Exemple #1
def create_message(graderoster, submitter):
    section = getattr(graderoster, "secondary_section", None)
    if section is None:
        section = graderoster.section

    section_id = section_url_token(section, graderoster.instructor)
    section_name = section_display_name(section)
    submitter_name = person_display_name(submitter)

    success_count = 0
    error_count = 0
    for item in graderoster.items:
        if (not item.is_auditor and item.date_withdrawn is None and
                item.status_code is not None):
            if item.status_code != "200":
                error_count += 1
                success_count += 1

    if success_count > 0 and error_count > 0:
        subject = "Failed grade submission attempt for {}".format(section_name)
        text_template = "email/partial.txt"
        html_template = "email/partial.html"
    elif success_count == 0 and error_count > 0:
        subject = "Failed grade submission attempt for {}".format(section_name)
        text_template = "email/failure.txt"
        html_template = "email/failure.html"
    elif success_count > 0 and error_count == 0:
        if success_count == 1:
            subject = "{} submitted {} grade for {}".format(
                submitter_name, apnumber(success_count), section_name)
            subject = "{} submitted {} grades for {}".format(
                submitter_name, apnumber(success_count), section_name)
        text_template = "email/success.txt"
        html_template = "email/success.html"
        raise GradesNotSubmitted()

    gradepage_host = getattr(settings, "GRADEPAGE_HOST", "http://localhost")
    params = {
        "submitted_by": submitter_name,
        "submitted_date": display_datetime(current_datetime()),
        "submitted_count": success_count + error_count,
        "success_count": success_count,
        "failure_count": error_count,
        "section_name": section_name,
        "gradepage_url": gradepage_host,
        "section_url": "{host}/section/{section_id}".format(
            host=gradepage_host, section_id=section_id),
        "grading_window_open": section.term.is_grading_period_open(),

    if params["grading_window_open"]:
        deadline = section.term.grade_submission_deadline
        params["grade_submission_deadline"] = display_datetime(deadline)

    return (subject,
            loader.render_to_string(text_template, params),
            loader.render_to_string(html_template, params))
Exemple #2
 def __str__(self):
     n_min = self.quantite_min
     n_max = self.quantite_max
     partie = (force_text(self.partie) if n_max == 1
               else self.partie.pluriel())
     if n_min != n_max:
         out = ugettext('%s à %s %s') % (
             apnumber(n_min), apnumber(n_max), partie)
     elif n_min > 1:
         out = f'{apnumber(n_min)} {partie}'
         out = partie
     if self.facultatif:
         out = format_html('{} <em>ad libitum</em>', out)
     return out
Exemple #3
 def surviving_siblings(self):
     genders = ('brother', 'sister', 'stepbrother', 'half brother', 'stepsister', 'half sister',)
     if self.siblings_set.all():
         gender_sub_list = []
         for gender in genders:
             child_list = []
             gender_set = self.siblings_set.filter(gender=gender)
             if gender_set:
                 # build gender-based list
                 for child in gender_set:
                     if child.residence:
                         child_list.append(u'%s of %s' % (child.name, child.residence))
                         child_list.append(u'%s' % (child.name))
                 if len(child_list) == 1:
                     child_str = ', '.join(child_list)
                     # insert 'and" in front of last item
                     child_list[-1] = u'and ' + child_list[-1]
                     # merge last two items
                     child_list[-2:] = [ ' '.join(child_list[-2:]) ]
                     child_str = ', '.join(child_list)
                 if len(gender_set) == 1:
                     child_str = u'; a %s, %s' % (gender, child_str)
                     child_str = u'; %s %ss, %s' % (apnumber(len(gender_set)), gender, child_str)
         child_display = '; '.join(gender_sub_list)
         child_display = u''
     return child_display
Exemple #4
 def clean(self, value):
     if not value and self.required:
         raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
     if value and self.max_choices and len(value) > self.max_choices:
         raise forms.ValidationError('You must select a maximum of %s choice%s.'
                 % (apnumber(self.max_choices), pluralize(self.max_choices)))
     return value
 def clean(self, value):
     if not value and self.required:
         raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
     if value and self.max_choices and len(value) > self.max_choices:
         raise forms.ValidationError(u'Você deve selecionar no máximo %s escolha%s.'
                 % (apnumber(self.max_choices), pluralize(self.max_choices)))
     return value
def command():
    """Generate "Next events" section for the Dispatch."""
    now = timezone.now()
    raw_dispatch_date = click.prompt(click.style(
        "What is the date of the previous Dispatch? (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)",
        bold=True, fg='yellow'))
    dispatch_date = (datetime.datetime
                     .strptime(raw_dispatch_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

