def test_as_completed(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            x = c.submit(inc, 1)
            y = c.submit(inc, 2)
            z = c.submit(inc, 1)

            seq = as_completed([x, y, z])
            assert isinstance(seq, Iterator)
            assert set(seq) == {x, y, z}

            assert list(as_completed([])) == []
def test_as_completed(client):
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 2)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    seq = as_completed([x, y, z])
    assert seq.count() == 3
    assert isinstance(seq, Iterator)
    assert set(seq) == {x, y, z}
    assert seq.count() == 0

    assert list(as_completed([])) == []
def test_as_completed(client):
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 2)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    seq = as_completed([x, y, z])
    assert seq.count() == 3
    assert isinstance(seq, Iterator)
    assert set(seq) == {x, y, z}
    assert seq.count() == 0

    assert list(as_completed([])) == []
Exemple #4
def test_as_completed_cancel(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            x = c.submit(sleep, 1)
            y = c.submit(inc, 1)

            ac = as_completed([x, y])

            assert next(ac) is y

            with pytest.raises(Empty):

            assert list(as_completed([x, y, x])) == [y]
Exemple #5
def wait(collections, client=None, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED):
    """Calculates collections on client.

    collections : list of dask tasks
    client : None or distributed.client.Client
        if None uses distributed.client.default_client()
    return_when : int
        if == FIRST_COMPLETED returns when first task completes
        if == ALL_COMPLETED returns when all tasks completed
        Currently supports only FIRST_COMPLETED.

    tuple : (result, index, unfinished_futures)
    if return_when not in (FIRST_COMPLETED, ALL_COMPLETED):
        raise ValueError(
            "Unknown value for 'return_when'." +
            "Expected {} or {}.".format(FIRST_COMPLETED, ALL_COMPLETED) +
            "Received {}.".format(return_when))
    if return_when == ALL_COMPLETED:
        raise NotImplementedError("Support for ALL_COMPLETED not implemented.")
    client = client or dc.default_client()
    futures = client.compute(collections)
    f = dc.as_completed(futures).__next__()
    i = futures.index(f)
    del futures[i]
    res = f.result()
    del f
    return res, i, futures
Exemple #6
def test_as_completed_with_actor(client):
    class Counter:
        n = 0

        def __init__(self):
            self.n = 0

        def increment(self):
            self.n += 1
            return self.n

    future = client.submit(Counter, actor=True)
    counter = future.result()
    assert counter.n == 0

    futures = []
    for _ in range(3):

    results = []
    for future in as_completed(futures):

    assert counter.n == 3
    assert sum(results) == 6  # i.e. future.result() returns 1, 2, 3

    # ToDo: test other `as_completed` arguments, e.g.:
    # for future, n in as_completed(futures, with_results=True):
    #     results.append(n)
def test_as_completed_is_empty(client):
    ac = as_completed()
    assert ac.is_empty()
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    assert not ac.is_empty()
    assert next(ac) is x
    assert ac.is_empty()
def test_as_completed_cancel(client):
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])

    assert next(ac) is x or y
    assert next(ac) is y or x

    with pytest.raises(Empty):

    res = list(as_completed([x, y, x]))
    assert len(res) == 3
    assert set(res) == {x, y}
    assert res.count(x) == 2
async def test_async_for_py2_equivalent(c, s, a, b):
    futures =, [0.01] * 3, pure=False)
    seq = as_completed(futures)
    x, y, z = [el async for el in seq]
    assert x.done()
    assert y.done()
    assert z.done()
    assert x.key != y.key
def test_as_completed_is_empty(client):
    ac = as_completed()
    assert ac.is_empty()
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    assert not ac.is_empty()
    assert next(ac) is x
    assert ac.is_empty()
def test_as_completed_cancel(client):
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])

    assert next(ac) is x or y
    assert next(ac) is y or x

    with pytest.raises(Empty):

    res = list(as_completed([x, y, x]))
    assert len(res) == 3
    assert set(res) == {x, y}
    assert res.count(x) == 2
async def test_as_completed_error_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = {el async for el in ac}
    assert result == {x, y}
    assert x.status == "error"
    assert y.status == "finished"
def test_as_completed_error(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = set(ac)

    assert result == {x, y}
    assert x.status == "error"
    assert y.status == "finished"
Exemple #14
def test_as_completed_is_empty(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            ac = as_completed()
            assert ac.is_empty()
            x = c.submit(inc, 1)
            assert not ac.is_empty()
            assert next(ac) is x
            assert ac.is_empty()
def test_as_completed_error(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = set(ac)

