Exemple #1
    def discover_salmon_endpoint(self):
        """Discovers and returns the Salmon endpoint URL for this salmon.
    It'd be nice to use an XRD/LRDD library here, but I haven't found much.
    github.com/jcarbaugh/python-xrd is only for generating, not reading.
    pydataportability.net looks powerful but also crazy heavyweight; it
    requires Zope and strongly recommends running inside virtualenv. No thanks.
    Returns: string URL or None
        url = json.loads(self.vars)["in_reply_to"]
        logging.debug("Discovering salmon endpoint for %r", url)
        body = util.urlfetch(url)

        # first look in the document itself
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(body)
        if endpoint:
            logging.debug("Found in original document: %r", endpoint)
            return endpoint

        # next, look in its feed, if any
        # background on feed autodiscovery:
        # http://blog.whatwg.org/feed-autodiscovery
        parsed = feedparser.parse(body)
        for link in parsed.feed.get("links", []):
            rels = link.get("rel").split()
            href = link.get("href")
            if href and ("feed" in rels or "alternate" in rels):
                endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(util.urlfetch(href))
                if endpoint:
                    logging.debug("Found in feed: %r", endpoint)
                    return endpoint

        # next, look in /.well-known/host-meta
        host_meta_url = "http://%s/.well-known/host-meta" % util.domain_from_link(url)
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(util.urlfetch(host_meta_url))
        if endpoint:
            logging.debug("Found in host-meta: %r", endpoint)
            return endpoint

        logging.debug("No salmon endpoint found!")
        return None
Exemple #2
def test_endpoint_discovery():
    for fixture in fixtures:
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(fixture)
        assert endpoint == 'http://testserver/salmon/endpoint'
Exemple #3
    def _try_salmon(self, resp):
          resp: Response
        # fetch target HTML page, extract Atom rel-alternate link
        target = resp.target()
        if not self.target_resp:
            self.target_resp = common.requests_get(target)

        parsed = util.parse_html(self.target_resp)
        atom_url = parsed.find('link',
        if not atom_url or not atom_url.get('href'):
            self.error('Target post %s has no Atom link' % resp.target(),

        # fetch Atom target post, extract and inject id into source object
        base_url = ''
        base = parsed.find('base')
        if base and base.get('href'):
            base_url = base['href']
        atom_link = parsed.find('link',
        atom_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
            resp.target(), urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, atom_link['href']))

        feed = common.requests_get(atom_url).text
        parsed = feedparser.parse(feed)
        logging.info('Parsed: %s', json_dumps(parsed, indent=2))
        entry = parsed.entries[0]
        target_id = entry.id
        in_reply_to = self.source_obj.get('inReplyTo')
        source_obj_obj = self.source_obj.get('object')
        if in_reply_to:
            for elem in in_reply_to:
                if elem.get('url') == target:
                    elem['id'] = target_id
        elif isinstance(source_obj_obj, dict):
            source_obj_obj['id'] = target_id

        # Mastodon (and maybe others?) require a rel-mentioned link to the
        # original post's author to make it show up as a reply:
        #   app/services/process_interaction_service.rb
        # ...so add them as a tag, which atom renders as a rel-mention link.
        authors = entry.get('authors', None)
        if authors:
            url = entry.authors[0].get('href')
            if url:
                self.source_obj.setdefault('tags', []).append({'url': url})

        # extract and discover salmon endpoint
        logging.info('Discovering Salmon endpoint in %s', atom_url)
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(feed)

        if not endpoint:
            # try webfinger
            parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(resp.target())
            # TODO: test missing email
            author = entry.get('author_detail', {})
            email = author.get('email') or '@'.join(
                (author.get('name', ''), parsed.netloc))
                # TODO: always https?
                profile = common.requests_get(
                    '%s://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' %
                    (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, email),
                endpoint = django_salmon.get_salmon_replies_link(
            except requests.HTTPError as e:

        if not endpoint:
            self.error('No salmon endpoint found!', status=400)
        logging.info('Discovered Salmon endpoint %s', endpoint)

