Exemple #1
    def check_contact_forces(self, q, qd, qdd):
        import cvxopt.solvers
        cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False  # disable output

        with self.hrp.rave:
            tau = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(qdd)

        J, contacts = self.compute_contact_jacobian(
            q, qd, self.support_state, returncontacts=True)
        ncontacts = len(contacts)
        T, fc = self.get_friction_cones(ncontacts)
        PJT, Ptau = J.T[50:, :], tau[50:]

        # QP: minimize norm(dot(PJT, f) - Ptau)
        #     s.t. dot(T, f) <= fc
        qp_P = cvxopt.matrix(dot(PJT.T, PJT))
        qp_q = cvxopt.matrix(-dot(Ptau, PJT))
        qp_G = cvxopt.matrix(T)
        qp_h = cvxopt.matrix(fc)
        qp_x = cvxopt.solvers.qp(qp_P, qp_q, qp_G, qp_h)['x']
        f = array(qp_x).reshape((3 * ncontacts,))
        error = norm(dot(PJT, f) - Ptau)
        thres = 300 * 1e-2  # norm(Ptau) is around 300 N.m
        if error > thres / 2:  # more than half the allowed error
            print "danger zone: (%f > %f) " % (error, thres / 2)
        assert error < thres, \
            "contact forces cannot realize the motion " \
            "(%f > %f) " % (error, thres)
        return contacts, f
def connect(q0, q1, support):
    """Bezier curve with as-linear-as-possible velocity."""
    assert not hrp.self_collides(q0)
    assert not hrp.self_collides(q1)
    qd_ref = (q1 - q0) / norm(q1 - q0)
    qd0 = project_foot_velocity(q0, qd_ref)
    qd1 = project_foot_velocity(q1, qd_ref)
    traj = active_bezier_interpolate(
        q0, qd0, q1, qd1, ACTUATED_DOFS, support)
    return traj
Exemple #3
    def _enforce(self, q_warm):
        self.converged = False
        q_max = array([DOF_SCALE * dof.ulim for dof in self.active_dofs])
        q_min = array([DOF_SCALE * dof.llim for dof in self.active_dofs])
        I = eye(self.nb_active_dof)

        q = full_to_active(q_warm, self.active_dofs)

        for itnum in xrange(self.max_iter):
            conv_vect = array([norm(task.f()) for task in self.tasks])
            if numpy.all(conv_vect < self.conv_thres):
                self.converged = True
            if DEBUG_IK:
                conv = ["%10.8f" % x for x in conv_vect]
                print "   %4d: %s" % (itnum, ' '.join(conv))

            ker_proj = eye(self.nb_active_dof)
            dq = zeros(self.nb_active_dof)
            qd_max_reg = self.gain * (q_max - q)
            qd_min_reg = self.gain * (q - q_min)
            for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks):
                J = task.J()
                Jn = dot(J, ker_proj)
                b = -self.gain * task.f() - dot(J, dq)
                In = eye(Jn.shape[0])
                sr_inv = dot(Jn.T, linalg.inv(dot(Jn, Jn.T) + 1e-8 * In))
                dq += dot(sr_inv, b)
                ker_proj = dot(ker_proj, I - dot(linalg.pinv(Jn), Jn))

            qd_max_reg = self.gain * (q_max - q)
            qd_min_reg = self.gain * (q - q_min)
            q += solve_ineq(I, dq, I, qd_max_reg, qd_min_reg)

        return self.robot.rave.GetDOFValues()