Exemple #1
 def _attachListFields(self, item):
     """Attaches property instances for list fields to given data entry.
         This is used in Admin class view methods.
     item.listProperties = copy.deepcopy(self._listProperties[:])
     for prop in item.listProperties:
             prop.value = getattr(item, prop.name)
             if prop.typeName == 'BlobProperty':
                 prop.meta = utils.getBlobProperties(item, prop.name)
                 if prop.value:
                     prop.value = True # release the memory
             if prop.typeName == 'ManyToManyProperty':
                 # Show pretty list of referenced items.
                 # Show 'None' in place of missing items
                 new_value_list = []
                 for key in prop.value:
                 prop.value = ', '.join(new_value_list)
         except datastore_errors.Error, exc:
             # Error is raised if referenced property is deleted
             # Catch the exception and set value to none
             logging.warning('Error catched in ModelAdmin._attachListFields: %s' % exc)
             prop.value = None
         # convert the value to unicode for displaying in list view
         if hasattr(prop.value, '__call__'):
             # support for methods
             prop.value = prop.value()
         prop.value = smart_unicode(prop.value)
Exemple #2
def smart_unicode_cmp(a, b):
    """Compare two values, converting both to Unicode via
       smart_unicode() if either value is a string."""
    if type(a) in (str, unicode) or type(b) in (str, unicode):
        a = smart_unicode(a)
        b = smart_unicode(b)
    return cmp(a, b)
 def _attachListFields(self, item):
     """Attaches property instances for list fields to given data entry.
         This is used in Admin class view methods.
     item.listProperties = copy.deepcopy(self._listProperties[:])
     for prop in item.listProperties:
             prop.value = getattr(item, prop.name)
             if prop.typeName == "BlobProperty":
                 prop.meta = utils.getBlobProperties(item, prop.name)
                 if prop.value:
                     prop.value = True  # release the memory
             if prop.typeName == "ManyToManyProperty":
                 # Show pretty list of referenced items.
                 # Show 'None' in place of missing items
                 new_value_list = []
                 for key in prop.value:
                 prop.value = ", ".join(new_value_list)
         except datastore_errors.Error, exc:
             # Error is raised if referenced property is deleted
             # Catch the exception and set value to none
             logging.warning("Error catched in ModelAdmin._attachListFields: %s" % exc)
             prop.value = None
         # convert the value to unicode for displaying in list view
         if hasattr(prop.value, "__call__"):
             # support for methods
             prop.value = prop.value()
         prop.value = smart_unicode(prop.value)
Exemple #4
    def get_diff(self, context=3):
        """Compute a diff between old and new values, and return a sequence
           of dictionaries with 'text' and 'style' keys.
        a = smart_unicode(self.old_value or '').split("\n")
        b = smart_unicode(self.new_value or '').split("\n")

        chunks = []
        for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a,
            chunk = []

            for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
                if tag == 'equal':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '  ', 'same',

                if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'delete':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '- ', 'removed',

                if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'insert':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '+ ', 'added',

        return chunks
Exemple #5
 def clean(self, value):
     super(USPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u''
     value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+)', '', smart_unicode(value))
     m = phone_digits_re.search(value)
     if m:
         return u'%s-%s-%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))
     raise ValidationError(u'Phone numbers must be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.')
Exemple #6
 def clean(self, value):
     super(USPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u""
     value = re.sub("(\(|\)|\s+)", "", smart_unicode(value))
     m = phone_digits_re.search(value)
     if m:
         return u"%s-%s-%s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))
     raise ValidationError(u"Phone numbers must be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format.")
        def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
		if value is None: value = ''
                value = smart_unicode(value)
                final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
		self.mce_settings['elements'] = "id_%s" % name
                mce_json = JSONEncoder().encode(self.mce_settings)

                return mark_safe(u'<textarea%s>%s</textarea> <script type="text/javascript">\tinyMCE.init(%s)</script>' % (flatatt(final_attrs), escape(value), mce_json))
Exemple #8
 def clean(self, value):
     """Validate a phone number.
     super(CAPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u''
     value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+)', '', smart_unicode(value))
     m = phone_digits_re.search(value)
     if m:
         return u'%s-%s-%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))
     raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'])
Exemple #9
 def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
     from django.utils.html import escape
     from django.newforms.util import flatatt, smart_unicode 
     if value is None: value = '' 
     final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name) 
     output = [u'<select%s>' % flatatt(final_attrs)] 
     str_value = smart_unicode(value)
     for group_label, group in self.choices: 
         if group_label: # should belong to an optgroup
             group_label = smart_unicode(group_label) 
             output.append(u'<optgroup label="%s">' % escape(group_label)) 
         for k, v in group:
             option_value = smart_unicode(k)
             option_label = smart_unicode(v) 
             selected_html = (option_value == str_value) and u' selected="selected"' or ''
             output.append(u'<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' % (escape(option_value), selected_html, escape(option_label))) 
         if group_label:
     return u'\n'.join(output)
Exemple #10
 def clean(self, value):
     """Validate a phone number.
     super(CAPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u''
     value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+)', '', smart_unicode(value))
     m = phone_digits_re.search(value)
     if m:
         return u'%s-%s-%s' % (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3))
     raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'])
Exemple #11
def changes(request,
    """Return a paginated list of recent asset changes,
       filtered in the following ways:

        - If 'asset_type' and 'asset_id' are supplied, this limits
          the changes to those from a single asset.

        - If 'current_user' is set, this only shows changes to objects
          that are owned by the currently logged-in user.

