Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        if ontology is None:
            self.onto = get_ontology()
        elif isinstance(ontology, str):
            self.onto = get_ontology(ontology)
            self.onto = ontology
        self.version = version
        self.iri = self.onto.base_iri
        self.namespace = self.onto.base_iri.rstrip('#')
        self.coll = dlite.Collection(collid)

        if classes is None:
            classes = self.onto.classes()
        elif isinstance(classes, str):
            classes = [classes]

        for cls in classes:
    def __init__(self,
        if ontology is None:
            self.onto = get_ontology()
        elif isinstance(ontology, str):
            self.onto = get_ontology(ontology)
            self.onto = ontology
        self.version = version
        self.iri = self.onto.base_iri
        self.namespace = self.onto.base_iri.rstrip('#')
        self.coll = dlite.Collection(collid)
        # To avoid infinite recursion when adding cyclic dependent entities
        # we keep track of all labels we add (or are going to add) to the
        # collection
        self.labels = set()

        if classes is None:
            classes = self.onto.classes()
        elif isinstance(classes, str):
            classes = [classes]

        for cls in classes:
def map_app2common(inst, metacoll, out_id=None):
    """Maps atom structure `inst` from our application representation
    (based on a not explicitly stated ontology) to the common
    EMMO-based representation in `metacoll`.

    inst : Instance of http://sintef.no/meta/soft/0.1/Atoms
        Input atom structure.
    metacoll : Collection
        Collection of EMMO-based metadata generated from the ontology.
    out_id : None | string
        An optional id associated with the returned collection.

    atcoll : Collection
        New collection with the atom structure represented as instances
        of metadata in `metacoll`.

    We use lowercase and underscore notation for the individuals.
    infodict = dict(inst.info)  # make dict out of the info field

    # Create new collection representing `inst` in our case ontology
    atcoll = dlite.Collection(out_id)

    # Get metadata from metacoll
    Crystal = metacoll['Crystal']
    UnitCell = metacoll['CrystalUnitCell']
    EBondedAtom = metacoll['BondedAtom']

    # Instanciate the structure
    crystal = Crystal([])
    crystal.spacegroup = infodict['spacegroup']
    atcoll.add('crystal', crystal)

    unit_cell = UnitCell([3, 3, 36])
    unit_cell.lattice_vector = inst.cell
    atcoll.add('unit_cell', unit_cell)
    atcoll.add_relation('crystal', 'hasSpatialDirectPart', 'unit_cell')

    for i in range(inst.natoms):
        label = 'atom%d' % i
        a = EBondedAtom([3])
        a.AtomicNumber = inst.numbers[i]
        a.Position = inst.positions[i]
        atcoll.add(label, a)
        atcoll.add_relation('unit_cell', 'hasSpatialDirectPart', label)

    return atcoll
Exemple #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Step 3 - load atom structure and represent it using our metadata framework
In this step we uses the Atomistic Simulation Environment (ASE) to load
a atomistic Al-Fe4Al13 interface structure from a cif file and
represents it using the metadata defined in step 2.
import ase
import ase.io
from ase.spacegroup import Spacegroup

import dlite

from step2_define_atoms import DLiteAtoms

# Load atom structure from cif file and convert it to a DLiteAtoms object
at = ase.io.read('../vertical/Al-Fe4Al13.cif')
atoms = dlite.objectfactory(at, cls=DLiteAtoms, instanceid='atoms_Al-Fe4Al13')

# Create a new collection for data instances
coll = dlite.Collection('usercase_appdata')
coll.add('Atoms', atoms.dlite_meta)
coll.add('atoms', atoms.dlite_inst)
coll.save('json', 'usercase_appdata.json', 'mode=w')
import os
import importlib
import dlite
from dlite import Instance

from global_dlite_state_mod1 import assert_exists_in_module

thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3  # 3 Hardcoded dlite instances

coll = dlite.Collection()  # (1)
assert dlite.has_instance(coll.uuid)
assert coll.uuid in dlite.istore_get_uuids()
assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3 + 1

# Must exist in imported dlite in different module (mod1)

url = 'json://' + thisdir + '/MyEntity.json' + "?mode=r"
e = Instance.create_from_url(url)  # (2)
assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3 + 2

inst1 = Instance.create_from_metaid(e.uri, [3, 2])  # (3)
assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3 + 3

inst2 = Instance.create_from_metaid(e.uri, (3, 4), 'myinst')  # (4)
assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3 + 4

del inst1
assert len(dlite.istore_get_uuids()) == 3 + 3
Exemple #6
# from ontopy import get_ontology # will soon release on pypi the bigg
# structure change in emmo-python

from ontopy import get_ontology
import dlite


# input from ontologist
onto = get_ontology('https://raw.githubusercontent.com'

molecule_collection = dlite.Collection('json:../molecules/atomscaledata.json'
                                       '?mode=r#molecules', 0)  # not intuituve

reaction_collection = dlite.Collection('json:../reaction/reactiondata.json'
                                       '?mode=r#reactions', 0)  # not intuituve
for inst in molecule_collection.get_instances():
    map: Molecule -> onto.Molecule
         Reaction -> onto.ChemicalReaction
         Reactant -> onto.Reactant
         Product -> onto.Product
         Energy -> onto.Energy # But we are talking about different energies

    unit_cell = UnitCell([3, 3, 36])
    unit_cell.lattice_vector = inst.cell
    atcoll.add('unit_cell', unit_cell)
    atcoll.add_relation('crystal', 'has_spatial_direct_part', 'unit_cell')

    for i in range(inst.natoms):
        label = 'atom%d' % i
        a = EBondedAtom([3])
        a.atomic_number = inst.numbers[i]
        a.position = inst.positions[i]
        atcoll.add(label, a)
        atcoll.add_relation('unit_cell', 'has_spatial_direct_part', label)

    return atcoll

# Load metadata collection from step 1
metacoll = dlite.Collection(
    'json://usercase_metadata.json?mode=r#usercase_ontology', True)

# Load dlite-representation of atoms structure from step 3
coll = dlite.Collection('json://usercase_appdata.json?mode=r#usercase_appdata',
inst = coll.get('atoms')

# Do the mapping
new = map_app2common(inst, metacoll)

# Append the new atoms collection to the storage
Exemple #8
    instance of Molecule.

    ASE is used to calculate the molecule ground state energy.
    atoms = ase.io.read(filename)  # ASE Atoms object
    atoms.calc = EMT()
    molname = Path(filename).stem
    inst = Molecule(dims=[len(atoms), 3], id=molname)  # DLite instance
    inst.name = molname
    inst.positions = atoms.positions
    inst.symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    inst.masses = atoms.get_masses()
    inst.groundstate_energy = atoms.get_potential_energy()
    return inst

Molecule = dlite.Instance.create_from_url(f'json://{entitydir}/Molecule.json')

# Create a new collection and populate it with all molecule structures
coll = dlite.Collection(id='molecules')
for filename in moldir.glob('*.xyz'):
    molname = filename.stem
    mol = readMolecule(filename)
    coll.add(label=molname, inst=mol)

coll.save('json', f'{thisdir}/atomscaledata.json', 'mode=w')

# Change this example so that the calculation is done on the entities
# from the collection of Molecules (with only info about chemical structure)
# Read and populate the Molecule