Exemple #1
def browserid_authenticate(request, assertion):
    Verify a BrowserID login attempt. If the BrowserID assertion is
    good, but no account exists on AMO, create one.

    Request is only needed for logging. :(
    backend = BrowserIDBackend()
    result = backend.verify(assertion, settings.SITE_URL)
    if not result:
        return (None, "BrowserID authentication failure.")
    email = result['email']
    users = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email)
    if len(users) == 1:
        users[0].user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
        return (users[0], None)
    username = autocreate_username(email.partition('@')[0])
    source = (amo.LOGIN_SOURCE_MMO_BROWSERID if settings.MARKETPLACE else
    profile = UserProfile.objects.create(username=username, email=email,
                                         source=source, display_name=username)

    profile.user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
    log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=username,
            msg='User created a new account (from BrowserID)')
    return (profile, None)
Exemple #2
def browserid_authenticate(request, assertion):
    Verify a BrowserID login attempt. If the BrowserID assertion is
    good, but no account exists on AMO, create one.

    Request is only needed for logging. :(
    backend = BrowserIDBackend()
    result = backend.verify(assertion, settings.SITE_URL)
    if not result:
        return (None, "BrowserID authentication failure.")
    email = result['email']
    users = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email)
    if len(users) == 1:
        users[0].user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
        return (users[0], None)
    username = autocreate_username(email.partition('@')[0])
    if (settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and
        UserProfile.objects.count() > settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT
        and not can_override_reg_limit(request)):
        _m = ('Sorry, no more registrations are allowed. '
              '<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/apps">'
              'Learn more</a>')
        return (None, _m)
    profile = UserProfile.objects.create(username=username, email=email)
    profile.user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
    if settings.APP_PREVIEW:
        profile.notes = '__market__'
    log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=username,
            msg='User created a new account (from BrowserID)')
    return (profile, None)
Exemple #3
def browserid_authenticate(request, assertion):
    Verify a BrowserID login attempt. If the BrowserID assertion is
    good, but no account exists on AMO, create one.

    Request is only needed for logging. :(
    backend = BrowserIDBackend()
    result = backend.verify(assertion, settings.SITE_URL)
    if not result:
        return (None, None)
    email = result['email']
    users = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email)
    if len(users) == 1:
        users[0].user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
        return (users[0], None)
    username = autocreate_username(email.partition('@')[0])
    if (settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT and
        UserProfile.objects.count() > settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT
        and not can_override_reg_limit(request)):
        _m = ('Sorry, no more registrations are allowed. '
              '<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/apps">'
              'Learn more</a>')
        return (None, _m)
    profile = UserProfile.objects.create(username=username, email=email)
    profile.user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'
    log_cef('New Account', 5, request, username=username,
            msg='User created a new account (from BrowserID)')
    return (profile, None)
Exemple #4
def browserid_authenticate(request, assertion):
    Verify a BrowserID login attempt. If the BrowserID assertion is
    good, but no account exists on AMO, create one.

    Request is only needed for logging. :(
    backend = BrowserIDBackend()
    result = backend.verify(assertion, settings.SITE_URL)
    if not result:
        return (None, "BrowserID authentication failure.")
    email = result["email"]
    users = UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email)
    if len(users) == 1:
        users[0].user.backend = "django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend"
        return (users[0], None)
    username = autocreate_username(email.partition("@")[0])
    if (
        and UserProfile.objects.count() > settings.REGISTER_USER_LIMIT
        and not can_override_reg_limit(request)
        _m = (
            "Sorry, no more registrations are allowed. "
            '<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/apps">'
            "Learn more</a>"
        return (None, _m)
    profile = UserProfile.objects.create(
        username=username, email=email, source=amo.LOGIN_SOURCE_BROWSERID, display_name=username

