shape.
        display_param_nodes (boolean): if True, draw the parameter nodes
        rankdir: diagram direction.  'TB'/'BT' is Top-to-Bottom/Bottom-to-Top
                 'LR'/'R/L' is Left-to-Rt/Rt-to-Left
        styles: a dictionary of styles.  Key is module name.  Value is
                a legal pydot style dictionary.  For example:
                styles['conv1'] = {'shape': 'oval',
                                   'fillcolor': 'gray',
                                   'style': 'rounded, filled'}
        input_shape (tuple): List of integers representing the input shape. Used only if 'dataset' is None
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset=dataset,
                                            device=distiller.model_device(model), input_shape=input_shape)
        non_para_model = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)
        g = SummaryGraph(non_para_model, dummy_input)

        draw_model_to_file(g, png_fname, display_param_nodes, rankdir, styles)
        print("Network PNG image generation completed")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("An error has occured while generating the network PNG image.")
        print("Please check that you have graphviz installed.")
        print("\t$ sudo apt-get install graphviz")
        del non_para_model
Exemple #4
def model_summary(model, what, dataset=None):
    if what.startswith('png'):
        draw_img_classifier_to_file(model, 'model.png', dataset, what == 'png_w_params')
    elif what == 'sparsity':
        pylogger = PythonLogger(msglogger)
        csvlogger = CsvLogger()
        distiller.log_weights_sparsity(model, -1, loggers=[pylogger, csvlogger])
    elif what == 'compute':
            dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset, distiller.model_device(model))
        except ValueError as e:
        df = model_performance_summary(model, dummy_input, 1)
        t = tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt=".5f")
        total_macs = df['MACs'].sum()
        print("Total MACs: " + "{:,}".format(total_macs))
    elif what == 'model':
        # print the simple form of the model
    elif what == 'modules':
        # Print the names of non-leaf modules
        # Remember that in PyTorch not every node is a module (e.g. F.relu).
        # Also remember that parameterless modules, like nn.MaxPool2d, can be used multiple
        # times in the same model, but they will only appear once in the modules list.
        nodes = []
        for name, module in model.named_modules():
            # Only print leaf modules
            if len(module._modules) == 0:
                nodes.append([name, module.__class__.__name__])
        print(tabulate(nodes, headers=['Name', 'Type']))
        raise ValueError("%s is not a supported summary type" % what)
def test_scope_name_workarounds():
    class ModelWithGemms(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ModelWithGemms, self).__init__()
            self.drop1 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(100, 50)
            self.relu1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.drop2 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 25)
            self.relu2 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(25, 1)
            self.drop3 = nn.Dropout()

        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.drop1(x)
            x = self.fc1(x)
            x = self.relu1(x)
            x = self.drop2(x)
            x = self.fc2(x)
            x = self.relu2(x)
            x = self.fc3(x)
            x = self.drop3(x)
            return x

    m = ModelWithGemms()
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=(1, 100))
    expected_types = ('Gemm', 'Relu', 'Gemm', 'Relu', 'Gemm')

    # We have workarounds for 2 issues:
    #   1. GEMM ops get the scope name of the op that came before them
    #   2. Ops that come before a dropout op get the scope name of the dropout op
    # If both conditions apply, empirically that #2 is the issue that manifests

    # For the model above we expect the ops in the graph to be named (in order):
    #   'fc1', 'relu1', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3'
    # (note that dropout ops are dropped)
    # But without our workarounds in place, we'll get:
    #   'drop1', 'drop2', 'drop2__1', 'relu2', 'drop3'
    # What happens is:
    #   * 'fc1' - issue #1 applies, so 'fc1' --> 'drop1'
    #   * 'relu1' - issue #2 applies, so 'relu1' --> 'drop2'
    #   * 'fc2' - issue #1 applies, so 'fc1' --> 'drop2__1' ('__1' suffix because 'drop2' already exists)
    #   * 'relu2' should be ok as-is
    #   * 'fc3' is susceptible to both issues - it's a GEMM op AND it comes before a dropout. As mentioned above,
    #     issue #2 "wins", so 'fc3' --> 'drop3'