       This returns a JSON result which is used by client-side
       pagination code.
    changes = models.AssetChangeset.objects.all()

    if asset_id is not None:
        changes = changes.filter(

    if current_user:
        changes = changes.extra(
                "accounts_userasset.content_type_id = accounts_assetchangeset.content_type_id",
                "accounts_userasset.object_id = accounts_assetchangeset.object_id",
                "accounts_userasset.user_id = %d" % request.user.id

    paginator = ObjectPaginator(changes.order_by('-id'),
                                orphans=num_per_page / 2)
    return {
        paginator.hits - paginator.last_on_page(page_number),
                    request, {
                        'changesets': paginator.get_page(page_number),
                        'show_asset_name': asset_id is None,
Exemple #12
 def clean(self, value):
     Validate a phone number. Strips parentheses, whitespace and hyphens.
     super(AUPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u''
     value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+|-)', '', smart_unicode(value))
     phone_match = PHONE_DIGITS_RE.search(value)
     if phone_match:
         return u'%s' % phone_match.group(1)
     raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'])
Exemple #13
 def clean(self, value):
     Validate a phone number. Strips parentheses, whitespace and hyphens.
     super(AUPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
     if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
         return u''
     value = re.sub('(\(|\)|\s+|-)', '', smart_unicode(value))
     phone_match = PHONE_DIGITS_RE.search(value)
     if phone_match:
         return u'%s' % phone_match.group(1)
     raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'])
def html_entities(value, include_essential=False):
	Transforms non ASCII caracters into HTML entities
	ret = ''
	for char in smart_unicode(value):
		char_ord = ord(char)
		if char_ord in htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name and (include_essential or char not in ('<', '>','"',"'", '&')):
			ret += '&' + htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name[char_ord] + ';'
			ret = ret + char
	return ret
Exemple #15
    def get_diff(self, context=3):
        """Compute a diff between old and new values, and return a sequence
           of dictionaries with 'text' and 'style' keys.
        a = smart_unicode(self.old_value or '').split("\n")
        b = smart_unicode(self.new_value or '').split("\n")

        chunks = []
        for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,a,b).get_grouped_opcodes(context):
            chunk = []

            for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
                if tag == 'equal':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'same', a[i1:i2])

                if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'delete':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '-&nbsp;', 'removed', a[i1:i2])

                if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'insert':
                    self._append_diff_lines(chunk, '+&nbsp;', 'added', b[j1:j2])

        return chunks
    def render(self, name, value=None, attrs=None):
        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
        if value:
            value = smart_unicode(value)
            final_attrs['value'] = escape(value)
        if not self.attrs.has_key('id'):
            final_attrs['id'] = 'id_%s' % name
        return (u'''<input type="text"%(attrs)s /><div class="autocomplete" id="box_%(name)s"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">new Ajax.Autocompleter('%(id)s', 'box_%(name)s', '%(url)s', %(options)s);</script>'''
        ) % {
            'attrs': flatatt(final_attrs),
            'name': name,
            'id': final_attrs['id'],
            'url': self.url,
            'options': plist_from_dict(self.options)
Exemple #17
def changes(request, asset_type=None, asset_id=None,
            current_user=True, page_number=0, num_per_page=10):
    """Return a paginated list of recent asset changes,
       filtered in the following ways:

        - If 'asset_type' and 'asset_id' are supplied, this limits
          the changes to those from a single asset.

        - If 'current_user' is set, this only shows changes to objects
          that are owned by the currently logged-in user.

       This returns a JSON result which is used by client-side
       pagination code.
    changes = models.AssetChangeset.objects.all()

    if asset_id is not None:
        changes = changes.filter(
            content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(get_asset_by_type(asset_type)),
            object_id = int(asset_id),

    if current_user:
        changes = changes.extra(
            tables = ["accounts_userasset"],
            where = ["accounts_userasset.content_type_id = accounts_assetchangeset.content_type_id",
                     "accounts_userasset.object_id = accounts_assetchangeset.object_id",
                     "accounts_userasset.user_id = %d" % request.user.id],

    paginator = ObjectPaginator(changes.order_by('-id'),
                                num_per_page = num_per_page,
                                orphans = num_per_page / 2)
    return {
        'remaining': paginator.hits - paginator.last_on_page(page_number),

        'html': smart_unicode(loader.render_to_string(
            RequestContext(request, {
                'changesets': paginator.get_page(page_number),
                'show_asset_name': asset_id is None,
Exemple #18
  def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
    if not value: value = ""
    value = smart_unicode(value)

    values = simplejson.dumps(self.values,ensure_ascii=False)
    if not self.tokens: tokens = ""
    if self.tokens: tokens = ", tokens: '%s'" % self.tokens
    if not self.minChars: minChars = ""
    if self.minChars: minChars = ", minChars: '%s'" % self.minChars
    s = u''
    return u"""<input id="id_%s" name="%s" value="%s" type="text" autocomplete="off" %s>
    <div id="id_%supdate" class=autocomplete style="display:none;border:1px solid black;background-color:white;height:150px;overflow:auto;"></div>
           <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
           // <![CDATA[
             new Autocompleter.Local('id_%s','id_%supdate', %s, { fullSearch: true, partialSearch: true, frequency:0.001 %s %s });
           // ]]>
           </script>""" % (name, name, value, flatatt(self.attrs), name, name, name, values, minChars, tokens)
Exemple #19
 def __unicode__(self):
     return smart_unicode(self.title or self.get_default_title())