def get_search_form(self): """ Return list of form based on model """ magic_dico_form = self.get_dict_for_forms() forms = [] initial = list(self.request.GET.lists()) for key, value in magic_dico_form.items(): form = Form() model = value["model"] if not value["fields"]: continue for field in value["fields"]: formfield = get_formfield(model, field) formfield.widget.attrs.update({'class': self.css_class}) form.fields.update({field: formfield}) initial_tmp = {} for k, vals in initial: tmp_list = k.split(model.__name__ + "-") if len(tmp_list) == 2: list_val_tmp = vals[0] if len(vals) == 1 else [ val for val in vals if val != '' ] initial_tmp[tmp_list[-1]] = list_val_tmp form.initial = initial_tmp form.prefix = model.__name__ forms.append(form) return sorted(forms, key=lambda form: form.prefix)
def simple_search(request): """Controlla form e crea ricerca semplice Controlla che il contenuto del form sia valido e in caso affermativo redirige alla pagina dei risultati, se no invoca una BadRequest :param request: richiesta HTTP :return: redirezione o HttpResponseBadRequest """ if request.method != 'POST': return HttpResponseBadRequest( 'Impossibile fare richiesta GET su simple_search view') elif request.POST['testo_ricerca'] == '': return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('attivita:index')) form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if request.POST['testo_ricerca'] != '': ricerca = RicercaSemplice(testo=request.POST['testo_ricerca']) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('search:simple_results', args=(, ))) print('Qualcosa è andato storto') messages.error(request, "Errore nella compilazione form") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('attivita:index'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.instance = kwargs.pop('instance') Form.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.fields['account'] = ModelChoiceField( self.instance.domain.account_set.exclude( mailinglists=self.instance), empty_label='')
def cancel(request, payload): from itsdangerous import BadSignature s = get_serializer() try: appointment_id = s.loads(payload) except BadSignature: return Http404 appointment = get_object_or_404(Appointment, pk=appointment_id) if appointment.is_cancelled(): messages.warning(request, _("You've already cancelled this appointment.")) return redirect('finish') if 'POST' == request.method: form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): appointment.cancel(), _("You successfully cancelled your appointment.")) return redirect('finish') # This doesn't seem to be the correct return code return Http404 form = Form() return render(request, 'cancel.html', {'form': form})
def get(self, request, **kwargs): if request.method == 'GET': form = Form(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): # Names name1 = request.GET.get('inputName1') name2 = request.GET.get('inputName2') if not name1: name1 = 'Noname1' if not name2: name2 = 'Noname2' # Calculations bdate1 = request.GET.get('inputDate1').split('-') bdate1 = bdate1[2] + '.' + bdate1[1] + '.' + bdate1[0] bdate2 = request.GET.get('inputDate2').split('-') bdate2 = bdate2[2] + '.' + bdate2[1] + '.' + bdate2[0] # data = match_all(bdate1, bdate2) data1 = data['p1p2'] data2 = data['p2p1'] items = list(data1.keys()) # context = { 'name1': name1, 'name2': name2, 'items': ",".join(items), 'y1': ",".join([str(data1[i]) for i in items]), 'y2': ",".join([str(data2[i]) for i in items]) } else: context = None return render(request, "match_engine1.html", context=context)
def report_detail(request, slug): """Render report detail or list of reports in case of wrong report slug is specified""" data = {} all_reports = {} template = 'reporting/reports.html' report = None form = Form() reports_date_init = True try: # Retrieving report name by slug specified in an URL report = reporting.get_report(slug)(request) except reporting.NoReportException: pass if report is not None: form = report.form_class(request.POST or None) if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid(): if request.POST.get('generate', None): data = report.generate(**form.cleaned_data) reports_date_init = False template = report.template_name else: # Wrong report slug is specified. rendering all the reports list all_reports = [(slug, unicode(r.verbose_name)) for slug, r in reporting.all_reports()] return direct_to_template( request, template, { 'form': form, 'data': data, 'report': report, 'reports_date_init': reports_date_init, 'object_list': all_reports, })
