def msg_reply(conf, msg_id, reply_q, connection_pool, reply=None,
              failure=None, ending=False, log_failure=True):
    """Sends a reply or an error on the channel signified by msg_id.

    Failure should be a sys.exc_info() tuple.

    with ConnectionContext(conf, connection_pool) as conn:
        if failure:
            failure = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(failure,

        msg = {'result': reply, 'failure': failure}
        if ending:
            msg['ending'] = True
        # If a reply_q exists, add the msg_id to the reply and pass the
        # reply_q to direct_send() to use it as the response queue.
        # Otherwise use the msg_id for backward compatibilty.
        if reply_q:
            msg['_msg_id'] = msg_id
            conn.direct_send(reply_q, rpc_common.serialize_msg(msg))
            conn.direct_send(msg_id, rpc_common.serialize_msg(msg))