Exemple #1
    def map(entity, model, *args, **kwargs):
        """ The Clean mapper maps over all UniqueMarker instances. """

        alias = kwargs.get("db", "default")
        namespace = settings.DATABASES.get(alias, {}).get("NAMESPACE", "")

        model = decode_model(model)
        if not entity.key().id_or_name().startswith(model._meta.db_table + "|"):
            # Only include markers which are for this model

        assert namespace == entity.namespace()
        with disable_cache():
            # At this point, the entity is a unique marker that is linked to an instance of 'model', now we should see if that instance exists!
            instance_id = entity["instance"].id_or_name()
                instance = model.objects.using(alias).get(pk=instance_id)
            except model.DoesNotExist:
                logger.info("Deleting unique marker %s because the associated instance no longer exists", entity.key().id_or_name())

            # Get the possible unique markers for the entity, if this one doesn't exist in that list then delete it
            instance_entity, _ = django_instance_to_entities(connections[alias], instance._meta.fields, raw=True, instance=instance, check_null=False)
            identifiers = unique_identifiers_from_entity(model, instance_entity, ignore_pk=True)
            identifier_keys = [datastore.Key.from_path(UniqueMarker.kind(), i, namespace=entity["instance"].namespace()) for i in identifiers]
            if entity.key() not in identifier_keys:
                logger.info("Deleting unique marker %s because the it no longer represents the associated instance state", entity.key().id_or_name())
Exemple #2
    def map(instance, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Figure out what markers the instance should use and verify they're attached to
        this instance. Log any weirdness and in repair mode - recreate missing markers. """
        action_id = kwargs.get("action_pk")
        repair = kwargs.get("repair")

        alias = kwargs.get("db", "default")
        namespace = settings.DATABASES.get(alias, {}).get("NAMESPACE")
        assert alias == (instance._state.db or "default")
        entity, _ = django_instance_to_entities(connections[alias], instance._meta.fields, raw=True, instance=instance, check_null=False)
        identifiers = unique_identifiers_from_entity(type(instance), entity, ignore_pk=True)
        identifier_keys = [datastore.Key.from_path(UniqueMarker.kind(), i, namespace=namespace) for i in identifiers]

        markers = datastore.Get(identifier_keys)
        instance_key = str(entity.key())

        markers_to_save = []

        for i, m in zip(identifier_keys, markers):
            marker_key = str(i)
            if m is None:
                # Missig marker
                if repair:
                    new_marker = datastore.Entity(UniqueMarker.kind(), name=i.name(), namespace=namespace)
                    new_marker['instance'] = entity.key()
                    new_marker['created'] = datetime.datetime.now()
                    log(action_id, "missing_marker", instance_key, marker_key)

            elif 'instance' not in m or not m['instance']:
                # Marker with missining instance attribute
                if repair:
                    m['instance'] = entity.key()
                    log(action_id, "missing_instance", instance_key, marker_key)

            elif m['instance'] != entity.key():

                if isinstance(m['instance'], basestring):
                    m['instance'] = datastore.Key(m['instance'])

                    if repair:
                        log(action_id, "old_instance_key", instance_key, marker_key)

                if m['instance'] != entity.key():
                    # Marker already assigned to a different instance
                    log(action_id, "already_assigned", instance_key, marker_key)
                    # Also log in repair mode as reparing would break the other instance.

        if markers_to_save:
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, connection, model, objs, fields, raw):
        self.has_pk = any(x.primary_key for x in fields)
        self.model = model
        self.objs = objs
        self.connection = connection
        self.namespace = connection.ops.connection.settings_dict.get(
        self.raw = raw
        self.fields = fields

        self.entities = []
        self.included_keys = []

        for obj in self.objs:
            if self.has_pk:
                # We must convert the PK value here, even though this normally happens in django_instance_to_entities otherwise
                # custom PK fields don't work properly
                value = self.model._meta.pk.get_db_prep_save(
                    self.model._meta.pk.pre_save(obj, True), self.connection)
                    get_datastore_key(self.model, value, self.namespace
                                      ) if value else None)

                if value == 0:
                    raise IntegrityError(
                        "The datastore doesn't support 0 as a key value")

                if not self.model._meta.pk.blank and self.included_keys[
                        -1] is None:
                    raise IntegrityError(
                        "You must specify a primary key value for {} instances"
                # We zip() self.entities and self.included_keys in execute(), so they should be the same length

            # We don't use the values returned, but this does make sure we're
            # doing the same validation as Django. See issue #493 for an
            # example of how not doing this can mess things up
            for field in fields:
                    getattr(obj, field.attname) if raw else field.pre_save(
                        obj, True),

            primary, descendents = django_instance_to_entities(
                self.connection, self.fields, self.raw, obj)

