def load_shapefile(self): """ Validate the shapefile saved on disk and load into db """ self.status = self.StatusTypes.PROCESSING try: temp_dir = extract_zip_to_temp_dir(self.source_file) shapefiles = get_shapefiles_in_dir(temp_dir) if len(shapefiles) != 1: raise ValueError('Exactly one shapefile (.shp) required') shapefile_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, shapefiles[0]) shape_datasource = GDALDataSource(shapefile_path) if len(shape_datasource) > 1: raise ValueError('Shapefile must have exactly one layer') boundary_layer = shape_datasource[0] if boundary_layer.srs is None: raise ValueError('Shapefile must include a .prj file') self.data_fields = boundary_layer.fields for feature in boundary_layer: feature.geom.transform(settings.GROUT['SRID']) geometry = make_multipolygon(feature.geom) data = { field: feature.get(field) for field in self.data_fields } self.polygons.create(geom=geometry, data=data) self.status = self.StatusTypes.COMPLETE except Exception as e: if self.errors is None: self.errors = {} self.errors['message'] = str(e) # Relabel geography to allow saving a valid shapefile in this namespace self.label = self.label + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.status = self.StatusTypes.ERROR finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
def run_load_shapefile_data(demographicdata_id, pop1_field, pop2_field, dest1_field): """Load data from DemographicDataSource into DemographicDataFeature objects. Opens the Shapefile associated with demographicdata_id and reads data from the fields whose names are given in pop1_field, pop2_field, and dest1_field. Generates a series of DemographicDataFeature objects containing the geometries in the shapefile, as well as the data from the three specified fields associated with each geometry. Params: :pop1_field: The name of the field in the Shapefile from which to import data that will be placed in the population_metric_1 field of each generated DemographicDataFeature object. :pop2_field: Same as pop1_field, but data goes into the population_metric_2 field of the generated DemographicDataFeature objects. :dest2_field: Same as pop1_field and pop2_field, but data from this field of the Shapefile will end up in the destination_metric_1 field of each DemographicDataFeature object. """ # We can assume that the shapefile is valid because get_shapefile_fields # has been run, so jump straight to getting the data. demog_data = DemographicDataSource.objects.get(pk=demographicdata_id) demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.IMPORTING # Get rid of any existing data--need to do a full reload if user changes # the configuration. # demog_data should have its is_loaded attribute set to False by the view # which launches this job. demog_data.demographicdatafeature_set.all().delete() error_factory = ErrorFactory(DemographicDataSourceProblem, demog_data, 'datasource') try: temp_dir = extract_zip_to_temp_dir(demog_data.source_file) shapefile = os.path.join(temp_dir, get_shapefiles_in_dir(temp_dir)[0]) data_layer = GDALDataSource(shapefile)[0] for feature in data_layer: try: pop1_val = feature.get(str(pop1_field)) if pop1_field else None pop2_val = feature.get(str(pop2_field)) if pop2_field else None dest1_val = feature.get( str(dest1_field)) if dest1_field else None # If this is too slow we can maybe speed it up with bulk_create (DemographicDataFeature.objects.get_or_create( population_metric_1=pop1_val, population_metric_2=pop2_val, destination_metric_1=dest1_val, geom=make_multipolygon( feature.geom.transform(settings.DJANGO_SRID, clone=True)), datasource=demog_data)) except ValueError as e: error_factory.warn('Could not import 1 feature.', str(e)) # make raw SQL query to execute function that processes demographic data, first # clipping it to region boundary, then turning it into a regular point grid with connection.cursor() as c: c.execute('SELECT ClipDemographics();') c.execute('SELECT CreateGrid();') demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.COMPLETE num_loaded_features = DemographicDataFeature.objects.filter( datasource=demog_data).count() if (num_loaded_features < demog_data.num_features): error_factory.warn( 'Only %s out of %s features loaded; some features may be invalid.' % (num_loaded_features, demog_data.num_features)) except Exception as e: error_factory.error('Unexpected error loading shapefile.', str(e)) demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.WAITING_USER_INPUT finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) return
