Exemple #1
 def _clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
     c = QuerySet._clone(self, klass, **kwargs)
     c._cache_clean = kwargs.pop('_cache_clean', self._cache_clean)
     c._cache_reset = kwargs.pop('_cache_reset', self._cache_reset)
     c.cache_key_prefix = kwargs.pop('cache_key_prefix', self.cache_key_prefix)
     c.cache_timeout = kwargs.pop('cache_timeout', self.cache_timeout)
     c._cache_keys = {}
     return c
Exemple #2
 def _clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
     c = QuerySet._clone(self, klass, **kwargs)
     c._cache_clean = kwargs.pop('_cache_clean', self._cache_clean)
     c._cache_reset = kwargs.pop('_cache_reset', self._cache_reset)
     c.cache_key_prefix = kwargs.pop('cache_key_prefix', self.cache_key_prefix)
     c.cache_timeout = kwargs.pop('cache_timeout', self.cache_timeout)
     c._cache_keys = {}
     return c
Exemple #3
    def _get_data(self):
        ck = self._get_cache_key()
        if self._result_cache is None or self._cache_clean or self._cache_reset:
            if self._cache_clean:
            if self._cache_reset:
                result_cache = None
                result_cache = cache.get(ck)
            if result_cache is None:
                # We need to lookup the initial table queryset, without related
                # fields selected. We then need to loop through each field which
                # should be selected and doing another CachedQuerySet() call for
                # each set of data.

                # This will allow it to transparently, and recursively, handle
                # all calls to the cache.

                # We will use _prepare_queryset_for_cache to store it in the
                # the cache, and _get_queryset_from_cache to pull it.

                # Maybe we should override getstate and setstate instead?

                # We first have to remove select_related values from the QuerySet
                # as we don't want to pull these in to the dataset as they may already exist
                # in memory.

                # TODO: create a function that works w/ our patch and Django trunk which will
                # grab the select_related fields for us given X model and (Y list or N depth).

                # TODO: find a clean way to say "is this only matching pks?" if it is we wont
                # need to store a result set in memory but we'll need to apply the filters by hand.
                qs = QuerySet._clone(QuerySet(), **self.__dict__)
                self._result_cache = qs._get_data()
                self._cache_reset = False
                          self.cache_timeout * 60)
                    self._result_cache = self._get_queryset_from_cache(
                except CacheMissingWarning:
                    # When an object is missing we reset the cached list.
                    # TODO: this should be some kind of option at a global and model level.
                    return self.reset()._get_data()
        return FauxCachedQuerySet(self._result_cache)
Exemple #4
    def _get_data(self):
        ck = self._get_cache_key()
        if self._result_cache is None or self._cache_clean or self._cache_reset:
            if self._cache_clean:
            if self._cache_reset:
                result_cache = None
                result_cache = cache.get(ck)
            if result_cache is None:
                # We need to lookup the initial table queryset, without related
                # fields selected. We then need to loop through each field which
                # should be selected and doing another CachedQuerySet() call for
                # each set of data.

                # This will allow it to transparently, and recursively, handle
                # all calls to the cache.

                # We will use _prepare_queryset_for_cache to store it in the
                # the cache, and _get_queryset_from_cache to pull it.

                # Maybe we should override getstate and setstate instead?

                # We first have to remove select_related values from the QuerySet
                # as we don't want to pull these in to the dataset as they may already exist
                # in memory.

                # TODO: create a function that works w/ our patch and Django trunk which will
                # grab the select_related fields for us given X model and (Y list or N depth).

                # TODO: find a clean way to say "is this only matching pks?" if it is we wont
                # need to store a result set in memory but we'll need to apply the filters by hand.
                qs = QuerySet._clone(QuerySet(), **self.__dict__)
                self._result_cache = qs._get_data()
                self._cache_reset = False
                cache.set(ck, self._prepare_queryset_for_cache(self._result_cache), self.cache_timeout*60)
                    self._result_cache = self._get_queryset_from_cache(result_cache)
                except CacheMissingWarning:
                    # When an object is missing we reset the cached list.
                    # TODO: this should be some kind of option at a global and model level.
                    return self.reset()._get_data()
        return FauxCachedQuerySet(self._result_cache)
Exemple #5
class SphinxQuerySet(object):