def contact_edit(request, id, template_name='membership/entity_edit.html'): contact = get_object_or_404(Contact, id=id) # XXX: I hate this. Wasn't there a shortcut for creating a form from instance? class Form(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Contact before = contact.__dict__.copy() # Otherwise save() (or valid?) will change the dict, needs to be here if request.method == 'POST': if not request.user.has_perm('membership.manage_members'): messages.error(request, unicode(_("You are not authorized to modify memberships."))) return redirect('contact_edit', id) form = Form(request.POST, instance=contact) if form.is_valid(): after = contact.__dict__ log_change(contact, request.user, before, after) messages.success(request, unicode(_("Changes to contact %s saved.") % contact)) return redirect('contact_edit', id) # form stays as POST otherwise if someone refreshes else: messages.error(request, unicode(_("Changes to contact %s not saved.") % contact)) else: form = Form(instance=contact) message = "" logentries = bake_log_entries(contact.logs.all()) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'contact': contact, 'logentries': logentries}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def get_payment_process_response(self, service, order, urls): address = order.billing_address payment = Payment( order_number=order.identifier, reference_number=order.reference_number[:20], amount=str(int(order.taxful_total_price * 100)), delivery_date=( + datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y%m%d"), return_url=urls.return_url, delayed_url=urls.return_url, cancel_url=urls.cancel_url, message=force_text(order), contact=Contact( first_name=flatten_unicode(address.first_name), last_name=flatten_unicode(address.last_name), email=flatten_unicode(, phone=flatten_unicode(, address=flatten_unicode(address.street), postcode=address.postal_code, postoffice=flatten_unicode(, ) ) form = Form() for key, value in self._get_checkout_object(service).get_offsite_button_data(payment).items(): form.fields[key] = CharField(initial=value, widget=HiddenInput) html = TEMPLATE % { "form": form, "continue_text": _("Continue to"), } return HttpResponse(html)
def bill_edit(request, id, template_name='membership/entity_edit.html'): bill = get_object_or_404(Bill, id=id) class Form(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Bill exclude = ('billingcycle', 'reminder_count') before = bill.__dict__.copy() # Otherwise save() (or valid?) will change the dict, needs to be here if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request.POST, instance=bill) if form.is_valid(): after = bill.__dict__ log_change(bill, request.user, before, after) messages.success(request, unicode(_("Changes to bill %s saved.") % bill)) return redirect('bill_edit', id) # form stays as POST otherwise if someone refreshes else: messages.error(request, unicode(_("Changes to bill %s not saved.") % bill)) else: form = Form(instance=bill) logentries = bake_log_entries(bill.logs.all()) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'bill': bill, 'logentries': logentries}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def setprimary(request, **kwargs): team_link = kwargs.get("team_link") picture_id = kwargs["picture_id"] account = get_object_or_404(Account, user=request.user) team = team_link and team_control.get_or_404(team_link) or None picture = get_object_or_404(Picture, id=picture_id) prefix = team_link and "/%s" % team_link or "" url = "%s/gallery/list/%s" % (prefix, if team: assert_member(account, team) if request.method == "POST": form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): control.setprimary(account, picture) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: form = Form() # TODO make template that shows the image being set! args = { "form" : form, "form_title" : _("SET_AS_PRIMARY_PICTURE"), "cancel_url" : url } if team: return rtr(team, None, request, "site/form.html", args) else: return render_response(request, "site/form.html", args)
def authorization_endpoint(request): auth_code_generator = AuthorizationCodeGenerator(missing_redirect_uri) try: auth_code_generator.validate(request) except AuthorizationError as authorization_error: return auth_code_generator.make_error_redirect(authorization_error) if request.method == 'GET': return render( request, authorization_template_name, { 'form': Form(), 'client': auth_code_generator.client, 'scopes': auth_code_generator.valid_scope_objects, 'form_action': update_parameters( authorization_endpoint_uri, auth_code_generator.get_request_uri_parameters( as_dict=True)), }) if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request) if form.is_valid() and request.POST.get('user_action') == 'Accept': return auth_code_generator.make_success_redirect() else: return auth_code_generator.make_error_redirect()
