def test_app_multiple_outputs(self): """ A small method that tests that the AppDROPs writing to two different DROPs outputs works The graph constructed by this example looks as follow: |--> E A --> B --> C --> D --| |--> F Here B and D are an AppDROPs, with D writing to two DROPs outputs (E and F) and reading from C. C, in turn, is written by B, which in turns reads the data from A """ # This is used as "B" class NumberWriterApp(BarrierAppDROP): def run(self): inputDrop = self.inputs[0] output = self.outputs[0] howMany = int(droputils.allDropContents(inputDrop)) for i in range(howMany): output.write(six.b(str(i)) + b" ") # This is used as "D" class OddAndEvenContainerApp(BarrierAppDROP): def run(self): inputDrop = self.inputs[0] outputs = self.outputs numbers = droputils.allDropContents(inputDrop).strip().split() for n in numbers: outputs[int(n) % 2].write(n + b" ") # Create DROPs a = InMemoryDROP('oid:A', 'uid:A') b = NumberWriterApp('oid:B', 'uid:B') c = InMemoryDROP('oid:A', 'uid:A') d = OddAndEvenContainerApp('oid:D', 'uid:D') e = InMemoryDROP('oid:E', 'uid:E') f = InMemoryDROP('oid:F', 'uid:F') # Wire them together a.addConsumer(b) b.addOutput(c) c.addConsumer(d) d.addOutput(e) d.addOutput(f) # Start the execution with DROPWaiterCtx(self, [e, f]): a.write(b'20') a.setCompleted() # Check the final results are correct for drop in [a, b, c, d, e]: self.assertEqual(drop.status, DROPStates.COMPLETED, "%r is not yet COMPLETED" % (drop)) self.assertEqual(b"0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18", droputils.allDropContents(e).strip()) self.assertEqual(b"1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19", droputils.allDropContents(f).strip())
def test_runGraphSeveralDropsPerDM(self): """ A test that creates several DROPs in two different DMs and runs the graph. The graph looks like this DM #1 DM #2 =================== ================ | A --> C --> D --|----|-| | | | | |--> E --> F | | B --------------|----|-| | =================== ================ :see: `self.test_runGraphSingleDOPerDOM` """ dm1, dm2 = [self._start_dm() for _ in range(2)] sessionId = 's1' g1 = [{"oid":"A", "type":"plain", "storage": "memory", "consumers":["C"]}, {"oid":"B", "type":"plain", "storage": "memory"}, {"oid":"C", "type":"app", "app":"dlg.apps.crc.CRCApp"}, {"oid":"D", "type":"plain", "storage": "memory", "producers": ["C"]}] g2 = [{"oid":"E", "type":"app", "app":"test.test_drop.SumupContainerChecksum"}, {"oid":"F", "type":"plain", "storage": "memory", "producers":["E"]}] rels = [DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'E'), DROPRel('B', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'E')] quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {nm_conninfo(1): rels}) quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {nm_conninfo(0): rels}) self.assertEqual(4, len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops)) self.assertEqual(2, len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops)) # Run! The sole fact that this doesn't throw exceptions is already # a good proof that everything is working as expected a,b,c,d = [dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')] e,f = [dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ('E', 'F')] with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, f, 5): a.write(b'a') a.setCompleted() b.write(b'a') b.setCompleted() for drop in a,b,c,d,e,f: self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status, "DROP %s is not COMPLETED" % (drop.uid)) self.assertEqual(a.checksum, int(droputils.allDropContents(d))) self.assertEqual(b.checksum + d.checksum, int(droputils.allDropContents(f))) dm1.destroySession(sessionId) dm2.destroySession(sessionId)