    # Get the events that happened since the last Dispatch.
    click.echo(click.style("PREVIOUS EVENTS", bold=True))

    previous_events = Event.objects.filter(
    result_previous = generate_html_content(previous_events)

    num_events = len(result_previous)

    if result_previous:
            "%s event%s happened since the last dispatch: " %
            (apnumber(num_events), "s" if num_events > 1 else "") +
            ", ".join(result_previous) + ".")
        click.echo("No event took place since the last Dispatch.")

    # Get the events that were created since the last Dispatch.

    click.echo(click.style("NEXT EVENTS", bold=True))
    next_events = Event.objects.all().filter(
        created_at__range=(dispatch_date, now)).order_by("date")

    sorted_event = groupby(next_events, key=lambda event: event.date.month)

    if next_events:
        for month, events in sorted_event:
            month_list = generate_html_content(events)
                       month] + ": " + ", ".join(month_list) + "." + "<br />")
            "There's no new event to announce. Don't forget to check our "
            "<a href='https://djangogirls.org/events/'>website</a> to get a "
            "list of our events planned for the next few months.")

    # Get the events with open registration.

    click.echo("OPEN REGISTRATION")
    open_events = Event.objects.all().filter(
    result_open = generate_html_content(open_events)

    if result_open:
        click.echo("Registrations are still open for: " +
                   ", ".join(result_open) + ".")
        click.echo("There's no event with open registration.")
Exemple #7
 def surviving_grands(self):
     grand_list = (
         [self.number_of_grandchildren,                  u'grandchildren',],
         [self.number_of_step_grandchildren,             u'step grandchildren',],
         [self.number_of_great_grandchildren,            u'great-grandchildren',],
         [self.number_of_step_great_grandchildren,       u'step great-grandchildren',],
         [self.number_of_great_great_grandchildren,      u'great-great grandchildren',],
         [self.number_of_step_great_great_grandchildren, u'step great-great grandchildren',],
     # Eliminate empty 'grands' and make correct grandchildren grandchild when there's only one.
     grand_display_list = []
     for grand in grand_list:
         if grand[0]:
             if grand[0] == u'1':
                 grand[0] = u'a'
                 grand[1] = grand[1][:-3]
             grand_display_list.append((apnumber(grand[0]), grand[1]))
     if grand_display_list:
         if len(grand_display_list) == 1:                # SINGLE-ITEM grand_display_list: [(u'eight', u'grandchildren')]
             grand_display = u'and %s %s' % grand_display_list[0]
         else:                                           # MULTI grand_display_list: [(14, u'grandchildren'), (14, u'great-grandchildren')]
             grand_display_list = ['%s %s' % grand_display for grand_display in grand_display_list]
             grand_display_list[-1] = u'and ' + grand_display_list[-1]
             grand_display = '; '.join( grand_display_list )
         grand_display = u'; ' + grand_display
         grand_display = u''
     return grand_display
def humanize_repetition(habit):
    if hasattr(habit, 'get_resolution_name'):
        resolution_name = force_text(habit.get_resolution_name())
        target_value = habit.target_value
        resolution_name = habit['resolution']
        target_value = habit['target_value']
    if 1 == target_value:
      return "<em>once</em> a <em>%s</em>" % resolution_name
    elif 2 == target_value:
      return "<em>twice</em> a <em>%s</em>" % resolution_name
    elif 3 == target_value:
      return "<em>%s</em> times a <!-- lady, and I love you --> <em>%s</em>" % (
        apnumber(target_value), resolution_name
      return "<em>%s</em> times a <em>%s</em>" % (
        apnumber(target_value), resolution_name
def experiment_date_time_range_view(request, experiment_date_id=None, experiment_date_time_range_id=None):
        researcher = request.user.researcher
    except Researcher.DoesNotExist:
        messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _('Permission denied'))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-index'))
    message = None
    if experiment_date_id is not None:
        instance = None
        action = 'Create'
        experiment_date = get_object_or_404(ExperimentDate, id=experiment_date_id, experiment__researchers=researcher)
        instance = get_object_or_404(ExperimentDateTimeRange, id=experiment_date_time_range_id, experiment_date__experiment__researchers=researcher)
