Exemple #1
def READY_configuration(game):
    # Game Configuration
    response = client.handle_ready()

    if not response[0]:
        # server END message
        return False, response[1]

    parameters = response[1]
        Start Game configuration
    # Initial State
    for y,row in enumerate(parameters['initialState']['board']):
        for x,color in enumerate(row):
            if color == '.':
            game.next_player = gotypes.Player.black if color == 'B' else gotypes.Player.white
            move = goboard.Move(gotypes.Point((y+1,x+1)))
            game,_ = game.apply_move(move)
    captures = {
        gotypes.Player.black : parameters['initialState']['players']['B']['prisoners'],
        gotypes.Player.white : parameters['initialState']['players']['W']['prisoners'],
    remainingTime = {
        gotypes.Player.black : parameters['initialState']['players']['B']['remainingTime'],
        gotypes.Player.white : parameters['initialState']['players']['W']['remainingTime'],

    game.next_player = gotypes.Player.black if parameters['initialState']['turn'] == 'B' else gotypes.Player.white
    # fill the board with move logs
    for logEntry in parameters['moveLog']:
        move = logEntry["move"]
        deltaTime = logEntry['deltaTime']
        if move['type'] == 'pass':
            move = goboard.Move(is_pass=True)
        elif move['type'] == 'resign':
            move = goboard.Move(is_resign=True)
            col = move['point']['column'] + 1
            row = move['point']['row'] + 1
            move = goboard.Move(gotypes.Point(row,col))

        remainingTime[game.next_player] -= deltaTime
        game,numberOfCaptures = game.apply_move(move)
        if game.next_player == gotypes.Player.white:
            captures[gotypes.Player.black] += numberOfCaptures
            captures[gotypes.Player.white] += numberOfCaptures

    ourColor = gotypes.Player.black if parameters['ourColor'] == 'B' else gotypes.Player.white
        End Game configuration

    return game, captures, remainingTime, ourColor
Exemple #2
def print_board_ext(board_ext):
    for row in range(board_ext.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board_ext.num_cols + 1):
            stone, cost = board_ext.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
            color_stone = ' '
            if stone is not None:
                cost = round(cost, 2)

                color_stone = STONE_TO_CHAR[stone]

            if color_stone == ' B ':
                out_line = str(cost)
                if cost == 1:
                    outline = '+1.0 '
            elif color_stone == ' W ':
                out_line = str(-cost)
                if cost == 1:
                    outline = '-1.0'

                out_line = '0.000'
            #out_line = STONE_TO_CHAR[stone]+'/'+cost
            #line.append(STONE_TO_CHAR[stone] )
        print('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ' '.join(line)))
    print('    ' + '     '.join(COLS[:board_ext.num_cols]))
Exemple #3
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(1, board.num_rows + 1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
Exemple #4
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        print('%d %s' % (row, ''.join(line)))
    print('  ' + COLS[:board.num_cols])
Exemple #5
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        print(f"{bump}{row} {''.join(line)}")
    print('    ' + ' '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #6
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        print("%s%d %s" % (bump, row, "".join(line)))
    print("    " + "  ".join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #7
def board_to_json(board):
    rows = []
    for row in range(1, board.num_rows + 1):
        cols = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_rows + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
    return rows
Exemple #8
def print_board(board):
    """ 盤面全体の状況を表示 """
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""  # 二桁の行番号になったときのための空白
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))  # 全ての点の打石状況を確認
        print('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ''.join(line)))  # 空白,行番号,行の石
    print('    ' + ''.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))  # 列記号,ABCD...
Exemple #9
def print_board(board):
    lines = []
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        lines.append('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ''.join(line)))
    lines.append('    ' + '  '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
    return '```\n' + '\n'.join(lines) + '\n```'
Exemple #10
def print_board_file(board, file):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        file.write('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ''.join(line)))
    file.write('    ' + '  '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #11
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        # For aligning cols with numbers with one and two digits
        bump = ' ' if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            # Get the stone for the specific point
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
            # Add up stones in the line
        print('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ''.join(line)))
    print('    ' + '  '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #12
def print_board(board, last_move=None):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = ' ' if row <= 9 else ''  # to make sure all numbers are right justified (other ways to do this)
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols + 1):
            current_point = gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col)
            stone = board.get(current_point)
            stone_color = STONE_TO_COLOR[stone]
            if last_move is not None and last_move.is_play and current_point == last_move.point:
                stone_color = STONE_TO_COLOR['last_move']
            line.append(colored(STONE_TO_CHAR[stone], stone_color))
        print('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, ''.join(line)))
    print('    ' + '  '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #13
def print_board(board):
    for row in range(board.num_rows, 0, -1):
        bump = " " if row <= 9 else ""
        line = []
        for col in range(1, board.num_cols +1):
            stone = board.get(gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col))
        print('%s%d %s' % (bump, row, '---'.join(line)))