def test_multi_listappendthrashing(self, size=1000, parallel=True): max_threads = cpu_count(logical=False) drop_ids = [chr(97 + x) for x in range(max_threads)] threadpool = ThreadPool(processes=max_threads) memory_manager = DlgSharedMemoryManager() session_id = 1 memory_manager.register_session(session_id) S = InMemoryDROP("S", "S") X = AverageArraysApp("X", "X") Z = InMemoryDROP("Z", "Z") drops = [ListAppendThrashingApp(x, x, size=size) for x in drop_ids] mdrops = [ InMemoryDROP(chr(65 + x), chr(65 + x)) for x in range(max_threads) ] if parallel: # a bit of magic to get the app drops using the processes _ = [drop.__setattr__("_tp", threadpool) for drop in drops] _ = [drop.__setattr__("_tp", threadpool) for drop in mdrops] _ = [drop.__setattr__("_sessID", session_id) for drop in mdrops] _ = [ memory_manager.register_drop(drop.uid, session_id) for drop in mdrops ] X.__setattr__("_tp", threadpool) Z.__setattr__("_tp", threadpool) Z.__setattr__("_sessID", session_id) memory_manager.register_drop(Z.uid, session_id) _ = [d.addInput(S) for d in drops] _ = [d.addOutput(m) for d, m in zip(drops, mdrops)] _ = [X.addInput(m) for m in mdrops] X.addOutput(Z) f"Number of inputs/outputs: {len(X.inputs)}, {len(X.outputs)}") self._test_graph_runs([S, X, Z] + drops + mdrops, S, Z, timeout=200) # Need to run our 'copy' of the averaging APP num_array = [] for drop in mdrops: buf = droputils.allDropContents(drop) num_array.extend(pickle.loads(buf)) X.marray = num_array average = X.averageArray() # Load actual results graph_result = droputils.allDropContents(Z) graph_result = pickle.loads(graph_result) self.assertEqual(graph_result, average) # Must be called to unlink all shared memory memory_manager.shutdown_all()
def test_helloworldapp(self): h = HelloWorldApp('h', 'h') b = FileDROP('c', 'c') h.addOutput(b) b.addProducer(h) h.execute() self.assertEqual(six.b(h.greeting), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def test_objectAsNormalAndStreamingInput(self): """ A test that checks that a DROP can act as normal and streaming input of different AppDROPs at the same time. We use the following graph: A --|--> B --> D |--> C --> E Here B uses A as a streaming input, while C uses it as a normal input """ class LastCharWriterApp(AppDROP): def initialize(self, **kwargs): super(LastCharWriterApp, self).initialize(**kwargs) self._lastByte = None def dataWritten(self, uid, data): self.execStatus = AppDROPStates.RUNNING outputDrop = self.outputs[0] self._lastByte = data[-1:] outputDrop.write(self._lastByte) def dropCompleted(self, uid, status): self.execStatus = AppDROPStates.FINISHED self._notifyAppIsFinished() a = InMemoryDROP('a', 'a') b = LastCharWriterApp('b', 'b') c = SumupContainerChecksum('c', 'c') d = InMemoryDROP('d', 'd') e = InMemoryDROP('e', 'e') a.addStreamingConsumer(b) a.addConsumer(c) b.addOutput(d) c.addOutput(e) # Consumer cannot be normal and streaming at the same time self.assertRaises(Exception, a.addConsumer, b) self.assertRaises(Exception, a.addStreamingConsumer, c) # Write a little, then check the consumers def checkDropStates(aStatus, dStatus, eStatus, lastByte): self.assertEqual(aStatus, a.status) self.assertEqual(dStatus, d.status) self.assertEqual(eStatus, e.status) if lastByte is not None: self.assertEqual(lastByte, b._lastByte) checkDropStates(DROPStates.INITIALIZED, DROPStates.INITIALIZED, DROPStates.INITIALIZED, None) a.write(b'abcde') checkDropStates(DROPStates.WRITING, DROPStates.WRITING, DROPStates.INITIALIZED, b'e') a.write(b'fghij') checkDropStates(DROPStates.WRITING, DROPStates.WRITING, DROPStates.INITIALIZED, b'j') a.write(b'k') with DROPWaiterCtx(self, [d, e]): a.setCompleted() checkDropStates(DROPStates.COMPLETED, DROPStates.COMPLETED, DROPStates.COMPLETED, b'k') self.assertEqual(b'ejk', droputils.allDropContents(d))
def getInputArrays(self): ins = self.inputs if len(ins) != 2: raise Exception('Precisely two input required for %r' % self) array = [np.fromstring(droputils.allDropContents(inp)) for inp in ins] self.series = array
def getInputArrays(self): ins = self.inputs if len(ins) != 1: raise Exception('Precisely one input required for %r' % self) array = np.fromstring(droputils.allDropContents(ins[0])) self.signal = np.frombuffer(array)