        action = 'Edit'
        experiment_date = instance.experiment_date
        count = Appointment.objects.filter(slot__experiment_date_time_range=instance).count()
        if count > 0:
            message = apnumber(count).title() + ' appointment'
            if count > 1:
                message += 's'
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if instance is not None and 'delete' in request.POST:
            messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('The experiment date time range for %s was successfully deleted.') % experiment_date)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-list_experiment_date_time_ranges', args=[experiment_date.id]))
        form = ExperimentDateTimeRangeForm(experiment_date, request.POST, instance=instance)
        if form.is_valid():
            db_instance = instance is not None and ExperimentDateTimeRange.objects.get(id=instance.id) or None
            experiment_date_time_range = form.save(commit=False)
            experiment_date_time_range.experiment_date = experiment_date
            _ = db_instance is not None and (db_instance.start_time != experiment_date_time_range.start_time or \
                                             db_instance.end_time != experiment_date_time_range.end_time)
            if _:
                if message is not None:
                    if count > 1:
                        message += ' were'
                        message += ' was'
                    messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, message + _(' successfully deleted.'))
            if _ or instance is None:
            messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('The experiment date time range for %s was successfully saved.') % experiment_date)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-list_experiment_date_time_ranges', args=[experiment_date.id]))
        form = ExperimentDateTimeRangeForm(experiment_date, instance=instance)
    if message is not None:
        messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, message + _(' will be deleted if the start time field or the end time field is changed.'))
    return render_to_response('main/experiment_date_time_range.html',
                              {'instance': instance,
                               'action': action,
                               'experiment_date': experiment_date,
                               'form': form},
Exemple #10
 def surviving_children(self):
     genders = ('son', 'daughter', 'stepson', 'stepdaughter', 'adopted son', 'adopted daughter', 'child', 'stepchild',)
     if self.children_set.all():
         gender_sub_list = []
         for gender in genders:
             child_list = []
             gender_set = self.children_set.filter(gender=gender)
             if gender_set:
                 # build gender-based list
                 for child in gender_set:
                     if child.residence:
                         child_list.append(u'%s of %s' % (child.name, child.residence))
                     elif child.name:
                         child_list.append(u'%s' % (child.name))
                 if len(child_list) == 0:
                     # No child names in list (!)
                     child_str = ''
                 elif len(child_list) == 1:
                     child_str = ', '.join(child_list)
                     # insert 'and" in front of last item
                     child_list[-1] = u'and ' + child_list[-1]
                     # merge last two items
                     child_list[-2:] = [ ' '.join(child_list[-2:]) ]
                     child_str = ', '.join(child_list)
                 if len(gender_set) == 1:
                     child_str = u' a %s, %s' % (gender, child_str)
                     # pluralize un-gendered 'child' with 'ren' OR gendered children with 's' 
                     if gender.count('child'):
                         child_str = u' %s %sren' % (apnumber(len(gender_set)), gender)
                         child_str = u' %s %ss, %s' % (apnumber(len(gender_set)), gender, child_str)
         child_display = '; '.join(gender_sub_list)
         child_display = u''
     return child_display
Exemple #11
def apnumber(value):
	retvalue = '-'
		value = int(value)
		if value > 1 and value < 10:
			retvalue = ('%s (' + humanize.apnumber(value) + ')') % value
		elif value == 10:
			retvalue = '10 (' + _('diez') + ')'
		retvalue = value
	return retvalue
def experiment_view(request, id=None):
        researcher = request.user.researcher
    except Researcher.DoesNotExist:
        messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _('Permission denied'))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-index'))
    message = None
    if id is None:
        instance = None
        action = 'Create'
        instance = get_object_or_404(Experiment, id=id, researchers=researcher)
        action = 'Edit'
        count = Appointment.objects.filter(slot__experiment_date_time_range__experiment_date__experiment=instance).count()
        if count > 0:
            message = apnumber(count).title() + ' appointment'
            if count > 1:
                message += 's'
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if instance is not None and 'delete' in request.POST:
            messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('The experiment was successfully deleted.'))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-list_experiments'))
        form = ExperimentForm(request.POST, instance=instance)
        if form.is_valid():
            db_instance = instance is not None and Experiment.objects.get(id=instance.id) or None
            experiment = form.save()
            if db_instance is not None and db_instance.length != experiment.length:
                if message is not None:
                    if count > 1:
                        message += ' were'
                        message += ' was'
                    messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, message + _(' successfully deleted.'))
                for experiment_date_time_range in ExperimentDateTimeRange.objects.filter(experiment_date__experiment=experiment):
            messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _('The experiment was successfully saved.'))
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('main-list_experiments'))
        form = ExperimentForm(instance=instance)
    if message is not None:
        messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, message + _(' will be deleted if the length field is changed.'))
    return render_to_response('main/experiment.html',
                              {'instance': instance,
                               'action': action,
                               'form': form},
Exemple #13
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        import django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize as humanize
        context = super(EMailConfirmationView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        confirmed_user = self.confirm(**kwargs)
        if confirmed_user:
            context['title'] = _("Email confirmed")
            context['message'] = _('''Your email %s has been successfully confirmed.
Your account will be activated shorlty, after which you may login.''') % confirmed_user.email
            #print type(confirmed_user), confirmed_user.is_active
            context['title'] = _("E-Mail confirmation failed")
            context['message'] = _("""
Sorry, it didn't work. Either your confirmation link was incorrect, or
the confirmation key for your account has expired; confirmation keys are
only valid for %s days.""") % humanize.apnumber(settings.EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS)
        return context
    def _description_builder(self):
        if self.repeat_type != ScheduleRepeatType.NONE:
            yield 'every'
            if self.repeat_every > 1:
                yield apnumber(self.repeat_every)
            yield pluralize(self.repeat_every, ScheduleRepeatType.pluralized_instances_dict[self.repeat_type])
            if self.repeat_type == ScheduleRepeatType.WEEKLY and \
                    any(getattr(self, weekday_entry[0]) for weekday_entry in WeekDay.choices):
                yield 'on'
                yield self.humanized_weekdays
            elif self.repeat_type == ScheduleRepeatType.MONTHLY and self.monthly_is_based_on_weekday:
                week_position = (datetime.date(self.start_date.year, self.start_date.month, 1).weekday() + self.start_date.day) / 7
                is_last_weekday = (self.start_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)).month != self.start_date.month
                if is_last_weekday:
                    yield 'on the last %s' % WeekDay.choices[self.start_date.weekday()][1]
                    yield 'on the %s %s' % (ordinal(week_position + 1), WeekDay.choices[self.start_date.weekday()][1])
            elif self.repeat_type == ScheduleRepeatType.MONTHLY and not self.monthly_is_based_on_weekday:
                yield 'on the'
                yield ordinal(self.start_date.day)
            yield 'from'
            yield formats.date_format(self.start_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')

