def sync_library(token=None, content_type_to_sync=None): """ Synchronizes the ACE library with the local content. """ from djax.models import ContentSyncLock if ContentSyncLock.objects.all().exists(): return False if not token: token = uuid.uuid4().hex lock = ContentSyncLock.objects.create(token=token) # ensure registry loaded build_registry() if content_type_to_sync:"Pushing %s content to ACE library." % content_type_to_sync) try: content_type = content_registry[content_type_to_sync] sync_library_to_content_type(content_type_to_sync) except KeyError: log.error("%s is not in the content registry." % content_type_to_sync) else: for content_type in content_registry.keys():"Pushing %s content to ACE library." % content_type) sync_library_to_content_type(content_type) lock.delete() return True
def sync_content(token=None, content_type_to_sync=None): """ Synchronizes the local models with Axilent content. """ from djax.models import ContentSyncLock if ContentSyncLock.objects.all().exists(): return False # already sync locked if not token: token = uuid.uuid4().hex lock = ContentSyncLock.objects.create(token=token) # ensure content registry loaded build_registry() if content_type_to_sync:"Syncing %s." % content_type_to_sync) try: content_type = content_registry[content_type_to_sync] sync_content_type(content_type_to_sync) except KeyError: log.error("%s is not in the content registry." % content_type_to_sync) else: for content_type in content_registry.keys(): sync_content_type(content_type) lock.delete() return True # sync occured
def create_model(self,axilent_content_type,axilent_content_key): """ Creates a new model and accompaning content record for the axilent content. """ from djax.content import DefaultFieldConverter log.debug('Creating new model of content type:%s and key:%s.' % (axilent_content_type,axilent_content_key)) build_registry() # ensure registry is built content_data = content_client.get_content(axilent_content_type,axilent_content_key) local_model, record = None, None try: model_class = content_registry[axilent_content_type] field_map = {} try: field_map = model_class.ACE.field_map except AttributeError: for key in field_map[key] = key # Iterate through the field map and set the local model values from the incoming Axilent content fields = {} deferred_field_converters = [] for axilent_field, model_field in field_map.items(): if hasattr(content_data,axilent_field): try: if hasattr(model_field,'field'): log.debug('%s using field converter %s.' % (axilent_field,unicode(model_field))) # this is a field converter # sanity check if not hasattr(model_field,'to_ace') or not hasattr(model_field,'to_local_model'): raise ValueError('You must define the methods to_ace and to_local_model for field converter for ace field %s.' % axilent_field) if hasattr(model_field,'deferred') and model_field.deferred: log.debug('%s uses a deferred field converter.' % axilent_field) deferred_field_converters.append((axilent_field,model_field)) else: log.debug('%s uses an immediate field converter.' % axilent_field) value = model_field.to_local_model(content_data,getattr(content_data,axilent_field)) fields[model_field.field] = value else: log.debug('Using default field converter for %s.' % axilent_field) # not a field converter, just a string. Use DefaultFieldConverter default_field_converter = DefaultFieldConverter(model_field) fields[model_field] = default_field_converter.to_local_model(content_data,getattr(content_data,axilent_field)) except AttributeError: log.exception('Local model has no field %s (matched to Axilent field %s).' % (model_field,axilent_field)) else:'Skipping ace field %s - not in data from ace.' % axilent_field) log.debug('Creating local model with field data %s.' % unicode(fields)) local_model = model_class.objects.create(**fields) # create the local model with the content data if deferred_field_converters: for deferred_axilent_field, deferred_model_field in deferred_field_converters: try: deferred_model_field.to_local_model(content_data,getattr(content_data,deferred_axilent_field),local_model) except AttributeError: log.exception('Local model has no field %s (matched to Axilent field %s).' % (deferred_model_field.field,deferred_axilent_field)) else:'No deferred field converters for %s.' % unicode(local_model)) local_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(local_model) record = self.create(local_content_type=local_content_type,, axilent_content_type=axilent_content_type, axilent_content_key=axilent_content_key, except KeyError: raise ValueError('ACE content type %s cannot be found in the local registry.' % axilent_content_type) return (local_model,record)
return self.profile class AuthTokenManager(models.Manager): """ Manager class for AuthToken. """ def new_token(self,origin_domain=None): """ Creates a new token. """ return self.create(origin_domain=origin_domain, token=uuid.uuid4().hex) class AuthToken(models.Model): """ Token for remote management of Djax install. """ origin_domain = models.URLField(null=True) token = models.CharField(max_length=100,unique=True) objects = AuthTokenManager() def __unicode__(self): return self.token # ================= # = Registry Hook = # ================= build_registry()