    profile.user.backend = "django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend"
    if settings.APP_PREVIEW:
        profile.notes = "__market__"
        "New Account",
        msg="User created a new account (from BrowserID)",
    return (profile, None)
Exemple #5
def browserid_verify(request):
    next = request.REQUEST.get('next')
    redirect_to = next or getattr(settings, 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL', '/')
    redirect_to_failure = getattr(settings, 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE', '/')

    form = BrowserIDForm(data=request.POST)

    if form.is_valid():
        verifier = BrowserIDBackend().get_verifier()
        result = verifier.verify(form.cleaned_data['assertion'],
        if result:
            if (request.user.is_authenticated()
                    and request.user.email != result.email):
                # User is already signed and wants to change their email.
                request.user.email = result.email
                return redirect(reverse('users.edit_profile'))
                # Verified so log in
                email = result.email
                user = User.objects.filter(email=email)
                contributor = 'contributor' in request.POST

                if len(user) == 0:
                    # Add the email to the session and redirect to signup
                    request.session['browserid-email'] = email
                    signup_url = reverse('users.browserid_signup')
                    return redirect('%s?%s' % (signup_url,
                                               urlencode({'next': next})))
                    user = user[0]
                    user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'

                    if contributor:
                        add_to_contributors(request, user)

                    auth.login(request, user)
                    return redirect(redirect_to)

    return redirect(redirect_to_failure)
Exemple #6
def browserid_verify(request):
    next = request.REQUEST.get('next')
    redirect_to = next or getattr(settings, 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL', '/')
    redirect_to_failure = getattr(settings, 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE', '/')

    form = BrowserIDForm(data=request.POST)

    if form.is_valid():
        verifier = BrowserIDBackend().get_verifier()
        result = verifier.verify(form.cleaned_data['assertion'],
        if result:
            if (request.user.is_authenticated()
                    and request.user.email != result.email):
                # User is already signed and wants to change their email.
                request.user.email = result.email
                return redirect(reverse('users.edit_profile'))
                # Verified so log in
                email = result.email
                user = User.objects.filter(email=email)
                contributor = 'contributor' in request.POST

                if len(user) == 0:
                    # Add the email to the session and redirect to signup
                    request.session['browserid-email'] = email
                    signup_url = reverse('users.browserid_signup')
                    return redirect('%s?%s' %
                                    (signup_url, urlencode({'next': next})))
                    user = user[0]
                    user.backend = 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend'

                    if contributor:
                        add_to_contributors(request, user)

                    auth.login(request, user)
                    return redirect(redirect_to)

    return redirect(redirect_to_failure)
Exemple #7
class BrowserIDBackendTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        self.verifier = Mock()
        self.backend.get_verifier = lambda: self.verifier

    def test_verify_failure(self):
        """If verification fails, return None."""
        self.verifier.verify.return_value = False
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', 'qwer'), None)
        self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', 'qwer')

    def test_verify_success(self):
        If verification succeeds, return the email address from the
        verification result.
        self.verifier.verify.return_value = Mock(email='*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', 'qwer'),
        self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', 'qwer')

    def test_verify_no_audience_request(self):
        If no audience is provided but a request is, retrieve the
        audience from the request using get_audience.
        request = Mock()
        with patch('django_browserid.auth.get_audience') as get_audience:
            self.backend.verify('asdf', request=request)

    def test_verify_no_audience_no_assertion_no_service(self):
        If the assertion isn't provided, or the audience and request
        aren't provided, return None.
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify(audience='asdf'), None)
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify(assertion='asdf'), None)
        with patch('django_browserid.auth.get_audience') as get_audience:
            get_audience.return_value = None
            self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', request=Mock()), None)

    def test_verify_kwargs(self):
        """Any extra kwargs should be passed to the verifier."""
        self.backend.verify('asdf', 'asdf', request='blah', foo='bar', baz=1)

    def auth(self, verified_email=None, **kwargs):
        Attempt to authenticate a user with BrowserIDBackend.

