Exemple #1
# Form the URL for connecting to the database based on the "demo db" directive in the Configuration
url = alchemy_url('demo db')

# Build the "engine" for connecting to the SQL server, using the URL for the database.
engine = create_engine(url)

# Create the tables 

# Get SQLAlchemy ready
Base.metadata.bind = engine
DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

# Perform any necessary database schema updates using alembic, if there is an alembic
# directory and alembic.ini file in the package.
upgrade_db(url, __file__, engine)

# Define Bank as both a DAObject and SQLObject
class Bank(Person, SQLObject):
    # This tells the SQLObject code what the SQLAlchemy model is
    _model = BankModel
    # This tells the SQLObject code how to access the database
    _session = DBSession
    # This indicates that an object is not ready to be saved to SQL unless the "name" column is defined
    _required = ['name']
    # This indicates that the human-readable unique identifier for the table is the column "routing"
    _uid = 'routing'
    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super(Bank, self).init(*pargs, **kwargs)
        # This runs necessary SQLObject initialization code for the instance
Exemple #2
conn_args = connect_args('demo db')
if url.startswith('postgres'):
    engine = create_engine(url, connect_args=conn_args, pool_pre_ping=False)
    engine = create_engine(url, pool_pre_ping=False)

# Create the tables

# Get SQLAlchemy ready
Base.metadata.bind = engine
DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

# Perform any necessary database schema updates using alembic, if there is an alembic
# directory and alembic.ini file in the package.
upgrade_db(url, __file__, engine, conn_args=conn_args)

# Define Bank as both a DAObject and SQLObject
class Bank(Person, SQLObject):
    # This tells the SQLObject code what the SQLAlchemy model is
    _model = BankModel
    # This tells the SQLObject code how to access the database
    _session = DBSession
    # This indicates that an object is not ready to be saved to SQL unless the "name" column is defined
    _required = ['name']
    # This indicates that the human-readable unique identifier for the table is the column "routing"
    _uid = 'routing'
    def init(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
        super().init(*pargs, **kwargs)
        # This runs necessary SQLObject initialization code for the instance