    __index_match = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9_-]*', re.I)

    def __init__(self, model=None, using=None, **kwargs):
        self.model = model
        self.using = using
        self.queryset = QuerySet()
        self.realtime = None
        self._doc_ids = None

        self._iter = None

        self._query = None
        self._query_args = None

        self._only_meta = False

        self._field_names = {}
        self._fields = '*'
        self._aliases = {}
        self._group_by = ''
        self._order_by = ''
        self._group_order_by = ''

        self._filters = {}
        self._excludes = {}

        self._excluded_fields = []

        _q_opts = kwargs.pop('query_options', SPHINX_QUERY_OPTS)
        if 'ranker' not in _q_opts:
            _q_opts['ranker'] = 'bm25'

        self._query_opts = self._format_options(**_q_opts)

        self._result_cache = None
        self._doc_fields_cache = {}
        self._index_fields_cache = None
        self._metadata = None

        self._maxmatches = min(kwargs.pop('maxmatches', SPHINX_MAX_MATCHES), SPHINX_MAX_MATCHES)

        self._limit = min(kwargs.pop('limit', SPHINX_QUERY_LIMIT), self._maxmatches)
        self._offset = None

        self._snippets = kwargs.pop('snippets', SPHINX_SNIPPETS)
        self._snippets_opts = kwargs.pop('snippets_options', SPHINX_SNIPPETS_OPTS)
        self._snippets_string = None

        self._snippet_dict = {}

        if model:
            #self._indexes = self._parse_indexes(kwargs.pop('index', model._meta.db_table))
            self._indexes = [model._meta.db_table]
            model_options = model.__sphinx_options__
            if model_options.get('realtime', False):
                self.realtime = '%s_rt' % model._meta.db_table
            self._indexes = self._parse_indexes(kwargs.pop('index', None))

    def __len__(self):
        return self.count()

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._result_cache is None:
            except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as e:
                raise SearchError(e.args + (self.query_string % self._query_args,))

        return iter(self._result_cache)

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__iter__())

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        Retrieves an item or slice from the set of results.
        if not isinstance(k, (slice,) + six.integer_types):
            raise TypeError
        assert ((not isinstance(k, slice) and (k >= 0))
                or (isinstance(k, slice) and (k.start is None or k.start >= 0)
                    and (k.stop is None or k.stop >= 0))),\
            "Negative indexing is not supported."

        if isinstance(k, slice):
            qs = self._clone()
            start = int(k.start) if k.start is not None else 0
            stop = int(k.stop) if k.stop is not None else None

            qs._set_limits(start, stop)
            return k.step and list(qs)[::k.step] or qs

            qs = self._clone()
            qs._set_limits(k, k + 1)
            return list(qs)[0]
        except Exception as e:
            raise IndexError(e.args)

    # Indexes

    def add_index(self, index):
        if self.model is not None:
            raise SearchError('You can not add an index to the model')

        _indexes = self._indexes[:]

        for x in self._parse_indexes(index):
            if x not in _indexes:

        return self._clone(_indexes=_indexes)

    def remove_index(self, index):
        if self.model is not None:
            raise SearchError('You can not remove an index from model')

        _indexes = self._indexes[:]

        for x in self._parse_indexes(index):
            if x in _indexes:

        return self._clone(_indexes=_indexes)

    # For queryset

    def select_related(self, *fields, **kwargs):
        self.queryset = self.queryset.select_related(*fields, **kwargs)
        return self

    def prefetch_related(self, *lookups):
        self.queryset = self.queryset.prefetch_related(*lookups)
        return self

    def only(self, *fields):
        self.queryset = self.queryset.only(*fields)
        return self

    def defer(self, *fields):
        c = self._clone()
        c.queryset = self.queryset.defer(*fields)
        c._excluded_fields = self._excluded_fields + list(fields)
        return c

