def main():
	usage = """ [input_avi_file] [optic_flow_path] [output_avi_file] [threshold]

HydraGL. State space model using an extended Kalman filter to track Hydra in video


*  Uses OpenGL rendering. If using remotely, you'll need to set up a VirtualGL server
** If have a CUDA compatible graphics card

./ ./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short.avi ... 
 ./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short/flow ./video/output.avi -s 15

For help:
./ -h 

Ben Lansdell

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument('fn_in', default='./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short.avi', 
		help='input video file, any format readable by OpenCV', nargs = '?')
	parser.add_argument('flow_in', default='./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short/flow', 
		help='input optic flow path', nargs = '?')
	parser.add_argument('fn_out', default='./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short_output.avi', 
		help='avi output video file', nargs='?')
	parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', default='johntest_brightcontrast_short', 
		help='name for saving run images', nargs='?')
	parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', default=9,
		help='threshold intensity below which is background', type = int)
	parser.add_argument('-s', '--gridsize', default=22,
		help='edge length for mesh (smaller is finer; unstable much further below 18)', type = int)
	parser.add_argument('-c', '--cuda', default=True,
		help='whether or not to do analysis on CUDA', type = bool)
	args = parser.parse_args()

	if len(sys.argv) == 1:
		print("No command line arguments provided, using defaults")
	capture = VideoStream(args.fn_in, args.threshold)

	frame = capture.current_frame()
	mask, ctrs, fd = capture.backsub()
	distmesh = DistMesh(frame, h0 = args.gridsize)
	distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, fd, frame, plot = True)
	#Load flow data from directory
	flowstream = FlowStream(args.flow_in)
	ret_flow, flowframe = flowstream.peek()

	if ret_flow:
		kf = IteratedMSKalmanFilter(distmesh, frame, flowframe, cuda = args.cuda, sparse = True, multi = True)
		print 'Cannot read flow stream'

	#kf.compute(capture.gray_frame(), flowframe)
	nI = 3
	count = 0
		count += 1
		print 'Frame %d' % count 
		ret, frame, grayframe, mask =
		ret_flow, flowframe =
		if ret is False or ret_flow is False:
		#for i in range(nI):
		#	print 'Iteration %d' % i 
		#	raw_input("Finished. Press Enter to continue")
		#	kf.compute(grayframe, flowframe)
		kf.compute(grayframe, flowframe, mask, imageoutput = 'screenshots/' + + '_frame_' + str(count))
	raw_input("Finished. Press ENTER to exit")
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, argparse 
from kalman import KalmanFilter, KFState
from renderer import *
from cuda import *
from distmesh_dyn import DistMesh
import numpy as np 

fn_in ='./video/johntest_brightcontrast_short.tif'
threshold = 9

capture = VideoStream(fn_in, threshold)
frame = capture.current_frame(backsub = True)
mask, ctrs, fd = capture.backsub()
distmesh = DistMesh(frame)
distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, fd, frame, True)

flowframe = None #capture.backsub(

#Create KalmanFilter object one step at a time (kf = KalmanFilter(distmesh, frame))

#Create KFState object (KFState.__init__)
im = frame 
nx = im.shape[0]
eps_Q = 1
eps_R = 1e-3
_ver = np.array(distmesh.p, np.float32)
_vel = np.ones(_ver.shape, np.float32)

#Create renderer (renderer = Renderer(distmesh, _vel, nx, im))
cuda = True
gridsize = 30
threshold = 9
name = 'test_data'

#Grab test data
video, flow = test_data(680, 680)
#video, flow = test_data_texture(680, 680)
#video, flow = test_data_image()
flowframe = flow[:,:,:,0]
frame = video[:,:,0]

#Make mesh
distmesh = DistMesh(frame, h0 = gridsize)
mask, ctrs, h = findObjectThreshold(frame, threshold = threshold)
distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, h, frame, plot=False)

nx = 680
start = nx//3
end = 2*nx//3

kf = IteratedMSKalmanFilter(distmesh, frame, flowframe, cuda)

#Now perturb the positions a bit...
kf.state.X = kf.state.X*1.2

rend = kf.state.renderer
cuda = kf.state.renderer.cudagl 
state = kf.state 
Exemple #4
class TestMesh:
	"""Takes an initial frame (object), creates a mesh and morphs the mesh points
	over time according to a provided flow field. Saves the results and the true
	set of mesh points"""
	def __init__(self, img, flowfield, dm_out, gridsize = 20, threshold = 8, plot = False):
		self.img = img
		self.nx = img.shape[0]
		self.ny = img.shape[1]
		self.threshold = threshold 
		mask, ctrs, fd = self.backsub()
		self.distmesh = DistMesh(img, h0 = gridsize)
		self.distmesh.createMesh(ctrs, fd, img, plot = plot)

		self.t = 0
		self.flowfield = flowfield
		self.writer = None
		flowzeros = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, 2))
		self.kf = KalmanFilter(self.distmesh, img, flowzeros, cuda = False)
		self.N = self.kf.state.N

	def forward(self):
		#Update mesh points according to the velocity flow field
		for i in range(self.N):
			x = self.kf.state.X[2*i]
			y = self.kf.state.X[2*i+1]
			(vx, vy) = self.flowfield([x, y], self.t)
			self.kf.state.X[2*i] += vx
			self.kf.state.X[2*i+1] += vy
			self.kf.state.X[2*self.N + 2*i] = vx
			self.kf.state.X[2*self.N + 2*i+1] = vy

	def render(self):
		self.kf.state.renderer.update_vertex_buffer(self.kf.state.vertices(), self.kf.state.velocities())
		pred_img = self.kf.state.renderer.getpredimg()
		return pred_img

	def _createwriter(self, video_out):
		fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') 
		framesize = (self.nx, self.ny)
		self.writer = cv2.VideoWriter(video_out, fourcc, 2.0, framesize[::-1])

	def _strState(self):
		return "X," + ','.join([str(x[0]) for x in self.kf.state.X]) + '\n'

	def run(self, video_out, mesh_out, steps = 100):
		#Number of time steps
		f_out = open(mesh_out, 'w')
		#Write: mesh size
		#assert self.writer is not None, "Cannot create VideoWriter object"
		print "Simulating", steps, "steps of mesh warping"
		for i in range(steps):
			pred_img = self.render()
			#Or just save the images
			fn_out = video_out + "_frame_%03d"%i + ".png"
		print "Done"

	def backsub(self):
		(mask, ctrs, fd) = findObjectThreshold(self.img, threshold = self.threshold)
		return mask, ctrs, fd