def report_detail(request, slug): """Render report detail or list of reports in case of wrong report slug is specified""" data = {} all_reports = {} template = 'reporting/reports.html' report = None form = Form() reports_date_init = True try: # Retrieving report name by slug specified in an URL report = reporting.get_report(slug)(request) except reporting.NoReportException: pass if report is not None: form = report.form_class(request.POST or None) if request.method == "POST" and form.is_valid(): if request.POST.get('generate', None): data = report.generate(**form.cleaned_data) reports_date_init = False template = report.template_name else: # Wrong report slug is specified. rendering all the reports list all_reports = [(slug, unicode(r.verbose_name)) for slug, r in reporting.all_reports()] return direct_to_template(request, template, { 'form': form, 'data': data, 'report': report, 'reports_date_init': reports_date_init, 'object_list': all_reports, })
def upload_file(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.user.is_authenticated(): print "-------------------------upload file" form = Form(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): print "file valid" print request.FILES directory = request.POST['directory'] instance = UserFiles(user=request.user, directory=directory, file=request.FILES['file']) if directory == '': json_helper.update_file( settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'users/' + str(request.user.username) + '/',, settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'users/' + str(request.user.username) + '/' + else: json_helper.update_file( settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'users/' + str(request.user.username) + '/', directory + '/' +, settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'users/' + str(request.user.username) + '/' + directory + '/' + json_helper.logger(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'log.txt', request.user.username, 'updated file: ', response = HttpResponse() response.content = json.dumps( json_helper.read_json(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'users/' + str(request.user.username) + '/file_list.txt')) response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.status_code = 200 return response else: response = HttpResponse() response.content = "User not authenticated" response.status_code = 497 return response else: form = Form() if request.user.is_authenticated: documents = UserFiles.objects.filter( user__username=request.user.username) else: documents = {} return render_to_response('file_demo/upload_file.html', { 'documents': documents, 'form': form }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def test_form_validation_supercedes_model_validation_when_used_together( rf, modelcls): request = rf.get('/', data={'f': 'admin/should_not_exist.json'}) Form = modelform_factory(modelcls, fields=['f']) form = Form(data=request.GET) assert form.is_valid() is False assert form.errors == { 'f': [ 'Select a valid choice. admin/should_not_exist.json is not one of the available choices.' ] }
def __init__(self, formdata, request, *args, **kwargs): Form.__init__(self, formdata, *args, **kwargs) self.fields["entries_selected"] = ModelMultipleChoiceField( required=False, queryset=PomEntry.objects.filter(author=request.user) ) self.fields["categories_selected"] = ModelMultipleChoiceField( required=False, queryset=PomCategory.objects.filter(pomentry__author=request.user).distinct() ) self.fields["users_selected"] = ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=User.objects.exclude(username=request.user.username) )
def delete_tag(request, tag_id): tag = Tag.objects.get(id=tag_id) if request.method == 'POST': # use a dummy form just to verify the CSRF token form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): tag.delete() return redirect(tag.entry.specific_instance())
def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): Form.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) assocs = UserAssociation.objects.filter(user=user) if assocs.count() == 0: raise UserAssociation.DoesNotExist() vals = assocs.order_by('openid_url').values_list('openid_url', flat=True) self.fields['openid_url_to_delete'].choices = ((val, val) for val in vals) self._user = user self._assoc = None
def test_add_embargo_date_to_deposit_result(self, embargo): """ If an embargo is set, add to deposit record, otherwise not """ # We just set cleaned data directly f = Form() f.cleaned_data = dict() if embargo is not None: f.cleaned_data['embargo'] = embargo dr = DepositResult(status='pending') dr = self.protocol._add_embargo_date_to_deposit_result(dr, f) assert dr.embargo_date == embargo
def form_valid(self, form: Form) -> HttpResponse: """Complete the registration and return response.""" try: # Return value is ignored, because we need whole attestation. self.complete_registration(form) except ValidationError as error: form.add_error(None, error) return self.form_invalid(form) Authenticator.objects.create(user=self.request.user, attestation=form.cleaned_data['attestation'], user_handle=form.cleaned_data.get('user_handle'), label=form.cleaned_data.get('label')) return super().form_valid(form)