        if row > 1:
            print('   ' + ('|   ' * (board.num_cols-1) + '|'))
    print('   ' +'   '.join(COLS[:board.num_cols]))
Exemple #14
def send_board_to_gui(decision,board): 
    # print("send_board_to_gui")   
    stone_list = []
    if decision == '0':
        for i in range(1,20):
            for j in range(1,20):
                stone = gotypes.Point(row= i,col= j)
                color = board.get(stone)
                if( color is not None):
                    if color == gotypes.Player.white :
                        c ='1'
def capture_diff(game_state):
    black_stones = 0
    white_stones = 0
    for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):
        for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):
            p = gotypes.Point(r, c)
            color = game_state.board.get(p)
            if color == gotypes.Player.black:
                black_stones += 1
            elif color == gotypes.Player.white:
                white_stones += 1
    diff = black_stones - white_stones  # <1>
    if game_state.next_player == gotypes.Player.black:  # <2>
        return diff  # <2>
    return -1 * diff  # <3>
Exemple #16
def get_game_mode_from_gui():
    global game_mode
    game_mode = int(interface.get_game_mode())
    # # print("game mode received --> ", game_mode)
    game = goboard.GameState.new_game(board_size)
    player = '0'
    opponent = '1'
    captures = {
        '0': 0,
        '1': 0,
    if (game_mode == 1):  # PC mode
        #get player color from server
        # # print('ai vs ai')
    elif (game_mode == 0):
        # # print('ai vs human')
        player, opponent = get_player_color_from_gui()
        initial_state = interface.get_initial_board()
        # print("initial Board len",len(initial_state))
        if (len(initial_state) == 0):
            # for move_ in initial_state:
            #     if move_[i][2] == '.':
            #         continue
            #     game.next_player = gotypes.Player.black if move_[i][2] == '0' else gotypes.Player.white
            #     move = goboard.Move(gotypes.Point((int(move_[i][1]),int(move_[i][0]))))
            #     game,captures = game.apply_move(move)
            for i in range(0, len(initial_state)):
                point = gotypes.Point(row=int(initial_state[i][1]),
                move = goboard.Move(point)
                # print(">>>> move", move.point)
                next_player = gotypes.Player.black
                prisoners = [0]
                turn = '0'
                if (initial_state[i][2] == '1'):
                    next_player = gotypes.Player.white
                    turn = '1'
                game.next_player = next_player
                game, _ = game.apply_move(move)
                if (prisoners[0] > 0):
                    captures[turn] += prisoners[0]
                    send_board_to_gui(0, game.board)
        # print(opponent)

    return game, captures, player, opponent
Exemple #17
def IDLE(game, captures):
    response = client.handle_idle()
    if not response[0]:
        # server END msg
        return False, response[1]

    if response[1]['type'] == 'place':
        point = gotypes.Point(response[1]['row'] + 1, response[1]['column'] + 1)
        move = goboard.Move(point)
    elif response[1]['type'] == 'pass':
        move = goboard.Move(is_pass = True)
    elif response[1]['type'] == 'resign':
        move = goboard.Move(is_resign = True)
    game, prisoners = game.apply_move(move)
    captures[game.next_player.other] += prisoners

