Exemple #1
def generate_models_and_admin(dia_path, app_dir, project_name, app_name):
    """Generates the models.py and admin.py files"""

    def format_text(string, indent=False):
        """format string in lines of 80 or less characters"""
        retval = ''
        while string:
            line = string[:77]
            last_space = line.rfind(' ')
            if last_space != -1 and len(string) > 77:
                retval += "%s \\\n" % string[:last_space]
                string = string[last_space + 1:]
                retval += "%s\n" % string
                string = ''
            if string and indent:
                string = '    %s' % string
        return retval

    model_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'models.py')
    admin_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'admin.py')

    models_txt = 'from django.db import models\n' + dia2django(dia_path)
    open(model_path, 'w').write(models_txt)

    classes = re.findall('class (\w+)', models_txt)
    admin_txt = 'from django.contrib.admin import site, ModelAdmin\n' + \
        format_text('from %s.%s.models import %s' %
        (project_name, app_name, ', '.join(classes)), indent=True)
    admin_txt += format_text('\n\n%s' %
        '\n'.join(map((lambda t: 'site.register(%s)' % t), classes)))
    open(admin_path, 'w').write(admin_txt)
Exemple #2
def generate_models_and_admin(dia_path, app_dir, project_name, app_name):
    """Generates the models.py and admin.py files"""
    def format_text(string, indent=False):
        """format string in lines of 80 or less characters"""
        retval = ''
        while string:
            line = string[:77]
            last_space = line.rfind(' ')
            if last_space != -1 and len(string) > 77:
                retval += "%s \\\n" % string[:last_space]
                string = string[last_space + 1:]
                retval += "%s\n" % string
                string = ''
            if string and indent:
                string = '    %s' % string
        return retval

    model_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'models.py')
    admin_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'admin.py')

    models_txt = 'from django.db import models\n' + dia2django(dia_path)
    open(model_path, 'w').write(models_txt)

    classes = re.findall('class (\w+)', models_txt)
    admin_txt = 'from django.contrib.admin import site, ModelAdmin\n' + \
        format_text('from %s.%s.models import %s' %
        (project_name, app_name, ', '.join(classes)), indent=True)
    admin_txt += format_text(
        '\n\n%s' % '\n'.join(map(
            (lambda t: 'site.register(%s)' % t), classes)))
    open(admin_path, 'w').write(admin_txt)