def setUpClass(self): self.queue = get_queue() self.shape = (5, 4, 3) self.size = 5 * 4 * 3 self.values = { "interaction_cutoff": 1, "nrestraints": 3, "shape_x": self.shape[2], "shape_y": self.shape[1], "shape_z": self.shape[0], "llength": 1, "nreceptor_coor": 3, "nligand_coor": 2, } self.p = Kernels(self.queue.context, self.values)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.dv = DisVis() cls.gdv = DisVis() cls.gdv.queue = get_queue() receptor = PDB.fromfile(join('data', 'O14250.pdb')) ligand = PDB.fromfile(join('data', 'Q9UT97.pdb')) restraints = parse_restraints(join('data', 'restraints.dat'), receptor, ligand) rselect, lselect = parse_interaction_selection( join('data', 'selection.res'), receptor, ligand) # Identity rotation and rotation around z-axis rotations = np.asarray([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]], dtype=np.float64) cls.dv.receptor = receptor cls.gdv.receptor = receptor cls.dv.ligand = ligand cls.gdv.ligand = ligand cls.dv.distance_restraints = restraints cls.gdv.distance_restraints = restraints cls.dv.rotations = rotations cls.gdv.rotations = rotations cls.dv.occupancy_analysis = True cls.gdv.occupancy_analysis = True cls.dv.receptor_interaction_selection = rselect cls.dv.ligand_interaction_selection = lselect cls.gdv.receptor_interaction_selection = rselect cls.gdv.ligand_interaction_selection = lselect cls.dv._initialize() cls.dv._cpu_init() cls.gdv._initialize() cls.gdv._gpu_init()
def setUpClass(cls): cls.dv = DisVis() cls.gdv = DisVis() cls.gdv.queue = get_queue() receptor = PDB.fromfile(join('data', 'O14250.pdb')) ligand = PDB.fromfile(join('data', 'Q9UT97.pdb')) restraints = parse_restraints(join('data', 'restraints.dat'), receptor, ligand) rselect, lselect = parse_interaction_selection(join('data', 'selection.res'), receptor, ligand) # Identity rotation and rotation around z-axis rotations = np.asarray([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]], dtype=np.float64) cls.dv.receptor = receptor cls.gdv.receptor = receptor cls.dv.ligand = ligand cls.gdv.ligand = ligand cls.dv.distance_restraints = restraints cls.gdv.distance_restraints = restraints cls.dv.rotations = rotations cls.gdv.rotations = rotations cls.dv.occupancy_analysis = True cls.gdv.occupancy_analysis = True cls.dv.receptor_interaction_selection = rselect cls.dv.ligand_interaction_selection = lselect cls.gdv.receptor_interaction_selection = rselect cls.gdv.ligand_interaction_selection = lselect cls.dv._initialize() cls.dv._cpu_init() cls.gdv._initialize() cls.gdv._gpu_init()
def setUp(self): self.queue = get_queue() self.kernels = Kernels(self.queue.context)
def main(): args = parse_args() mkdir_p( joiner = Joiner( logging.basicConfig(filename=joiner('disvis.log'), level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') time0 = time() queue = None if args.gpu: from disvis.helpers import get_queue queue = get_queue() if queue is None: raise ValueError("No GPU queue was found.") write('Reading fixed model from: {:s}'.format( receptor = PDB.fromfile(args.receptor) write('Reading scanning model from: {:s}'.format( ligand = PDB.fromfile(args.ligand) write('Reading in rotations.') q, weights, a = proportional_orientations(args.angle) rotmat = quat_to_rotmat(q) write('Requested rotational sampling density: {:.2f}'.format(args.angle)) write('Real rotational sampling density: {:.2f}'.format(a)) write('Number of rotations: {:d}'.format(rotmat.shape[0])) write('Reading in restraints from file: {:s}'.format( distance_restraints = parse_restraints(args.restraints, receptor, ligand) write('Number of distance restraints: {:d}'.format( len(distance_restraints))) # If the interaction restraints cutoff is not specified, only calculate the # interactions and occupancy grids for complexes consistent with at least 1 # restraints or more, with a limit of three. if args.interaction_restraints_cutoff is None: args.interaction_restraints_cutoff = max( len(distance_restraints) - 