    # Querying

    def query(self, query):
        return self._clone(_query=force_unicode(query))

    def filter(self, **kwargs):
        filters = self._filters.copy()
        return self._clone(_filters=self._process_filters(filters, False, **kwargs))

    def exclude(self, **kwargs):
        filters = self._excludes.copy()
        return self._clone(_excludes=self._process_filters(filters, True, **kwargs))

    def fields(self, *args, **kwargs):
        fields = ''
        aliases = {}
        if args:
            fields = '`%s`' % '`, `'.join(args)
        if kwargs:
            for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
                aliases[k] = '%s AS `%s`' % (v, k)

        if fields or aliases:
            return self._clone(_fields=fields, _aliases=aliases)
        return self

    def options(self, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            return self
        return self._clone(_query_opts=self._format_options(**kwargs))

    def snippets(self, snippets=True, **kwargs):
        if snippets == self._snippets and not kwargs:
            return self

        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, bool):
                v = int(v)

        return self._clone(_snippets_opts=kwargs, _snippets=snippets, _snippets_opts_string=None)

    def snippet(self, attr, to_filed=None):
        to_filed = to_filed or attr
        snippet_dict = self._snippet_dict.copy()
        snippet_dict[to_filed] = attr
        return self._clone(_snippet_dict=snippet_dict)

    # Currently only supports grouping by a single column.
    # The column however can be a computed expression
    def group_by(self, field):
        return self._clone(_group_by='GROUP BY `%s`' % field)

    def order_by(self, *args):
        sort_by = []
        for arg in args:
            order = 'ASC'
            if arg[0] == '-':
                order = 'DESC'
                arg = arg[1:]
            if arg == 'pk':
                arg = 'id'

            sort_by.append('`%s` %s' % (arg, order))

        if sort_by:
            return self._clone(_order_by='ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(sort_by))
        return self

    def group_order_by(self, *args):
        sort_by = []
        for arg in args:
            order = 'ASC'
            if arg[0] == '-':
                order = 'DESC'
                arg = arg[1:]
            if arg == 'pk':
                arg = 'id'

            if arg.startswith('@'):
                sort_by.append('%s %s' % (arg, order))
                sort_by.append('`%s` %s' % (arg, order))

        if sort_by:
            return self._clone(_group_order_by='WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(sort_by))
        return self

    def count(self):
        store_qs = self.queryset._clone()
        self._only_meta = True
        result = min(int(self.meta.get('total_found', 0)), self._maxmatches)
        self._only_meta = False
        self.queryset = store_qs
        return result

    # Возвращяет все объекты из индекса. Размер списка ограничен только
    # значением maxmatches
    def all(self):
        return self._clone(_limit=self._maxmatches, _offset=None)

    def none(self):
        qs = EmptySphinxQuerySet()
        return qs

    def reset(self):
        return self.__class__(self.model, self.using, index=self._get_index())

    def _get_values_for_update(self, obj):
        fields = self._get_index_fields()
        values = []
        for field in fields[:]:
            if field == 'id':
                f = getattr(obj, 'pk')
                f = self._encode_document_id(f)
                f = getattr(obj, field)

                if hasattr(f, 'through'): # ManyToMany
                    # пропускаем пока что...
                    f = [force_unicode(x.pk) for x in f.all()]
                elif isinstance(f, six.string_types):
                elif isinstance(f, six.integer_types) or isinstance(f, (bool, date, datetime, float, decimal.Decimal)):
                    f = to_sphinx(f)
                    model_filed = obj._meta.get_field(field)
                    if isinstance(model_filed, RelatedField):
                        f = to_sphinx(getattr(obj, model_filed.column))
                        raise SearchError('Unknown field `%s`' % type(f))


        return values

    def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
        values = ()

        if self.model:
            assert len(args) == 1, \
                    'Model RT-index can be updated by object instance or queryset'
            obj = args[0]
            if isinstance(obj, self.model):
                # один объект, один документ
                values = (self._get_values_for_update(obj),)
            elif isinstance(obj, QuerySet):
                # несколько объектов, несколько документов
                values = map(self._get_values_for_update, obj)
                raise SearchError('Can`t `%s` not an instance/queryset of `%s`' % (obj, self.model))
            raise NotImplementedError('Non-model RT-index update not supported yet')

        if not values:
            raise SearchError('Empty QuerySet? o_O')

        query = ['REPLACE' if kwargs.pop('force_update', False) else 'INSERT']
        query.append('INTO %s' % self.realtime)
        query.append('(%s)' % ','.join(self._get_index_fields()))

        query_args = []
        q = []
        for v in values:
            f_list = []
            for f in v:
                if isinstance(f, six.string_types):
                elif isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
                    f_list.append('(%s)' % ','.join(f))

            q.append('(%s)' % ','.join(f_list))

        query.append(', '.join(q))

        cursor = conn_handler.cursor()
        count = cursor.execute(' '.join(query), query_args)

        return count

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Update not implemented yet')

    def delete(self):
        Удаляет из индекса документы, удовлетворяющие условиям filter

        assert self._can_modify(),\
                "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with delete."