def logout(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): del request.session['ocf_user'] return redirect_back(request) else: form = Form() return render_to_response('logout.html', { 'user': request.session['ocf_user'] }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def testJsonResponseWithStatus400ReturnErrorsWhenSettingsSpecifyErrorReporting(self): settings.DYNAMICRESPONSE_JSON_FORM_ERRORS = True simple_form = Form() simple_form.is_valid = Mock(return_value=False) simple_form.errors[u'SimpleError'] = u'This was a very simple error, shame on you' simple_form.errors[u'Error2'] = u'This was a bit more serious' should_equal = simplejson.dumps({'field_errors': simple_form.errors}, indent=0) dynRes = DynamicResponse({}, extra={ 'form': simple_form }, status=CR_INVALID_DATA) serialized_result = dynRes.serialize() self.assertTrue(isinstance(serialized_result, JsonResponse)) self.assertEqual(should_equal, serialized_result.content, 'Correct error message is not returned from JsonResponse')
def get_variation_selection_form(request, product): # pragma: no cover # TODO: Does this belong here? Eliding from coverage meanwhile. variables = ProductVariationVariable.objects.filter(product=product).order_by("name").values_list("id", "name") values = defaultdict(list) for var_id, val_id, val in ( ProductVariationVariableValue.objects.filter(variable__product=product) .values_list("variable_id", "id", "value") ): values[var_id].append((val_id, val)) form = Form(data=request.POST if request.POST else None) for variable_id, variable_name in variables: var_values = sorted(values.get(variable_id, ())) form.fields["var_%d" % variable_id] = IntegerField(label=variable_name, widget=Select(choices=var_values)) return form
def _create_mass_actions_form(self): """ Creates the actions form and bounds it to the request.POST """ form = Form() form.fields['_selected_action'] = ChoiceField( label='Actions', required = False, choices=[('', '---')] + [(a.__name__, a.short_description) for a in self.mass_actions] ) form.fields['_selected_objects'] = CharField( required = False, widget=HiddenInput() ) return form
def get_variation_selection_form(request, product): # pragma: no cover # TODO: Does this belong here? Eliding from coverage meanwhile. variables = ProductVariationVariable.objects.filter( product=product).order_by("name").values_list("id", "name") values = defaultdict(list) for var_id, val_id, val in (ProductVariationVariableValue.objects.filter( variable__product=product).values_list("variable_id", "id", "value")): values[var_id].append((val_id, val)) form = Form(data=request.POST if request.POST else None) for variable_id, variable_name in variables: var_values = sorted(values.get(variable_id, ())) form.fields["var_%d" % variable_id] = IntegerField( label=variable_name, widget=Select(choices=var_values)) return form
def test_add_license_to_deposit_result(self, license_chooser): """ If a license is selected, add to deposit record, otherwise not """ # We just set the cleaned data directly f = Form() f.cleaned_data = dict() if license_chooser: f.cleaned_data['license'] = license_chooser dr = DepositResult(status='pending') dr = self.protocol._add_license_to_deposit_result(dr, f) if license_chooser: assert dr.license == license_chooser.license else: assert dr.license == None
def create_form(self, params): form = Form() form.fields[self.field_start] = DateField( label="from date", widget=AdminDateWidget, required=False, initial=params.get(self.field_start, "") ) form.fields[self.field_end] = DateField( label="to date", widget=AdminDateWidget, required=False, initial=params.get(self.field_end, "") ) for k, v in params.items(): if not k.startswith(self.field_generic): form.fields[k] = CharField(widget=HiddenInput, required=False, initial=v) return form
def __init__(self, project, form=None): self.project = project self.form = form if form is not None else Form({}) self.objects = [] = [] self.max_group_depth = 1 self.ns = None
def redirect_to_import_errors( self, form: Form, request: HttpRequest, capitalized_model_name: str, model_value: str, redirect_location: str) -> HttpResponseRedirect: non_field_errors = ", ".join( [error for error in form.non_field_errors()]) field_errors = ", ".join([ "Field '{field}': {errors}".format(field=field.label, errors=",".join(field.errors)) for field in form if field.errors ]) if non_field_errors: non_field_errors = "{}, ".format(non_field_errors) self.message_user( request, "Errors importing {model_name} '{model_value}': {errors} {field_errors}" .format( model_name=capitalized_model_name, model_value=model_value, errors=non_field_errors, field_errors=field_errors, ), level="error", ) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(redirect_location))