3, 1) pdb1_sel = pdb2_sel = None if args.interaction_selection is not None: write('Reading in interaction selection from file: {:s}'.format( pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel = parse_interaction_selection( args.interaction_selection, receptor, ligand) write('Number of receptor residues: {:d}'.format(pdb1_sel.natoms)) write('Number of ligand residues: {:d}'.format(pdb2_sel.natoms)) write('Voxel spacing set to: {:.2f}'.format(args.voxelspacing)) write('Interaction radius set to: {:.2f}'.format(args.interaction_radius)) write('Minimum required interaction volume: {:.2f}'.format( args.min_interaction)) write('Maximum allowed volume of clashes: {:.2f}'.format(args.max_clash)) if args.occupancy_analysis: write('Performing occupancy analysis') if queue is None: # CPU-version if args.nproc > 1: try: dv = mp_cpu_disvis(receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) except Queue.Empty: msg = ( 'ERROR: Queue.Empty exception raised while processing job, ' 'stopping execution ...') write(msg) exit(-1) else: dv = run_disvis(queue, receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) else: # GPU-version write('Using GPU accelerated search.') dv = run_disvis(queue, receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) # write out accessible interaction space fname = joiner('accessible_interaction_space.mrc') write('Writing accessible interaction space to: {:s}'.format(fname)) dv.accessible_interaction_space.tofile(fname) # write out accessible complexes accessible_complexes = dv.accessible_complexes norm = sum(accessible_complexes) digits = len(str(int(norm))) + 1 cum_complexes = np.cumsum(np.asarray(accessible_complexes)[::-1])[::-1] with open(joiner('accessible_complexes.out'), 'w') as f_accessible_complexes: write('Writing number of accessible complexes to: {:s}'.format( header = '# consistent restraints | accessible complexes |' +\ 'relative | cumulative accessible complexes | relative\n' f_accessible_complexes.write(header) for n, acc in enumerate(accessible_complexes): f_accessible_complexes.write('{0:3d} {2:{1}d} {3:8.6f} {4:{1}d} {5:8.6f}\n'\ .format(n, digits, int(acc), acc/norm, int(cum_complexes[n]), cum_complexes[n]/norm)) # writing out violations violations = dv.violations cum_violations = violations[::-1].cumsum(axis=0)[::-1] with open(joiner('violations.out'), 'w') as f_viol: write('Writing violations to file: {:s}'.format( num_violations = violations.sum(axis=1) nrestraints = num_violations.shape[0] header = ('# row represents the number of consistent restraints\n' '# column represents how often that restraint is violated\n') f_viol.write(header) header = (' ' + '{:8d}' * nrestraints + '\n').format(*range(1, nrestraints + 1)) f_viol.write(header) for n, line in enumerate(cum_violations): f_viol.write('{:<2d} '.format(n + 1)) for word in line: if num_violations[n] > 0: percentage_violated = word / cum_complexes[n + 1] else: percentage_violated = 0 f_viol.write('{:8.4f}'.format(percentage_violated)) f_viol.write('\n') # Give user indication for false positives. # Determine minimum number of false positives. nrestraints = len(distance_restraints) n = 1 while accessible_complexes[-n] == 0: n += 1 if n > 1: msg = ('Not all restraints are consistent. ' 'Number of false-positive restraints present ' 'is at least: {:d}'.format(n - 1)) write(msg) # next give possible false-positives based on the percentage of violations # and their associated Z-score if n == 1: n = None else: n = -n + 1 percentage_violated = cum_violations[:n] / np.asarray( cum_complexes[1:n]).reshape(-1, 1) average_restraint_violation = percentage_violated.mean(axis=0) std_restraint_violation = percentage_violated.std(axis=0) zscore_violations = ( (average_restraint_violation - average_restraint_violation.mean()) / average_restraint_violation.std()) ind_false_positives = np.flatnonzero(zscore_violations >= 1.0) nfalse_positives = ind_false_positives.size if nfalse_positives > 0: ind_false_positives += 1 write(('Possible false-positive restraints (z-score > 1.0):' +\ ' {:d}'*nfalse_positives).format(*tuple(ind_false_positives))) with open(joiner('z-score.out'), 'w') as f: write('Writing z-score of each restraint to {:s}'.format( for n in xrange(zscore_violations.shape[0]): f.write('{:2d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}\n'.format( n + 1, average_restraint_violation[n], std_restraint_violation[n], zscore_violations[n])) # Write all occupancy grids to MRC-files if requested if args.occupancy_analysis: for n, vol in dv.occupancy_grids.iteritems(): # Normalize the occupancy grid if cum_complexes[n] > 0: vol._array /= cum_complexes[n] vol.tofile(joiner('occupancy_{:d}.mrc'.format(n))) # Write out interaction analysis # the interaction_matrix gives the number of interactions between each # residue of the receptor and ligand for complexes consistent with exactly # N restraints. interaction_matrix = dv.interaction_matrix if interaction_matrix is not None: ## Save interaction matrix #f = joiner('interaction_matrix.npy') #write('Writing interaction-matrix to: {:s}'.format(f)), interaction_matrix) # Save contacted receptor and ligand residue interaction for each analyzed number # of consistent restraints write('Writing contacted receptor residue interactions to files.') # Take the cumsum in order to give the number of interactions for complexes # with at least N restraints. receptor_cum_interactions = interaction_matrix.sum( axis=1)[::-1].cumsum(axis=0)[::-1] ligand_cum_interactions = interaction_matrix.sum(axis=2)[::-1].cumsum( axis=0)[::-1] fname = joiner('receptor_interactions.txt') with open(fname, 'w') as f: # Write header f.write('#resi') for consistent_restraints in xrange( args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): f.write(' {:>6d}'.format(consistent_restraints)) f.write('\n') for n, resi in enumerate(['resi']): f.write('{:<5d}'.format(resi)) for consistent_restraints in xrange( args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): index = consistent_restraints - args.interaction_restraints_cutoff interactions = receptor_cum_interactions[index, n] cum_complex = cum_complexes[consistent_restraints] if cum_complex > 0: relative_interactions = interactions / cum_complex else: relative_interactions = 0 f.write(' {:6.3f}'.format(relative_interactions)) f.write('\n') fname = joiner('ligand_interactions.txt') with open(fname, 'w') as f: # Write header f.write('#resi') for consistent_restraints in xrange( args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): f.write(' {:>6d}'.format(consistent_restraints)) f.write('\n') for n, resi in enumerate(['resi']): f.write('{:<5d}'.format(resi)) for consistent_restraints in xrange( args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): index = consistent_restraints - args.interaction_restraints_cutoff interactions = ligand_cum_interactions[index, n] cum_complex = cum_complexes[consistent_restraints] if cum_complex > 0: relative_interactions = interactions / cum_complex else: relative_interactions = 0 f.write(' {:6.3f}'.format(relative_interactions)) f.write('\n') # time indication seconds = int(round(time() - time0)) m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) write('Total time passed: {:d}m {:2d}s'.format(m, s))
def main(): args = parse_args() mkdir_p( joiner = Joiner( logging.basicConfig(filename=joiner('disvis.log'), level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') time0 = time() queue = None if args.gpu: from disvis.helpers import get_queue queue = get_queue() if queue is None: raise ValueError("No GPU queue was found.") write('Reading fixed model from: {:s}'.format( receptor = PDB.fromfile(args.receptor) write('Reading scanning model from: {:s}'.format( ligand = PDB.fromfile(args.ligand) write('Reading in rotations.') q, weights, a = proportional_orientations(args.angle) rotmat = quat_to_rotmat(q) write('Requested rotational sampling density: {:.2f}'.format(args.angle)) write('Real rotational sampling density: {:.2f}'.format(a)) write('Number of rotations: {:d}'.format(rotmat.shape[0])) write('Reading in restraints from file: {:s}'.format( distance_restraints = parse_restraints(args.restraints, receptor, ligand) write('Number of distance restraints: {:d}'.format(len(distance_restraints))) # If the interaction restraints cutoff is not specified, only calculate the # interactions and occupancy grids for complexes consistent with at least 1 # restraints or more, with a limit of three. if args.interaction_restraints_cutoff is None: args.interaction_restraints_cutoff = max(len(distance_restraints) - 3, 1) pdb1_sel = pdb2_sel = None if args.interaction_selection is not None: write('Reading in interaction selection from file: {:s}' .format( pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel = parse_interaction_selection( args.interaction_selection, receptor, ligand) write('Number of receptor residues: {:d}'.format(pdb1_sel.natoms)) write('Number of ligand residues: {:d}'.format(pdb2_sel.natoms)) write('Voxel spacing set to: {:.2f}'.format(args.voxelspacing)) write('Interaction radius set to: {:.2f}'.format(args.interaction_radius)) write('Minimum required interaction volume: {:.2f}'.format(args.min_interaction)) write('Maximum allowed volume of clashes: {:.2f}'.format(args.max_clash)) if args.occupancy_analysis: write('Performing occupancy analysis') if queue is None: # CPU-version if args.nproc > 1: try: dv = mp_cpu_disvis(receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) except Queue.Empty: msg = ('ERROR: Queue.Empty exception raised while processing job, ' 'stopping execution ...') write(msg) exit(-1) else: dv = run_disvis(queue, receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) else: # GPU-version write('Using GPU accelerated search.') dv = run_disvis(queue, receptor, ligand, rotmat, weights, distance_restraints, pdb1_sel, pdb2_sel, args) # write out accessible interaction space fname = joiner('accessible_interaction_space.mrc') write('Writing accessible interaction space to: {:s}'.format(fname)) dv.accessible_interaction_space.tofile(fname) # write out accessible complexes accessible_complexes = dv.accessible_complexes norm = sum(accessible_complexes) digits = len(str(int(norm))) + 1 cum_complexes = np.cumsum(np.asarray(accessible_complexes)[::-1])[::-1] with open(joiner('accessible_complexes.out'), 'w') as f_accessible_complexes: write('Writing number of accessible complexes to: {:s}'.format( header = '# consistent restraints | accessible complexes |' +\ 'relative | cumulative accessible complexes | relative\n' f_accessible_complexes.write(header) for n, acc in enumerate(accessible_complexes): f_accessible_complexes.write('{0:3d} {2:{1}d} {3:8.6f} {4:{1}d} {5:8.6f}\n'\ .format(n, digits, int(acc), acc/norm, int(cum_complexes[n]), cum_complexes[n]/norm)) # writing out violations violations = dv.violations cum_violations = violations[::-1].cumsum(axis=0)[::-1] with open(joiner('violations.out'), 'w') as f_viol: write('Writing violations to file: {:s}'.format( num_violations = violations.sum(axis=1) nrestraints = num_violations.shape[0] header = ('# row represents the number of consistent restraints\n' '# column represents how often that restraint is violated\n') f_viol.write(header) header = (' ' + '{:8d}'*nrestraints + '\n').format(*range(1, nrestraints + 1)) f_viol.write(header) for n, line in enumerate(cum_violations): f_viol.write('{:<2d} '.format(n+1)) for word in line: if num_violations[n] > 0: percentage_violated = word/cum_complexes[n+1] else: percentage_violated = 0 f_viol.write('{:8.4f}'.format(percentage_violated)) f_viol.write('\n') # Give user indication for false positives. # Determine minimum number of false positives. nrestraints = len(distance_restraints) n = 1 while accessible_complexes[-n] == 0: n += 1 if n > 1: msg = ('Not all restraints are consistent. ' 'Number of false-positive