            # Append the entity, and any descendents to the list to insert
            self.entities.append((primary, descendents))
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, connection, model, objs, fields, raw):
        self.has_pk = any(x.primary_key for x in fields)
        self.model = model
        self.objs = objs
        self.connection = connection
        self.namespace = connection.ops.connection.settings_dict.get("NAMESPACE")
        self.raw = raw
        self.fields = fields

        self.entities = []
        self.included_keys = []

        for obj in self.objs:
            if self.has_pk:
                # We must convert the PK value here, even though this normally happens in
                # django_instance_to_entities otherwise
                # custom PK fields don't work properly
                value = self.model._meta.pk.get_db_prep_save(
                    self.model._meta.pk.pre_save(obj, True),
                    get_datastore_key(self.model, value, self.namespace)
                    if value else None

                if value == 0:
                    raise IntegrityError("The datastore doesn't support 0 as a key value")

                if not self.model._meta.pk.blank and self.included_keys[-1] is None:
                    raise IntegrityError("You must specify a primary key value for {} instances".format(self.model))
                # We zip() self.entities and self.included_keys in execute(), so they should be the same length

            # We don't use the values returned, but this does make sure we're
            # doing the same validation as Django. See issue #493 for an
            # example of how not doing this can mess things up
            for field in fields:
                    getattr(obj, field.attname) if raw else field.pre_save(obj, True),

            primary, descendents = django_instance_to_entities(
                self.connection, self.fields, self.raw, obj

            # Append the entity, and any descendents to the list to insert
            self.entities.append((primary, descendents))
Exemple #5
        def txn():
            caching.remove_entities_from_cache_by_key([key], self.namespace)

                result = rpc.Get(key)
            except datastore_errors.EntityNotFoundError:
                # Return false to indicate update failure
                return False

            if (
                isinstance(self.select.gae_query, (Query, meta_queries.UniqueQuery)) # ignore QueryByKeys and NoOpQuery
                and not utils.entity_matches_query(result, self.select.gae_query)
                # Due to eventual consistency they query may have returned an entity which no longer
                # matches the query
                return False

            original = copy.deepcopy(result)

            instance_kwargs = {field.attname: value for field, param, value in self.values}

            # Note: If you replace MockInstance with self.model, you'll find that some delete
            # tests fail in the test app. This is because any unspecified fields would then call
            # get_default (even though we aren't going to use them) which may run a query which
            # fails inside this transaction. Given as we are just using MockInstance so that we can
            # call django_instance_to_entities it on it with the subset of fields we pass in,
            # what we have is fine.
            meta = self.model._meta
            instance = MockInstance(
                _original=MockInstance(_meta=meta, **result),

            # Convert the instance to an entity
            primary, descendents = django_instance_to_entities(
                [x[0] for x in self.values],  # Pass in the fields that were updated
                True, instance,

            # Update the entity we read above with the new values

            # Remove fields which have been marked to be unindexed
            for col in getattr(primary, "_properties_to_remove", []):
                if col in result:
                    del result[col]

            # Make sure that any polymodel classes which were in the original entity are kept,
            # as django_instance_to_entities may have wiped them as well as added them.
            polymodel_classes = list(set(
                original.get(POLYMODEL_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, []) + result.get(POLYMODEL_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, [])
            if polymodel_classes:
                result[POLYMODEL_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE] = polymodel_classes

            def perform_insert():
                    Inserts result, and any descendents with their ancestor
                    value set
                inserted_key = rpc.Put(result)
                if descendents:
                    for i, descendent in enumerate(descendents):
                        descendents[i] = Entity(
                            id=descendent.key().id() or None,
                            name=descendent.key().name() or None

            if not constraints.has_active_unique_constraints(self.model):
                # The fast path, no constraint checking

                markers_to_acquire[:], markers_to_release[:] = constraints.get_markers_for_update(
                    self.model, original, result


                constraints.update_identifiers(markers_to_acquire, markers_to_release, result.key())

                # If the rpc.Put() fails then the exception will only be raised when the
                # transaction applies, which means that we will still get to here and will still have
                # applied the marker changes (because they're in a nested, independent transaction).
                # Hence we set this flag to tell us that we got this far and that we should roll them back.
                rollback_markers[0] = True
                # If something dies between here and the `return` statement then we'll have stale unique markers

                    # Update the cache before dealing with unique markers, as CachingSituation.DATASTORE_PUT
                    # will only update the context cache
                    # We ignore the exception because raising will rollback the transaction causing
                    # an inconsistent state
                    logger.exception("Unable to update the context cache")

            # Return true to indicate update success
            return True