        q = ['DELETE FROM %s WHERE' % self.realtime]

        if len(self._doc_ids) == 1:
            where = 'id = %i' % self._doc_ids[0]
            where = 'id IN (%s)' % ','.join(str(id) for id in self._doc_ids)


        query = ' '.join(q)

        cursor = conn_handler.cursor()
        cursor.execute(query, self._query_args)

    # misc
    def keywords(self, text, index=None, hits=None):
        Возвращает генератор со списком ключевых слов
        для переданного текста\
        if index is None:
            # пока только для одного индекса
            index = self._indexes[0]

        query = 'CALL KEYWORDS (%s)'
        q = ['%s', '%s']
        if hits is not None and hits:

        query = query % ', '.join(q)

        cursor = conn_handler.cursor()
        count = cursor.execute(query, [text, index])

        for x in range(0, count):
            yield cursor.fetchone()

    def get_query_set(self, model):
        if self.using is not None:
        self.queryset.model = model
        self.queryset.query.model = model
        return self.queryset

    # Properties

    def _meta(self):
        if self._metadata is None:

        return self._metadata

    meta = property(_meta)

    def _get_snippets_string(self):
        if self._snippets_string is None:
            opts_list = []
            for k, v in self._snippets_opts.iteritems():
                opt = ('\'%s\' AS %s' if isinstance(v, six.string_types) else '%s AS %s') % (v, k)

            if opts_list:
                self._snippets_string = ', %s' % ', '.join(opts_list)

        return self._snippets_string or ''


    def _set_limits(self, start, stop=None):
        if start is not None:
            self._offset = int(start)
            start = 0

        if stop is not None:
            self._limit = stop - start

    def _can_modify(self):
        if self.realtime is None:
            raise SearchError('Documents can`t be modified on the non-realtime index')

        assert self._doc_ids is not None \
               and not self._excludes and self._query is None\
               and len(self._filters) == 1 and 'id' in self._filters, \
                'Only {id = value | id IN (val1 [, val2 [, ...]])} filters allowed here'

        return self._offset is None

    def _get_data(self):
        if not self._indexes:
            #warnings.warn('Index list is not set. Using all known indices.')
            self._indexes = self._parse_indexes(all_indexes())

        self._iter = SphinxQuery(self.query_string, self._query_args)
        self._result_cache = []
        self._metadata = self._iter.meta
        if not self._only_meta:

    ## Options
    def _parse_indexes(self, index):
        if index is None:
            return list()

        return [x.lower() for x in re.split(self.__index_match, index) if x]

    def _get_index(self):
        return ' '.join(self._indexes)

    def _format_options_dict(self, d):
        return '(%s)' % ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (x, d[x]) for x in d])

    def _format_options(self, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs:
            return ''
        opts = []
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, bool):
                v = int(v)
            elif isinstance(v, dict):
                v = self._format_options_dict(v)

            opts.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))

        return 'OPTION %s' % ','.join(opts)

    ## Cache

    def _fill_cache(self, num=None):
        fields = self.meta['fields'].copy()
        id_pos = fields.pop('id')
        ct = None
        results = {}

        docs = OrderedDict()

        if self._iter:
                while True:
                    doc = self._iter.next()
                    doc_id = doc[id_pos]

                    obj_id, ct = self._decode_document_id(int(doc_id))

                    results.setdefault(ct, {})[obj_id] = {}

                    docs.setdefault(doc_id, {})['results'] = results[ct][obj_id]
                    docs[doc_id]['data'] = {}

                    for field in fields:
                        docs[doc_id]['data'].setdefault('fields', {})[field] = doc[fields[field]]
            except StopIteration:
                self._iter = None
                if not docs:
                    self._result_cache = []

                if self.model is None and len(self._indexes) == 1 and ct is not None:
                    self.model = ContentType.objects.get(pk=ct).model_class()

                if self.model:
                    qs = self.get_query_set(self.model)

                    qs = qs.filter(pk__in=results[ct].keys())

                    for obj in qs:
                        results[ct][obj.pk]['obj'] = obj

                    for ct in results:
                        model_class = ContentType.objects.get(pk=ct).model_class()
                        qs = self.get_query_set(model_class).filter(pk__in=results[ct].keys())