        If verified_email is None, verification will fail, otherwise it will
        pass and return the specified email.
        self.backend.verify = Mock(return_value=verified_email)
        return self.backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf',

    def test_duplicate_emails(self):
        If there are two users with the same email address, return None.
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test1')
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test2')
        self.assertTrue(self.auth('*****@*****.**') is None)

    def test_auth_success(self):
        If a single user is found with the verified email, return an
        instance of their user object.
        user = new_user('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(self.auth('*****@*****.**'), user)

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', False)
    def test_no_create_user(self):
        If user creation is disabled and no user is found, return None.
        self.assertTrue(self.auth('*****@*****.**') is None)

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_create_user(self):
        If user creation is enabled and no user is found, return a new
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertTrue(user is not None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(user, User))
        self.assertEqual(user.email, '*****@*****.**')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER',
    def test_custom_create_user(self, create_user):
        If user creation is enabled with a custom create function and no
        user is found, return the new user created with the custom
        create_user.return_value = 'test'
        self.assertEqual(self.auth('*****@*****.**'), 'test')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_USERNAME_ALGO')
    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_custom_username_algorithm(self, username_algo):
        """If a custom username algorithm is specified, use it!"""
        username_algo.return_value = 'test'
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(user.username, 'test')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_user_created_signal(self, user_created):
        Test that the user_created signal is called when a new user is
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        user_created.send.assert_called_with(ANY, user=user)

    def test_get_user(self):
        Check if user returned by BrowserIDBackend.get_user is correct.
        user = new_user('*****@*****.**')
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        self.assertEqual(backend.get_user(user.pk), user)

    def test_overriding_valid_email(self):
        class PickyBackend(BrowserIDBackend):
            def is_valid_email(self, email):
                return email != '*****@*****.**'

        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test1')
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test2')

        with mock_browserid('*****@*****.**'):
            backend = PickyBackend()
            result = backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf', audience='asdf')
            self.assertTrue(not result)

        with mock_browserid('*****@*****.**'):
            backend = PickyBackend()
            result = backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf', audience='asdf')

    def test_create_user_integrity_error(self, logger):
        If an IntegrityError is raised during user creation, attempt to
        re-fetch the user in case the user was created since we checked
        for the existing account.
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        backend.User = Mock()
        error = IntegrityError()
        backend.User.objects.create_user.side_effect = error
        backend.User.objects.get.return_value = 'asdf'

        self.assertEqual(backend.create_user('*****@*****.**'), 'asdf')

        # If get raises a DoesNotExist exception, re-raise the original exception.
        backend.User.DoesNotExist = Exception
        backend.User.objects.get.side_effect = backend.User.DoesNotExist
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError) as e:
        self.assertEqual(e.exception, error)

    def test_authenticate_verify_exception(self):
        If the verifier raises an exception, log it as a warning and
        return None.
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        verifier = Mock()
        exception = Exception()

        backend.get_verifier = lambda: verifier
        verifier.verify.side_effect = exception

        with patch('django_browserid.auth.logger') as logger:
            self.assertEqual(backend.authenticate('asdf', 'asdf'), None)
Exemple #8
class BrowserIDBackendTests(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        self.verifier = Mock()
        self.backend.get_verifier = lambda: self.verifier

    def test_verify_failure(self):
        """If verification fails, return None."""
        self.verifier.verify.return_value = False
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', 'qwer'), None)
        self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', 'qwer')

    def test_verify_success(self):
        If verification succeeds, return the email address from the
        verification result.
        self.verifier.verify.return_value = Mock(email='*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', 'qwer'), '*****@*****.**')
        self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', 'qwer')

    def test_verify_no_audience_request(self):
        If no audience is provided but a request is, retrieve the
        audience from the request using get_audience.
        request = Mock()
        with patch('django_browserid.auth.get_audience') as get_audience:
            self.backend.verify('asdf', request=request)
            self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', get_audience.return_value)

    def test_verify_no_audience_no_assertion_no_service(self):
        If the assertion isn't provided, or the audience and request
        aren't provided, return None.
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify(audience='asdf'), None)
        self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify(assertion='asdf'), None)
        with patch('django_browserid.auth.get_audience') as get_audience:
            get_audience.return_value = None
            self.assertEqual(self.backend.verify('asdf', request=Mock()), None)

    def test_verify_kwargs(self):
        """Any extra kwargs should be passed to the verifier."""
        self.backend.verify('asdf', 'asdf', request='blah', foo='bar', baz=1)
        self.verifier.verify.assert_called_with('asdf', 'asdf', foo='bar', baz=1)

    def auth(self, verified_email=None, **kwargs):
        Attempt to authenticate a user with BrowserIDBackend.