def _do_test(func, expected_out, *args, **kwargs): # List with (drop, value) elements arg_inputs = [] # dict with name: (drop, value) items kwarg_inputs = {} translate = lambda x: base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(x)) i = 0 for arg in args: si = 'uid_%d' % i arg_inputs.append(InMemoryDROP(si, si, pydata=translate(arg))) i += 1 for name, kwarg in kwargs.items(): si = 'uid_%d' % i kwarg_inputs[name] = (si, InMemoryDROP(si, si, pydata=translate(kwarg))) i += 1 a = InMemoryDROP('a', 'a', pydata=translate(1)) output = InMemoryDROP('o', 'o') app = _PyFuncApp('f', 'f', func, func_arg_mapping={name: vals[0] for name, vals in kwarg_inputs.items()}) app.addInput(a) app.addOutput(output) for drop in arg_inputs + [x[1] for x in kwarg_inputs.values()]: app.addInput(drop) with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, output): a.setCompleted() for i in arg_inputs + [x[1] for x in kwarg_inputs.values()]: i.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(expected_out, pickle.loads(droputils.allDropContents(output))) # @UndefinedVariable
def test_speadApp(self): port = 1111 itemId = 0x2000 thread_pool = spead2.ThreadPool() self._stream = spead2.send.UdpStream( thread_pool, "localhost", port, spead2.send.StreamConfig(rate=1e7)) a = SpeadReceiverApp('a', 'a', port=port, itemId=itemId) b = InMemoryDROP('b', 'b') a.addOutput(b) size = 1024 threading.Thread(target=lambda: a.execute()).start() time.sleep(1) msg = os.urandom(size) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, timeout=1): ig = spead2.send.ItemGroup(flavour=spead2.Flavour(4, 64, 48)) item = ig.add_item(itemId, 'main_data', 'a char array', shape=(size, ), format=[('c', 8)]) item.value = msg self._stream.send_heap(ig.get_heap()) self._stream.send_heap(ig.get_end()) for drop in a, b: self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status) self.assertEqual(size, b.size) self.assertEqual(msg, droputils.allDropContents(b))
def assertMsgIsCorrect(msg, command): a = DockerApp('a', 'a', image='ubuntu:14.04', command=command) b = FileDROP('b', 'b') a.addOutput(b) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, 100): a.execute() self.assertEqual(six.b(msg), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def run(self): inputDrop = self.inputs[0] outputs = self.outputs numbers = droputils.allDropContents(inputDrop).strip().split() for n in numbers: outputs[int(n) % 2].write(n + b" ")
def assert_message_is_correct(message, command): a = BashShellApp("a", "a", command=command) b = FileDROP("b", "b") a.addOutput(b) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, 100): a.async_execute() self.assertEqual(message.encode("utf8"), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def _test_dynamic_write_withDropType(self, dropType): """ Test an AbstractDROP and a simple AppDROP (for checksum calculation) without an expected drop size (for app compatibility and not recommended in production) """ # NOTE: use_staging required for multiple writes to plasma drops a = dropType("oid:A", "uid:A", expectedSize=-1, use_staging=True) b = SumupContainerChecksum("oid:B", "uid:B") c = InMemoryDROP("oid:C", "uid:C") b.addInput(a) b.addOutput(c) test_crc = 0 with DROPWaiterCtx(self, c): for _ in range(self._test_num_blocks): a.write(self._test_block) test_crc = crc32c(self._test_block, test_crc) a.setCompleted() # Read the checksum from c cChecksum = int(droputils.allDropContents(c)) self.assertNotEqual(a.checksum, 0) self.assertEqual(a.checksum, test_crc) self.assertEqual(cChecksum, test_crc)
def test_clientServer(self): """ A client-server duo. The server outputs the data it receives to its output DROP, which in turn is the data held in its input DROP. The graph looks like this: A --|--> B(client) --|--> D |--> C(server) --| C is a server application which B connects to. Therefore C must be started before B, so B knows C's IP address and connects successfully. Although the real writing is done by C, B in this example is also treated as a publisher of D. This way D waits for both applications to finish before proceeding. """ a = FileDROP('a', 'a') b = DockerApp('b', 'b', image='ubuntu:14.04', command='cat %i0 > /dev/tcp/%containerIp[c]%/8000') c = DockerApp('c', 'c', image='ubuntu:14.04', command='nc -l 8000 > %o0') d = FileDROP('d', 'd') b.addInput(a) b.addOutput(d) c.addInput(a) c.addOutput(d) # Let 'b' handle its interest in c b.handleInterest(c) data = os.urandom(10) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, d, 100): a.write(data) a.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(data, droputils.allDropContents(d))