            if self.end_date is not None:
                yield 'until'
                yield formats.date_format(self.end_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')

            if self.end_after_occurrences > 0:
                if self.end_date:
                    yield 'or'
                yield 'until'
                yield six.text_type(self.end_after_occurrences)
                yield pluralize(self.end_after_occurrences, 'occurence,occurences')
                yield 'took place'
            yield 'on'
            yield formats.date_format(self.start_date, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')
Exemple #15
def managed_blog_count():
    """Displays text of how many blogs are being managed."""
    blog_count = Blog.objects.all().count()
    return _n("Managing %(count)s WordPress blog", "Managing %(count)s WordPress blogs", blog_count) % {
        "count": '<span class="count">%s</span>' % apnumber(blog_count)
Exemple #16
def to_snake_case(string: str) -> str:
    name = slugify(string.lower()).replace('-', '_')
    if name[0].isdigit():
        return apnumber(name[0]) + name[1:]
    return name
Exemple #17
def notify_about_activity_log(addon, version, note, perm_setting=None,
                              send_to_reviewers=True, send_to_staff=True):
    """Notify relevant users about an ActivityLog note."""
    comments = (note.details or {}).get('comments')
    if not comments:
        # Just use the name of the action if no comments provided.  Alas we
        # can't know the locale of recipient, and our templates are English
        # only so prevent language jumble by forcing into en-US.
        with translation.override(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE):
            comments = '%s' % amo.LOG_BY_ID[note.action].short
        htmlparser = HTMLParser()
        comments = htmlparser.unescape(comments)

    # Collect add-on authors (excl. the person who sent the email.) and build
    # the context for them.
    addon_authors = set(addon.authors.all()) - {note.user}

    author_context_dict = {
        'name': addon.name,
        'number': version.version,
        'author': note.user.name,
        'comments': comments,
        'url': absolutify(addon.get_dev_url('versions')),
        'SITE_URL': settings.SITE_URL,
        'email_reason': 'you are listed as an author of this add-on',
        'is_info_request': note.action == amo.LOG.REQUEST_INFORMATION.id,

    # Not being localised because we don't know the recipients locale.
    with translation.override('en-US'):
        if note.action == amo.LOG.REQUEST_INFORMATION.id:
            if addon.pending_info_request:
                days_left = (
                    # We pad the time left with an extra hour so that the email
                    # does not end up saying "6 days left" because a few
                    # seconds or minutes passed between the datetime was saved
                    # and the email was sent.
                    addon.pending_info_request + timedelta(hours=1) -
                if days_left > 9:
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = (
                        '%d days' % days_left)
                elif days_left > 1:
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = (
                        '%s (%d) days' % (apnumber(days_left), days_left))
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = 'one (1) day'
            subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: Action Required for %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
            reviewer_subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
            subject = reviewer_subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
    # Build and send the mail for authors.
    template = template_from_user(note.user, version)
    from_email = formataddr((note.user.name, NOTIFICATIONS_FROM_EMAIL))
        subject, template.render(author_context_dict),
        version, addon_authors, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)

    if send_to_reviewers or send_to_staff:
        # If task_user doesn't exist that's no big issue (i.e. in tests)
            task_user = {get_task_user()}
        except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
            task_user = set()

    if send_to_reviewers:
        # Collect reviewers on the thread (excl. the email sender and task user
        # for automated messages), build the context for them and send them
        # their copy.
        log_users = {
            alog.user for alog in ActivityLog.objects.for_version(version) if
        reviewers = log_users - addon_authors - task_user - {note.user}
        reviewer_context_dict = author_context_dict.copy()
        reviewer_context_dict['url'] = absolutify(
                        'addon_id': version.addon.pk,
                        'channel': amo.CHANNEL_CHOICES_API[version.channel]
                    }, add_prefix=False))
        reviewer_context_dict['email_reason'] = 'you reviewed this add-on'
            reviewer_subject, template.render(reviewer_context_dict),
            version, reviewers, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)

