def localization_check_in_meta():
    class TableNoLocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"

    class TableLocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            localize = ('name',)

    class TableUnlocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            unlocalize = ('name',)

    class TableLocalizePrecedence(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            unlocalize = ('name',)
            localize = ('name',)

    simple_test_data = [{'name': 1234.5}]
    expected_reults = {
        None: '1234.5',
        False: '1234.5',
        True:  '1{0}234,5'.format(' ')  # non-breaking space

    # No localize
    html = TableNoLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[None]) in html

    with settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True):
        with translation("pl"):
            # the same as in localization_check.
            # with localization and polish locale we get formatted output
            html = TableNoLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html

            # localize
            html = TableLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html

            # unlocalize
            html = TableUnlocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html

            # test unlocalize higher precedence
            html = TableLocalizePrecedence(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html
Exemple #2
def localization_check_in_meta():
    class TableNoLocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"

    class TableLocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            localize = ('name',)

    class TableUnlocalize(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            unlocalize = ('name',)

    class TableLocalizePrecedence(tables.Table):
        name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column")

        class Meta:
            default = "---"
            unlocalize = ('name',)
            localize = ('name',)

    simple_test_data = [{'name': 1234.5}]
    expected_reults = {
        None: '1234.5',
        False: '1234.5',
        True:  '1{0}234,5'.format(' ')  # non-breaking space

    # No localize
    html = TableNoLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[None]) in html

    with settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True):
        with translation("pl"):
            # the same as in localization_check.
            # with localization and polish locale we get formatted output
            html = TableNoLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html

            # localize
            html = TableLocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html

            # unlocalize
            html = TableUnlocalize(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html

            # test unlocalize higher precedence
            html = TableLocalizePrecedence(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html
Exemple #3
def localization_check():
    def get_cond_localized_table(localizeit=None):
        helper function for defining Table class conditionally
        class TestTable(tables.Table):
            name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column", localize=localizeit)

        return TestTable

    simple_test_data = [{'name': 1234.5}]
    expected_reults = {
        None: '1234.5',
        False: '1234.5',
        True: '1 234,5'  # non-breaking space

    # no localization
    html = get_cond_localized_table(None)(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[None]) in html

    # unlocalize
    html = get_cond_localized_table(False)(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html

    with settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True):
        with translation("pl"):
            # with default polish locales and enabled thousand separator
            # 1234.5 is formatted as "1 234,5" with nbsp
            html = get_cond_localized_table(True)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(
                expected_reults[True]) in html

            # with localize = False there should be no formatting
            html = get_cond_localized_table(False)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(
                expected_reults[False]) in html

            # with localize = None and USE_L10N = True
            # there should be the same formatting as with localize = True
            html = get_cond_localized_table(None)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(
                expected_reults[True]) in html
def localization_check():
    def get_cond_localized_table(localizeit=None):
        helper function for defining Table class conditionally
        class TestTable(tables.Table):
            name = tables.Column(verbose_name="my column", localize=localizeit)
        return TestTable

    simple_test_data = [{'name': 1234.5}]
    expected_reults = {
        None: '1234.5',
        False: '1234.5',
        True:  '1 234,5'  # non-breaking space

    # no localization
    html = get_cond_localized_table(None)(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[None]) in html

    # unlocalize
    html = get_cond_localized_table(False)(simple_test_data).as_html()
    assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html

    with settings(USE_L10N=True, USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True):
        with translation("pl"):
            # with default polish locales and enabled thousand separator
            # 1234.5 is formatted as "1 234,5" with nbsp
            html = get_cond_localized_table(True)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html

            # with localize = False there should be no formatting
            html = get_cond_localized_table(False)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[False]) in html

            # with localize = None and USE_L10N = True
            # there should be the same formatting as with localize = True
            html = get_cond_localized_table(None)(simple_test_data).as_html()
            assert '<td class="name">{0}</td>'.format(expected_reults[True]) in html
def translation_works():
    assert ugettext("the apple") == "the apple"
    with translation("de"):
        assert ugettext("the apple") == "der Apfel"
        with translation("en"):
            assert ugettext("the apple") == "the apple"