    # We test without the workarounds as a means to see if the issues still exist. New PyTorch versions
    # may fix them, in which case we can remove the workarounds
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, dummy_input, apply_scope_name_workarounds=False)
    names, types = zip(*[(op_name, op['type']) for op_name, op in sg.ops.items()])
    assert names == ('drop1', 'drop2', 'drop2__1', 'relu2', 'drop3')
    assert types == expected_types

    # Now test with the workarounds
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, dummy_input)
    names, types = zip(*[(op_name, op['type']) for op_name, op in sg.ops.items()])
    assert names == ('fc1', 'relu1', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3')
    assert types == expected_types
def test_gemm_nodes_scope_names():
    class ModelWithGemms(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ModelWithGemms, self).__init__()
            self.drop1 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(100, 50)
            self.relu1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.drop2 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 25)
            self.relu2 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(25, 1)

        def forward(self, x):
            # Isn't this pretty...
            return self.fc3(self.relu2(self.fc2(self.drop2(self.relu1(self.fc1(self.drop1(x)))))))

    m = ModelWithGemms()
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=(1, 100)))

    # For the model above we expect the ops to be named (in order):
    #   'drop1', 'fc1', 'relu1', 'drop2', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3'
    # But without our workaround in place, they'll be named:
    #   'drop1', 'drop1__1', 'relu1', 'drop2', 'drop2__1', 'relu2', 'relu2__1'
    # (that is - each FC node gets the name of the node before)
    names, types = zip(*[(op_name, op['type']) for op_name, op in sg.ops.items()])
    assert names == ('drop1', 'fc1', 'relu1', 'drop2', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3')
    assert types == ('Dropout', 'Gemm', 'Relu', 'Dropout', 'Gemm', 'Relu', 'Gemm')
def test_named_params_layers(dataset, arch, parallel):
    model = create_model(False, dataset, arch, parallel=parallel)
    sgraph = SummaryGraph(model, distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset))
    sgraph_layer_names = set(k for k, i, j in sgraph.named_params_layers())
    for layer_name in sgraph_layer_names:
        assert sgraph.find_op(
        ) is not None, '{} was not found in summary graph'.format(layer_name)
def test_weights_size_attr(dataset, arch, parallel):
    model = create_model(False, dataset, arch, parallel=parallel)
    sgraph = SummaryGraph(model, distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset))

    for name, mod in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(mod, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(mod, nn.Linear):
            op = sgraph.find_op(name)
            assert op is not None
            assert op['attrs']['weights_vol'] == distiller.volume(mod.weight)
def test_scope_name_workarounds():
    class ModelWithGemms(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ModelWithGemms, self).__init__()
            self.drop1 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(100, 50)
            self.relu1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.drop2 = nn.Dropout()
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 25)
            self.relu2 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(25, 1)
            self.drop3 = nn.Dropout()

        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.drop1(x)
            x = self.fc1(x)
            x = self.relu1(x)
            x = self.drop2(x)
            x = self.fc2(x)
            x = self.relu2(x)
            x = self.fc3(x)
            x = self.drop3(x)
            return x

    m = ModelWithGemms()
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=(1, 100))
    expected_types = ('Gemm', 'Relu', 'Gemm', 'Relu', 'Gemm')

    # We have a workaround for the following issue:
    # (used to be 2 issues but one got fixed in PyTorch 1.2)
    #   * Ops that come before a dropout op get the scope name of the dropout op

    # For the model above we expect the ops in the graph to be named (in order):
    #   'fc1', 'relu1', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3'
    # (note that dropout ops are dropped)
    # But since 'relu1' and 'fc3' come before a dropout op, without the workaround in place we'll get:
    #   'fc1', 'drop2', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'drop3'

    # We test without the workarounds as a means to see if the issues still exist. New PyTorch versions
    # may fix them, in which case we can remove the workarounds
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, dummy_input, apply_scope_name_workarounds=False)
    names, types = zip(*[(op_name, op['type'])
                         for op_name, op in sg.ops.items()])
    assert names == ('fc1', 'drop2', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'drop3')
    assert types == expected_types

