Exemple #1
    def test_multiple_joints_of_same_type(self):
        physics = engine.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="hinge_1" type="hinge"/>
              <joint name="hinge_2" type="hinge"/>
              <joint name="hinge_3" type="hinge"/>

        randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['hinge_1'])
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['hinge_2'])
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['hinge_3'])



Exemple #2
    def initialize_episode(self, physics):
        """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.

    Initializes the swimmer orientation to [-pi, pi) and the relative joint
    angle of each joint uniformly within its range.

      physics: An instance of `Physics`.
        # Random joint angles:
            physics, self.random)
        # Random target position.
        close_target = self.random.rand(
        ) < .2  # Probability of a close target.
        target_box = .3 if close_target else 2
        xpos, ypos = self.random.uniform(-target_box, target_box, size=2)
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = xpos
        #physics.named.model.body_pos['target_body', 'x'] = xpos
        #physics.named.data.geom_xpos['target', 'x'] = xpos
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = ypos
        #physics.named.model.body_pos['target_body', 'y'] = ypos
        #physics.named.data.geom_xpos['target', 'y'] = ypos
        physics.named.model.light_pos['target_light', 'x'] = xpos
        physics.named.model.light_pos['target_light', 'y'] = ypos

        super(Swimmer, self).initialize_episode(physics)
    def initialize_episode(self, physics, difficulty=None):
        """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
        # Sometime don't reset
        if self.dontreset:

        # Reset based on difficulty
        if self.difficulty is None:
                physics, self.random)
        elif self.difficulty == 'e':
            physics.data.qpos[0] = self.random.uniform(0.15, 0.27)
        elif self.difficulty == 'm':
            physics.data.qpos[0] = self.random.uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
        elif self.difficulty == 'h':
            physics.data.qpos[0] = self.random.uniform(-0.27, -0.15)
        physics.data.qpos[1] = self.random.uniform(-0.27, 0.27)

        # Randomize wal positions
        w1 = self.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
        w2 = self.random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['wall1A', 'y'] = 0.25 + w1
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['wall1B', 'y'] = -0.25 + w1
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['wall2A', 'y'] = 0.25 + w2
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['wall2B', 'y'] = -0.25 + w2

        # Randomize target position
                                     'x'] = self.random.uniform(0.2, 0.28)
                                     'y'] = self.random.uniform(-0.28, 0.28)
    def initialize_episode(self, physics):
        """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.

           If _randomize_gains is True, the relationship between the controls and
           the joints is randomized, so that each control actuates a random linear
           combination of joints.

          physics: An instance of `mujoco.Physics`.
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = self._goal[0]
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = self._goal[1]
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['pointmass', 'x'] = 0
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['pointmass', 'y'] = 0

        if self._randomize_joints:
                physics, self.random)
        if self._randomize_gains:
            dir1 = self.random.randn(2)
            dir1 /= np.linalg.norm(dir1)
            # Find another actuation direction that is not 'too parallel' to dir1.
            parallel = True
            while parallel:
                dir2 = self.random.randn(2)
                dir2 /= np.linalg.norm(dir2)
                parallel = abs(np.dot(dir1, dir2)) > 0.9
            physics.model.wrap_prm[[0, 1]] = dir1
            physics.model.wrap_prm[[2, 3]] = dir2
Exemple #5
  def initialize_episode(self, physics):
    """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
    physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0] = self._target_size
    randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)

    # randomize target position
    angle = self.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
    radius = self.random.uniform(.05, .20)
    physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = radius * np.sin(angle)
    physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = radius * np.cos(angle)
Exemple #6
 def initialize_episode(self, physics):
     """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
 In 'standing' mode, use initial orientation and small velocities.
 In 'random' mode, randomize joint angles and let fall to the floor.
   physics: An instance of `Physics`.
         physics, self.random)
     super(PlanarWalker, self).initialize_episode(physics)
    def initialize_episode(self, physics):
        """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
        physics.named.model.geom_size["target", 0] = self._target_size
        randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)

        # Randomize target position
        angle = self.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
        radius = self.random.uniform(0.05, 0.20)
        physics.named.model.geom_pos["target", "x"] = radius * np.sin(angle)
        physics.named.model.geom_pos["target", "y"] = radius * np.cos(angle)

        super(Reacher, self).initialize_episode(physics)
Exemple #8
def _set_random_joint_angles(physics, random, max_attempts=1000):
    """Sets the joints to a random collision-free state."""