def create(self, request): positionFile = request.FILES.get('positionFile') form = Form(request.POST) portfolioName =['portfolio'] positions = pd.read_excel(positionFile) for i in positions.index: #Skip empty quantity if math.isnan(positions['Qty (Current)'][i]): continue stock, created = Stock.objects.update_or_create( tick=positions["SecCode"][i], defaults={ 'name': positions['Security Desc'][i], 'lastprice': positions['Last Px'][i] }, ) portfolio, created = Portfolio.objects.update_or_create( name=portfolioName) position, created = Position.objects.update_or_create( portfolio=portfolio, stock=stock, defaults={ 'openprice': positions['Open Px'][i], 'quantity': positions['Qty (Current)'][i] }) content_type = positionFile.content_type response = f'{content_type} is uploaded' return Response(response)
def form_valid(self, form: Form) -> Model: """ Called when the form is valid and an instance is to be created """ instance = instance.member = self.request.user.alumni return instance
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # fill in the table of "changed fields" context['changed_fields'] = [] changed_field_names = self.object.changed_fields.split() for field in changed_field_names: if (field == 'artist'): #current = ' '.join( current = "\n".join( list( for a in #new = ' '.join(self.object.artist.all()) new = "\n".join(list( for a in self.object.artist.all())) else: current = getattr(, field) new = getattr(self.object, field) context['changed_fields'].append({ 'name': field, 'current': current, 'new': new, }) # add a form for approve / reject context['form'] = Form() return context
def upload_file(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.user.is_authenticated(): print "-------------------------upload file" form = Form(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): print "file valid" print request.FILES directory = request.POST['directory'] instance = UserFiles(user=request.user,directory=directory, file=request.FILES['file']) if directory == '': json_helper.update_file(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'users/'+str(request.user.username)+'/',, settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'users/'+str(request.user.username)+'/'+ else: json_helper.update_file(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'users/'+str(request.user.username)+'/', directory+'/', settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'users/'+str(request.user.username)+'/'+ directory + '/' + json_helper.logger(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'log.txt', request.user.username, 'updated file: ', response = HttpResponse() response.content = json.dumps(json_helper.read_json(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'users/'+ str(request.user.username)+'/file_list.txt')) response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response.status_code = 200 return response else: response = HttpResponse() response.content = "User not authenticated" response.status_code = 497 return response else: form = Form() if request.user.is_authenticated: documents = UserFiles.objects.filter(user__username=request.user.username) else: documents = {} return render_to_response( 'file_demo/upload_file.html', {'documents': documents, 'form': form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
def change_access(request, action, user_pk, login_pk): user = User.objects.select_related('_profile_cache').get(pk=user_pk) login = Login.objects.get(pk=login_pk) if request.method == 'POST': form = EmptyForm(request.POST) # Using empty form just for CSFR if form.is_valid(): if action == 'permit': login.users.add(user) elif action == 'deny': login.users.remove(user) return redirect('ssheepdog.views.view_access_summary') else: form = EmptyForm() return render_to_response('confirm_toggle.html', {'user': user, 'form': form, 'login': login, 'action': action}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def _create_search_form(self, request): form = Form(request.GET) form.fields[self.searchable_key] = CharField( label = self.searchable_label, required = False ) form.fields[self.searchable_key].widget.attrs.update( { 'class': 'searchable-form', 'placeholder': '...', } ) # Add hidden input fields to keep current query sting for key, value in request.GET.items(): if key != self.searchable_key: form.fields[key] = CharField(widget=HiddenInput()) return form
def payment_form(self, request: HttpRequest) -> Form: """ This is called by the default implementation of :py:meth:`checkout_form_render` to obtain the form that is displayed to the user during the checkout process. The default implementation constructs the form using :py:attr:`checkout_form_fields` and sets appropriate prefixes for the form and all fields and fills the form with data form the user's session. """ form = Form( data=(request.POST if request.method == 'POST' else None), prefix='payment_%s' % self.identifier, initial={ k.replace('payment_%s_' % self.identifier, ''): v for k, v in request.session.items() if k.startswith('payment_%s_' % self.identifier) } ) form.fields = self.payment_form_fields return form