    return game, captures, response[1]['remaning_time'], move
Exemple #18
def capture_diff(game_state):
    black_stones = 0
    white_stones = 0
    for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):
        for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):
            p = gotypes.Point(r, c)
            color = game_state.board.get(p)
            if color == gotypes.Player.black:
                black_stones += 1
            elif color == gotypes.Player.white:
                white_stones += 1
    # Calculate the difference between the number of black stones and white
    # stones on the board. This will be the same as the difference in the
    # number of captures, unless one player passes early
    diff = black_stones - white_stones
    # If it’s black’s move, return (black stones) – (white stones)
    if game_state.next_player == gotypes.Player.black:
        return diff
    # If it’s white’s move, return (white stones) – (black stones)
    return -1 * diff
def capture_diff(game_state):
    black_stones = 0
    white_stones = 0
    for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):
        for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):
            p = gotypes.Point(r, c)
            color = game_state.board.get(p)
            if color == gotypes.Player.black:
                black_stones += 1
            elif color == gotypes.Player.white:
                white_stones += 1
    # 盤上の黒石と白石の数の差を計算する
    # プレイヤーがあ早々にパスしない限り、これはとった石の数の差と等しい
    diff = black_stones - white_stones  # <1>

    # 黒の手番の場合、(黒石 - 白石)を返す
    if game_state.next_player == gotypes.Player.black:  # <2>
        return diff  # <2>
    # 白の手番の場合、(白石 - 黒石)を返す
    return -1 * diff  # <3>
Exemple #20
def get_opponent_game_from_gui(current_state,captures,opponent):
    # # print("get_opponent_game_from_gui")
    global consequitive_passes
    global opponont_resigns
    new_game_state= current_state
    point = 0
    decision = interface.get_opponent_move().split('#')
    if decision[0] == '0' : # play  
        consequitive_passes = 0
        # print("decision ", decision)
        pos = decision[1].split('-')
        point =  gotypes.Point(row= int(pos[1]),col= int(pos[0]))
        move = goboard.Move(point)
        # # print(">>>> move", move.point)
        new_game_state , prisoners  = current_state.apply_move(move)
    elif decision[0] == '1' :  # opponont_opponont_resignss
        opponont_resigns = True
    elif decision[0] == '2' : # pass
    return decision[0] , new_game_state , captures , point
Exemple #21
def recommend_move(game_state):
    state = elevenplanes.ElevenPlaneEncoder((19,19))
    state = state.encode(game_state)
    state = np.expand_dims(state,axis=0)
    probability_matrix = np.reshape(probability_matrix, (-1, 19))
    new_point = -1
    for j in range(361):
        max = probability_matrix.max()
        coordinates = np.where(probability_matrix == max)
        row = coordinates[0][0]
        col = coordinates[1][0]
        probability_matrix[row][col]= 0
        new_point = gotypes.Point( row=row+1,col=col+1)
        move = goboard.Move(new_point)
        if game_state.is_valid_move(move):
    if(j == 361):
        return False , game_state , new_point
    new_game_state , prisoners  = game_state.apply_move(move)
    # print('recommend move function',new_point)
    return True , new_game_state , new_point
Exemple #22
def capture_diff(game_state):
    """Calculate the difference between the number of black stones and
    white stones on the board. This will be the same as the difference
    in the number of captures, unless one player passes early.