        If verified_email is None, verification will fail, otherwise it will
        pass and return the specified email.
        self.backend.verify = Mock(return_value=verified_email)
        return self.backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf', audience='asdf', **kwargs)

    def test_duplicate_emails(self):
        If there are two users with the same email address, return None.
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test1')
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test2')
        self.assertTrue(self.auth('*****@*****.**') is None)

    def test_auth_success(self):
        If a single user is found with the verified email, return an
        instance of their user object.
        user = new_user('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(self.auth('*****@*****.**'), user)

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', False)
    def test_no_create_user(self):
        If user creation is disabled and no user is found, return None.
        self.assertTrue(self.auth('*****@*****.**') is None)

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_create_user(self):
        If user creation is enabled and no user is found, return a new
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertTrue(user is not None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(user, User))
        self.assertEqual(user.email, '*****@*****.**')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER',
    def test_custom_create_user(self, create_user):
        If user creation is enabled with a custom create function and no
        user is found, return the new user created with the custom
        create_user.return_value = 'test'
        self.assertEqual(self.auth('*****@*****.**'), 'test')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_USERNAME_ALGO')
    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_custom_username_algorithm(self, username_algo):
        """If a custom username algorithm is specified, use it!"""
        username_algo.return_value = 'test'
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        self.assertEqual(user.username, 'test')

    @patch.object(settings, 'BROWSERID_CREATE_USER', True)
    def test_user_created_signal(self, user_created):
        Test that the user_created signal is called when a new user is
        user = self.auth('*****@*****.**')
        user_created.send.assert_called_with(ANY, user=user)

    def test_get_user(self):
        Check if user returned by BrowserIDBackend.get_user is correct.
        user = new_user('*****@*****.**')
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        self.assertEqual(backend.get_user(user.pk), user)

    def test_overriding_valid_email(self):
        class PickyBackend(BrowserIDBackend):
            def is_valid_email(self, email):
                return email != '*****@*****.**'

        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test1')
        new_user('*****@*****.**', 'test2')

        with mock_browserid('*****@*****.**'):
            backend = PickyBackend()
            result = backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf', audience='asdf')
            self.assertTrue(not result)

        with mock_browserid('*****@*****.**'):
            backend = PickyBackend()
            result = backend.authenticate(assertion='asdf', audience='asdf')

    def test_create_user_integrity_error(self, logger):
        If an IntegrityError is raised during user creation, attempt to
        re-fetch the user in case the user was created since we checked
        for the existing account.
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        backend.User = Mock()
        error = IntegrityError()
        backend.User.objects.create_user.side_effect = error
        backend.User.objects.get.return_value = 'asdf'

        self.assertEqual(backend.create_user('*****@*****.**'), 'asdf')

        # If get raises a DoesNotExist exception, re-raise the original exception.
        backend.User.DoesNotExist = Exception
        backend.User.objects.get.side_effect = backend.User.DoesNotExist
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError) as e:
        self.assertEqual(e.exception, error)

    def test_authenticate_verify_exception(self):
        If the verifier raises an exception, log it as a warning and
        return None.
        backend = BrowserIDBackend()
        verifier = Mock()
        exception = Exception()

        backend.get_verifier = lambda: verifier
        verifier.verify.side_effect = exception

        with patch('django_browserid.auth.logger') as logger:
            self.assertEqual(backend.authenticate('asdf', 'asdf'), None)