def all_info_measures(vars):
    for stuff in islice(powerset(vars), 1, None):
        others = set(vars) - set(stuff)
        for part in partitions(stuff, tuples=True):
            for cond in powerset(others):
                yield (part , cond)
def all_info_measures(vars):
    for stuff in islice(powerset(vars), 1, None):
        others = set(vars) - set(stuff)
        for part in partitions(stuff, tuples=True):
            for cond in powerset(others):
                yield (part, cond)
Exemple #3
def full_constraint_lattice(elements):
    Return a lattice of constrained marginals, with the same partial order
    relationship as Ryan James' constraint lattice, but where the nodes are not
    restricted to cover the whole set of variables.

    elements : iter of iters
        Input variables to the PID.

    lattice : nx.DiGraph
        The lattice of antichains.
    def comparable(a, b):
        return a < b or b < a

    def antichain(ss):
        if not ss:
            return False
        return all(not comparable(frozenset(a), frozenset(b))
                   for a, b in combinations(ss, 2))

    def less_than(sss1, sss2):
        return all(any(set(ss1) <= set(ss2) for ss2 in sss2) for ss1 in sss1)

    def normalize(sss):
        return tuple(
            sorted(tuple(tuple(sorted(ss)) for ss in sss),
                   key=lambda s: (-len(s), s)))

    # Enumerate all nodes in the lattice (same nodes as in usual PID lattice)
    elements = set(elements)
    combos = (sum(s, tuple()) for s in powerset(elements))
    pps = [ss for ss in powerset(combos) if antichain(ss)]

    # Compute all order relationships using the constraint lattice ordering
    order = [(a, b) for a, b in permutations(pps, 2) if less_than(a, b)]

    # Build the DiGraph by removing redundant order relationships
    lattice = nx.DiGraph()
    for a, b in order:
        if not any(((a, c) in order) and ((c, b) in order) for c in pps):
            lattice.add_edge(normalize(b), normalize(a))
    lattice.root = next(iter(nx.topological_sort(lattice)))

    return lattice
Exemple #4
def test_tse1(i, j):
    """ Test identity comparing TSE to B from Olbrich's talk """
    d = n_mod_m(i, j)
    indices = [[k] for k in range(i)]
    tse = TSE(d)
    x = 1 / 2 * sum(B(d, rv) / nCk(i, len(rv)) for rv in powerset(indices))
    assert tse == pytest.approx(x)
Exemple #5
    def method1():
        # of ops = len(F) * 2**len(largest element in F)

        atoms = []
        for cet in F:
            if not cet:
                # An atom must be nonempty.

            # Now look at all nonempty, proper subsets of cet.
            # If you have a sample space with 64 elements, and then consider
            # the trivial sigma algebra, then one element of F will be the
            # empty set, while the other will have 64 elements. Taking the
            # powerset of this set will require going through a list of 2^64
            # addition to taking forever, we can't even store
            # that in memory.
            subsets = sorted(powerset(cet))[1:-1]  # nonempty and proper
            for subset in subsets:
                if frozenset(subset) in F:
                # Then `cet` has no nonempty proper subset that is also in F.

        return atoms
Exemple #6
    def method1():
        # of ops = len(F) * 2**len(largest element in F)

        atoms = []
        for cet in F:
            if not cet:
                # An atom must be nonempty.

            # Now look at all nonempty, proper subsets of cet.
            # If you have a sample space with 64 elements, and then consider
            # the trivial sigma algebra, then one element of F will be the
            # empty set, while the other will have 64 elements. Taking the
            # powerset of this set will require going through a list of 2^64
            # addition to taking forever, we can't even store
            # that in memory.
            subsets = list(powerset(cet))[1:-1] # nonempty and proper
            for subset in subsets:
                if frozenset(subset) in F:
                # Then `cet` has no nonempty proper subset that is also in F.

        return atoms
def test_tse1(i, j):
    """ Test identity comparing TSE to B from Olbrich's talk """
    d = n_mod_m(i, j)
    indices = [[k] for k in range(i)]
    tse = TSE(d)
    x = 1/2 * sum(B(d, rv)/nCk(i, len(rv)) for rv in powerset(indices))
    assert tse == pytest.approx(x)
Exemple #8
def test_join_sigalg():
    """ Test join_sigalg """
    outcomes = ['00', '01', '10', '11']
    pmf = [1 / 4] * 4
    d = Distribution(outcomes, pmf)
    sigalg = frozenset([frozenset(_) for _ in powerset(outcomes)])
    joined = join_sigalg(d, [[0], [1]])
    assert sigalg == joined
Exemple #9
def test_join_sigalg():
    """ Test join_sigalg """
    outcomes = ['00', '01', '10', '11']
    pmf = [1/4]*4
    d = Distribution(outcomes, pmf)
    sigalg = frozenset([frozenset(_) for _ in powerset(outcomes)])
    joined = join_sigalg(d, [[0], [1]])
    assert sigalg == joined
Exemple #10
    def event_space(self):
        Returns a generator over the event space.

        The event space is the powerset of the sample space.
        from dit.utils import powerset
        return powerset(list(self.sample_space()))
Exemple #11
    def event_space(self):
        Returns a generator over the event space.

        The event space is the powerset of the sample space.

        from dit.utils import powerset
        return powerset(list(self.sample_space()))
Exemple #12
def atom_set(F, X=None):
    Returns the atoms of the sigma-algebra F.

    F : set of frozensets
        The candidate sigma algebra.
    X : frozenset, None
        The universal set. If None, then X is taken to be the union of the
        sets in F.

    atoms : frozenset
        A frozenset of frozensets, representing the atoms of the sigma algebra.

    if not isinstance(next(iter(F)), frozenset):
        raise Exception('Input to `atom_set` must contain frozensets.')

    atoms = []
    for cet in F:
        if not cet:
            # An atom must be nonempty.

        # Now look at all nonempty, proper subsets of cet.
        subsets = list(powerset(cet))[1:-1]
        for subset in subsets:
            if frozenset(subset) in F:
            # Then `cet` has no proper subset that is also in F.

    return frozenset(atoms)