    # Now test with the workarounds
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, dummy_input)
    names, types = zip(*[(op_name, op['type'])
                         for op_name, op in sg.ops.items()])
    assert names == ('fc1', 'relu1', 'fc2', 'relu2', 'fc3')
    assert types == expected_types
def test_sg_macs():
    '''Compare the MACs of different modules as computed by a SummaryGraph
    and model summary.'''
    import common
    sg = create_graph('imagenet', 'mobilenet')
    assert sg
    model, _ = common.setup_test('mobilenet', 'imagenet', parallel=False)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(model, distiller.get_dummy_input('imagenet'))
    modules_macs = df_compute.loc[:, ['Name', 'MACs']]
    for name, mod in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(mod, (nn.Conv2d, nn.Linear)):
            summary_macs = int(modules_macs.loc[modules_macs.Name == name].MACs)
            sg_macs = sg.find_op(name)['attrs']['MACs']
            assert summary_macs == sg_macs
def get_model_compute_budget(model, dataset, layers_to_prune=None):
    """Return the compute budget of the Convolution layers in an image-classifier.
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset)
    g = SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
    total_macs = 0
    for name, m in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d):
            # Use the SummaryGraph to obtain some other details of the models
            conv_op = g.find_op(normalize_module_name(name))
            assert conv_op is not None
            total_macs += conv_op['attrs']['MACs']
    del g
    return total_macs
def test_compute_summary():
    dataset = "cifar10"
    arch = "simplenet_cifar"
    model, _ = common.setup_test(arch, dataset, parallel=True)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(
        model, distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset))
    module_macs = df_compute.loc[:, 'MACs'].to_list()
    #                     [conv1,  conv2,  fc1,   fc2,   fc3]
    assert module_macs == [352800, 240000, 48000, 10080, 840]

    dataset = "imagenet"
    arch = "mobilenet"
    model, _ = common.setup_test(arch, dataset, parallel=True)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(
        model, distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset))
    module_macs = df_compute.loc[:, 'MACs'].to_list()
    expected_macs = [
        10838016, 3612672, 25690112, 1806336, 25690112, 3612672, 51380224,
        903168, 25690112, 1806336, 51380224, 451584, 25690112, 903168,
        51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168,
        51380224, 225792, 25690112, 451584, 51380224, 1024000
    assert module_macs == expected_macs
def quantize_and_test_model(test_loader, model, criterion, args, loggers=None, scheduler=None, save_flag=True):
    """Collect stats using test_loader (when stats file is absent),

    clone the model and quantize the clone, and finally, test it.
    args.device is allowed to differ from the model's device.
    When args.qe_calibration is set to None, uses 0.05 instead.

    scheduler - pass scheduler to store it in checkpoint
    save_flag - defaults to save both quantization statistics and checkpoint.
    if hasattr(model, 'quantizer_metadata') and \
            model.quantizer_metadata['type'] == distiller.quantization.PostTrainLinearQuantizer:
        raise RuntimeError('Trying to invoke post-training quantization on a model that has already been post-'
                           'train quantized. Model was likely loaded from a checkpoint. Please run again without '
                           'passing the --quantize-eval flag')
    if not (args.qe_dynamic or args.qe_stats_file or args.qe_config_file):
        args_copy = copy.deepcopy(args)
        args_copy.qe_calibration = args.qe_calibration if args.qe_calibration is not None else 0.05

