Exemple #1
    def test04_wkbwriter(self):
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        # Representations of 'POINT (5 23)' in hex -- one normal and
        # the other with the byte order changed.
        g = GEOSGeometry("POINT (5 23)")
        hex1 = b"010100000000000000000014400000000000003740"
        wkb1 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex1))
        hex2 = b"000000000140140000000000004037000000000000"
        wkb2 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex2))

        self.assertEqual(hex1, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb1, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Ensuring bad byteorders are not accepted.
        for bad_byteorder in (-1, 2, 523, "foo", None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.byteorder = bad_byteorder`
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # Setting the byteorder to 0 (for Big Endian)
        wkb_w.byteorder = 0
        self.assertEqual(hex2, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb2, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Back to Little Endian
        wkb_w.byteorder = 1

        # Now, trying out the 3D and SRID flags.
        g = GEOSGeometry("POINT (5 23 17)")
        g.srid = 4326

        hex3d = b"0101000080000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140"
        wkb3d = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d))
        hex3d_srid = (
        wkb3d_srid = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d_srid))

        # Ensuring bad output dimensions are not accepted
        for bad_outdim in (-1, 0, 1, 4, 423, "foo", None):
            with self.assertRaisesMessage(
                    ValueError, "WKB output dimension must be 2 or 3"):
                wkb_w.outdim = bad_outdim

        # Now setting the output dimensions to be 3
        wkb_w.outdim = 3

        self.assertEqual(hex3d, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb3d, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Telling the WKBWriter to include the srid in the representation.
        wkb_w.srid = True
        self.assertEqual(hex3d_srid, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb3d_srid, wkb_w.write(g))
    def test04_wkbwriter(self):
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        # Representations of 'POINT (5 23)' in hex -- one normal and
        # the other with the byte order changed.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23)')
        hex1 = b'010100000000000000000014400000000000003740'
        wkb1 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex1))
        hex2 = b'000000000140140000000000004037000000000000'
        wkb2 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex2))

        self.assertEqual(hex1, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb1, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Ensuring bad byteorders are not accepted.
        for bad_byteorder in (-1, 2, 523, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.byteorder = bad_byteorder`
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, wkb_w._set_byteorder, bad_byteorder)

        # Setting the byteorder to 0 (for Big Endian)
        wkb_w.byteorder = 0
        self.assertEqual(hex2, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb2, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Back to Little Endian
        wkb_w.byteorder = 1

        # Now, trying out the 3D and SRID flags.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23 17)')
        g.srid = 4326

        hex3d = b'0101000080000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d))
        hex3d_srid = b'01010000A0E6100000000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d_srid = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d_srid))

        # Ensuring bad output dimensions are not accepted
        for bad_outdim in (-1, 0, 1, 4, 423, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.outdim = bad_outdim`
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, wkb_w._set_outdim, bad_outdim)

        # These tests will fail on 3.0.0 because of a bug that was fixed in 3.1:
        # http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/216
        if not geos_version_info()['version'].startswith('3.0.'):
            # Now setting the output dimensions to be 3
            wkb_w.outdim = 3

            self.assertEqual(hex3d, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
            self.assertEqual(wkb3d, wkb_w.write(g))

            # Telling the WKBWriter to include the srid in the representation.
            wkb_w.srid = True
            self.assertEqual(hex3d_srid, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
            self.assertEqual(wkb3d_srid, wkb_w.write(g))
Exemple #3
    def test04_wkbwriter(self):
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        # Representations of 'POINT (5 23)' in hex -- one normal and
        # the other with the byte order changed.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23)')
        hex1 = '010100000000000000000014400000000000003740'
        wkb1 = buffer(binascii.a2b_hex(hex1))
        hex2 = '000000000140140000000000004037000000000000'
        wkb2 = buffer(binascii.a2b_hex(hex2))

        self.assertEqual(hex1, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb1, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Ensuring bad byteorders are not accepted.
        for bad_byteorder in (-1, 2, 523, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.byteorder = bad_byteorder`
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, wkb_w._set_byteorder, bad_byteorder)
        # Setting the byteorder to 0 (for Big Endian)
        wkb_w.byteorder = 0
        self.assertEqual(hex2, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb2, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Back to Little Endian
        wkb_w.byteorder = 1

        # Now, trying out the 3D and SRID flags.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23 17)')
        g.srid = 4326
        hex3d = '0101000080000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d = buffer(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d))
        hex3d_srid = '01010000A0E6100000000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d_srid = buffer(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d_srid))

        # Ensuring bad output dimensions are not accepted
        for bad_outdim in (-1, 0, 1, 4, 423, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.outdim = bad_outdim`
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, wkb_w._set_outdim, bad_outdim)

        # These tests will fail on 3.0.0 because of a bug that was fixed in 3.1:
        # http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/216
        if not geos_version_info()['version'].startswith('3.0.'):
            # Now setting the output dimensions to be 3
            wkb_w.outdim = 3

            self.assertEqual(hex3d, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
            self.assertEqual(wkb3d, wkb_w.write(g))