    Returns the difference from the perspective of the next player to
    If it's black's move, we return (black stones) - (white stones).
    If it's white's move, we return (white stones) - (black stones).
    black_stones = 0
    white_stones = 0
    for r in range(1, game_state.board.num_rows + 1):
        for c in range(1, game_state.board.num_cols + 1):
            p = gotypes.Point(r, c)
            color = game_state.board.get(p)
            if color == gotypes.Player.black:
                black_stones += 1
            elif color == gotypes.Player.white:
                white_stones += 1
    diff = black_stones - white_stones
    if game_state.next_player == gotypes.Player.black:
        return diff
    return -1 * diff
Exemple #23
def get_best_three(root, available_moves):
    state = elevenplanes.ElevenPlaneEncoder((19, 19))
    state = state.encode(root.game_state)
    state = np.expand_dims(state, axis=0)

    probability_matrix = predict.model.predict(state)[0]
    probability_matrix = np.reshape(probability_matrix, (-1, 19))
    num_moves = 3
    if (available_moves == 0):
        return False
    if (available_moves < num_moves):
        num_moves = available_moves
    for i in range(num_moves):
        for k in range(361):
            max = probability_matrix.max()
            coordinates = np.where(probability_matrix == max)
            row = coordinates[0][0]
            col = coordinates[1][0]
            probability_matrix[row][col] = 0
            new_point = gotypes.Point(row=row + 1, col=col + 1)
            move = goboard.Move(new_point)
            ## print(new_point)
            if root.game_state.is_valid_move(move):
        if (k == 361):
            return False
        #print('move ',move)
        legal_state, prisoners = root.game_state.apply_move(move)
        capture = 0
        ## print('prisoners',prisoners)
        child_captures = copy.copy(root.captures)
        child_captures[player] += prisoners
        child = MCTS_node(legal_state, root, child_captures, new_point)
    # print(probability_matrix)
    return True
Exemple #24
def rollout(node, depth):
    game_state = node.game_state
    parent = node
    j = 0
    global encoding_time
    global move_time
    global cnn_time
    global prisoners_time
    prisoners = 0
    while not game_state.is_over() and j < depth:
        j += 1
        t1 = time.time()
        state = elevenplanes.ElevenPlaneEncoder((19, 19))
        state = state.encode(game_state)
        t2 = time.time()
        state = np.expand_dims(state, axis=0)

        probability_matrix = predict.model.predict(state)[0]
        probability_matrix = np.reshape(probability_matrix, (-1, 19))

        t3 = time.time()
        new_point = 0
        for j in range(361):
            max = probability_matrix.max()
            coordinates = np.where(probability_matrix == max)
            row = coordinates[0][0]
            col = coordinates[1][0]
            probability_matrix[row][col] = 0
            new_point = gotypes.Point(row=row + 1, col=col + 1)
            move = goboard.Move(new_point)
            if game_state.is_valid_move(move):
        if (j == 361):
        new_game_state, prisoners = game_state.apply_move(move)

        t4 = time.time()
        capture = 0
        child_captures = copy.copy(parent.captures)
        child_captures[player] += prisoners

        t5 = time.time()
        new_node = MCTS_node(new_game_state, parent, child_captures, new_point)
        # check if game is over
        game_state = new_game_state
        parent = new_node
        encoding_time += (t2 - t1)
        cnn_time += (t3 - t2)
        move_time += (t4 - t3)
        prisoners_time += (t5 - t4)
    # evaluate game state

    last_captures = copy.copy(parent.captures)
    # # print(last_captures)
    game_captures = {
        gotypes.Player.black: last_captures['0'],
        gotypes.Player.white: last_captures['1']
    winner, _ = game_state.semi_winner(game_captures)
    result = '0'
    if (winner == gotypes.Player.white):
        result = '1'
    return result, parent
def point_from_coords(coords):
    col = COLS.index(coords[0]) + 1
    row = int(coords[1:])
    return gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col)
Exemple #26
def point_from_coords(coords):
    """ 人間の入力をBoardの座標に変換 ex. C3 -> (3, 3) """
    col = COLS.index(coords[0]) + 1
    row = int(coords[1:])
    return gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col)
Exemple #27
def point_from_coords(coords):
    """This function allows for human_v_bot"""
    col = COLS.index(coords[0]) + 1
    row = int(coords[1:])
    return gotypes.Point(row=row, col=col)