    if send_to_staff:
        # Collect staff that want a copy of the email, build the context for
        # them and send them their copy.
        staff = set(
        staff_cc = (
            staff - reviewers - addon_authors - task_user - {note.user})
        staff_cc_context_dict = reviewer_context_dict.copy()
        staff_cc_context_dict['email_reason'] = (
            'you are member of the activity email cc group')
            reviewer_subject, template.render(staff_cc_context_dict),
            version, staff_cc, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)
def apnumber(source):
    return humanize.apnumber(source)
def getIntroText(stats, org_type):
    declines = len(stats['most_changing']['declines'])
    improvements = len(stats['most_changing']['improvements'])
    possible_savings = len(stats['top_savings']['possible_savings'])
    worst = len(stats['worst'])
    best = len(stats['best'])
    not_great = worst + declines
    pretty_good = best + improvements
    msg = ""
    in_sentence = False
    if not_great or pretty_good or possible_savings:
        if not_great:
            msg = "We've found %s prescribing measure%s where this %s " % (
                not_great > 1 and 's' or '',
            in_sentence = True
            if declines and worst:
                msg += "is <span class='worse'>getting worse, or could be "
                msg += "doing better</span>"
            elif declines:
                msg += "is <span class='worse'>getting worse</span>"
                msg += "could be <span class='worse'>doing better</span>"
            msg = ("Good news: we've not found any problem prescribing "
                   "measures for this %s!" % org_type)
            in_sentence = False
        if pretty_good:
            if msg and in_sentence:
                msg += ", and %s measure%s where it " % (
                    pretty_good > 1 and 's' or '')
                msg = ("We've found %s prescribing measure%s where "
                       "this %s " % (apnumber(pretty_good),
                                     pretty_good > 1 and 's' or '',
            if best and improvements:
                msg += "is <span class='better'>doing well</span>."
            elif improvements:
                msg += "is <span class='better'>improving</span>."
                msg += "is <span class='better'>already doing "
                msg += "very well</span>."
            in_sentence = False
        if in_sentence:
            msg += ". "
        if possible_savings:
            if msg:
                msg += " We've also found "
                msg = "We've found "
            msg += ("%s prescribing measure%s where there are some "
                    "potential cost savings." % (
                        possible_savings > 1 and 's' or ''))
        msg = ("We've no new information about this %s this month! "
               "Its performance is not an outlier on any "
               "of our common prescribing measures." % org_type)
    return mark_safe(msg)
Exemple #20
def readtime(text):
    minutes_of_read_time = len(text.split(' ')) / AVERAGE_READING_SPEED_WPM
    minutes_of_read_time_rounded = math.floor(minutes_of_read_time + 0.5)
    return apnumber(minutes_of_read_time_rounded)
Exemple #21
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from museic import settings
import re
import tagging

_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'\W')

assert hasattr(settings, "MUSEIC_CONTENT_ROOT"), "You need to define a "\
                                "folder to store your content for MUSEIC in"
assert hasattr(settings, "MUSEIC_CONTENT_PREFIX"), "You need to define a "\
                                "prefix to get your content for MUSEIC in"
_FILE_STORAGE = FileSystemStorage(location=settings.MUSEIC_CONTENT_ROOT,