            # Telling the WKBWriter to inlcude the srid in the representation.
            wkb_w.srid = True
            self.assertEqual(hex3d_srid, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
            self.assertEqual(wkb3d_srid, wkb_w.write(g))
Exemple #4
    def test04_wkbwriter(self):
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        # Representations of 'POINT (5 23)' in hex -- one normal and
        # the other with the byte order changed.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23)')
        hex1 = b'010100000000000000000014400000000000003740'
        wkb1 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex1))
        hex2 = b'000000000140140000000000004037000000000000'
        wkb2 = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex2))

        self.assertEqual(hex1, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb1, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Ensuring bad byteorders are not accepted.
        for bad_byteorder in (-1, 2, 523, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.byteorder = bad_byteorder`
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # Setting the byteorder to 0 (for Big Endian)
        wkb_w.byteorder = 0
        self.assertEqual(hex2, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb2, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Back to Little Endian
        wkb_w.byteorder = 1

        # Now, trying out the 3D and SRID flags.
        g = GEOSGeometry('POINT (5 23 17)')
        g.srid = 4326

        hex3d = b'0101000080000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d))
        hex3d_srid = b'01010000A0E6100000000000000000144000000000000037400000000000003140'
        wkb3d_srid = memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex3d_srid))

        # Ensuring bad output dimensions are not accepted
        for bad_outdim in (-1, 0, 1, 4, 423, 'foo', None):
            # Equivalent of `wkb_w.outdim = bad_outdim`
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # Now setting the output dimensions to be 3
        wkb_w.outdim = 3

        self.assertEqual(hex3d, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb3d, wkb_w.write(g))

        # Telling the WKBWriter to include the srid in the representation.
        wkb_w.srid = True
        self.assertEqual(hex3d_srid, wkb_w.write_hex(g))
        self.assertEqual(wkb3d_srid, wkb_w.write(g))
Exemple #5
 def test_empty_polygon_wkb(self):
     p = Polygon(srid=4326)
     p_no_srid = Polygon()
     wkb_w = WKBWriter()
     wkb_w.srid = True
     for byteorder, hexes in enumerate([
         (b'000000000300000000', b'0020000003000010E600000000'),
         (b'010300000000000000', b'0103000020E610000000000000'),
         wkb_w.byteorder = byteorder
         for srid, hex in enumerate(hexes):
             wkb_w.srid = srid
             self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write_hex(p), hex)
             self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write_hex(p)), p if srid else p_no_srid)
             self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write(p), memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex)))
             self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write(p)), p if srid else p_no_srid)
 def test_empty_polygon_wkb(self):
     p = Polygon(srid=4326)
     p_no_srid = Polygon()
     wkb_w = WKBWriter()
     wkb_w.srid = True
     for byteorder, hexes in enumerate([
         (b'000000000300000000', b'0020000003000010E600000000'),
         (b'010300000000000000', b'0103000020E610000000000000'),
         wkb_w.byteorder = byteorder
         for srid, hex in enumerate(hexes):
             wkb_w.srid = srid
             self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write_hex(p), hex)
             self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write_hex(p)), p if srid else p_no_srid)
             self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write(p), memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex)))
             self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write(p)), p if srid else p_no_srid)
Exemple #7
    def test_empty_point_wkb(self):
        p = Point(srid=4326)
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        wkb_w.srid = False
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Empty point is not representable in WKB.'):
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Empty point is not representable in WKB.'):

        wkb_w.srid = True
        for byteorder, hex in enumerate([
            wkb_w.byteorder = byteorder
            self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write_hex(p), hex)
            self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write_hex(p)), p)
            self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write(p), memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex)))
            self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write(p)), p)
    def test_empty_point_wkb(self):
        p = Point(srid=4326)
        wkb_w = WKBWriter()

        wkb_w.srid = False
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Empty point is not representable in WKB.'):
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Empty point is not representable in WKB.'):

        wkb_w.srid = True
        for byteorder, hex in enumerate([
            wkb_w.byteorder = byteorder
            self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write_hex(p), hex)
            self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write_hex(p)), p)
            self.assertEqual(wkb_w.write(p), memoryview(binascii.a2b_hex(hex)))
            self.assertEqual(GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write(p)), p)
Exemple #9
def run():
    # Get data directory from environment
    datadir = os.environ.get('CORINE_DATA_DIRECTORY', '')
    if not datadir:
        print('Datadir not found, please specify CORINE_DATA_DIRECTORY env var.')

    wkb_w = WKBWriter()
    wkb_w.outdim = 2

    sources = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, '*.sqlite')))

    print('Processing files', sources)

    for source in sources:
        # Detect file content either landcover or landcover change
        change = re.findall(r'^cha([^\_*\.sqlite]+)', os.path.basename(source))
        normal = re.findall(r'^clc([^\_*\.sqlite]+)', os.path.basename(source))

        if len(normal):
            # Select field mapping for landcover files
            mapping = const.FIELD_MAPPING

            # Get current year from regex match
            year = normal[0]

            # Set change flag
            change = False

        elif len(change):
            # Select field mapping for change files
            mapping = const.CHANGE_FIELD_MAPPING

            # Get current year from regex match
            year = change[0]

            # Get previous year based on base year
            previous = const.PREVIOUS_LOOKUP[year]
            code_previous_mapping = 'code_' + previous

            # Set change flag
            change = True

            raise ValueError('Could not interpret source.')