        # set stats into args stats field
        args.qe_stats_file = acts_quant_stats_collection(
            model, criterion, loggers, args_copy, save_to_file=save_flag)

    args_qe = copy.deepcopy(args)
    if args.device == 'cpu':
        # NOTE: Even though args.device is CPU, we allow here that model is not in CPU.
        qe_model = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model).cpu()
        qe_model = copy.deepcopy(model).to(args.device)

    quantizer = quantization.PostTrainLinearQuantizer.from_args(qe_model, args_qe)
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=model.input_shape)

    if args.qe_convert_pytorch:
        qe_model = _convert_ptq_to_pytorch(qe_model, args_qe)

    test_res = test(test_loader, qe_model, criterion, loggers, args=args_qe)

    if save_flag:
        checkpoint_name = 'quantized'
        apputils.save_checkpoint(0, args_qe.arch, qe_model, scheduler=scheduler,
            name='_'.join([, checkpoint_name]) if else checkpoint_name,
            dir=msglogger.logdir, extras={'quantized_top1': test_res[0]})

    del qe_model
    return test_res
def test_merge_pad_avgpool():
    class ModelWithAvgPool(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ModelWithAvgPool, self).__init__()
            self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 10, 5)
            self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(2)

        def forward(self, input):
            return self.avgpool(self.conv(input))

    m = ModelWithAvgPool()
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=(1, 3, 50, 50)))

    avgpool_ops = [op_name for op_name in sg.ops if 'avgpool' in op_name]
    assert len(avgpool_ops) == 1
    assert sg.ops[avgpool_ops[0]]['name'] == 'avgpool'
    assert sg.ops[avgpool_ops[0]]['type'] == 'AveragePool'
def evaluate_model(model,
    # This sample application can be invoked to evaluate the accuracy of your model on
    # the test dataset.
    # You can optionally quantize the model to 8-bit integer before evaluation.
    # For example:
    # python3 --arch resnet20_cifar  ../data.cifar10 -p=50 --resume-from=checkpoint.pth.tar --evaluate

    if not isinstance(loggers, list):
        loggers = [loggers]

    if args.quantize_eval:
        quantizer = quantization.PostTrainLinearQuantizer.from_args(
            model, args)

    top1, _, _ = test(test_loader,

    if args.quantize_eval:
        checkpoint_name = 'quantized'
                                 name='_'.join([, checkpoint_name])
                                 if else checkpoint_name,
                                 extras={'quantized_top1': top1})
Exemple #16
def collect_conv_details(model,
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset)
    g = SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
    conv_layers = OrderedDict()
    total_macs = 0
    total_params = 0
    for id, (name, m) in enumerate(model.named_modules()):
        if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d):
            conv = SimpleNamespace()
            conv.t = len(conv_layers)
            conv.k = m.kernel_size[0]
            conv.stride = m.stride

            # Use the SummaryGraph to obtain some other details of the models
            conv_op = g.find_op(normalize_module_name(name))
            assert conv_op is not None

            conv.weights_vol = conv_op['attrs']['weights_vol']
            total_params += conv.weights_vol
            conv.macs = conv_op['attrs']['MACs']
            conv_pname = name + ".weight"
            conv_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, conv_pname)
            if not perform_thinning:
                #conv.macs *= distiller.density_ch(conv_p)  # Channel pruning
                conv.macs *= distiller.density_3D(conv_p)  # Filter pruning
            total_macs += conv.macs

            conv.ofm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[2]
            conv.ofm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[3]
            conv.ifm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[2]
            conv.ifm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[3]

   = name
   = id
            if layers_to_prune is None or name in layers_to_prune:
                conv_layers[len(conv_layers)] = conv
    return conv_layers, total_macs, total_params
def quantize_and_test_model(test_loader, model, criterion, args, loggers=None, scheduler=None, save_flag=True):
    """Collect stats using test_loader (when stats file is absent),

    clone the model and quantize the clone, and finally, test it.
    args.device is allowed to differ from the model's device.
    When args.qe_calibration is set to None, uses 0.05 instead.

    scheduler - pass scheduler to store it in checkpoint
    save_flag - defaults to save both quantization statistics and checkpoint.
    if not (args.qe_dynamic or args.qe_stats_file or args.qe_config_file):
        args_copy = copy.deepcopy(args)
        args_copy.qe_calibration = args.qe_calibration if args.qe_calibration is not None else 0.05