    assert result == {x, y}
    assert x.status == 'error'
    assert y.status == 'finished'
def test_as_completed_with_results(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 5)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
        res = list(ac)
    assert str(exc.value) == 'hello!'
def test_as_completed_cancel(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            x = c.submit(inc, 1)
            y = c.submit(inc, 1)

            ac = as_completed([x, y])

            assert next(ac) is x or y
            assert next(ac) is y or x

            with pytest.raises(Empty):

            res = list(as_completed([x, y, x]))
            assert len(res) == 3
            assert set(res) == {x, y}
            assert res.count(x) == 2
def test_as_completed_with_results(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 5)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
        res = list(ac)
    assert str(exc.value) == "hello!"
Exemple #19
async def test_clear(c, s, a, b):
    futures =, range(3))
    ac = as_completed(futures)
    await wait(futures)
    with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
        await ac.__anext__()
    del futures

    while s.tasks:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
async def test_as_completed_with_results_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 5)
    z = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
    await y.cancel()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
        async for _ in ac:
    assert str(exc.value) == "hello!"
def test_as_completed_update(client):
    total = 0
    todo = list(range(10))
    expected = sum(map(inc, todo))
    ac = as_completed([])
    while todo or not ac.is_empty():
        if todo:
            work, todo = todo[:4], todo[4:]
            ac.update(, work))
        batch = ac.next_batch(block=True)
        total += sum(r.result() for r in batch)
    assert total == expected
def test_as_completed_error(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            x = c.submit(throws, 1)
            y = c.submit(inc, 1)

            ac = as_completed([x, y])
            result = set(ac)

            assert result == {x, y}
            assert x.status == 'error'
            assert y.status == 'finished'
def test_as_completed_with_results_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 5)
    z = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
        first = yield ac.__anext__()
        second = yield ac.__anext__()
        third = yield ac.__anext__()
    assert str(exc.value) == "hello!"
def test_as_completed_error_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    first = yield ac.__anext__()
    second = yield ac.__anext__()
    result = {first, second}

    assert result == {x, y}
    assert x.status == "error"
    assert y.status == "finished"
def test_as_completed_update(client):
    total = 0
    todo = list(range(10))
    expected = sum(map(inc, todo))
    ac = as_completed([])
    while todo or not ac.is_empty():
        if todo:
            work, todo = todo[:4], todo[4:]
            ac.update(, work))
        batch = ac.next_batch(block=True)
        total += sum(r.result() for r in batch)
    assert total == expected
def test_as_completed_error_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    first = yield ac.__anext__()
    second = yield ac.__anext__()
    result = {first, second}

    assert result == {x, y}
    assert x.status == 'error'
    assert y.status == 'finished'
def test_as_completed_with_results(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            x = c.submit(throws, 1)
            y = c.submit(inc, 5)
            z = c.submit(inc, 1)

            ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
                res = list(ac)
            assert str(exc.value) == 'hello!'
def test_as_completed_with_results_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 5)
    z = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc:
        first = yield ac.__anext__()
        second = yield ac.__anext__()
        third = yield ac.__anext__()
    assert str(exc.value) == 'hello!'
def test_as_completed_add(client):
    total = 0
    expected = sum(map(inc, range(10)))
    futures =, range(10))
    ac = as_completed(futures)
    for future in ac:
        result = future.result()
        total += result
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            future = client.submit(add, future, 10)
            expected += result + 10
    assert total == expected
def test_as_completed_add(client):
    total = 0
    expected = sum(map(inc, range(10)))
    futures =, range(10))
    ac = as_completed(futures)
    for future in ac:
        result = future.result()
        total += result
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            future = client.submit(add, future, 10)
            expected += result + 10
    assert total == expected
Exemple #31
async def test_str(c, s, a, b):
    futures =, range(3))
    ac = as_completed(futures)
    assert "waiting=3" in str(ac)
    assert "waiting=3" in repr(ac)
    assert "done=0" in str(ac)
    assert "done=0" in repr(ac)

    await ac.__anext__()

    start = time()
    while "done=2" not in str(ac):
        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() < start + 2
Exemple #32
def test_as_completed_update(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            total = 0
            todo = list(range(10))
            expected = sum(map(inc, todo))
            ac = as_completed([])
            while todo or not ac.is_empty():
                if todo:
                    work, todo = todo[:4], todo[4:]
                    ac.update(, work))
                batch = ac.next_batch(block=True)
                total += sum(r.result() for r in batch)
            assert total == expected
def test_as_completed_repeats(client):
    ac = as_completed()
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)