def run(self): drop = self.inputs[0] output = self.outputs[0] allLines = io.BytesIO(droputils.allDropContents(drop)).readlines() for line in allLines: if self._substring in line: output.write(line)
def test_simpleCopy(self): """ Simple test for a dockerized application. It copies the contents of one file into another via the command-line cp utility. It then checks that the contents of the target DROP are correct, and that the target file is actually owned by our process. """ a = FileDROP("a", "a") b = DockerApp("b", "b", image="ubuntu:14.04", command="cp %i0 %o0") c = FileDROP("c", "c") b.addInput(a) b.addOutput(c) # Random data so we always check different contents data = os.urandom(10) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, c, 100): a.write(data) a.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(data, droputils.allDropContents(c)) # We own the file, not root uid = os.getuid() self.assertEqual(uid, os.stat(c.path).st_uid)
def test_genericScatter(self): data_in = random.randint(0, 100, size=100) b = InMemoryDROP("b", "b") b.write(pickle.dumps(data_in)) s = GenericScatterApp("s", "s", num_of_copies=2) s.addInput(b) o1 = InMemoryDROP("o1", "o1") o2 = InMemoryDROP("o2", "o2") for x in o1, o2: s.addOutput(x) self._test_graph_runs((b, s, o1, o2), b, (o1, o2), timeout=4) data1 = pickle.loads(droputils.allDropContents(o1)) data2 = pickle.loads(droputils.allDropContents(o2)) data_out = concatenate([data1, data2]) self.assertEqual(data_in.all(), data_out.all())
def run(self): drop = self.inputs[0] output = self.outputs[0] sortedLines = io.BytesIO(droputils.allDropContents(drop)).readlines() sortedLines.sort() for line in sortedLines: output.write(line)
def assertMsgIsCorrect(msg, command): a = DockerApp("a", "a", image="ubuntu:14.04", command=command) b = FileDROP("b", "b") a.addOutput(b) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, 100): a.execute() self.assertEqual(msg.encode("utf8"), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def test_ddGraph(self): """ Graph is using dd to read a file and write to another. This is mainly to test that the separatorString parameter is working correctly. """ sessionId = "lalo" ddGraph = "graphs/ddTest.graph" with pkg_resources.resource_stream("test", ddGraph) as f: # @UndefinedVariable logger.debug(f"Loading graph: {f}") graphSpec = json.load(f) self.createSessionAndAddGraph(sessionId, graphSpec=graphSpec) # Deploy now and get OIDs bs = graphSpec[0]["applicationArgs"]["bs"]["value"] count = graphSpec[0]["applicationArgs"]["count"]["value"] self.dim.deploySession(sessionId) a, c = [[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ("2022-02-11T08:05:47_-5_0", "2022-02-11T08:05:47_-3_0") ] data = os.urandom(bs * count) logger.debug(f"Length of data produced: {len(data)}") with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, c, 3): a.write(data) a.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(data, droputils.allDropContents(c))
def assert_message_is_correct(message, command): a = BashShellApp('a', 'a', command=command) b = FileDROP('b', 'b') a.addOutput(b) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, 100): a.async_execute() self.assertEqual(six.b(message), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def test_helloworldapp(self): h = HelloWorldApp("h", "h") b = FileDROP("c", "c") h.addOutput(b) b.addProducer(h) h.execute() self.assertEqual(h.greeting.encode("utf8"), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def assert_envvar_is_there(varname, value): command = "echo -n $%s > %%o0" % (varname) a = BashShellApp(app_uid, app_uid, dlg_session=session, command=command) b = FileDROP('b', 'b') a.addOutput(b) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, b, 100): a.async_execute() self.assertEqual(six.b(value), droputils.allDropContents(b))
