def update_embs(self, mol, embs, eff_scf, orth_coeff):
        sc =, eff_scf.mo_coeff)
        c_inv =, orth_coeff).T
        fock0 =*eff_scf.mo_energy, sc.T.conj())
        hcore = eff_scf.get_hcore()

        nocc = int(eff_scf.mo_occ.sum()) / 2

        for ifrag, emb in enumerate(embs):
            mo_orth =, eff_scf.mo_coeff[:,eff_scf.mo_occ>1e-15])
            emb.imp_site, emb.bath_orb, emb.env_orb = \
                    dmet_hf.decompose_orbital(emb, mo_orth, emb.bas_on_frag)
            emb.impbas_coeff = emb.cons_impurity_basis()
            emb.nelectron = mol.nelectron - emb.env_orb.shape[1] * 2
            log.debug(emb, 'nelec of emb %d = %d', ifrag, emb.nelectron)
            emb._eri = emb.eri_on_impbas(mol)
            emb.energy_by_env, emb._vhf_env = emb.init_vhf_env(emb.env_orb)

            emb._project_fock = emb.mat_ao2impbas(fock0)
            emb.mo_energy, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp = scipy.linalg.eigh(emb._project_fock)
            emb.mo_coeff =, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp)
            emb.mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(emb.mo_energy)
            emb.mo_occ[:emb.nelectron/2] = 2
            emb.hf_energy = 0
            nimp = emb.imp_site.shape[1]
            cimp =[:,:nimp].T, sc[:,:nocc])
            emb._pure_hcore = emb.mat_ao2impbas(hcore)
            emb._project_nelec_frag = numpy.linalg.norm(cimp)**2*2
            log.debug(self, 'project_nelec_frag = %f', emb._project_nelec_frag)

#            if isinstance(self.vfit_mf, numpy.ndarray):
#                v1 = emb.mat_orthao2impbas(self.vfit_mf)
#                v1[:nimp,:nimp] = 0
#                emb._vhf_env += v1
        return embs
Exemple #2
    def update_embs(self, mol, embs, eff_scf, orth_coeff):
        sc =, eff_scf.mo_coeff)
        c_inv =, orth_coeff).T
        fock0 =*eff_scf.mo_energy, sc.T.conj())
        hcore = eff_scf.get_hcore(mol)

        vhfwhole = eff_scf.get_veff(mol, eff_scf.make_rdm1())
        nocc = int(eff_scf.mo_occ.sum()) / 2

        for ifrag, emb in enumerate(embs):
            mo_orth =, eff_scf.mo_coeff[:,eff_scf.mo_occ>1e-15])
            emb.imp_site, emb.bath_orb, emb.env_orb = \
                    dmet_hf.decompose_orbital(emb, mo_orth, emb.bas_on_frag)
            emb.impbas_coeff = emb.cons_impurity_basis()
            emb.nelectron = mol.nelectron - emb.env_orb.shape[1] * 2
            log.debug(emb, 'nelec of emb %d = %d', ifrag, emb.nelectron)
            emb._eri = emb.eri_on_impbas(mol)
            emb.energy_by_env, emb._vhf_env = emb.init_vhf_env(emb.env_orb)

            emb._project_fock = emb.mat_ao2impbas(fock0)
            emb.mo_energy, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp = scipy.linalg.eigh(emb._project_fock)
            emb.mo_coeff =, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp)
            emb.mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(emb.mo_energy)
            emb.mo_occ[:emb.nelectron/2] = 2
            emb.e_tot = 0
            nimp = emb.imp_site.shape[1]
            cimp =[:,:nimp].T, sc[:,:nocc])
            emb._pure_hcore = emb.mat_ao2impbas(hcore)
            emb._project_nelec_frag = numpy.linalg.norm(cimp)**2*2

