Exemple #1
 def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
     #21430 -- Verifies a warning is raised for querysets that are
     unpickled with a different Django version than the current
     qs = Group.previous_django_version_objects.all()
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
         msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
             "Pickled queryset instance's Django version %s does not "
             "match the current version %s."
             % (str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1), get_version()))
Exemple #2
 def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
     #21430 -- Verifies a warning is raised for querysets that are
     unpickled with a different Django version than the current
     qs = Group.previous_django_version_objects.all()
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
         msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
             "Pickled queryset instance's Django version %s does not "
             "match the current version %s."
             % (str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1), get_version()))
def get_version(version=None):
    "Return a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION."
    version = get_complete_version(version)

    # Now build the two parts of the version number:
    # main = X.Y[.Z]
    # sub = {a|b|rc}N - for alpha, beta and rc releases
    main = get_major_version(version)

    sub = ''
    if version[3] != 'final':
        mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'rc'}
        sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4])

    return str(main + sub)
Exemple #4
def get_version(version=None):
    "Return a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION."
    version = get_complete_version(version)

    # Now build the two parts of the version number:
    # main = X.Y[.Z]
    # sub = {a|b|rc}N - for alpha, beta and rc releases
    main = get_major_version(version)

    sub = ''
    if version[3] != 'final':
        mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'rc'}
        sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4])

    return str(main + sub)
Exemple #5
    def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
        #21430 -- Verifies a warning is raised for models that are
        unpickled with a different Django version than the current
        class DifferentDjangoVersion(models.Model):
            title = models.CharField(max_length=10)

            def __reduce__(self):
                reduce_list = super(DifferentDjangoVersion, self).__reduce__()
                data = reduce_list[-1]
                data[DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY] = str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)
                return reduce_list

        p = DifferentDjangoVersion(title="FooBar")
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
            msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
                "Pickled model instance's Django version %s does not "
                "match the current version %s."
                % (str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1), get_version()))
    def test_unsupported_unpickle(self):
        #21430 -- Verifies a warning is raised for models that are
        unpickled with a different Django version than the current
        class DifferentDjangoVersion(models.Model):
            title = models.CharField(max_length=10)

            def __reduce__(self):
                reduce_list = super(DifferentDjangoVersion, self).__reduce__()
                data = reduce_list[-1]
                data[DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY] = str(
                    float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)
                return reduce_list

        p = DifferentDjangoVersion(title="FooBar")
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as recorded:
            msg = force_text(recorded.pop().message)
                msg, "Pickled model instance's Django version %s does not "
                "match the current version %s." %
                (str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1), get_version()))
 def __reduce__(self):
     reduce_list = super(DifferentDjangoVersion, self).__reduce__()
     data = reduce_list[-1]
         float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)
     return reduce_list
Exemple #8
 def __reduce__(self):
     reduce_list = super(DifferentDjangoVersion, self).__reduce__()
     data = reduce_list[-1]
     data[DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY] = str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)
     return reduce_list
Exemple #9
 def __getstate__(self):
     state = super(PreviousDjangoVersionQuerySet, self).__getstate__()
     state[DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY] = str(
         float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)  # previous major version
     return state
Exemple #10
 def __getstate__(self):
     state = super(PreviousDjangoVersionQuerySet, self).__getstate__()
     state[DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY] = str(float(get_major_version()) - 0.1)  # previous major version
     return state