        # construct reply Atom object
        self.source_url = resp.source()
        activity = self.source_obj
        if self.source_obj.get('verb') not in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT:
            activity = {'object': self.source_obj}
        entry = atom.activity_to_atom(activity, xml_base=self.source_url)
        logging.info('Converted %s to Atom:\n%s', self.source_url, entry)

        # sign reply and wrap in magic envelope
        domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.source_url).netloc
        key = MagicKey.get_or_create(domain)
        logging.info('Using key for %s: %s', domain, key)
        magic_envelope = magicsigs.magic_envelope(entry,

        logging.info('Sending Salmon slap to %s', endpoint)
            data=common.XML_UTF8 + magic_envelope,
            headers={'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_MAGIC_ENVELOPE})
        return True
Exemple #4
    def send_salmon(self, source_obj, target_resp=None):
        self.resp.protocol = 'ostatus'

        # fetch target HTML page, extract Atom rel-alternate link
        if not target_resp:
            target_resp = common.requests_get(self.resp.target())

        parsed = BeautifulSoup(target_resp.content, from_encoding=target_resp.encoding)
        atom_url = parsed.find('link', rel='alternate', type=common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM)
        if not atom_url or not atom_url.get('href'):
            common.error(self, 'Target post %s has no Atom link' % self.resp.target(),

        # fetch Atom target post, extract and inject id into source object
        feed = common.requests_get(atom_url['href']).text
        parsed = feedparser.parse(feed)
        logging.info('Parsed: %s', json.dumps(parsed, indent=2,
                                              default=lambda key: '-'))
        entry = parsed.entries[0]
        target_id = entry.id
        in_reply_to = source_obj.get('inReplyTo')
        source_obj_obj = source_obj.get('object')
        if in_reply_to:
            in_reply_to[0]['id'] = target_id
        elif isinstance(source_obj_obj, dict):
            source_obj_obj['id'] = target_id

        # Mastodon (and maybe others?) require a rel-mentioned link to the
        # original post's author to make it show up as a reply:
        #   app/services/process_interaction_service.rb
        # ...so add them as a tag, which atom renders as a rel-mention link.
        authors = entry.get('authors', None)
        if authors:
            url = entry.authors[0].get('href')
            if url:
                source_obj.setdefault('tags', []).append({'url': url})

        # extract and discover salmon endpoint
        logging.info('Discovering Salmon endpoint in %s', atom_url['href'])
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(feed)

        if not endpoint:
            # try webfinger
            parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.resp.target())
            # TODO: test missing email
            email = entry.author_detail.get('email') or '@'.join(
                (entry.author_detail.name, parsed.netloc))
                # TODO: always https?
                resp = common.requests_get(
                    '%s://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' %
                    (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, email), verify=False)
                endpoint = django_salmon.get_salmon_replies_link(resp.json())
            except requests.HTTPError as e:

        if not endpoint:
            common.error(self, 'No salmon endpoint found!', status=400)
        logging.info('Discovered Salmon endpoint %s', endpoint)

        # construct reply Atom object
        source_url = self.resp.source()
        activity = (source_obj if source_obj.get('verb') in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT
                    else {'object': source_obj})
        entry = atom.activity_to_atom(activity, xml_base=source_url)
        logging.info('Converted %s to Atom:\n%s', source_url, entry)

        # sign reply and wrap in magic envelope
        domain = urlparse.urlparse(source_url).netloc
        key = MagicKey.get_or_create(domain)
        logging.info('Using key for %s: %s', domain, key)
        magic_envelope = magicsigs.magic_envelope(
            entry, common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM, key)

        logging.info('Sending Salmon slap to %s', endpoint)
            endpoint, data=common.XML_UTF8 + magic_envelope,
            headers={'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_MAGIC_ENVELOPE})
def test_endpoint_discovery():
    for fixture in fixtures:
        endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(fixture)
        assert endpoint == "http://testserver/salmon/endpoint"