# the energy _ehfinhf is defined on emb.entire_scf, which is not the same as
# the pure SCF of the entire system, because dmet-scf will update
# emb.entire_scf with fitting potential vfit_mf
            hfdm = emb.make_rdm1(emb.mo_coeff_on_imp, emb.mo_occ)
            vhf = emb.mat_ao2impbas(vhfwhole)

        return embs
Exemple #3
    def update_embs(self, mol, embs, eff_scf, orth_coeff=None):

# local SCF will be carried out in self.update_embs_vfit_ci
#ABORT        for emb in embs:
#ABORT            emb.imp_scf()
#ABORT        hcore = self.entire_scf.get_hcore(mol)
#ABORT        for emb in embs:
#ABORT            emb._pure_hcore = emb.mat_ao2impbas(hcore)
#ABORT        return embs

# * If entire_scf is converged, the embedding HF results can be projected from
# entire_scf as follows.
# * OneImpNI cannot use the enitre_scf results, since the 2e parts are
# screened.
        if orth_coeff is None:
            orth_coeff = self.orth_coeff
        t0 = time.clock()
        sc =, eff_scf.mo_coeff)
        c_inv =, orth_coeff).T
        fock0 =*eff_scf.mo_energy, sc.T.conj())
        hcore = eff_scf.get_hcore(mol)
        vhfwhole = eff_scf.get_veff(mol, eff_scf.make_rdm1())
        nocc = int(eff_scf.mo_occ.sum()) / 2
        for ifrag, emb in enumerate(embs):
            mo_orth =, eff_scf.mo_coeff[:,eff_scf.mo_occ>1e-15])
            emb.imp_site, emb.bath_orb, emb.env_orb = \
                    dmet_hf.decompose_orbital(emb, mo_orth, emb.bas_on_frag)
            emb.impbas_coeff = emb.cons_impurity_basis()
            emb.nelectron = mol.nelectron - emb.env_orb.shape[1] * 2
            log.debug(emb, 'nelec of emb %d = %d', ifrag, emb.nelectron)
#TODO: optimize ._eri and ._vhf_env, they can be generated together
            emb._eri = emb.eri_on_impbas(mol)
            emb.energy_by_env, emb._vhf_env = emb.init_vhf_env(emb.env_orb)

# project entire-sys SCF results to embedding-sys SCF results
# This is the results of embedded-HF which are projected from entire HF.
# Generally, the local fitting potential is not consistent to the global
# potential (which is not linearly transformed from the global potential), the
# embedded-HF results can be different from the projected HF results.  So the
# local impurity solver CANNOT directly use the projected HF orbitals and
# energies, local-SCF is required.
# * the relevant embedding-SCF lies in self.update_embs_vfit_ci
            emb._project_fock = emb.mat_ao2impbas(fock0)
            emb.mo_energy, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp = scipy.linalg.eigh(emb._project_fock)
            emb.mo_coeff =, emb.mo_coeff_on_imp)
            emb.mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(emb.mo_energy)
            emb.mo_occ[:emb.nelectron/2] = 2
            emb.hf_energy = 0
            nimp = emb.imp_site.shape[1]
            cimp =[:,:nimp].T, sc[:,:nocc])
            emb._pure_hcore = emb.mat_ao2impbas(hcore)
            emb._project_nelec_frag = numpy.linalg.norm(cimp)**2*2

# the energy _ehfinhf is defined on emb.entire_scf, which is not the same as
# the pure SCF of the entire system, because dmet-scf will update
# emb.entire_scf with fitting potential vfit_mf
            hfdm = emb.make_rdm1(emb.mo_coeff_on_imp, emb.mo_occ)
            vhf = emb.mat_ao2impbas(vhfwhole)
            emb._ehfinhf =[:nimp].flatten(),
                                     emb._pure_hcore[:nimp].flatten()) \
                                     vhf[:nimp].flatten()) * .5
            log.debug(self, 'fragment %d ehfinhf = %.12g', ifrag, emb._ehfinhf)

        log.debug(self, 'CPU time for set up embsys.embs: %.8g sec', \
        return embs