def run_shapefile_to_boundary(boundary_id): """Populate a boundary's geom field from a shapefile.""" # Get the boundary object we're processing, note that we're processing, and # prepare to store any errors encountered. boundary = Boundary.objects.get(pk=boundary_id) boundary.status = Boundary.Statuses.IMPORTING error_factory = ErrorFactory(BoundaryProblem, boundary, 'boundary') def handle_error(title, description): """Helper method to handle shapefile errors.""" error_factory.error(title, description) boundary.status = Boundary.Statuses.ERROR return try: # There must be valid GTFS data in order to upload a boundary, # otherwise UTM projection may not work. # TODO: Refactor Shapefile validation and avoid repetition. if GTFSFeed.objects.filter( status=GTFSFeed.Statuses.COMPLETE).count() < 1: handle_error( 'No valid GTFS feed.', 'Please upload a valid GTFS feed before adding boundary data.') return # Set up temporary directory and unzip to there. temp_dir = extract_zip_to_temp_dir(boundary.source_file) shapefiles = get_shapefiles_in_dir(temp_dir) if len(shapefiles) > 1: handle_error('Multiple shapefiles found.', 'Upload only one shapefile at a time.') return elif len(shapefiles) < 1: handle_error( 'No shapefile found.', 'The zip archive must include exactly one shapefile.') return shapefile_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, shapefiles[0]) shape_datasource = GDALDataSource(shapefile_path) if len(shape_datasource) > 1: handle_error('Multiple layers in shapefile.', 'The boundary shapefile must have only one layer.') return boundary_layer = shape_datasource[0] if boundary_layer.srs is None: handle_error('Missing .prj file.', 'Boundary shapefile must include a .prj file.') return # Since this will become a boundary for a city / region, attempt to flatten # all features into one feature. try: union = get_union([feature.geom for feature in boundary_layer]) except ValueError as e: handle_error('Could not create geometry union.', str(e)) return # Transform to our internal database SRID union.transform(settings.DJANGO_SRID) # Wrap in a MultiPolygon if necessary geometry = make_multipolygon(union) # Write out the data and save boundary.geom = geometry boundary.status = Boundary.Statuses.COMPLETE except Exception as e: handle_error('Unexpected error processing shapefile.', str(e)) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) return
def run_get_shapefile_fields(demographicdata_id): """Get the column field names from a shapefile. Opens the Shapefile associated with demographicdata_id, validates it, and extracts the field names available in the Shapefile. Saves them as DemographicDataFieldName objects. Params: :demographicdata_id: ID of a DemographicDataSource from which to get field names. """ # Note that we're processing, and # prepare to store any errors encountered. demog_data = DemographicDataSource.objects.get(pk=demographicdata_id) demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.PROCESSING error_factory = ErrorFactory(DemographicDataSourceProblem, demog_data, 'datasource') def handle_error(title, description): """Helper method to handle shapefile errors.""" error_factory.error(title, description) demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.ERROR return try: # Set up temporary directory and unzip to there. temp_dir = extract_zip_to_temp_dir(demog_data.source_file) shapefiles = get_shapefiles_in_dir(temp_dir) # There must be valid GTFS data in order to load demographic data # otherwise UTM projection may not work. if GTFSFeed.objects.filter( status=GTFSFeed.Statuses.COMPLETE).count() < 1: error_factory.error( 'No valid GTFS feed.', 'Please upload a valid GTFS feed before trying again.') return if len(shapefiles) > 1: handle_error('Multiple shapefiles found.', 'Upload only one shapefile at a time.') return elif len(shapefiles) < 1: handle_error( 'No shapefile found.', 'The zip archive must include exactly one shapefile.') return shapefile_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, shapefiles[0]) shape_datasource = GDALDataSource(shapefile_path) if len(shape_datasource) > 1: handle_error('Multiple layers in shapefile.', 'The boundary shapefile must have only one layer.') return demographic_layer = shape_datasource[0] if demographic_layer.srs is None: handle_error('Missing .prj file.', 'Demographic shapefile must include a .prj file.') return for field_name in demographic_layer.fields: DemographicDataFieldName.objects.get_or_create( datasource=demog_data, name=field_name) demog_data.num_features = len(demographic_layer) demog_data.status = DemographicDataSource.Statuses.WAITING_USER_INPUT except Exception as e: handle_error('Unexpected error processing shapefile.', str(e)) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) return