FIVE_STARS = [(n, u"%s stars" % unicode(humanize.apnumber(n)))
                    for n in xrange(5)]

class Content(models.Model):
    Represents some kind of user uploaded content. This is a base class.
    Derived classes must override content(..)
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    slug = models.SlugField(editable=False, unique_for_date='pub_date')
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,
Exemple #22
 def __unicode__(self):
     return "%s Pack - $%s" % ((str(apnumber(self.quantity)).capitalize()), floatformat(self.price, -2))
Exemple #23
def apnumber(source):
    return humanize.apnumber(source)
Exemple #24
def notify_about_activity_log(addon, version, note, perm_setting=None,
                              send_to_reviewers=True, send_to_staff=True):
    """Notify relevant users about an ActivityLog note."""
    comments = (note.details or {}).get('comments')
    if not comments:
        # Just use the name of the action if no comments provided.  Alas we
        # can't know the locale of recipient, and our templates are English
        # only so prevent language jumble by forcing into en-US.
        with translation.override(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE):
            comments = '%s' % amo.LOG_BY_ID[note.action].short
        comments = unescape(comments)

    # Collect add-on authors (excl. the person who sent the email.) and build
    # the context for them.
    addon_authors = set(addon.authors.all()) - {note.user}

    author_context_dict = {
        'name': addon.name,
        'number': version.version,
        'author': note.author_name,
        'comments': comments,
        'url': absolutify(addon.get_dev_url('versions')),
        'SITE_URL': settings.SITE_URL,
        'email_reason': 'you are listed as an author of this add-on',
        'is_info_request': note.action == amo.LOG.REQUEST_INFORMATION.id,

    # Not being localised because we don't know the recipients locale.
    with translation.override('en-US'):
        if note.action == amo.LOG.REQUEST_INFORMATION.id:
            if addon.pending_info_request:
                days_left = (
                    # We pad the time left with an extra hour so that the email
                    # does not end up saying "6 days left" because a few
                    # seconds or minutes passed between the datetime was saved
                    # and the email was sent.
                    addon.pending_info_request + timedelta(hours=1) -
                if days_left > 9:
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = (
                        '%d days' % days_left)
                elif days_left > 1:
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = (
                        '%s (%d) days' % (apnumber(days_left), days_left))
                    author_context_dict['number_of_days_left'] = 'one (1) day'
            subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: Action Required for %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
            reviewer_subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
            subject = reviewer_subject = u'Mozilla Add-ons: %s %s' % (
                addon.name, version.version)
    # Build and send the mail for authors.
    template = template_from_user(note.user, version)
    from_email = formataddr((note.author_name, NOTIFICATIONS_FROM_EMAIL))
        subject, template.render(author_context_dict),
        version, addon_authors, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)

    if send_to_reviewers or send_to_staff:
        # If task_user doesn't exist that's no big issue (i.e. in tests)
            task_user = {get_task_user()}
        except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
            task_user = set()

    if send_to_reviewers:
        # Collect reviewers on the thread (excl. the email sender and task user
        # for automated messages), build the context for them and send them
        # their copy.
        log_users = {
            alog.user for alog in ActivityLog.objects.for_version(version) if
        reviewers = log_users - addon_authors - task_user - {note.user}
        reviewer_context_dict = author_context_dict.copy()
        reviewer_context_dict['url'] = absolutify(
                        'addon_id': version.addon.pk,
                        'channel': amo.CHANNEL_CHOICES_API[version.channel]
                    }, add_prefix=False))
        reviewer_context_dict['email_reason'] = 'you reviewed this add-on'
            reviewer_subject, template.render(reviewer_context_dict),
            version, reviewers, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)

    if send_to_staff:
        # Collect staff that want a copy of the email, build the context for
        # them and send them their copy.
        staff = set(
        staff_cc = (
            staff - reviewers - addon_authors - task_user - {note.user})
        staff_cc_context_dict = reviewer_context_dict.copy()
        staff_cc_context_dict['email_reason'] = (
            'you are member of the activity email cc group')
            reviewer_subject, template.render(staff_cc_context_dict),
            version, staff_cc, from_email, note.id, perm_setting)
Exemple #25
def command():
    """Generate "Next events" section for the Dispatch."""