def delete(request, team_link, page_link): team = team_control.get_or_404(team_link) account = get_object_or_404(Account, user=request.user) assert_member(account, team) page = get_object_or_404(Page, link=page_link, team=team) if request.method == "POST": form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): control.delete(account, page) return HttpResponseRedirect("/%s" % else: form = Form() cancel_url = "/%s/%s" % (, args = { "form" : form, "form_title" : _("PAGE_DELETE?"), "form_subtitle" :, "cancel_url" : cancel_url } return rtr(team,, request, "site/form.html", args)
def split_form(form): """ move text_area fields to another form :param form: forms.Form object :return: two forms. First form without fields with Textarea widget and second form which contains fields with Textarea widget """ if and not form.is_bound: text_area_form = CustomForm() text_area_form.is_bound = False text_area_form.prefix = form.prefix text_area_form.initial = QueryDict({}).copy() data = form.initial.copy() for k, v in form.fields.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, CharField) and isinstance(v.widget, Textarea): text_area_form.fields.update({k: form.fields.pop(k)}) if data.get(k): text_area_form.initial.update({k: data.get(k)}) del data[k] = data return (form, text_area_form) if form.is_bound: text_area_form = CustomForm() text_area_form.is_bound = True text_area_form.prefix = form.prefix = QueryDict({}).copy() data = for k, v in form.fields.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, CharField) and isinstance(v.widget, Textarea): text_area_form.fields.update({k: form.fields.pop(k)}) k = "%s-%s" % (form.prefix, k) if data.get(k):{k: data.get(k)}) del data[k] = data return (form, text_area_form) else: text_area_form = CustomForm() for k, v in form.fields.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, CharField) and isinstance(v.widget, Textarea): text_area_form.fields.update({k: form.fields.pop(k)}) text_area_form.prefix = form.prefix return (form, text_area_form)
def handle(request): user_pro = UserProfile.objects.all()[:4] blog_post = Post.objects.all()[:4] if request.method == 'POST': print('a form is posted') form_data = Form(request.POST) if form_data.is_valid(): apply_name = request.POST["contactLname"] apply_email = request.POST["contactEmail"] apply_group = request.POST["selectList"] apply_msg = request.POST["contactMessage"] information = Handle( name=apply_name, email=apply_email, group=apply_group, intro=apply_msg, ) return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
def create_app_user(request): try: data = request.POST if request.POST else json.loads(request.body) except ValueError: return HttpResponseBadRequest() role = data.get('role') if not role or (role and role not in constants.USER_ROLES.keys()): return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps('Role not supported'), content_type="application/json") form = Form() if role == constants.ROLES.student: form = StudentForm(data) elif role == constants.ROLES.teacher: form = TeacherForm(data) if form.is_valid(): form.instance.is_active = True form.instance.set_password(form.cleaned_data['password']) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'token': Token.objects.last().key, 'role': role})) else: return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps(form.errors))
def delete(request, team_link, blog_id): # get data team = team_control.get_or_404(team_link) account = get_object_or_404(Account, user=request.user) blog = get_object_or_404(Blog, team=team, id=blog_id) assert_member(account, team) if request.method == "POST": form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): control.delete(account, blog) return HttpResponseRedirect("/%s/blog" % else: form = Form() args = { "form": form, "form_title": _("BLOG_DELETE?"), "form_subtitle":, "cancel_url": "/%s/blog" %, } return rtr(team, "blog", request, "site/form.html", args)
def authorization_endpoint(request): auth_code_generator = AuthorizationCodeGenerator(missing_redirect_uri) try: auth_code_generator.validate(request) except AuthorizationException as authorization_exception: return auth_code_generator.make_error_redirect(authorization_exception) if request.method == 'GET': return render(request, authorization_template_name, { 'form': Form(), 'client': auth_code_generator.client, 'scopes': auth_code_generator.valid_scope_objects, 'form_action': update_parameters( authorization_endpoint_uri, auth_code_generator.get_request_uri_parameters(as_dict=True)), }) if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request) if form.is_valid() and request.POST.get('user_action') == 'Accept': return auth_code_generator.make_success_redirect() else: return auth_code_generator.make_error_redirect()