        # set stats into args stats field
        args.qe_stats_file = acts_quant_stats_collection(
            model, criterion, loggers, args_copy, save_to_file=save_flag)

    args_qe = copy.deepcopy(args)
    if args.device == 'cpu':
        # NOTE: Even though args.device is CPU, we allow here that model is not in CPU.
        qe_model = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model).cpu()
        qe_model = copy.deepcopy(model).to(args.device)

    quantizer = quantization.PostTrainLinearQuantizer.from_args(qe_model, args_qe)

    test_res = test(test_loader, qe_model, criterion, loggers, args=args_qe)

    if save_flag:
        checkpoint_name = 'quantized'
        apputils.save_checkpoint(0, args_qe.arch, qe_model, scheduler=scheduler,
            name='_'.join([, checkpoint_name]) if else checkpoint_name,
            dir=msglogger.logdir, extras={'quantized_top1': test_res[0]})

    del qe_model
    return test_res
Exemple #18
def arbitrary_channel_pruning(config, channels_to_remove, is_parallel):
    """Test removal of arbitrary channels.
    The test receives a specification of channels to remove.
    Based on this specification, the channels are pruned and then physically
    removed from the model (via a "thinning" process).
    model, zeros_mask_dict = common.setup_test(config.arch, config.dataset,

    pair = config.module_pairs[0]
    conv2 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[1])
    assert conv2 is not None

    # Test that we can access the weights tensor of the first convolution in layer 1
    conv2_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, pair[1] + ".weight")
    assert conv2_p is not None

    assert conv2_p.dim() == 4
    num_channels = conv2_p.size(1)
    cnt_nnz_channels = num_channels - len(channels_to_remove)
    mask = create_channels_mask(conv2_p, channels_to_remove)
    assert distiller.density_ch(mask) == (
        conv2.in_channels - len(channels_to_remove)) / conv2.in_channels
    # Cool, so now we have a mask for pruning our channels.

    # Use the mask to prune
    zeros_mask_dict[pair[1] + ".weight"].mask = mask
    zeros_mask_dict[pair[1] + ".weight"].apply_mask(conv2_p)
    all_channels = set([ch for ch in range(num_channels)])
    nnz_channels = set(distiller.non_zero_channels(conv2_p))
    channels_removed = all_channels - nnz_channels"Channels removed {}".format(channels_removed))

    # Now, let's do the actual network thinning
    conv1 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[0])
    assert conv1
    assert conv1.out_channels == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv2.in_channels == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv1.weight.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv2.weight.size(1) == cnt_nnz_channels
    if config.bn_name is not None:
        bn1 = common.find_module_by_name(model, config.bn_name)
        assert bn1.running_var.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.running_mean.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.num_features == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.bias.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.weight.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels

    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(config.dataset,
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),
    run_forward_backward(model, optimizer, dummy_input)

    # Let's test saving and loading a thinned model.
    # We save 3 times, and load twice, to make sure to cover some corner cases:
    #   - Make sure that after loading, the model still has hold of the thinning recipes
    #   - Make sure that after a 2nd load, there no problem loading (in this case, the
    #     tensors are already thin, so this is a new flow)
    # (1)
    save_checkpoint(epoch=0, arch=config.arch, model=model, optimizer=None)
    model_2 = create_model(False,
    conv2 = common.find_module_by_name(model_2, pair[1])
    assert conv2 is not None
    model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    assert hasattr(model_2, 'thinning_recipes')

    run_forward_backward(model, optimizer, dummy_input)

    # (2)
    compression_scheduler = distiller.CompressionScheduler(model)
    model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    assert hasattr(model_2, 'thinning_recipes')"test_arbitrary_channel_pruning - Done")