    now = timezone.now()
    raw_dispatch_date = click.prompt(
            "What is the date of the previous Dispatch? (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)",
    dispatch_date = (datetime.datetime.strptime(
        raw_dispatch_date, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

    # Get the events that happened since the last Dispatch.
    click.echo(click.style("PREVIOUS EVENTS", bold=True))

    previous_events = Event.objects.filter(
    result_previous = generate_html_content(previous_events)

    num_events = len(result_previous)

    if result_previous:
        click.echo("%s event%s happened since the last dispatch: " %
                   (apnumber(num_events), "s" if num_events > 1 else "") +
                   ", ".join(result_previous) + ".")
        click.echo("No event took place since the last Dispatch.")

    # Get the events that were created since the last Dispatch.

    click.echo(click.style("NEXT EVENTS", bold=True))
    next_events = Event.objects.all().filter(
        created_at__range=(dispatch_date, now),

    sorted_event = groupby(next_events, key=lambda event: event.date.month)

    if next_events:
        for month, events in sorted_event:
            month_list = generate_html_content(events)
            click.echo(calendar.month_name[month] + ": " +
                       ", ".join(month_list) + "." + "<br />")
            "There's no new event to announce. Don't forget to check our "
            "<a href='https://djangogirls.org/events/'>website</a> to get a "
            "list of our events planned for the next few months.")

    # Get the events with open registration.

    click.echo("OPEN REGISTRATION")
    open_events = Event.objects.all().filter(
    result_open = generate_html_content(open_events)

    if result_open:
        click.echo("Registrations are still open for: " +
                   ", ".join(result_open) + ".")
        click.echo("There's no event with open registration.")
def getIntroText(stats, org_type):
    declines = len(stats['most_changing']['declines'])
    improvements = len(stats['most_changing']['improvements'])
    possible_savings = len(stats['top_savings']['possible_savings'])
    worst = len(stats['worst'])
    best = len(stats['best'])
    not_great = worst + declines
    pretty_good = best + improvements
    msg = ""
    in_sentence = False
    if not_great or pretty_good or possible_savings:
        if not_great:
            msg = "We've found %s prescribing measure%s where this %s " % (
                apnumber(not_great), not_great > 1 and 's' or '', org_type)
            in_sentence = True
            if declines and worst:
                msg += "is <span class='worse'>getting worse, or could be "
                msg += "doing better</span>"
            elif declines:
                msg += "is <span class='worse'>getting worse</span>"
                msg += "could be <span class='worse'>doing better</span>"
            msg = ("Good news: we've not found any problem prescribing "
                   "measures for this %s!" % org_type)
            in_sentence = False
        if pretty_good:
            if msg and in_sentence:
                msg += ", and %s measure%s where it " % (
                    apnumber(pretty_good), pretty_good > 1 and 's' or '')
                msg = ("We've found %s prescribing measure%s where "
                       "this %s " % (apnumber(pretty_good),
                                     pretty_good > 1 and 's' or '', org_type))
            if best and improvements:
                msg += "is <span class='better'>doing well</span>."
            elif improvements:
                msg += "is <span class='better'>improving</span>."
                msg += "is <span class='better'>already doing "
                msg += "very well</span>."
            in_sentence = False
        if in_sentence:
            msg += ". "
        if possible_savings:
            if msg:
                msg += " We've also found "
                msg = "We've found "
            msg += ("%s prescribing measure%s where there are some "
                    "potential cost savings. " %
                    (apnumber(possible_savings), possible_savings > 1 and 's'
                     or ''))
        msg += ('Note that there can sometimes be good reasons why one CCG is '
                'an outlier, and you should interpret the data thoughtfully: '
                'these are <a href="/faq/#measureinterpret">measures, not '
        msg = ("We've no new information about this %s this month! "
               "Its performance is not an outlier on any "
               "of our common prescribing measures. " % org_type)
    return mark_safe(msg)