    assert next(ac) is x
    assert next(ac) is x

    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

    assert next(ac) is x
def test_async_for_py2_equivalent(c, s, a, b):
    futures =, [0.01] * 3, pure=False)
    seq = as_completed(futures)
    x = yield seq.__anext__()
    y = yield seq.__anext__()
    z = yield seq.__anext__()

    assert x.done()
    assert y.done()
    assert z.done()
    assert x.key != y.key

    with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
        yield seq.__anext__()
def test_as_completed_repeats(client):
    ac = as_completed()
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)

    assert next(ac) is x
    assert next(ac) is x

    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

    assert next(ac) is x
def test_async_for_py2_equivalent(c, s, a, b):
    futures =, [0.01] * 3, pure=False)
    seq = as_completed(futures)
    x = yield seq.__anext__()
    y = yield seq.__anext__()
    z = yield seq.__anext__()

    assert x.done()
    assert y.done()
    assert z.done()
    assert x.key != y.key

    with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
        yield seq.__anext__()
Exemple #37
def test_as_completed_add(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            total = 0
            expected = sum(map(inc, range(10)))
            futures =, range(10))
            ac = as_completed(futures)
            for future in ac:
                result = future.result()
                total += result
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    future = c.submit(add, future, 10)
                    expected += result + 10
            assert total == expected
def test_as_completed_cancel_last(client):
    w = client.submit(inc, 0.3)
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 0.3)

    async def _():
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await w.cancel(asynchronous=True)
        await y.cancel(asynchronous=True)


    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = set(ac)

    assert result == {x, y}
Exemple #39
def test_as_completed_repeats(loop):
    with cluster() as (s, [a, b]):
        with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as c:
            ac = as_completed()
            x = c.submit(inc, 1)

            assert next(ac) is x
            assert next(ac) is x

            with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

            assert next(ac) is x
def test_as_completed_cancel_last(client):
    w = client.submit(inc, 0.3)
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 0.3)

    def _():
        yield gen.sleep(0.1)
        yield w.cancel(asynchronous=True)
        yield y.cancel(asynchronous=True)


    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = set(ac)

    assert result == {x, y}
def test_as_completed_cancel_last(client):
    w = client.submit(inc, 0.3)
    x = client.submit(inc, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 0.3)

    def _():
        yield gen.sleep(0.1)
        yield w.cancel(asynchronous=True)
        yield y.cancel(asynchronous=True)


    ac = as_completed([x, y])
    result = set(ac)

    assert result == {x, y}
def test_as_completed_with_results_no_raise(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 5)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True, raise_errors=False)
    res = list(ac)

    dd = {r[0]: r[1:] for r in res}
    assert set(dd.keys()) == {y, x, z}
    assert x.status == 'error'
    assert y.status == 'cancelled'
    assert z.status == 'finished'

    assert isinstance(dd[y][0], CancelledError)
    assert isinstance(dd[x][0][1], RuntimeError)
    assert dd[z][0] == 2
def test_as_completed_with_results_no_raise(client):
    x = client.submit(throws, 1)
    y = client.submit(inc, 5)
    z = client.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True, raise_errors=False)
    res = list(ac)

    dd = {r[0]: r[1:] for r in res}
    assert set(dd.keys()) == {y, x, z}
    assert x.status == "error"
    assert y.status == "cancelled"
    assert z.status == "finished"

    assert isinstance(dd[y][0], CancelledError) or dd[y][0] == 6
    assert isinstance(dd[x][0][1], RuntimeError)
    assert dd[z][0] == 2
def test_as_completed_with_results_no_raise_async(c, s, a, b):
    x = c.submit(throws, 1)
    y = c.submit(inc, 5)
    z = c.submit(inc, 1)

    ac = as_completed([x, y, z], with_results=True, raise_errors=False)
    first = yield ac.__anext__()
    second = yield ac.__anext__()
    third = yield ac.__anext__()
    res = [first, second, third]

    dd = {r[0]: r[1:] for r in res}
    assert set(dd.keys()) == {y, x, z}
    assert x.status == 'error'
    assert y.status == 'cancelled'
    assert z.status == 'finished'

    assert isinstance(dd[y][0], CancelledError)
    assert isinstance(dd[x][0][1], RuntimeError)
    assert dd[z][0] == 2
def test_as_completed_with_non_futures(client):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        list(as_completed([1, 2, 3]))