    # (3)
    model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    assert hasattr(model_2, 'thinning_recipes')"test_arbitrary_channel_pruning - Done 2")
Exemple #19
def _create_graph(dataset, model):
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset, distiller.model_device(model))
    return SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
Exemple #20
def create_graph(input_shape, model):
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(
        device=distiller.model_device(model), input_shape=input_shape)
    return SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
def create_graph(dataset, arch, parallel=False):
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset)
    model = create_model(False, dataset, arch, parallel)
    assert model is not None
    return SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
def test_adjacency_map(parallel, dedicated_modules):
    class TestModel(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(TestModel, self).__init__()
            self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 10, 5)
   = nn.BatchNorm2d(10)
            self.post_conv_bn = nn.ModuleList([nn.Tanh(), nn.ReLU()])

        def forward(self, x):
            res = self.conv(x)
            y =
            for m in self.post_conv_bn:
                y = m(y)
            return y + res

    def check_adj_entry(actual, expected):
        assert actual.op_meta == expected.op_meta
        assert actual.predecessors == expected.predecessors
        assert actual.successors == expected.successors

    prefix = 'module.' if parallel else ''

    m = TestModel()
    if parallel:
        m = nn.DataParallel(m)
    sg = SummaryGraph(m, distiller.get_dummy_input(input_shape=(1, 3, 10, 10)))
    adj_map = sg.adjacency_map(dedicated_modules_only=dedicated_modules)

    if dedicated_modules:
        assert len(adj_map) == 4
        assert len(adj_map) == 5

    conv_op_meta = OpSimpleMetadata(prefix + 'conv', 'Conv')
    bn_op_meta = OpSimpleMetadata(prefix + 'bn', 'BatchNormalization')
    tanh_op_meta = OpSimpleMetadata(prefix + 'post_conv_bn.0', 'Tanh')
    relu_op_meta = OpSimpleMetadata(prefix + 'post_conv_bn.1', 'Relu')
    add_op_meta = OpSimpleMetadata('top_level_op', 'Add')

    name =
    assert name in adj_map
    expected = AdjacentsEntry(conv_op_meta)
    expected.successors = [bn_op_meta] if dedicated_modules else [
        bn_op_meta, add_op_meta
    check_adj_entry(adj_map[name], expected)

    name =
    assert name in adj_map
    expected = AdjacentsEntry(bn_op_meta)
    expected.predecessors = [conv_op_meta]
    expected.successors = [tanh_op_meta]
    check_adj_entry(adj_map[name], expected)

    name =
    assert name in adj_map
    expected = AdjacentsEntry(tanh_op_meta)
    expected.predecessors = [bn_op_meta]
    expected.successors = [relu_op_meta]
    check_adj_entry(adj_map[name], expected)

    name =
    assert name in adj_map
    expected = AdjacentsEntry(relu_op_meta)
    expected.predecessors = [tanh_op_meta]
    expected.successors = [] if dedicated_modules else [add_op_meta]
    check_adj_entry(adj_map[name], expected)

    name =
    if dedicated_modules:
        assert name not in adj_map
        assert name in adj_map
        expected = AdjacentsEntry(add_op_meta)
        expected.predecessors = [relu_op_meta, conv_op_meta]
        check_adj_entry(adj_map[name], expected)
Exemple #23
def create_graph(dataset, model, arch=None):
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset, distiller.model_device(model), model_name=arch)
    return SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
Exemple #24
def get_network_details(model, dataset, dependency_type, layers_to_prune=None):
    def make_conv(model, conv_module, g, name, seq_id, layer_id):
        conv = SimpleNamespace() = name = layer_id
        conv.t = seq_id
        conv.k = conv_module.kernel_size[0]
        conv.stride = conv_module.stride

        # Use the SummaryGraph to obtain some other details of the models
        conv_op = g.find_op(normalize_module_name(name))
        assert conv_op is not None

        conv.weights_vol = conv_op['attrs']['weights_vol']
        conv.macs = conv_op['attrs']['MACs']
        conv.n_ofm = conv_op['attrs']['n_ofm']
        conv.n_ifm = conv_op['attrs']['n_ifm']
        conv_pname = name + ".weight"
        conv_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, conv_pname)
        conv.ofm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[2]
        conv.ofm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['outputs'][0])[3]
        conv.ifm_h = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[2]
        conv.ifm_w = g.param_shape(conv_op['inputs'][0])[3]
        return conv

    def make_fc(model, fc_module, g, name, seq_id, layer_id):
        fc = SimpleNamespace() = name = layer_id
        fc.t = seq_id