def remove(request, **kwargs): team_link = kwargs.get("team_link") picture_id = kwargs["picture_id"] team = team_link and team_control.get_or_404(team_link) or None picture = get_object_or_404(Picture, id=picture_id) gallery = account = get_object_or_404(Account, user=request.user) prefix = team_link and "/%s" % team_link or "" url = "%s/gallery/list/%s" % (prefix, if request.method == "POST": form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): control.remove(account, picture) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: form = Form() args = { "form" : form, "form_title" : _("REMOVE_GALLERY_PICTURE"), "cancel_url" : url } if team: return rtr(team, None, request, "site/form.html", args) else: return render_response(request, "site/form.html", args)
def billingcycle_edit(request, id, template_name='membership/entity_edit.html'): cycle = get_object_or_404(BillingCycle, id=id) class Form(ModelForm): is_paid_forced = False class Meta: model = BillingCycle exclude = ('membership', 'start', 'end', 'sum', 'reference_number') def disable_fields(self): self.fields['is_paid'].required = False if cycle.amount_paid() >= cycle.sum and cycle.is_paid: self.fields['is_paid'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.is_paid_forced = True def clean_is_paid(self): if self.is_paid_forced: return cycle.is_paid else: return self.cleaned_data['is_paid'] before = cycle.__dict__.copy() # Otherwise save() (or valid?) will change the dict, needs to be here if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request.POST, instance=cycle) form.disable_fields() if form.is_valid(): after = cycle.__dict__ log_change(cycle, request.user, before, after) messages.success(request, unicode(_("Changes to billing cycle %s saved.") % cycle)) return redirect('billingcycle_edit', id) # form stays as POST otherwise if someone refreshes else: messages.error(request, unicode(_("Changes to bill %s not saved.") % cycle)) else: form = Form(instance=cycle) form.disable_fields() logentries = bake_log_entries(cycle.logs.all()) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'cycle': cycle, 'logentries': logentries}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def membership_edit(request, id, template_name='membership/membership_edit.html'): membership = get_object_or_404(Membership, id=id) class Form(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Membership exclude = ('person', 'billing_contact', 'tech_contact', 'organization') def clean_status(self): return membership.status def clean_approved(self): return membership.approved def disable_fields(self): self.fields['status'].required = False self.fields['status'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['approved'].required = False self.fields['approved'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' if request.method == 'POST': if not request.user.has_perm('membership.manage_members'): return HttpResponseForbidden(_("Permission manage required")) form = Form(request.POST, instance=membership) before = membership.__dict__.copy() form.disable_fields() if form.is_valid(): after = membership.__dict__ log_change(membership, request.user, before, after) return redirect('membership_edit', id) # form stays as POST otherwise if someone refreshes else: form = Form(instance=membership) form.disable_fields() # Pretty print log entries for template logentries = bake_log_entries(membership.logs.all()) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'membership': membership, 'logentries': logentries}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def vote(request, poll_id): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect("/") else: logged_in = True error = "" success = "" try: poll = Poll.objects.get(pk=poll_id) except Poll.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 username = request.user.username if ( (not poll.is_allowed_voter(username)) or poll.has_voted(username) or (poll.starts > or (poll.ends < ): return HttpResponseRedirect("/mypolls") poll_choices = Choice.objects.filter(poll=poll).order_by("id") choice_type = "radio" if poll.max_choices > 1: choice_type = "checkbox" vote_tag = "" vote_receipt_encrypted = "" if request.POST: form = Form(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): choices = request.POST.getlist("choices") # Check that the submitted choices exist and belong to the poll for choice in choices: try: c = Choice.objects.get(pk=choice, poll=poll) except Choice.DoesNotExist: error = "The submitted choices are not valid choices of the poll" # Check that the submitted choices are between min and max number of choices allowed for the poll if len(choices) > poll.max_choices: error = "You cannot vote for more than " + str(poll.max_choices) + " choices" if len(choices) < poll.min_choices: error = "You must vote for at least " + str(poll.min_choices) + " choices" if poll.max_choices == 1: # a better error message for single choice polls error = "You must select a choice" if list_has_duplicates(choices): error = "Each choice can be selected only once" if not error: # Construct a unique, random string to use as a vote tag while not vote_tag: vote_tag = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(35)) try: v = Vote.objects.get(tag=vote_tag) vote_tag = "" except Vote.DoesNotExist: # our random string is unique so we can use it as a vote tag # Encrypt the vote tag with user's public pgp key and sign it with the key of the system authority gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=settings.GNUPGBINARY, gnupghome=settings.GNUPGHOME) vote_receipt = """GPGVote: Vote Receipt --------------------- You are voter: %s You voted for Poll: \'%s\' Created by: %s Your Vote Tag is: %s You made the following choices:""" % ( + " <" + request.user.username + ">", poll.question, + " <" + poll.creator.username + ">", vote_tag, ) for choice in choices: choice = Choice.objects.get(pk=choice, poll=poll) vote_receipt = vote_receipt + "\n * %s" % choice.choice vote_receipt_encrypted = gpg.encrypt( vote_receipt, request.user.pgpkey.fingerprint, always_trust=True, sign=settings.SYSTEM_KEY_FINGERPRINT, passphrase=settings.SYSTEM_KEY_PASSWD, ) # Create the actual vote records in database for choice in choices: vote = Vote(choice=Choice.objects.get(id=choice), tag=vote_tag) poll.add_voter(voter=username, To="who_voted") success = "You have successfully voted for the poll" return render_to_response( "vote.html", { "user": username, "poll": poll, "choices": poll_choices, "choice_type": choice_type, "error": error, "success": success, "vote_receipt": vote_receipt_encrypted, "logged_in": logged_in, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), )
def render_form_actions(self): form = Form() form.opts = self.opts form.helper = DefaultFormHelper(self) form.helper.add_form_actions_only() return render_crispy_form(form)
def payment_edit(request, id, template_name='membership/entity_edit.html'): payment = get_object_or_404(Payment, id=id) class SpeciallyLabeledModelChoiceField(ModelChoiceField): def label_from_instance(self, obj): return u"%s, %s" % (obj.membership, unicode(obj)) class Form(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Payment #exclude = ('billingcycle') billingcycle = CharField(widget=HiddenInput(), required=False) #billingcycle = CharField(required=False) message = CharField(widget=Textarea(attrs={'rows': 5, 'cols': 60})) def disable_fields(self): if payment.billingcycle: self.fields['ignore'].required = False self.fields['ignore'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['billingcycle'].required = False self.fields['billingcycle'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['reference_number'].required = False self.fields['reference_number'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['message'].required = False self.fields['message'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['transaction_id'].required = False self.fields['transaction_id'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['payment_day'].required = False self.fields['payment_day'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['amount'].required = False self.fields['amount'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['type'].required = False self.fields['type'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['payer_name'].required = False self.fields['payer_name'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields['comment'].required = False def clean_ignore(self): if payment.billingcycle: return False else: return self.cleaned_data['ignore'] def clean_billingcycle(self): return payment.billingcycle def clean_reference_number(self): return payment.reference_number def clean_message(self): return payment.message def clean_transaction_id(self): return payment.transaction_id def clean_payment_day(self): return payment.payment_day def clean_amount(self): return payment.amount def clean_type(self): return payment.type def clean_payer_name(self): return payment.payer_name before = payment.__dict__.copy() # Otherwise save() (or valid?) will change the dict, needs to be here oldcycle = payment.billingcycle if request.method == 'POST': form = Form(request.POST, instance=payment) form.disable_fields() if form.is_valid(): newcycle = payment.billingcycle if oldcycle != newcycle: if oldcycle: oldcycle.update_is_paid() if newcycle: newcycle.update_is_paid() after = payment.__dict__ log_change(payment, request.user, before, after) messages.success(request, unicode(_("Changes to payment %s saved.") % payment)) return redirect('payment_edit', id) # form stays as POST otherwise if someone refreshes else: messages.error(request, unicode(_("Changes to payment %s not saved.") % payment)) return redirect('payment_edit', id) # form clears otherwise, this is a borderline acceptable hack else: form = Form(instance=payment) form.disable_fields() logentries = bake_log_entries(payment.logs.all()) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'payment': payment, 'logentries': logentries}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))