    for _ in range(max_attempts):
        randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, random)
        # Check for collisions.
        if physics.data.ncon == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find a collision-free state '
                           'after {} attempts'.format(max_attempts))
  def test_unlimited_hinge_randomization_range(self):
    physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="hinge" type="hinge"/>

    for _ in range(10):
      randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
      self.assertBetween(physics.named.data.qpos['hinge'], -np.pi, np.pi)
    def initialize_episode(self, physics):
        """Sets a random collision-free configuration at the start of each episode.

      physics: An instance of `Physics`.
        penetrating = True
        while penetrating:
                physics, self.random)
            # Check for collisions.
            penetrating = physics.data.ncon > 0
    def initialize_episode(self, physics, task_params):
        """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
        physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0] = _TARGET_SIZE
            physics, self.random)

        # randomize target position
        x, y = task_params['x'], task_params['y']
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = x
        physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = y

        self.prev_dist = physics.finger_to_target_dist()
        self.shaping_rew = 0.0
 def initialize_episode(self, physics):
     """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
   physics: An instance of `Physics`.
     # Find a collision-free random initial configuration.
     penetrating = True
     while penetrating:
             physics, self.random)
         # Check for collisions.
         penetrating = physics.data.ncon > 0
     super(Humanoid, self).initialize_episode(physics)
Exemple #13
 def initialize_episode(self, physics):
     """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode.
 In 'standing' mode, use initial orientation and small velocities.
 In 'random' mode, randomize joint angles and let fall to the floor.
   physics: An instance of `Physics`.
     # Find a collision-free random initial configuration.
     penetrating = True
     while penetrating:
             physics, self.random)
         # Check for collisions.
         penetrating = physics.data.ncon > 0
Exemple #14
    def test_single_joint_of_each_type(self):
        physics = engine.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
            <joint range="0 90" />
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="free" type="free"/>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="limited_hinge" type="hinge" limited="true"/>
              <joint name="slide" type="slide"/>
              <joint name="limited_slide" type="slide" limited="true"/>
              <joint name="hinge" type="hinge"/>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="ball" type="ball"/>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="limited_ball" type="ball" limited="true"/>

        randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['hinge'])
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['limited_hinge'])
        self.assertNotEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['limited_slide'])

        self.assertNotEqual(0., np.sum(physics.named.data.qpos['ball']))

        self.assertNotEqual(0., np.sum(physics.named.data.qpos['free'][3:]))

        # Unlimited slide and the positional part of the free joint remains
        # uninitialized.
        self.assertEqual(0., physics.named.data.qpos['slide'])
        self.assertEqual(0., np.sum(physics.named.data.qpos['free'][:3]))
  def test_limited_1d_joint_limits_are_respected(self):
    physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
            <joint limited="true"/>
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="hinge" type="hinge" range="0 10"/>
              <joint name="slide" type="slide" range="30 50"/>

    for _ in range(10):
      randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)
                         np.deg2rad(0), np.deg2rad(10))
      self.assertBetween(physics.named.data.qpos['slide'], 30, 50)
  def test_limited_ball_joint_are_respected(self):
    physics = mujoco.Physics.from_xml_string("""<mujoco>
            <body name="body" zaxis="1 0 0">
              <geom type="box" size="1 1 1"/>
              <joint name="ball" type="ball" limited="true" range="0 60"/>

    body_axis = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
    joint_axis = np.zeros(3)
    for _ in range(10):
      randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.rand)

      quat = physics.named.data.qpos['ball']
      mjlib.mju_rotVecQuat(joint_axis, body_axis, quat)
      angle_cos = np.dot(body_axis, joint_axis)
      self.assertGreater(angle_cos, 0.5)  # cos(60) = 0.5
  def initialize_episode(self, physics):
    """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
    physics.named.model.geom_size['target', 0] = self._target_size
    randomizers.randomize_limited_and_rotational_joints(physics, self.random)

    # Randomize target position
    # angle = self.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
    # radius = self.random.uniform(.05, .20)
    angle = 1.75 * np.pi
    radius = 0.15
    physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'x'] = radius * np.sin(angle)
    physics.named.model.geom_pos['target', 'y'] = radius * np.cos(angle)

    bdry = 0.1
    physics.named.data.qpos['dis1x'] = np.random.uniform(-bdry, bdry)
    physics.named.data.qpos['dis1y'] = np.random.uniform(-bdry, bdry)
    physics.named.data.qpos['dis2x'] = np.random.uniform(-bdry, bdry)
    physics.named.data.qpos['dis2y'] = np.random.uniform(-bdry, bdry)

    super(Reacher, self).initialize_episode(physics)
Exemple #18
 def initialize_episode(self, physics):
     """Sets the state of the environment at the start of each episode."""
         physics, self.random)
     self._timeout_progress = 0
     super(Hopper, self).initialize_episode(physics)