Exemple #1
    def warp(self, ds_input, resampling="NearestNeighbour", max_error=0.0):
        Return a warped GDALRaster with the given input characteristics.

        The input is expected to be a dictionary containing the parameters
        of the target raster. Allowed values are width, height, SRID, origin,
        scale, skew, datatype, driver, and name (filename).

        By default, the warp functions keeps all parameters equal to the values
        of the original source raster. For the name of the target raster, the
        name of the source raster will be used and appended with
        _copy. + source_driver_name.

        In addition, the resampling algorithm can be specified with the "resampling"
        input parameter. The default is NearestNeighbor. For a list of all options
        consult the GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS constant.
        # Get the parameters defining the geotransform, srid, and size of the raster
        ds_input.setdefault("width", self.width)
        ds_input.setdefault("height", self.height)
        ds_input.setdefault("srid", self.srs.srid)
        ds_input.setdefault("origin", self.origin)
        ds_input.setdefault("scale", self.scale)
        ds_input.setdefault("skew", self.skew)
        # Get the driver, name, and datatype of the target raster
        ds_input.setdefault("driver", self.driver.name)

        if "name" not in ds_input:
            ds_input["name"] = self.name + "_copy." + self.driver.name

        if "datatype" not in ds_input:
            ds_input["datatype"] = self.bands[0].datatype()

        # Instantiate raster bands filled with nodata values.
        ds_input["bands"] = [{"nodata_value": bnd.nodata_value} for bnd in self.bands]

        # Create target raster
        target = GDALRaster(ds_input, write=True)

        # Select resampling algorithm
        algorithm = GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS[resampling]

        # Reproject image

        # Make sure all data is written to file

        return target
Exemple #2
    def warp(self, ds_input, resampling='NearestNeighbour', max_error=0.0):
        Return a warped GDALRaster with the given input characteristics.

        The input is expected to be a dictionary containing the parameters
        of the target raster. Allowed values are width, height, SRID, origin,
        scale, skew, datatype, driver, and name (filename).

        By default, the warp functions keeps all parameters equal to the values
        of the original source raster. For the name of the target raster, the
        name of the source raster will be used and appended with
        _copy. + source_driver_name.

        In addition, the resampling algorithm can be specified with the "resampling"
        input parameter. The default is NearestNeighbor. For a list of all options
        consult the GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS constant.
        # Get the parameters defining the geotransform, srid, and size of the raster
        ds_input.setdefault('width', self.width)
        ds_input.setdefault('height', self.height)
        ds_input.setdefault('srid', self.srs.srid)
        ds_input.setdefault('origin', self.origin)
        ds_input.setdefault('scale', self.scale)
        ds_input.setdefault('skew', self.skew)
        # Get the driver, name, and datatype of the target raster
        ds_input.setdefault('driver', self.driver.name)

        if 'name' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['name'] = self.name + '_copy.' + self.driver.name

        if 'datatype' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['datatype'] = self.bands[0].datatype()

        # Instantiate raster bands filled with nodata values.
        ds_input['bands'] = [{'nodata_value': bnd.nodata_value} for bnd in self.bands]

        # Create target raster
        target = GDALRaster(ds_input, write=True)

        # Select resampling algorithm
        algorithm = GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS[resampling]

        # Reproject image
            self._ptr, self.srs.wkt.encode(),
            target._ptr, target.srs.wkt.encode(),
            algorithm, 0.0, max_error,
            c_void_p(), c_void_p(), c_void_p()

        # Make sure all data is written to file

        return target
Exemple #3
    def warp(self, ds_input, resampling='NearestNeighbour', max_error=0.0):
        Returns a warped GDALRaster with the given input characteristics.

        The input is expected to be a dictionary containing the parameters
        of the target raster. Allowed values are width, height, SRID, origin,
        scale, skew, datatype, driver, and name (filename).

        By default, the warp functions keeps all parameters equal to the values
        of the original source raster. For the name of the target raster, the
        name of the source raster will be used and appended with
        _copy. + source_driver_name.

        In addition, the resampling algorithm can be specified with the "resampling"
        input parameter. The default is NearestNeighbor. For a list of all options
        consult the GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS constant.
        # Get the parameters defining the geotransform, srid, and size of the raster
        if 'width' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['width'] = self.width

        if 'height' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['height'] = self.height

        if 'srid' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['srid'] = self.srs.srid

        if 'origin' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['origin'] = self.origin

        if 'scale' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['scale'] = self.scale

        if 'skew' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['skew'] = self.skew

        # Get the driver, name, and datatype of the target raster
        if 'driver' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['driver'] = self.driver.name

        if 'name' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['name'] = self.name + '_copy.' + self.driver.name

        if 'datatype' not in ds_input:
            ds_input['datatype'] = self.bands[0].datatype()

        # Set the number of bands
        ds_input['nr_of_bands'] = len(self.bands)

        # Create target raster
        target = GDALRaster(ds_input, write=True)

        # Copy nodata values to warped raster
        for index, band in enumerate(self.bands):
            target.bands[index].nodata_value = band.nodata_value

        # Select resampling algorithm
        algorithm = GDAL_RESAMPLE_ALGORITHMS[resampling]

        # Reproject image
        capi.reproject_image(self._ptr, self.srs.wkt.encode(), target._ptr,
                             target.srs.wkt.encode(), algorithm, 0.0,
                             max_error, c_void_p(), c_void_p(), c_void_p())

        # Make sure all data is written to file

        return target