                        for obj in qs:
                            results[ct][obj.pk]['obj'] = obj
                #clear missing items
                for pk in [pk for pk, doc in docs.items() if not 'obj' in doc['results']]:
                    del docs[pk]

                if self._snippets:
                    for doc in docs.values():
                        doc['data']['snippets'] = self._get_snippets(doc['results']['obj'])
                        self._result_cache.append(SphinxProxy(doc['results']['obj'], doc['data']))
                    for doc in docs.values():
                        self._result_cache.append(SphinxProxy(doc['results']['obj'], doc['data']))

    ## Snippets
    def _get_snippets(self, instance):
        (fields, docs) = zip(*[(f, getattr(instance, f)) for f in self._get_doc_fields(instance) if getattr(instance, f)])

        opts = self._get_snippets_string()

        doc_format = ', '.join('%s' for x in range(0, len(fields)))
        query = 'CALL SNIPPETS (({0:>s}), \'{1:>s}\', %s {2:>s})'.format(doc_format,
        docs += (self._query or '',)

        c = conn_handler.cursor()
        c.execute(query, docs)

        snippets = {}
        for field in fields:
            snippets[field] = c.fetchone()[0].decode('utf-8')

        return snippets

    def _get_doc_fields(self, instance):
        cache = self._doc_fields_cache.get(type(instance), None)
        if cache is None:
            def _get_field(name):
                return instance._meta.get_field(name)

            opts = instance.__sphinx_options__
            included = opts.get('included_fields', [])
            excluded = opts.get('excluded_fields', []) + self._excluded_fields
            stored_attrs = opts.get('stored_attributes', [])
            stored_fields = opts.get('stored_fields', [])
            if included:
                included = [f for f in included if
                            f not in excluded
                            get_sphinx_attr_type_for_field(_get_field(f)) == 'string']
                for f in stored_fields:
                    if get_sphinx_attr_type_for_field(_get_field(f)) == 'string':
                included = [f.name for f in instance._meta.fields
                            f.name not in excluded
                            (f.name not in stored_attrs
                             f.name in stored_fields)
                            get_sphinx_attr_type_for_field(f) == 'string']

            cache = self._doc_fields_cache[type(instance)] = included

        return cache

    def _get_index_fields(self):
        if self._index_fields_cache is None:
            opts = self.model.__sphinx_options__

            excluded = opts.get('excluded_fields', [])

            fields = []
            for f in ['included_fields', 'stored_attributes',
                      'stored_fields', 'related_fields', 'mva_fields']:
                fields.extend(opts.get(f, []))
            for f in excluded:
                if f in fields:

            fields.insert(0, 'id')

            self._index_fields_cache = fields

        return self._index_fields_cache

    ## Documents
    def _decode_document_id(self, doc_id):
        Декодирует ID документа, полученного от Sphinx

        :param doc_id: ID документа
        :type doc_id: long

        :returns: tuple(ContentTypeID, ObjectID)
        :rtype: tuple\
        assert isinstance(doc_id, six.integer_types)

        ct = (doc_id & CONTENT_TYPE_MASK) >> DOCUMENT_ID_SHIFT
        return (doc_id & OBJECT_ID_MASK, ct)

    def _encode_document_id(self, id):
        if self.model:
            ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model)

            id = int(ct.id) << DOCUMENT_ID_SHIFT | id

        return id

    ## Filters
    def _process_single_obj_operation(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, models.Model):
            if self.model is None:
                raise ValueError('For non model or multiple model indexes comparsion with objects not supported')
            value = obj.pk
        elif not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, QuerySet)):
            value = obj
            raise TypeError('Comparison operations require a single object, not a `%s`' % type(obj))

        return to_sphinx(value)