        # Mapping for the landcover code field source
        code_mapping = 'code_' + year

        # Convert regex match year to full year
        year = const.YEAR_MAPPING[year]

        Patch.objects.filter(year=year, change=change).delete()

        print('Processing {}data for year {}.'.format('change ' if change else '', year))

        # Get full nomenclature from nomenclature app. Convert to dict for speed.
        nomenclature = {int(x.code): x.id for x in Nomenclature.objects.all()}

        # Open datasource
        ds = DataSource(source)
        # Get layer from datasource
        lyr = ds[0]

        # Initiate counter and batch array
        counter = 0
        batch = []

        # Process features in layer
        for feat in lyr:
            counter += 1

            # Create patch instance without commiting
            patch = Patch(

                # Make sure geom is a multi polygon
                multi = feat.geom.geos
                if multi.geom_type != 'MultiPolygon':
                    multi = MultiPolygon(multi)

                # If necessary, roundtrip through hex writer to drop z dim
                if multi.hasz:
                    multi = GEOSGeometry(wkb_w.write_hex(multi))

                patch.geom = multi
            except (GDALException, GEOSException):
                    'ERROR: Could not set geom for feature (objectid {}, id {}, counter {})'
                    .format(feat['OBJECTID'], feat['ID'], counter)

            # Set previous landcover for change patches
            if change:
                patch.nomenclature_previous_id = nomenclature[int(feat.get(code_previous_mapping))]

            # Set fields that are common in both types
            for k, v in mapping.items():
                setattr(patch, k, feat.get(v))

            # Apppend this patch to batch array

            if counter % 5000 == 0:
                # Commit batch to database

                # Clear batch array
                batch = []

                # Log progress
                now = '[{0}]'.format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T'))
                print('{} Processed {} features'.format(now, counter))

        # Commit remaining patches to database
        if len(batch):
wkb_w.srid = True
print "writing output file"
with open("/tmp/allCountries.txt", "r") as f:
    counter = 0
    places_to_create = []
    for line in f:
        counter += 1
        geonameid, name, asciiname, alternatenames, latitude, longitude, feature_class, feature_code, country_code, cc2, admin1_code, admin2_code, admin3_code, admin4_code, population, elevation, dem, timezone, modification_date = line.split("\t")
        if feature_code == "ADM1": admin_level = "1"
        elif feature_code == "ADM2": admin_level = "2"
        elif feature_code == "ADM3": admin_level = "3"
        elif feature_code == "ADM4": admin_level = "4"
        elif feature_code == "ADM5": admin_level = "5"
        else: admin_level = "null"
        point = wkb_w.write_hex(Point(float(longitude), float(latitude), srid=4326))
        writer.writerow([ counter, admin_level or null, admin1_code or null, admin2_code or null, null, country_code or null, null, feature_class or null, feature_code or null, null, geonameid or null, null, null, name or null, null, point or null, population or null, null, null, timezone or null, null ])
        if counter % 100000 == 0:
             print counter, ":", str((datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()), "seconds so far"
             if dry_run:
                 print "it's a dry_run so don't load all places"
      except Exception as e:
        print e

print "closed output_file"

print "about to execute COPY"
# defaults to using text format with tab separator
call("""sudo -u postgres psql -c "COPY appfd_place FROM '/tmp/allCountriesCleaned.txt' WITH DELIMITER '""" + delimiter + """' NULL '""" + null + """';" dbfd""", shell=True)
Exemple #11
print "done"

output_file = open("/tmp/allCountriesCleaned.txt", "wb")
writer = csv.writer(output_file)

wkb_w = WKBWriter()
wkb_w.srid = True
print "writing output file"
with open("/tmp/allCountries.txt", "r") as f:
    counter = 0
    places_to_create = []
    for line in f:
        counter += 1
        geonameid, name, asciiname, alternatenames, latitude, longitude, feature_class, feature_code, country_code, cc2, admin1_code, admin2_code, admin3_code, admin4_code, population, elevation, dem, timezone, modification_date = line.split("\t")
        point = wkb_w.write_hex(Point(float(longitude), float(latitude), srid=4326))
        writer.writerow([ counter, "", admin1_code, admin2_code, "", country_code, "", "", geonameid, "", "", name, "", point, population, "", "", timezone ])
        if counter % 1000000 == 0:
             print counter, ":", str((datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()), "seconds so far"
      except Exception as e:
        print e

print "closed output_file"

print "about to execute COPY"
call("""sudo -u postgres psql -c "COPY appfd_place FROM '/tmp/allCountriesCleaned.txt' WITH CSV;" dbfd""", shell=True)
print "executed statement"

total_seconds = (datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
message = "Loading geonames took " + str(total_seconds) + " seconds."