def test_NullDROP(self): """ Check that the NullDROP is usable for testing """ a = NullDROP("A", "A", expectedSize=5) a.write(b"1234") a.write(b"5") allContents = droputils.allDropContents(a) self.assertFalse(allContents)
def _ngas_and_fs_io(self, command): a = NgasDROP('a', 'a') # not a filesystem-related DROP, we can reference its URL in the command-line b = DockerApp('b', 'b', image="ubuntu:14.04", command=command) c = FileDROP('c', 'c') b.addInput(a) b.addOutput(c) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, c, 100): a.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(six.b(a.dataURL), droputils.allDropContents(c))
def _test_runGraphInTwoNMs( self, g1, g2, rels, root_data, leaf_data, root_oids=("A",), leaf_oid="C", expected_failures=[], sessionId=f"s{random.randint(0, 1000)}", node_managers=None, threads=0, ): """Utility to run a graph in two Node Managers""" dm1, dm2 = node_managers or [self._start_dm(threads=threads) for _ in range(2)] add_test_reprodata(g1) add_test_reprodata(g2) quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {nm_conninfo(1): rels}) quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {nm_conninfo(0): rels}) self.assertEqual(len(g1), len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops)) self.assertEqual(len(g2), len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops)) # Run! We wait until c is completed drops = {} drops.update(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops) drops.update(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops) leaf_drop = drops[leaf_oid] with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, leaf_drop, 2): for oid in root_oids: drop = drops[oid] drop.write(root_data) drop.setCompleted() expected_successes = [ drops[oid] for oid in drops if oid not in expected_failures ] expected_failures = [drops[oid] for oid in drops if oid in expected_failures] for drop in expected_successes: self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status) for drop in expected_failures: self.assertEqual(DROPStates.ERROR, drop.status) leaf_drop_data = None if leaf_drop not in expected_failures: leaf_drop_data = droputils.allDropContents(leaf_drop) if leaf_data is not None: self.assertEqual(len(leaf_data), len(leaf_drop_data)) self.assertEqual(leaf_data, leaf_drop_data) sleep(0.1) # just make sure all events have been processed. dm1.destroySession(sessionId) dm2.destroySession(sessionId) return leaf_drop_data
def test_listappendthrashing(self, size=1000): a = InMemoryDROP("a", "a") b = ListAppendThrashingApp("b", "b", size=size) self.assertEqual(b.size, size) c = InMemoryDROP("c", "c") b.addInput(a) b.addOutput(c) self._test_graph_runs((a, b, c), a, c, timeout=4) data_out = pickle.loads(droputils.allDropContents(c)) self.assertEqual(b.marray, data_out)
def test_initialize(self): yanda_kwargs = dict(self.kwargs) yanda_kwargs["mode"] = "YANDA" yanda_parset = ParameterSetDROP(oid="a", uid="a", **yanda_kwargs) standard_parset = ParameterSetDROP(oid="b", uid="b", **self.kwargs) yanda_output = "Cimager=2\nStringParam=param\nBoolparam=True" standard_output = ( "mode=None\n" + yanda_output + "\nconfig_data=\niid=-1\nrank=0\nconsumers=['drop-1', 'drop-2']") yanda_parset.setCompleted() standard_parset.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(yanda_output, allDropContents(yanda_parset).decode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(standard_output, allDropContents(standard_parset).decode("utf-8"))
def test_no_write_to_file_drop(self): """Check that FileDrops can be *not* written""" a = FileDROP("a", "a") b = SleepAndCopyApp("b", "b") c = InMemoryDROP("c", "c") a.addConsumer(b) b.addOutput(c) with DROPWaiterCtx(self, c): a.setCompleted() self.assertEqual(droputils.allDropContents(c), b"")
def test_randomarrayapp(self): i = NullDROP("i", "i") c = RandomArrayApp("c", "c", keep_array=True) o = InMemoryDROP("o", "o") c.addInput(i) c.addOutput(o) self._test_graph_runs((i, c, o), i, o) marray = c._getArray() data = pickle.loads(droputils.allDropContents(o)) v = marray == data self.assertEqual(v.all(), True)