def default(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, ResourceRecord):
         return {
             "type": Type.to_string(obj.type_),
             "class": Class.to_string(obj.class_),
             "ttl": obj.ttl,
     return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Exemple #2
 def from_bytes(cls, packet, offset):
     """Convert ResourceRecord from bytes."""
     name, offset = Name.from_bytes(packet, offset)
     type_ = Type(struct.unpack_from("!H", packet, offset)[0])
     class_ = Class(struct.unpack_from("!H", packet, offset + 2)[0])
     ttl, rdlength = struct.unpack_from("!iH", packet, offset + 4)
     offset += 10
     rdata = RecordData.create_from_bytes(type_, packet, offset, rdlength)
     offset += rdlength
     return cls(name, type_, class_, ttl, rdata), offset
Exemple #3
 def default(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, ResourceRecord):
         return {
             "type": Type.to_string(obj.type_),
             "class": Class.to_string(obj.class_),
             "ttl": obj.ttl,
             "time": obj.time
     return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def resource_from_json(dct):
    """ Convert JSON object to ResourceRecord
        records = json.loads(string, object_hook=resource_from_json)
    name = dct["name"]
    type_ = Type.from_string(dct["type"])
    class_ = Class.from_string(dct["class"])
    ttl = dct["ttl"]
    rdata = RecordData.create(type_, dct["rdata"])
    return ResourceRecord(name, type_, class_, ttl, rdata)
Exemple #5
    def resource_from_json(dct):
        """ Convert JSON object to ResourceRecord

            records = json.loads(string, object_hook=resource_from_json)
        name = dct["name"]
        type_ = Type.from_string(dct["type"])
        class_ = Class.from_string(dct["class"])
        ttl = dct["ttl"]
        rdata = RecordData.create(type_, dct["rdata"])
        t = dct["time"]
        return ResourceRecord(name, type_, class_, ttl, rdata, t)
 def test_single_lookup(self):
     """Ask for a single existing hostname"""
     dnsID = randint(0, 65535)
     header = dns.message.Header(dnsID, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
     header.qr = 0
     header.opcode = 0
     header.aa = 0 = 0
     header.rd = 1
     header.ra = 0
     header.z = 0
     header.rcode = 0
     qname = ""
     qtype = Type.ANY         	# request for all records
     qclass = Class.IN		# ANY
     question = dns.message.Question(qname, qtype, qclass)
     request = dns.message.Message(header, [question], [], [], [])
     requestByte = request.to_bytes()
     self.client_socket.sendto(requestByte, (server, portnr))
     print Type.to_string(question.qtype) + Class.to_string(question.qclass)
     responseData = self.client_socket.recv(512)
     response = dns.message.Message.from_bytes(responseData)
     self.assertNotEquals(response.answers, [])
Exemple #7
 def from_bytes(cls, packet, offset):
     """Convert Question from bytes."""
     qname, offset = Name.from_bytes(packet, offset)
     qtype = Type(struct.unpack_from("!H", packet, offset)[0])
     qclass = Class(struct.unpack_from("!H", packet, offset + 2)[0])
     return cls(qname, qtype, qclass), offset + 4