restraints present ' 'is at least: {:d}'.format(n - 1)) write(msg) # next give possible false-positives based on the percentage of violations # and their associated Z-score if n == 1: n = None else: n = -n + 1 percentage_violated = cum_violations[:n]/np.asarray(cum_complexes[1:n]).reshape(-1, 1) average_restraint_violation = percentage_violated.mean(axis=0) std_restraint_violation = percentage_violated.std(axis=0) zscore_violations = ((average_restraint_violation - average_restraint_violation.mean()) / average_restraint_violation.std()) ind_false_positives = np.flatnonzero(zscore_violations >= 1.0) nfalse_positives = ind_false_positives.size if nfalse_positives > 0: ind_false_positives += 1 write(('Possible false-positive restraints (z-score > 1.0):' +\ ' {:d}'*nfalse_positives).format(*tuple(ind_false_positives))) with open(joiner('z-score.out'), 'w') as f: write('Writing z-score of each restraint to {:s}'.format( for n in xrange(zscore_violations.shape[0]): f.write('{:2d} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}\n'.format(n+1, average_restraint_violation[n], std_restraint_violation[n], zscore_violations[n])) # Write all occupancy grids to MRC-files if requested if args.occupancy_analysis: for n, vol in dv.occupancy_grids.iteritems(): # Normalize the occupancy grid if cum_complexes[n] > 0: vol._array /= cum_complexes[n] vol.tofile(joiner('occupancy_{:d}.mrc'.format(n))) # Write out interaction analysis # the interaction_matrix gives the number of interactions between each # residue of the receptor and ligand for complexes consistent with exactly # N restraints. interaction_matrix = dv.interaction_matrix if interaction_matrix is not None: ## Save interaction matrix #f = joiner('interaction_matrix.npy') #write('Writing interaction-matrix to: {:s}'.format(f)), interaction_matrix) # Save contacted receptor and ligand residue interaction for each analyzed number # of consistent restraints write('Writing contacted receptor residue interactions to files.') # Take the cumsum in order to give the number of interactions for complexes # with at least N restraints. receptor_cum_interactions = interaction_matrix.sum(axis=1)[::-1].cumsum(axis=0)[::-1] ligand_cum_interactions = interaction_matrix.sum(axis=2)[::-1].cumsum(axis=0)[::-1] fname = joiner('receptor_interactions.txt') with open(fname, 'w') as f: # Write header f.write('#resi') for consistent_restraints in xrange(args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): f.write(' {:>6d}'.format(consistent_restraints)) f.write('\n') for n, resi in enumerate(['resi']): f.write('{:<5d}'.format(resi)) for consistent_restraints in xrange(args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): index = consistent_restraints - args.interaction_restraints_cutoff interactions = receptor_cum_interactions[index, n] cum_complex = cum_complexes[consistent_restraints] if cum_complex > 0: relative_interactions = interactions / cum_complex else: relative_interactions = 0 f.write(' {:6.3f}'.format(relative_interactions)) f.write('\n') fname = joiner('ligand_interactions.txt') with open(fname, 'w') as f: # Write header f.write('#resi') for consistent_restraints in xrange(args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): f.write(' {:>6d}'.format(consistent_restraints)) f.write('\n') for n, resi in enumerate(['resi']): f.write('{:<5d}'.format(resi)) for consistent_restraints in xrange(args.interaction_restraints_cutoff, nrestraints + 1): index = consistent_restraints - args.interaction_restraints_cutoff interactions = ligand_cum_interactions[index, n] cum_complex = cum_complexes[consistent_restraints] if cum_complex > 0: relative_interactions = interactions / cum_complex else: relative_interactions = 0 f.write(' {:6.3f}'.format(relative_interactions)) f.write('\n') # time indication seconds = int(round(time() - time0)) m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) write('Total time passed: {:d}m {:2d}s'.format(m, s))