        # Use the SummaryGraph to obtain some other details of the models
        fc_op = g.find_op(normalize_module_name(name))
        assert fc_op is not None

        fc.weights_vol = fc_op['attrs']['weights_vol']
        fc.macs = fc_op['attrs']['MACs']
        fc.n_ofm = fc_op['attrs']['n_ofm']
        fc.n_ifm = fc_op['attrs']['n_ifm']
        fc_pname = name + ".weight"
        fc_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, fc_pname)
        return fc

    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(dataset)
    g = SummaryGraph(model, dummy_input)
    all_layers = OrderedDict()
    pruned_indices = list()
    dependent_layers = set()
    total_macs = 0
    total_params = 0
    layers = OrderedDict({mod_name: m for mod_name, m in model.named_modules() 
                          if isinstance(m, (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear))})
    for layer_id, (name, m) in enumerate(layers.items()):
        if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d):
            conv = make_conv(model, m, g, name, seq_id=len(pruned_indices), layer_id=layer_id)
            all_layers[layer_id] = conv
            total_params += conv.weights_vol
            total_macs += conv.macs

            if layers_to_prune is None or name in layers_to_prune:
                # Find the data-dependent layers of this convolution
                from utils.data_dependencies import find_dependencies
                conv.dependencies = list()
                find_dependencies(dependency_type, g, all_layers, name, conv.dependencies)
        elif isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear):
            fc = make_fc(model, m, g, name, seq_id=len(pruned_indices), layer_id=layer_id)
            all_layers[layer_id] = fc
            total_macs += fc.macs
            total_params += fc.weights_vol
    def convert_layer_names_to_indices(layer_names):
            layer_names - list of layer names
            list of layer indices
        layer_indices = [index for name in layer_names for index, 
                            layer in all_layers.items() if == name[0]]
        return layer_indices

    dependent_indices = convert_layer_names_to_indices(dependent_layers)
    return all_layers, pruned_indices, dependent_indices, total_macs, total_params
Exemple #25
def ranked_filter_pruning(config,
    """Test L1 ranking and pruning of filters.
    First we rank and prune the filters of a Convolutional layer using
    a L1RankedStructureParameterPruner.  Then we physically remove the
    filters from the model (via "thining" process).
    """"executing: %s (invoked by %s)" %

    model, zeros_mask_dict = common.setup_test(config.arch, config.dataset,

    for pair in config.module_pairs:
        # Test that we can access the weights tensor of the first convolution in layer 1
        conv1_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, pair[0] + ".weight")
        assert conv1_p is not None
        num_filters = conv1_p.size(0)

        # Test that there are no zero-filters
        assert distiller.sparsity_3D(conv1_p) == 0.0

        # Create a filter-ranking pruner
        pruner = distiller.pruning.L1RankedStructureParameterPruner(
            weights=pair[0] + ".weight",
                              pair[0] + ".weight",

        conv1 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[0])
        assert conv1 is not None
        # Test that the mask has the correct fraction of filters pruned.
        # We asked for 10%, but there are only 16 filters, so we have to settle for 1/16 filters
        expected_cnt_removed_filters = int(ratio_to_prune * conv1.out_channels)
        expected_pruning = expected_cnt_removed_filters / conv1.out_channels
        masker = zeros_mask_dict[pair[0] + ".weight"]
        assert masker is not None
        assert distiller.sparsity_3D(masker.mask) == expected_pruning

        # Use the mask to prune
        assert distiller.sparsity_3D(conv1_p) == 0
        assert distiller.sparsity_3D(conv1_p) == expected_pruning

        # Remove filters
        conv2 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[1])
        assert conv2 is not None
        assert conv1.out_channels == num_filters
        assert conv2.in_channels == num_filters

    # Test thinning
    assert conv1.out_channels == num_filters - expected_cnt_removed_filters
    assert conv2.in_channels == num_filters - expected_cnt_removed_filters

    # Test the thinned model
    dummy_input = distiller.get_dummy_input(config.dataset,
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),
    run_forward_backward(model, optimizer, dummy_input)

    return model, zeros_mask_dict