Exemple #1
 def render_node(self, node, context):
         result = node.render(context)
     except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
         if not hasattr(e, 'source'):
             e.source = node.source
     except Exception as e:
         from sys import exc_info
         wrapped = TemplateSyntaxError('Caught an exception while rendering: %s' % force_unicode(e, errors='replace'))
         wrapped.source = node.source
         wrapped.exc_info = exc_info()
         raise wrapped
     return result
 def render_node(self, node, context):
         result = node.render(context)
     except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
         if not hasattr(e, 'source'):
             e.source = node.source
     except Exception as e:
         from sys import exc_info
         wrapped = TemplateSyntaxError(
             'Caught an exception while rendering: %s' %
             force_unicode(e, errors='replace'))
         wrapped.source = node.source
         wrapped.exc_info = exc_info()
         raise wrapped
     return result
Exemple #3
 def source_error(self, source, msg):
     e = TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
     e.source = source
     return e
Exemple #4
 def source_error(self, source,msg):
     e = TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
     e.source = source
     return e
Exemple #5
def _generate_django_exception(e, source=None):
    '''Generate a Django exception from a Jinja exception'''
    from django.views.debug import linebreak_iter
    import re

    if source:
        exception = DjangoTemplateSyntaxError(e.message)
        exception_dict = e.__dict__
        del exception_dict['source']

        # Fetch the entire template in a string
        template_string = source[0].reload()

        # Get the line number from the error message, if available
        match = re.match('.* at (\d+)$', e.message)

        start_index = 0
        stop_index = 0
        if match:
            # Convert the position found in the stacktrace to a position
            # the Django template debug system can use
            position = int(match.group(1)) + source[1][0] + 1

            for index in linebreak_iter(template_string):
                if index >= position:
                    stop_index = min(index, position + 3)
                    start_index = min(index, position - 2)
                start_index = index

            # So there wasn't a matching error message, in that case we
            # simply have to highlight the entire line instead of the specific
            # words
            ignore_lines = -1
            for i, index in enumerate(linebreak_iter(template_string)):
                if source[1][0] > index:
                    ignore_lines += 1

                if i - ignore_lines == e.lineno:
                    stop_index = index

                start_index = index

        # Convert the positions to a source that is compatible with the
        # Django template debugger
        source = source[0], (
        # No source available so we let Django fetch it for us
        lineno = e.lineno - 1
        template_string, source = django_loader.find_template_source(e.name)
        exception = DjangoTemplateSyntaxError(e.message)

        # Find the positions by the line number given in the exception
        start_index = 0
        for i in range(lineno):
            start_index = template_string.index('\n', start_index + 1)

        source = source, (
            start_index + 1,
            template_string.index('\n', start_index + 1) + 1,

    # Set our custom source as source for the exception so the Django
    # template debugger can use it
    exception.source = source
    return exception