def render(self, context): page = template.Variable( url = template.Variable(self.base_url).resolve(context) url = PAGE_RE.sub("", url) url = url.replace("%", "%%") pages = page.paginator.num_pages page_link = u'<a class="pagelink %%s" href="%s%spage=%%s"><img src="%s%%s" alt=""></a>' % (url, url.find("?") == -1 and "?" or "&", settings.STATIC_URL) first = getattr(settings, "PAGE_ICON_FIRST", "peavy/img/first.png") prev = getattr(settings, "PAGE_ICON_PREV", "peavy/img/prev.png") next = getattr(settings, "PAGE_ICON_NEXT", "peavy/img/next.png") last = getattr(settings, "PAGE_ICON_LAST", "peavy/img/last.png") output = "" if page.paginator.num_pages > 1: output = u'<div class="page_navigator">%s: ' % _(u"Page") output += page_link % ("first", 1, first) if page.has_previous: output += page_link % ("previous", page.previous_page_number(), prev) output += " %s / %s " % (page.number, pages) if page.has_next: output += page_link % ("next", page.next_page_number(), next) output += page_link % ("last", pages, last) output += "</div>" return mark_safe(fix_ampersands(output))
def parse_email_list(value): """ Parse a list of comma-seperated email addresses into a list of mailto: links. Splitting a string of email addresses should return a list: >>> unicode(parse_email_list('[email protected], [email protected]')) u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>' Parsing a non-string should return the input value, rather than fail: >>> parse_email_list(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']) ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'] Null input values should pass through silently: >>> parse_email_list('') '' >>> parse_email_list(None) """ if value and isinstance(value, (types.StringType,types.UnicodeType)): # testing for 'value' being true isn't necessary; it's a fast-out route addrs = re.split(", ?", value) ret = [] for addr in addrs: (name, email) = parseaddr(addr) if not(name): name = email ret.append('<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % ( fix_ampersands(email), escape(name) )) return mark_safe(", ".join(ret)) else: return value
def shrink(value, arg=None): """ Reduce the length of given string. Replace ' and ' word with ampersand, cut the string if it's longer than given length. """ if arg is None: length = 50 else: try: length = int(arg) except ValueError: return u"" value = value.replace(u" and ", u" & ") if len(value) > length: value = value[:length] + u"…" return mark_safe(fix_ampersands(value));
def render(self, context): page = template.Variable( url = template.Variable(self.base_url).resolve(context) parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) data = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_url[4]) offset = 1 + self.window_size * ((page.number - 1) // self.window_size) last_page = min(page.paginator.num_pages + 1, offset + self.window_size) li_template = '<li class="%s">%s</li>' link_template = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' output = '' # support multiple paginators per template page_param = 'page' for component in self.id_components: page_param += '_%s' % template.Variable(component).resolve(context) if page.paginator.num_pages > 0: output = '<ul class="page_navigator">' if page.has_previous(): data[page_param] = page.previous_page_number() link = link_template % (self.make_page_url(parsed_url, data), '') output += li_template % ('prev', link) for i in range(offset, last_page): link = i if page.number != i: data[page_param] = i link = link_template % (self.make_page_url( parsed_url, data), i) output += li_template % ( 'current %s' % (i == last_page - 1 and ' final' or ''), link) if page.has_next(): data[page_param] = page.next_page_number() link = link_template % (self.make_page_url(parsed_url, data), '') output += li_template % ('next', link) output += "</ul>" return mark_safe(fix_ampersands(output))
def parse_email_list(value): """ Parse a list of comma-seperated email addresses into a list of mailto: links. Splitting a string of email addresses should return a list: >>> unicode(parse_email_list('[email protected], [email protected]')) u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>' Parsing a non-string should return the input value, rather than fail: >>> parse_email_list(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']) ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'] Null input values should pass through silently: >>> parse_email_list('') '' >>> parse_email_list(None) """ if value and isinstance( value, (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType) ): # testing for 'value' being true isn't necessary; it's a fast-out route addrs = re.split(", ?", value) ret = [] for addr in addrs: (name, email) = emailutils.parseaddr(addr) if not (name): name = email ret.append('<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (fix_ampersands(email), escape(name))) return ", ".join(ret) else: return value
def fix_ampersands_filter(value): """Replaces ampersands with ``&`` entities.""" return fix_ampersands(value)
def fix_ampersands(value): """Replaces ampersands with ``&`` entities.""" from django.utils.html import fix_ampersands return fix_ampersands(value)
def _escape_text_nodes(tag): for i, child in enumerate(tag.contents): if isinstance(child, NavigableString): t = fix_ampersands(child) t = t.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') child.parent.contents[i] = NavigableString(t)
def item_description(self, item): return mark_safe(fix_ampersands(item.announce))
def get_prep_value(self, value): "Standardize encoding, entities, etc." value = super(HTMLField, self).get_prep_value(value) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = html.fix_ampersands(unescape_entities(value)) return value