    def _process_obj_list_operation(self, obj_list):
        if isinstance(obj_list, (models.Model, QuerySet)):
            if self.model is None:
                raise ValueError('For non model or multiple model indexes comparsion with objects not supported')

            if isinstance(obj_list, models.Model):
                values = [obj_list.pk]
                values = [obj.pk for obj in obj_list]

        elif hasattr(obj_list, '__iter__') or isinstance(obj_list, (list, tuple)):
            values = list(obj_list)
        elif isinstance(obj_list, (int, float, date, datetime)):
            values = [obj_list]
            raise ValueError('`%s` is not a list of objects and not single object' % type(obj_list))

        return map(to_sphinx, values)

    def _process_filters(self, filters, exclude=False, **kwargs):
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if  len(k.split('__')) > 3:
                raise NotImplementedError('Related model fields lookup not supported')

            parts = k.rsplit('__', 1)
            parts_len = len(parts)
            field = parts[0]
            lookup = parts[-1]

            if field == 'pk': # приводим pk к id
                field = 'id'

            if parts_len == 1:  # один
                if field == 'id':
                    v = self._encode_document_id(self._process_single_obj_operation(v))
                    self._doc_ids = [v]
                    v = self._process_single_obj_operation(v)

                filters[field] = '%s %s %s' % (field,
                                             '!=' if exclude else '=',
            elif parts_len == 2: # один exact или список, или сравнение
                if lookup == 'in':
                    if field == 'id':
                        v = map(self._encode_document_id, self._process_obj_list_operation(v))
                        self._doc_ids = v
                        v = self._process_obj_list_operation(v)

                    filters[field] = '%s %sIN (%s)' % (field,
                                                     'NOT ' if exclude else '',
                                                     ','.join(str(x) for x in v))
                elif lookup == 'range':
                    v = self._process_obj_list_operation(v)
                    if len(v) != 2:
                        raise ValueError('Range may consist of two values')
                    if exclude:
                        # not supported by sphinx. raises error!
                        warnings.warn('Exclude range not supported by SphinxQL now!')
                        filters[field] = 'NOT %s BETWEEN %i AND %i' % (field, v[0], v[1])
                        filters[field] = '%s BETWEEN %i AND %i' % (field, v[0], v[1])

                elif lookup in FILTER_CMP_OPERATIONS:
                    filters[field] = '%s %s %s' % (field,
                                                 if exclude\
                                                 else FILTER_CMP_OPERATIONS[lookup],
                else:  # stored related field
                    filters[k] = '%s %s %s' % (k,
                                             '!=' if exclude else '=',

        return filters

    ## Query
    def _build_query(self):
        self._query_args = []

        q = ['SELECT']


        q.extend(['FROM', ', '.join(self._indexes)])




        if self._query_opts is not None:

        return ' '.join(q)

    query_string = property(_build_query)

    def _build_fields(self):
        q = []
        if self._fields:

        if self._aliases:
            q.append(', ')
            q.append(', '.join(self._aliases.values()))

        if self._snippet_dict:
            q.append(', ')
            q.append(', '.join(["SNIPPET(%s, %%s) as `%s`" % (attr, to_field) for to_field, attr in self._snippet_dict.items()]))
            self._query_args += [self._query] * len(self._snippet_dict)
        return q

    def _build_where(self):
        q = []
        if self._query or self._filters or self._excludes:
        if self._query:

            if self._filters or self._excludes:
        if self._filters:
            q.append(' AND '.join(self._filters.values()))
            if self._excludes:
        if self._excludes:
            q.append(' AND '.join(self._excludes.values()))

        return q

    def _build_group_by(self):
        return self._group_by

    def _build_order_by(self):
        return self._order_by

    def _build_group_order_by(self):
        return self._group_order_by

    def _build_limits(self):
        if not self._limit is None and self._offset is None:
            return ''

        q = ['LIMIT']
        if self._offset is not None:
            q.append('%i,' % self._offset)
        q.append('%i' % (self._limit if self._limit is not None else self._maxmatches))

        return q

    ## Clone
    def _clone(self, **kwargs):
        Clones the queryset passing any changed args\
        c = self.__class__()

        c._result_cache = None
        c._metadata = None
        c._iter = None

        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            setattr(c, k, v)

        return c